EXCELSIOR The Pazzled Census-Taker. “Got any boys?” the marshal said To the lady from over the Rhine ; And tho lady shook her flaxen head, And eiviUy answered “Nein 1” LIVERY STABLE Got any girls ?” the marshal said To the lady from over the Rhine ; And again she shook her flaxen head, And civilly answered “Nein 1” “But seme are dead !” the marshal said To the lady from over the Rhine; And again she shook her flaxen head, And civilly aaswered “Nein !” “Husband, of couase,” tho marshal said To the lady from over the Rhine ; And again she shook her flaxen head, And civilly answered “Nein 1” The mischief you have 1” the marshal said To the lady from over the Rhine ; And again she shook her flaxen head, And civilly answered “Nein I” 0 H On Oregon street, Jacksonville. A d œ Having just received from San Francisco a fine stock of HARNESS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES We are now prepared to furnish our patrons, and th* pvblic generally, with as which are to come off in August. The Jaco­ bins claim to have strong hope of carrying these States through the negro vote ; but we are decidedly of the opinion that this very fact, that the Jacobin party base their only hope of success upon the votes of ignorant and degraded negroes, will have a tendency to aid in their defeat, It is in the power of —YOUR— the white men of these States to control their own affairs and we believe they will prefer doing so, to turning their interest over to the direction of their former slaves, inspired by the diabolical spirit which Jacobinism has BuY the WOOLLEN GOODS manufactured infused into them. by the In September, Maine, Vermont and Cali­ fornia are to vote. Nothing is to be hoped —ROGUE RIVER VALLEY-- of Vermont of course, but in Maine there is good reason to believe that a breach will be made in the Jacobin ranks, and one or two Congressmen at least secured by the Democ­ racy. No State in the country has felt the Who would respectfully announce to the trade evil effects of Jacobin rule more strongly and public generally, that they are now manufact­ than Maine, her ship building interests, the uring and have on hand for sale, a large assortment chief source of her former prosperity, having of BLANKETS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, plain been almost totally destroyed through its in­ TWILLED and CHECK FFANNELS, AC. AC. fluence, and the elections in that State for of the best quality and at the last two or three years, have demonetra ted a constantly increasing disposition to break away from its control, which it may Orders solicited. A liberal diseount made to the well be etpected will soon culminate in prac­ trade. tical results. Ashland, May 1st, 1869. In California there can be doubt of the re­ sult. Jacobinism has fought its last great battle on the Pacific coast, and has been sig­ nally defeated. It will never rise again in SUMMONS that section, as we have every reason to be­ lieve, will be the most emphatic endorsement IRCUIT COURT, STATE OF OREGON,] for the County of Josephine. of Democracy which the State has ever given, A, B. McElwain vs. J. G. B. Stone. leaving not even a Jacobin member of Con­ Action at Law to Recover Money. gress to tell the tale of his party’s overthrow. MONEY AT HOME, <1 œ J> Q M en « » o to Ü Celebrated California Buckeye Salve Patented March, 1868. A certain cure for Rheumatism, Paralysis, Piles and Old Sores. 5. o c+ The therapeutic value of this salutary prepara­ tion is exhibited in its application as a medica­ ment in cases where, owing to disease, a partial suspension of the vital powers has taken place, as in « o h N « tk O « Ck and where the animal functions have become inert or inoperative, as in G _ K 3 ’ >—i X -j -G ■ o. 3 Í5 "5 îe «■> ®fl . - CO a = 2 o * i ~ c: o OQ ^- a'z Y Cl- aS —• w ♦— H -w ~ ï 8 fl o co o G o Ç- o û -Û Q O Q fl o R) O w W Q tq T "3 :-= M u * G ® -- tq 5 p o 8 ® s -S a ® c '2 £•- 3 c n — F <1 EH (11 2 .2 -3 'S » ns c « 2 «- G X O « *•' -0 cS j ' -- X ç G t M -7 » ¿ J ” 3-2 » Cq that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering successful business men, are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, or palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don’t become sad and discour­ aged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in tho face—none of your downcast looks or other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. These will not only RUIN THEIR CONSTITUTIONS, HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT HEATHFIELO, HOGEL & CO,, 206 and 208 Battery St., San Francisco, Wholesale Agents for the Pacific Coast. DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN, Agent for Southern Oregon. Janl5 ly. DK. W. JACKSON, —H -C JJ □ DID YOU EVER THINK but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses*, have brought nbout that state of weakness in those or­ gans that has reduced the general system so much It permeates the system, into which it becomes as to induce almost every other disease. thoroughly absorbed, and thus it strikes at the root of evil in both Rheuqiatism and Paralysis. As a lenitive, it mitigates pain and sootl es the irritation of the parts nffected. It is both emoll­ ient and depuratory in its action on sores, which it mollifie.Ta.nd softens, and it effectually ckanscs them from impurities and foreign matter, causing them to cicatrise rapidly. DIS ',0VERYT OF THE BUCKEYE. spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other The curative properties of the Buckeye, Nut, form of disease which humanity is heir to, from which this ointment is principally expressed, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever were first broug t to notice by Mr. Conroy, who, suspected, and have doctored for all but the right while residing in Anderson’s Valley, suffered so one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a severely from Rheumatism, that he could move neither hand nor foot. He had known the natives Diuretic. to use the nut as a specific, and tried it with great success on himself. The potency of its effects as a drug is exemplified in its singular operations on cattle, by which, when taken, it causes abortion in those animals that are with young when the nut is eaten. Squirrels, as if aware of its medicinal pro­ perties, eat but half of it, leaving the other half untasted. So wonderful is the efficacy of this production of nature, in cases of Rheumatism, that mnny of the old settlers and early Californians subject to the disease, carry the nut about their persons, not only is the great Diurectic, and is a certaib cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, as an antidote, but as a preventive. In no cases where THIS PREPARATION has Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General been applied to the human subject, has it failed in Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, establishing a COMPLETE CURE in the diseases whether existing in Male or Female, from what­ ever cause originating, and no matter of bow long above mentioned. ^rBeware of Counterfeits.—Ask lor standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption Eakins’ Buckeye Salve, and take no or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are other. Sold by all Druggists throughout the country. supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. ~fl § ® —* I self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when in perfect health. MAKE THE MAN. IDIOCY, LUNACY, PARALYSIS, rt ® J Q O h rp CO - u cS £ J -p 0'3 fl M fl o bO Q L h o NOW, READER, PILES, FISTULA AND CHRONIC SORES. Q < - X Í U T Which will be hired to go to any part of the country at moderate rates. Animals bought and sold, and horses broke to saddle or harness, REAMES 4 WILSON. 1870. RHEWITISMORPIRILYSIS. £ 3 £2 2 12 1-2. If you are suffering or have suffered, from in­ voluntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Doee a little extra exer­ tion produce palpitat.on of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys frequen­ tly get out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or flocky or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top ? Or is a sed­ iment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspep­ sia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impaired ? Is your mind con­ stancy dwelling on this subject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away irons everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant ? The bloom on your cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you feel as much con­ fidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little appetite, and you attri­ bute this to dyspepsia, or liver complaint? EAK.INS’ ►O M O he thirsty public are informed that Pape & Savage of the “ New State Sa­ loon ” will quench their thirst with the most choice HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- tully inform their friends and the public gen­ BEVERAGES to be found in Jacksonville for erally . :hat they have purchased the above estab “ ­ one bit.*' We expect to lose money by it, but lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will be times are hard, and we cannot |ee pe >ple thirsty. henceforward conducted under their constant per­ PAPE & SAVAGE. sonal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction October 16th, 1869. to all who may favor them with their patronage. These stables are centrally located, and within •onvenieat distance of the various houses of public entertainment. Horses or mules will be boarded and cared for, by the day or week, at moderate charger They have the largest stock in Oregon, sooth of Portland, of t-t X3ESJNTTIST. O £ o 3 HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upward of Nineteen Years, IS PREPARED BY H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist, Dental Rooms in Horne’s Hotel, Jacksonville, 594 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Oregon. All styles of Dental work done on short notice, at reduced prices. Particular attention AND given to the regulation of children’s teeth. Teeth -BY- extracted without pain by the use ef the late ENGINEER, method of local anasthesia. Ail work warranted. 104 SOUTH TENTH ST., PHIL., PA. TEIT STZTTTZ’, Satisfaction guaranteed. Price, $1 25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for Nov. 20th, 1869. nov20 3m. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. $6 50, delivered to any address. Sold by ail Druggists everywhere. HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN- HOICE LIQUORS AND CIGARS CON- forms the citizens of Jacksonville and surround ­ stanti/ hand. NONE ARE GENUINE unless done up ing country, that he is now manufacturing, ant LL THOSE INDEBTED TO ME, EITHER in engraved wrapper, with fac-sim­ will constantly keep on hand, the very best o' by note or book account, are notified that 1 ile steel of my Chemical Warehouse, and sign TEI WTCEE T24 a MAX. BRENTANO. C . <4 GREENBACKS AT PAR! T 12 1-2 Cents. July 17tS, 1869. A Jacksonville, Jane 12th, 1869. jly!7-tf. June 12th-ly. DR. E. H. GREENMAN. Jacksonville, April Sth, 1870. H.T. HELMBOLD, July Wth, 1870. jlyl«-ly. ■