NO. 17. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1870. VOL 2. :-------- ----- ------ ------------------------- - , -------- --------- ■» A Sanbeam. dress, now the order and propriety of her Poe's Song of theeBells. dress tell on the home. The pursuit of beauty, After all. is the world so very absurd in its the habit of prettiness givo an ideal dignity The following incident was related to me The greatest of physical paradoxes is the It is the most potent and versatile love of pretty women ? Is woman so very to the very arrangement of her bonnet strings. by a member of the Baltimore bar, who at sunbeam. Published Every Saturday Morning, ! we have, and yet it behaves itself like ridiculous in her chase after beauty? A In every movement, to the very sweep of her the time of its occurrance, was but recently force 1 BY P. D, HULL, ».ratty woman is doing woman’s work in the ample folds, in the pose of her languor, in admitted to practice. The truth of the state- the 1 gentlest and mist accomodating. Noth­ Publisher ^Proprietor. world, not making speeches nor making the gay start of her excitement, one feels the merit may be depended on ; and even to con- 1 ing can fall more softly and silently upon the OFFI0E---On Third St. Between California and C. puddings, but making life sunnier and more softening, harmonizing influence of her hist than the rays of our great luminary—- versation introduced, I give, I think—nearly earth 1 not even the fetthe^y fl ikes of snow which beautiful. Man Inis forsworn beauty alto look in the glass. word for word as reported to me. TERMS: $4 00 getlier. It is hopeless to recall the Periclean Subscription, per annum, in advance She may be gay or sorrowful or quiet or At the period referred to, there were sever­ thread their way througn the atmosphere as 12 00 idea of manhood, to insist on the development energetic, but she must be pretty, Beauty al single storied houses on the east side of St. *f they were too filmy to yield to the demands Six months............................................ of personal beauty as not less manly than exercises an imperceptible compulsion over Paul street, each of which contained but two of gravity like gtossor things. The most deli­ ADVERTISEMENTS, In T hk D emocratic N ews will be charged at that of personal virtue, to demand the grace her, which moulds her whole life into grace rooms.- They were rather massively—ac­ cate slip of gold leaf, exposed ai a target to the following rates of Cann ng from statesmen or the dignity of fill and harmonious forms. Her dress rises cording to present ideas—constructed of brick, the sun’s shafts, is not stirred to ths extent of First insertion, (ten lines or less)............. ..$3 00 Robertson from divines. The world of action out yf the mere clothing of men into regious but have been for a long time displaced by a hair, though an infant’s faintest breath would sot it into tremulous motion. The ten- For each week thereafter.............................. ...11 00 is a world of ugliness, and the good looking of science, of poetry, of art. A thousand tall and stately buildings. One of these A liberal deaaction from the above fates will be fellow who starts for the prizes soon dis­ considerations of taste, harmonies of color, con­ single storied houses wai occupied by my in­ derest of hum m organs—the apple of the eye made on quarterly and yeaily advertisenents. covers what Madame de Girardin calls “le trasts, correspondencies, delicate adjustments formant. The front apartment wm used aa a —though pierced and buffittel each day by thousands of sunboams, suffers no pain during malheur d’etre beau.” He is guessed to be of light and shade, dictate the choice of a law office, the rear as a sleeping-room. JOB PRINTING. the process, but rej lices in their sweetness, Every variety of Job Work executed with neat­ frivolous, he is ussumed to be poetic, there shawl or the tint of a glove. And as pret­ One calm and elear moonlight winter night, ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. are whispers that his in »ruls are no better tiness tell on dress, it tells on the home. when the snow lay deep upon the city «treats and blessed the useful light. Yet a few of than they should be. In a society resolute Flowers, pictures, the gay notes of a sonata, and roofa, Mr.----- was making preparations those rays, insinuating themselves into a mass to be ugly there is no post for an Adonis but the Coziest of couches, gorgeous hues of In­ to retire to bed, when hie front door-bell was I of iron like the Britannia Tubular Bridge, pii5inc5S Carbs. that of a model- But woman does for man­ dian tapestry glass wort of Murano, a hun­ rung. He aroused his negro servant boy, i will compel the closely knit particles to kind what man has ceased to do. She clings dred exquisite somethings aud nothings, are who was nodding on his stool by the chim­ separate, and will move the whole enormous io the Periclean ideal. Her aim iroui very the natuiai setting of pretty women. The ney corner, and sent him to open the door to fabric with as much ease as a giant would stir childhood is to be beautiful. Even as a school art of the boudoir tells On all but the chaos of the late visitor. The boy almost immediately i , a straw. The play of those beams upon our ¡sheets of water lifts up layer upon layer into JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 1# girl she notes the progress of her charms, the the husband’s study. Around that laat refuge returned alone. He said that nobody was at | ¡the atmosphere, and hoists whole rivers from •ieepeniog color of her hair, the growing «ym of barbarism floats an atmosphere of taste the door, but that a gentleman was standing! J OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETING S ON metry of 1 er arm, the ripening contour of her and refinement in which the pretty little wife in the snow in the middle of the street, talk-1 ' their beds only to drop them up again in snow ; upon the hills or in fattening showers upon _ ererv Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows' Hall, Brothers in good standing are invited to cheek. We watch with a silent interest the j lives and moves and has her being. And ing to himself and tossing his arms about. ■ the plains. Let but the air drink in a little attend. ’ JOHN McKEE, N. U. ! myaterious reveries of the maiden; she is from this tone of the home grows the tone ot Mr.----- now went to the front door him-! J more sunshine at one place than another, and E. aMITH, R. Secy. : dreaming of a coming beauty, and panting society, the social laws of goadhumor, of pro ¡self. When he opened it he found one, who! out of it springs the tempest and the hurri­ W m . B ilger , ) for the glories of eighteen. Insensibly she I priety, of self restraint, of consideration for 'was evidently a gentleman—he could see that H. K i . ippel , > Trustees. cane, which desolates a whole region io its II. V. H elms , ) becomes an artist, her room a studio, her others, of gentleness, uf vivacity. The very by the moonlight—standing on the pavement I lunatic wrath. The marvel is, that a power May J«t, 18G9. ____ t—f glass an academy. Ths hours work with her, hush of the rough tones that have thundered facing him. which is capable of assuming such a diversity but she works with the hour«. , What silent oyer Peloponnese as Pericles bends over As- “Was it you who rang my bell he asked. JAMES R. .VEIL,* of forms, and of producing such stupendous liiu-ings balore !.er mirror, what dreams, pasia, the little turns and delicacies of phrase, “Yes, sir,” wan the reply. “I owe you an Law, what discoveries, what d.«. the Entry at Mineral entered the south fork of the Yamhill river, I I ery, I took the liberty of ringing your bell.” snake charmer. The churlishness of the un­ lion, the result of patience, of hope, of al Lodes untier the recent \ct of (h»ncre»s. three miles from McMinville, for the purpose t'lmiaand delicate touchings ami retouching. “You are very welcome, indeed,” said the dertaker, in demanding payment in advance, of bathing. The two Hickeys, being good C. W. KAHLER, young lawyer. “Walk in, sir.” But even to the Giocond-i the moment of per- delayed the funeral four days. swimmers, swam across the river two or three lUvruey ani ('•aaseUar-ai-Law, i fectivenes«. of completion, come« at last; the times, and were about to go ashore when a The stranger followed him into the inner A circus rider in Texas tried to turn three master takes his work from the easel and apartment, where a bright coal fire was burn­ summersaults on horseback, the other day. young man sitting on the opposite bank cast gives it to the ages. Woman is never per ing in the grate. The manner of his guest The manager sent back to New Orleans, the JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, an apple half way across the stream and told feet; never complete. A restless night undoes was so impressive of intellect that Mr.----- next day, for another summersault man. Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and the brothers to see if they could secure it. the beauty of the day; sunshine blurs the offered him his bed but the visitor only asked A man in New Jersey couldn’t wait for other Courts of this State. Tbotnas recovered the apple and, turning to the use of a chair, table, and writing ma­ the ears to gat to the depot, and jumped off OFFICE—la building formerly occupied by O. evanescent coloring of her cheek; frost nips the shore, called to bis brother to save him Jaeobs—opposite Court llouèe sqvare. terials. So the negro boy lay down upon his I the train. His widow has sued the life insu­ the tender outlines of her face into sudden and sank immediately. Coming to the surface harshness. Iler pencil has aver to be at pallet on the floor, and the young lawyer re­ rance company. DR. CEO. B. TOLMAN, again, his brother attempted his rescue, but work even while the hours work for her, add tired to his bed, leaving the stranger bending Few men would try to dry dampened gun­ with the desperation of a drowning man, lie (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) the hour.i work against her at last. Care over the table writing. powder in a kitchen stove, ’but a Canadian caught his brother firmly by the waist and Physician, Surgeon, aid Accoucheur, plows its lines across her brow ; motherhood they both sank to the bottom. About three When Mr.----- awakened in the morning ¡farmer did. His afflicted family would like his strange visitor was sitting in a chair with to receive information of bis whereabouts. destroys the elastic lightness of her form ; the «TILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND bloom uf her cheek, the quick flash of her minutes after they went down, Wm. Hickey his head upon the table, asleep. The motion In Massachusetts last week, a man thought | J adjacent counties, and atteud promptly to came to the surface aad was hauled ashore by made by the young lawyer on awakening eye, fade and vanish as the years go by. he could cross the railroad track in advance all calls oa professional business. his comrades who, after using the proper re­ aroused the stranger. The latter seemed at But woman is «till true to her ideal. She of a locomotive. The services at the grave OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, storatives, had the satisfaction of witnessing once to be wide awaker He arose from his were very impressive. on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ won’t know when she is beaten, and she mana his return to life. A sailor near by recov­ seat, thanked his host for his hospitality, and I A boy disregarded his mother’s orders not sonville. Oregon. gts to steal, fresh victories even in her defeat. Jan. Sth, 1870. jan8-tf. She invents new conception* of womanly ered the body of the drowned man within a gracefully apologized for his intrusion on the to skate on the river, as the ice was thio. At grace ; she rallies at thirty, and fronts us few minutes of bis disappearance, but all at­ previous night, lie was then about to leave present she don’t have quite so many to cook Dr. L. T. DAVIS, for as formerly. with the beauty of womanhood ; she makes a tempts to resuscitate him proved unsuccesful. the room. William Hickey relates that at the bottom of “You are forgetting your manuscript,” j An English collier kept a keg of powder List stand at sixty with the beauty of age. It the river he and his brother stood face to face said the young lawyer, pointing te some ¡under his bed, and went after some, while he is the same great artist who exhibits year Opposite I he Ol< and that, becoming unconscious, he presumes pieces of paper on the table. smoked his pipe. When he went out doors after year, but whose style ranges from gir­ his brother ’ s grasp relaxed with death and he A rkansas L ivery S table , lish innocence of a Fra Angelico to the severe rose to the surface as above related. When “I have a copy of what I composed,” said he took the roof along with him. the stranger, “and leave the original with A Delaware man tried a flying machine matronage of a Zurbaran. She falls, like deceased called to hi« brother for assistance, I i you as some acknowledgment of your kind the other day, which had taken him seven Cae-mr, wrapping her mantle round her— Jacksonville, Oregon. he is supposed to have been taken with the nets under circumstances so trying.” years to perfect. His widow is around trying "buried in woolen'. ’twould a saint pro cramp, having been in the water for some E. H. GREENMAN, voke !” Death listens pitifully to the longings The stranger left. The lawyer did not to trade the machine off for a common black lime. Deceased was a young man of about I’liy®ÌCÌaTl «19 SIxxxrgCDOxx, of a life-time, and the wrinkled face smiles know until a long time afterwards, when the walnut coffin. twenty three years of age and well known in “Song of the Bells”—of which he* still has back its last cold smile with something of the OFFICE—At hi« residence on Fifth Street C hinese T ax .—The Shasta Courier states this city.— Herald. Jacksonville, Oregon. the original—had been published and became prettiuess pf eighteen. in substance, that the moment resistance is ^5^*Will practice in Jackson and adjacentcoun- Woman is the art of home, the Giorgione A Wisconsin gentleman insisted upon put­ famous that his singular visitor was Elgar aea, ar.d attend promptly to pro essional calls. made by the Celestials to the collection of the whose brilliancy flashes though the quiet par­ ting himself on the free list of a citrus by A. Poe. Foreign Miners’ Licenses, they will have to sonage, the Perugino whose grace tempers crawling under the canvass lately, and in a DR. A. B. OVERBECK Laurence Sterne, who never aspired to the emigrate, Be this as it may, we bear that the roughness of every day, the Rubens whose debate with the gentlemanly and nsbauo pro­ AIrILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- reputation of a special morality, once wrote : the collection of the Chinese tax is altogether WT GERY, and ill attend promptly to all calls largeness and abundance flings a glow of com prietor was gathered to his fathers. “I should never drink : I cannot afford it ; it discontinued in California, owing to fear of a reer. «re at A party at Corning, Illinois, went the costs me three days—the first in sinning, the prosecution under the odious Force Bill. It Life becomes more harmonious, it beats with The Overbeck Hospital, , other night, to serenade i in in named John second is sobering, and the third in repent is said that the Deputy United States Mar« 4>n Oregon Street, Jacksonville. Oregon. 1-tf a keener pulse of enjoyment, in the presence Burns. The recipient of the honor was so •ng-” shals in that State have reported hundreds of of pretty women. After all, a charming lit­ delighted that he treated the serenade« to a JAMES D. FAY, The Boston Traveler believes that there is cases to their principal where such tax has tle figure, a piquant little face, is the best dose of buckshot, wouudiug two of them really danger of troubles on the northeast been collected since the Force Bill became a\ remedy for half the ills of existence, its wor­ severely. fishiug stations, and it asks the Government law, which cases will be prosecuted as soon ries, ita dullness, its disappointments. And An Irish girl at Erie, a day or two since, they get through with the work of taking the even in the larger and more placid types of caught another girl on the sidewalk who had to have war vessels in readiness to defend the OFFICE—In Court Honse, up stairs. census. This injustice will greatly enhance beauty, in the beauty of a Lauy Dumbelle, if on a hoop skirt and a white skirt, stolen from interests and rights of our citizens if they are Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts white men’s taxes, while it relieves Chinese of this State. there is a tingeAof stupidity, there is at any the party of the first part, and compelled her interfered with. from contributing to the support of the State to take them off and surrender them then and rate an atmosphere of repose, a genial influ vgF* Particular attest ion paid to the collection A man in N. Orleans warned his wife not governments on the Pacific coast. there. ' of Claims against the Fed-ral and State Govern­ ence moulding our social converse and habits to light a fire with kerosene. She didn’t heed ments, the Entry of U-uads under the Pre-emption joto gentler shapes. It is amusing to see Who struck Billy Patterson ? Who went The Chinese Giant is eight feet tall. How the warning. Her clothes fit his second wife And HomMtead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral remarkably well. > to Yreka to arrest ? More anon. Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. how the prettiness of woman tells by her is that for high ? Pretty Women. ( _ H Attorney 1 Counselhr-at- 1 —t -- ♦ ■ -A. M i Attorwy & Counaellor-at-Law, /