JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1870. e. Rich Treat—Courting Under Difficulty ¡’5. —Champagne and Citrate of Magnesia. W I Another Sort of Red Men. The Russian Peasantry. Telegraphic War Mews. < The ‘ following is going the newspaper Throughout the whole of Russia, the dwell L ondon , July 24th.—Prussian vessel« are Published Every Saturday Morning, The Column Sun of July 2d tells the follow­ rounds. We don’t know who tell its, but it ings of the peasantry are still mere log huts, cruising in the channel and north sea to in­ ing good story : “A few days since a young sounds much like Mark Twain : frequently without chimneys, and uniformly tercept supplies of coal for the French fleet. by p . d . hull , A friend of ours, who took a trip to Califor­ containing only one room, which is the com Bank of Frankfort has loaned $500,000 Tha- P u b 1 1 H h e r «& I* r o 1» r 1 o t o r. man appeared in Colusa, and made a canvass of our town in disposing of various Yankee nia, said he was not afraid of tho Indians, mon dormitory. The rigor of the climate lens, with deposits of American stocks as se­ OFFICE—On Third St. Between California and O. notions. Ilis experience in regard to this because he belonged to the benevolent Order renders these habitations miserable in the ex­ I curity. France adheres to the policy of treat­ TERMS: w’orld was evidently of rather a limited or­ of Red Men, and knew all the passwoids and treme. Swarming with vermin, where not ing neutrals of shipping same as in ¡1864, no oo .$4 Subscription, per annum, in advance der, vet he was industrious and strived t<> winks, and the figurative language and things» fill <1 with smoke, and without ventilation, regard being paid to the Paris Convention. $2 oo Six months............................................ obtain a market for his wares, and his efforts and no savage was going to touch him, ini the hut is generally, in winter, the refuge of A dispatch received via Paris, to-day, dated ADVERTISEMENTS, were to a certain extent crowned with sue tinted and fixed up in regalia as he was. lie the sow and her farrows ; of the lamb ano Forbick. Department of the Moselle, 23d, In T he D emocratic N ews will be charged at cess. During his sojourn among us, he be­ hadn't gone more than a hundred milt's from i the sheep, as well as of men, women and chil says Prussians were repulsed at Carling, and the following rates came infatuated with. Omaha before a band of Indians came at him dren. It contains no furniture but a deal ta a reconnoissance on Prussian soil has been First insertion, (ten lines or less)................. $3 00 A DARK EYED MAIDEN of COLUSA— and scooped him up. lie took the chief aside hie and a bench against each wall. Pillows, made by the French troops. For each week thereafter................................... $1 00 [one of Missouri's choicest offerings—a feeling and whispered the password in his ear and and sometimes felt, constitute the only bed­ B erlin , July 24th.— Italy issued a procla­ A liberal dedacii^n from the above rates will be which often takes possession of visitors to give him the grip twenty six times on both ding, the place of which is supplied by the mation of neutrality at Florence to day. made un quarterly and yearly advertisements. this section, and frequent became his visits t» hands, and made some observations about sheepskin, that seldom leaves the peasant There have been demonstrations in favor of JOB PRINTING. her domicil. ILs devotion was reciprocated, “filth moons” and the happy hunting men and women of Russia. Their domestic Prussia in Milan, Padua and Genoa. Every variety of Job Work executed with neat- ( ; for on several occasions, at evening twilight, grounds.” The chief replied in a friendly utensils consist of a few pots of burnt clay or D ublin , July 24th.— A great demonstra­ ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. the devoted couple were to been seen seated manner by tomahawking him and jabbing cast iron, the samovar or tea urn, being only tion was made here last night in favor of in close proximity upon a log, beneath the his bu’Cher knife into Ins vitals. Our friend found in the but of the well-to do peasant. France. A meeting of 5,000 was addressed spreading branches of one of our grand old remarked that these ceremonies were not ob An earthenware cup and saucer, or a glass by prominent men. oaks. Alter sundry walks, our mercantile served in his lodge, but the chief wanted io tumbler, are among the articles which the B erlin , 24th.—The only written document Iriend concluded he would obtain a chariot, show him all the peculiarities of the Western peasants deposit in a small cupboard below Prussia has received from France since the an 1 roll out on the plains in company with system, so he scalped him and chopped oft the images of the saints. There is‘no garden quarrel was received on Tuesday, and was her who was causing the spirits to rap in ¡his nose, and was about to build a bonfire on to this log hut. The heavily worked peasant a declaration of war. It declares that the JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 10 every chamber of his heart, lie repaired to i his stomach, when some of the soldiers ar woman can scarcely find time to attend to the Emperor is obliged to consider the proposi­ one of our livery stables and procured a team rived and rescued him. lie is cow tho bald plot of flax which belongs to her individually, tion to elevate a Prussian Princo’ to the OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON and vehicle. The next thing i equisite for the i lieadest Red Man on this side of tne Pacific and on which the family depends for the thrown of Spain as an attack on the Secre­ every Saturday evening at the Odd Fell OW8* Hall, Brother« in good standing are invite 1 to journey was something to soothe the agitated ocem, and you never saw a person so dis- more necessary articles of clothing. Any tary of France. A special to tho London attend. J01IN M c KEE, N. G. spirit, in the way of refreshment. He visited gu>t 'd with secret societies and Indian poe­ great material improvement of these peasant Herald from Paris, says it is predicted that E. SMITH, R. Sec’y. i several saloons, and try. He is going to sue his lodge for pass­ dwellings can only follow on education and the Emperor will proclaim a Republic Wjf. B ilger . INQUIRED THE PRICE < F CHAMPAGNE. ing off a counterfeit grip on him, and for enlightenment, for it is the tendency of the throughout Europe, if a coalition is found II. KllPl’EL, Trustees. H. V. H elms , Finding that article would command from damage done by the loss of his hair. halt civilized peasant to spend his superflu agaiust him. Prussia is threatening Den- May 1st, 1869. t—f V •N 2 50 io $5 per b »tile, he concluded the lux ou* m mey on articles of personal adornment, mark. Guns are being placed on the fortifi- " Dll »GRESS oF THE R ailroad .— The Salem lather than those of more comfort, of which cations of Paris. ury was al ogether too expensive, ami lie en- i f. JAMILS R. NEIL, St it' says : We learn that the grading he has in reality no understanding. In the io find some other beverage to be C oblentz , 24th.— A Prussian force from Counsellor-at-Law, deavond is n nv completed, or nearly so, to a point villages on the Volga, where peasant families indulged m by liiui-elt and sweetheart dur Saarbrack crossed the frontier and made a Third Street, (west side), between California in^ 111v ti'i'ihcom . 11' rib*. A t lant lie entered near A acou la, the route lying through tim- share the same roof with domestic fowls and reconnissanee, and met a force of French, and Main. b *r u ’ l the .vay ir >m Dutchtown for over live animals, and burn wood laths instead of tai leaving two dead on the field. French lose >ne i f our drug stores and asked if a temper _I Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts | mii< s. Oar informant says 500 men are em- tow candles or oil, the woman attire them­ ance la verage c. uid be furnished for the vf thi.s State. 10 or 12. Russia announces her intention »ployed on the grade this side of Aurora. In selves on holidays in crinolines, in silk dress above named purpo>e for a m< derate Mini ol to ubridge the duratioa of the war as much Particular attention p-i’nl to the collection ¡going through that place a cut was made es and jackets, while the men cover their as i ossible. of Claims against the F« tne EiPry ol Mineral There are two steam pile drivers and another CITRATE of MAGNESIA, ■ Sire of American Odd Fellowship, and Frank Lodes under the recent Act <•' Conzress. at work driving piles in Pudding river but- White Recruits For Negro Regiments. ire pared by hiiuneff, which be could warrant j Austin, of California, arrived to day. They C. W. KAÜLICR, ||tom. Piles are already driven across the Ire-h and lively, an i which c- uld fie obta.ne_, White recruits, our dispatches tell us, have are detained in France on account of war. > M dlala bottom, from the river to the prairie five cents per battle. L ondon , July 23d.— Bar Von Beust, Aus­ ItiATMpy ani Uaaselhr-at-Law, ir twenty been assigned to a couple of negro cavalry Tne M.dlala bridge will be all .- . , . i \ • i-i i l hi* side, immediately closed a bargain, umi seized up- I framed this week, ready to be transported regiments. This is the wickedest and mean­ trian Prime Minister, has issued a circular to Austrian Ministers abroad, that Austria m two buttles with avidity. They vverei JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, est of the successive steps by which the radi­ and put up. Tne Pudding river bridge will ilaced under the seat of the beggv with great will preserve an attitude of neutrality, re­ Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and .. 1 not require so much work. The track laying cal party and Grant’s Administration are cave, ami everything being in readiness the other Court-1 of this State. -driving to force a full recognition of the so­ fusing every overture to participate. In con­ will pr.bablv recommence today; iron rails OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. young lady was soon enscoiised by his side, cial equality of the negro. These white re sequence of the attitude of Austria towards have arrived and the grading will soon be Jacobs—opposite Court House square. behind a spanking team, going the double emits c >me from a cla*s in which race an Bavaria and Prussia, Englund has resolved done to this pla-'C. The pile driving on Pud quick for the suburde. After a drive of an to make preparations for putting her army DR. GEO. B. TOLIIAN, ding bottom wilt be finished in a few days, tipathiea are very strong ; they enlisted to ¡our, the gallant driv- r reached under the on war fooling. The Channel squadron have and the machines will remove to Lake Labish -ierve with white men ; but they are to be (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) seat and surprised his fair companion with forced to eat, drink, sleep and live with ne received orders to get ready for sea, and unite to commence work there. Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, the presence of two bottles of liquid, which, groes. and to submit to the tyranny of negro with the Mediterranean squadron at Gibaral- ie suggested, would be refreshing on the A M ammoth L aw S uit .—We have re­ petty officers. No matter what his estimation tal, to form a flying squadron under com­ ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND Passenger ceived ir»>ui California, a pamphlet contain­ of the negro race, the essential injustice and mand of Admiral Ilonnelly. adjacent counties, and at’end promptly to dusty road. all calls oa pro «ssional business. Both suffering from severe thirst, the con ing the complai nt <»l Samuel Brannon, who cruelty of this must be apparent to every travel on Prussian railways closes to-morrow. L ondon , 25th—4 p. m.—A special from OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, tents of the two bottles soon disappeared, and sues the Central Pacific Railroad Company, right thinking man. on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ the fine flavor commentel on favorably. in equity to iiccoun for §50,000,090. We When negroes were forced into southern Metz, says three camps are formed around sonville, Oregon. Thus refreshed, the lash was freely applied see tiie name of Benj. F. Butler as one ol offices and Legislatures, into the Departments the City. Forts will be completed in twenty- jan8-tf. Jan. Sth, 1870. to the team, and our happy Couple were jolt the counsel for plaintiff. If it goes through and the Washington Police, into the Senate four hours. Six cannon are being planted ed over a somewhat uneven road, with their the courts, it will be accounted a legal phe and into West Point, it was said that the in position ; ditches, casements, and bomb Dr. L. T. DAVIS, equilibrium und sturbed, until some time af nomenon as a suit of such magnitude ha> whites who were offended thereby might proof barracks—everything constituted on an terward, ou their return, when they were never before been presented to the judiciary resign. But in this case the white soldiers immense scale. The works are not designed both suddenly seized with an unpleasant sen of America. It 19 commenced in the District are given no alternative. They cannot re­ to defend Metz, but merely to protect a vast Opposite the OK sition in the vicinity of the refreshment re­ Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District oi sign ; if they dec'are, as they have the moral encampment like the present, or shelter a beat* A rkansas L ivery S table , ceptacle. The fair one bent over forward, California, before Judge Dwindle ; but from right to declare, that fellowship with negroes en army. This shows France has long been the gallant adjnirer doubled up and .-quirined, the form und grounds of complaint, the in and submission to negroes was not in the bar preparing for offensive war on the first oppor­ Jacksonville. Oregon. until things began to assume a serious charac­ tention is to reach the Federal courts.— Coni gain they made, and attempt to withdraw, tunity. Marshal Bazaino in Metz; horses of »tuff kept saddled before bis hotel, but no ter". The perspiration rolled down in huge mercial. they will be hunted down like felons and E. H. GREENMAN, drops from the forehead of one who a few severely punished ; if they do not submit un move yet made. Russian troops are passing Fliysician. cfs SI-ixx*s<»oxx, moments before had declared his happiness R eason for a D ivorce .—Not long ago a complaininglv to every insult or annoyance through the Black Forest towards Balse. OFFICE—At his residence on Fifth Street youth who had been wheedled into a marriage complete. The smiles of the maiden were which a negro orderly sergeant, proud of his Detachments have been stopped by the Swiss, Jacksonville, Oregon. which his subsequent judgment could not ap­ authority over white men, may choose to who have an observation corps of 50,000. #50“ Will practice in Jackson and adjacentcoun- suddenly transformed to prove, commenced a suit for divorce. As ies, ar.d attend promptly to pro essional calls. unpleasant contortions heap upon them, they may be tied un bv the General McMahon’s" headquarters are at soon as she heard of it she was naturally in thumbs or even shot down,— Sac. Roporter Strasburg. A strong French force is massing of the face, until at last, the magnesia, about DB. A. B. OVERBECK dignant, and demanded of the youtnful Ben to prevent surprise through the Voiles De to become master of the situation, forbear­ an anee edict to assign a reasonable cause for his pro N athaniel H awthorne relates Fels. Troops are pouring into Strasburg IL’TLL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- ance ceased to be a virtue, the team was VV GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls dote of the origin of Franklin ’ s adoption oi ceedings. from Bisarkicon. Everything indicates that on professional business. His office und residence stopped, and, without one word of explana the customary civil dress when going to court the first great blow will be struck at Stras­ “You are older than I am,” he s iid. are at lion, each party made a desperate and lively “ You knew that before we were married, ” as a diplomatist. It was simply that his tail burg. The Overbeck Hospital, leap from their respective sides of the buggy, was the indignant reply. or had disappointed him of his court suit, and On Oregon Street, Jacksonville. Oregon. l-tf “You pad.” and the scene which ensued our pen is inca he wore his plain cne, with great reluctance, Ben. Wade is reported as saying that ba “Everybody does that, sir.” pable of describing. Suffice it to say, no JAMES D. FAY, because he had no other. Afterwards gain would like to have his pipe and an easy chair “You wear false teeth.” unnecessary time was lost in reaching town, “Certainly ; nut it is not a crime.” ing great success and praise by his mishap, by the fireside. There’s no accounting for not a sentiment of love was uttered, and a “There’s more make up about you thun he continued to wear it from policy. The t«stea. We should prefer having our chair voung man was seen earnestly engaged in realitv.’* OFFICE—In Court Honse, up stairs. great American philosopher was as big a in the ice house just now. “What then ?” hunting the druggist—who could not be Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts “Your hair, chignon and waterfall weigh humbug as the rest of us. found — and he expresses a huge disgust at of this State. more than you do.” Ab Irish gentleman of great wealth makes Not having heard from the debating socie­ the mere mention of citrate of magnesia as a “Well.”’ up for a constitutional aversion to talking by Particular attention paid to the collection buggy beverage.” ties, in relation to the conundrum. “Why do “Weil, it’s a dead woman’s.” of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ hens always lay egg* in day-time ?” a cotem­ keeping eight private printing presses con­ “Well.” ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption How to meet a man of doubtful credit— “Well, I wont lice with a dead woman or porary answers, “Because at night they are stantly employed on tracts of his own oom­ ¡Justness (Earös. H I J Attorney & W — - — ■ ------- -------------- — ‘ Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law, and Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Minera Lodes under the reeent Act of Congress. 1 tf. take no note of him. any part of her!” roosters.” position in seven languages.