V JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27,1870 ............................ m i , Of Tradesmen and Their Position. One Honest Person Just as Good as An other. edge of this valuable district, but does not offer to develop it. The railroad to Rogue river will have to pass through the very heart Theoretically, it is easy to solve tho labor The question of most importance in choos­ of this valley region, and directly between Published Every Saturday Morning, It is something most laughable to witness problem. Practically, overy man must reach ing railroads for Oregon is this, what routo its lakes, which can be made to assist devel­ tho efforts of tho would-be somebodies in this the solution himself. Nobody can solvo it can be easiest constructed and will supply opment greatly, for they are navigable, a« BY P. D, HULL, are also the streams which flow into and out 1* n b 1 1 s h « r Ac I* v o p r 1 o t o 1*. world, who aim to bo “exclusive.” for him, nor can ho solve it for any other. I and aid the development of the most valuable i of them. So that the point where the road Mrs. Codfish objects to Mrs. Catfish be­ Yet tho solution of the problem by another portion of the country? This is tho question' [shall cr ss Link river must eventually be- OFFICE—On Third St. Between California and C. cause sho is short in tho scnlo of what she miiy bo cf untold valuo to those who aro { which comes up most forcibly in connection iCoino the situ of a great interior city, to TERMS: calls indispensible, and Mrs. Catfish won’t I with the prop; ed Oregon Branch of tho Gen- ! which shall come all the trade of a region as o S 00 ¡have anything to do with Mrs. Cod, and pro- earnestly at work in the samo direction ; for Subscription, per annum, in ad\ ance. ’acific rail road, called familiarly the ! extensive <.*< tho Willamette valley. Above tho succession cf gencraf ms is little more Klamath Lake, navigable for the Lp Six months........................................ . $2 00 I »ounces her an exceeding scaly fish. Each th uin a repetition of history. Thereforo, Hum’ oldt Branch. It seems to be positively [is with tho finest of sugar i forty mile ’’ _ pine, . . is ignorant of tho fact that neither could, if wl hen wo read in ahm st every paper wo take the fa ?t that whir’ i ever road is built will abundant ou the west shore, which can be ADVERTISEMENTS, la T hk D emocratic N ews «ill be charged nt they would, cultivate the acquaintance of the preve it the build ng of the other for many cut and rafted down to tho rapids on Link, the life history of Thurlow up a leaf from the following rates other, so they swim along with comtemptu ais years to conic, r is the country cannot support the only obstruction to tlmt river, where it A 'deed and 1 James Harper — a leaf leal whicl which con­ ed a [falls seventy feet in the course of one mile, ...$3 First insertion, (ten lines or less)............. airs, which are entirely lost on both. Neith­ if it can that — for the more than one road — ■ offering an unlimited water power easily con- tains the secret of their business success—we For wack week thereafter............................. ...$1 er is impressed with tho importance of the I f the only object is to next twenty years, I trolled because thcro is never over three feet begin to wonder if any discontented worker A liberal deduction from the above rates will other. made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. who may read it will muster pluck enough go through this valley and connect a seaport variation between high and low water mark Í! Iii justice to manhood it must bo specified and application enough to imitate their glow­ on the northwest coast, with the Central ! there. Sprague’s river, which empties into the Upper Lake is said to be navigable for JOB PRINTING. that this is almost strictly feminine nonsense. ing example. Pacific Railroad, that can be beat performed i sixty miles, and the stream which connects Every variety of Job Work executed Men do rot turn up their noses at each other bv constructing the Oregon Branch direct the marsh with the Upper Lake, Williamson’s Such a thing is not likely to happen. Mr. ness and dispatch, at rca.- .nablo rates. so long ns they are honest and in lustrious, from tho Bend of tho Humboldt to Eugene river which is twelve miles long, can also be • Weed and Mr. Harper had peculiar notions no matter what the difference in their posi­ _1__ of " that ‘ t route and 'navigated, and moderate labor judicously City, and an investigation of tho road to success. Peculiar in tho light will drain the marsh and mako is tions as do women. its advantages, as compared with tho road ¡expended I one of the best peices of land on the coast. I of modern example, we mean. They regard ­ It is woman’s nose that has this foolish, through tho Umpqua, and Rogue river valleys Fremont discovered the marsh in his expedi­ hateful proclivity, and that fact alono proves ed labor as the highest vocation. Their is the object of this article. tion of ’43 and ’44, and says it “can easily study was, not how to escape it, but how to woman that men are fifty years in advance of bo reduced to cultivation and become a para­ I accomplish most by it. 1 key turned it to a We have sought information from al! per­ dise.” A canal would connect it with tho in progress toward tho perfection* of God's ¡triple good—exercise, diversion, profit. We sons we have met who wore familiar with railr a l and effect this result. Lower Klam- designs. But there are other signs of the JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. i may suppose that those sturdy, common sense cither route, have received communications ath, which lies partly in California, could lagging of woman behind men on the way up j you*’ 2 men wasted preci >us little time watch- written on this subject, and ha\e quite lately sen 1 steamers to the railroad, and Rhett Lako OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS to a sensible, useful life, .and not the least of met with Hon. Jesso Applegate, who has lying to the east of it, and not connected every Saturday evening at the Odd Fell. the sun or the clock hands. In fact, we |» n g I save by a slough which empties into Link these is her dress as compared to his. Wo­ Hall, Brothers in good standing are invite- been miking preliminary surveys cf the river in time of overflow, and this slough I aro attend. JOHN McKEE, N. < men j itlge each other largely E. SMITH, R. See’y. ' tho pass; igo of time anl a great deal of faith- Southern passes, by which a railroad can could be deepened to bring it also into com- and a woman who cannot aff W m . B ilger , I T • I fill sc •rvicu and the increased wages of over- cross tho Cascades from Jackson county to . munication. and satins isn’t goo 1 enoi So when we compare tho benefits to result, H. K lippel , j Tr.sle««. y bad an odd habit of rising early the Klamath country. These sources offer we find that the route advocated and insisted Th ■ work II. V. H elms , with! What absurdity. W i before dav , and beginning the work of the us much valuable information, bearing di­ I on by the enemies of Senator Williams only May Ist, 1SG9. t—f you w;i ) haven t ha I a si ’ k <1 Illi skirts the edge of this great nnd valuable ha.l mother singular habit of rectly upon tho matter in bund. 1 I perhaps n ver own • I <>ne*n JAMES R. NEIL, The proposed Humboldt route, direct from I region, while the road from Humboldt to ian the contract required. liter than working later be lcatruei ehea 1 of that litth c aninenccs by entering the moun­ Rogue river would develop overy portion of Attorney & Connsellor-at-La vi. 17, beln-vs—< u y>ur r> a i to JI? Lilt. eud and Harper indulged them, and not erly direction uutil reaching the region of ing the mountains. In addition, to this it *) in times happier than she. Will practico in th? Saprouie and other Court grew up men of intellect, superior in- i ashes and pummice stone. It cannot bo sup- will bo a vital benefit to the beautiful and n i — ‘ never made your h uise ring ' cf thi- State. - I I ’ gence, nod enviable • fame, but became ' posed that tho lands in tho mountains offer extensivo valleys of Umpqua and Rogue r.i tests ag.inst paying immense | river. great advantages for settlement and occupa­ The more tho subject is considered tho Would you know tho secret? Itby. up at the dry-goods shop», » an went to their tasks not like galley- tion, or that a railroad through them will en I « Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law, / I