ÆLL OF F ort K lamatii .—Back Plymale, who re turned on Thursday exening from the Fort, reports the road up Rogue River again open. The surveying party were four miles beyond SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1S70. the summit, expecting to be out fifteen days vet before finishing their present work. Maj. THOMAS BOYCE, No. 30 (Second Darling had arrived at the Fort, and was ex peeting the arrival of six other army officers floor.) Merchant’s Exchange, California Street, to try some deserters at the post. No un­ below Montgomery, is our duly authorized agent easiness about Indian difficulties spoken of. JAS. T. GLENN, NEW GOODS. DEALER IN INDIAN WAR CLAIMS PAID IN FULL To Claimants in 60 Days! for Saa Francisco. H oggishly M ean .—Watermelons were tol­ ized Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 erably plenty in town yesterday, but old man OR ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING Boyer managed to monopolize the trade and. the above, or any other Government claims, Park Row, “Times” Building, New York. nence, »«»Id tliein pretty much as he pleased. apply to the undersigned, who will furnish This office thought to enjoy the luxury ol necessary information gratis, and charge no fees LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. eating one, but could get nothing, except for collection until claim is paid. ALFRED L. GROSS, green things not fit for a decent “swine” to Notary Public for Oregon ; Commissioner eat, after paying the money. of Deeds fer Washington Territory. HUDSON Js MEN E T, are our duly author F gtâgious Notice. OFFICE—St. Charles Hotel, Morrissun Street, HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW RE- ceiving an extensive supply of goods in their line of business, consisting in part of— CALIFORNIA STREET, Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Box stoves, Nails of all sizes, Assorted iron and steel, all Horse phoe9 and rail«. Cast iron wash kettles, Bake ovens, Skillets and lids, iie undersigned take pleasure Tea kettles, in notifying bis friends and the public gener­ Bake pans, ally tnat he is now receiving and opening a very large and extensive stock of Brans kettles, Enameled kettels, CENERAL MERCIHNDISE, T D rying U p .—Two of the principal wells Portland, Oregon. jly23-3m. R ev . C. Alderson will preach at the M. in town—the one at Beekman’s corner and July 23d, 1870. that at the New State—manifested indica­ E. Church, Sunday evening, at 74 p. m. tions of “letting up,”—or rather, refused to STAPLE! DRY GOODS Sauce pans, let come up their uccustomed supply of wa­ Chopping axes, D iseases of the E ye .—Dr. D. T. Horgau, ter this week. In newspaper parlance, they Broad axes, Oceulist, of San Francisco, after remaining have discontinued. Trace and Halter chains, •«»me weeks in Portland, and operating with Shovels and Tongs, R eturned .— Mr. James Fountain, formerly Fire dogs, great success on different cases, will be in KAREWSKI, HAVING JUST OPENED a school teacher in this valley, returned this Sluice forks, Jacksonville up the 10th, where he will re­ a large stock of week from Corvallis, where, for some time, Shovels, main one week? fuf the purpose of examining he has been going to school. Mr. F. is a CALIFORNIA AND SALEM Door locks, and curing diseases of the eye. All who are good reliable teacher, and has given geDerai Butt and strap hinges, afflicted with Eye Diseases are invited to call satisfaction wherever he has taught. Knives and forks. CLOTH» Spoons and ladles, and ascertain wlmt can be done for them, es­ F or the M ountains .—Mr. N. Langel and BLANKETS, Meat cutters, pecially those who have chronic or supposed —AT— Sad irons, family with Mr. F. Heber and several incurable diseases. Examination free. Dr. his Polishing irons, HOOP SKIRTS, families from town started, day before vester Morgan hus an Infirmary at 526 Kearny day, for the head waters of little Butte to Pocket knives. Scissors and shears, street, San Francisco, and visited Portland spend a few davs. ETC., ETC. Pruning shears and knives. —ALSO— to attend a special call there. In his opera­ Patent cross cut saws, Boots and Shoes; Ladles’, Misses’ F actory S tarted . From a private note tions at Portland he was assisted by Dr. aud Childrens’ Shoes. Buck and hand saws, received from Ashland, we learn that the Corner of California and Oregon streets, offers Baughman, aud when iu Salem by Dr. Car Woolen Mill was to have started on a short bargains, such as have not been offered before at Planes and lanterns ; - Jacksonville. pemer. e have also in connection with th® above a very run this week. Together with a general assortment of W Large and Extensive Stock of Choice This stock is fresh and of the best quality, and SHELF HARDWARE. T iie R ailroad S urvey .—Jesse Applegate C hange of B ase .—Our friend Ilyzer has» CAS ' purchasers will do well to call on him. CROCERIES, finished up the survey of the O. & 0. Rail quit the tin store and gone to clerking in the road as tar as the State line, and passed • Irv good establishment of Sachs Bro’s. Cus HARDWARE, tbr ough Ashland the forepart of the week on turner« will find him a genial and accomnioda ting salesman. taken in exchange for goods. Also ground salt in QUEENSWARE, his return below. lie gives a favorable re 50 and 100 lbs. sacks, and fine Liverpool salt. port uf the route Surveyed, but will probab’v BORN. January 1st, 1870. CLASSWARE, ■ Fu«e nnd caps, prospect some of the other passes before the Blasting and rifle powder, SIFERS—On Bear Creek, Aug. 1, 18» 0, to the CUTLERY, location of the road is determined on. The w f- of Hon. John Siterà, a son. Shot and lead, routa jsagt suiveved rut.« up the north fork of LAGER! LAGER! Lift pumps and Lead pipes, PAINTS, WILLIAM DAVIDSON. Rope, Little Butte, through Lost prairie via Buck OILS, Grindstones, Office, No. 64 Front Street, Lake, cr««se« the Klamath below Nurse’« Cider mills, .... OREGON. ETC, ferry, and Lost river near Walker’s ford, PORTLAND, Cedar tubs, ALSO thence to the State line at Henry Miller’« Cedar buckets, REAL ESTATE DEAL ER. Willow baskets, etc. ranch. * r -------------- Window Glass, Nails, Iron and • ------------ CHEAP FOR CASH! READY-MADE CLOTHING, G. «t STAPLE GROCERIES, s. THE BRICK STORE, Staple Produce GIANT POWDER, t EAGLE BREWERY. C apture of a B ear .—The wife of K. Kubli, who re-ides on Applegate, performed a lx»ld feat recently, being nothing less than the seizing on to and mastering by main strength of a good siz-d citinaman bear cub. She came across the auuiiual while out gath «ring berries and had a tremendous tussle with it, young bruin getting in come power ful blows, but Mrs. K. hung on like grim death to a defunct monster, taking her cap ture home with her where it whipped out all the dog« on the place. Boat that who can. S tarts for F risco .—G. Karewski, having long been engaged in business single-handed, and being a convert to the Bible truth that “it is n »t well for man to be alone,” starts to-morrow for the bay city to complete h partnership engagement intended to last for life. He will, nt the Mine time, lay in an extensive assortment of merchandise far thi- market. May he have a delightful trip and a happy return with his intended frau to their place of resi«lence. Special Collector of Claims. J HYDRAULIC PIPE, WILLIAM HERMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, H Dan Castillo's CIRCIS AND MENAGERIE, Combining two Circuses DRUGS Ä MEDICINES ! ------------- -------------- - . I A shland S eminary .—The foundation of this structure has been laid, and the work­ men are bu-y get ing the timbers rendv for the erection of the edifice in a few davs. When this institution gets under way, J»ck MR. JURE KENT, son county will have a long continued neg Late Pupil of the World-Renowned Showman, DAN RICE, also, Ject of duty partially rectified, and something well worthy of boasting of io the future. The Mohammed Troupe of Bedouin N ew S tore .—Jimmy Drum ha« just open ed a little stand on California street, next to the barber shop, where he is prepared to jierve customers with anything in his line they happen tn desire Give him a call, and you will find him, in every respect, worth) •of patronage. ------------ *------------ R obbed . — A soldier was found Wednesday, lying on the sidewalk, who had evidently been laboring under the effects nf liquor. Il- claims that he had been doped the nighty pre viou« and 55 duller« in money and other trin k st« sto'en out of his vest pocket. Is Shultz alias Bardman among us ? Arabs, and Crocker’s Den of Perform­ ing Lions, JAS. T. GLENN. •jrzdw •u AMERICAN SUBMERGED PUMPS. ’SHVAVaHVII ‘Auaiaavs These pumps have been felly tested, and are acknowledged to possess advantages over all other pumps in use ; sold at manufactur­ er’s prices, with freight added. HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL. October 9th, 1869. 1 Have during the past winter culled from the vari­ ous Cities and Towns of Europe ami this continent the most distinguised Artists in the profession, in­ cluding The Most Beautiful Lady Ridert, The Renowned Eguestrians, I 7he Post Skillful Trapezists, The Most Surprising Acrobats, The Most Powerful Athletes, The Accomplished Jester, ysfi^Give me a call, and then jud^ for your­ self as to our capacity to furnish goods as above. PLOWS. tILTlHTIIS Si IAHBDIS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL! Exhibition of Surpassing; Excellence, I am now ready to sell anything in my line at tha lowest cash price. Persons wishing to buy goods will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined not to be undersold by any house in Jackson county. •0X81 ‘Pi IPdy *qo;vd -Sip pa« stauben qitM.oaop ONIHIV¿3H •dsaqo pas o; punoq ras j Xpaanbes -UOO ‘oojeog Aauoui pun pj«q aja samt) s« ! ajeqM of the most approved patterns, and highly -asp âuisaqojnd ojojeq pvo v am oai # o; ](» m op finished ; also Self Sharpening Straw Cutters IHM 83I0UJB OAOq« 9in IO Xu« SuiqeiM 8UOSJ3J •pns o; uoipunmmw jo and Hay Knives. spciq pa pu« *8|oisid Joq]o pu« jo S uujoq ‘ianJ joqs Io }Ud