The Democratic news. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1869-187?, June 25, 1870, Image 2

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    gmucraiic |iRo.
Popular Education.
The Life, Times and Public Services of
Jas. R. Neil, Esq.
It has become a recognized axiom in all free
governments that an you incense the facilities
We intended to give an'extended biograph­
for .education you proportionately decease ic- I sketch of this distinguished gentleman,
the desire to commit crime. Experience Iras including the historv • of his
Political Prospects.
• birth, babyhood,
'liown that jails cost more money, both to youth, manhood, and political and official
We often bear it said that the Republicani build and to maintain, than sclio >l-hoe>es, in life ; but have since concluded that the space
are becoming disgusted with the absurdities addition to which there is the danger to prop in these Columns proposed to be so occupied,
forced upon tfiem bj the leaders of that par <«rty and life to be considered. Therefore ah could be devoted to a more useful purpose.
ty, and are flocking to the standard of Dem men who desire t>> see our State become pros­ We designed to describe at length hit profes-
ocracy.^ Tbie ia to a certain extent true but perous must desire, ly >ee her smis.aud daugb siojpal career,—s|x years at the bar and-still
not altogether. The men to whom allusion <ers receive u good and liberal education, to a briefless barrister, while lawyers of two
enable them to grapple with the work day years standing in his own county have each
is mads were never liepublicans ; they were
a flourishing practice. We intended to sketch
that portion of the Democracy iu the North world.
But while we are in favor of a comprehen bis frantic chase after the County Judgeship ;
who did not indorse the extension of slaver}
into Kansas, nor the secession of the South sive and liberal public educational system, his absurd pilgrimage to Albany in pursuit
in 1861. But their natural affiliation was we desire to see one that is commensurate ol the nomination for Secretary.of State; and
with the Democratic party, and as soon as with the growth and progress of the State. his intrigues to have the nomination of Dis­
the obstacles were removed which caused them 1'here are some umong us who favor the trict Attorney remitted to the County Con
ventions of Jackson and Josephine, iu order
to Tears the party, they were glad to return establishment of u State Normal School by
that he might still get a nomination, which
to it. Negro slavery and Secession both be tlie incoming legislature. Iu our opinion,
he affected to despise, if he failed to receive
ing dead issues, there is no good reason whs that movement is premature. Wbut we ueed
they should longer remaiu opposed to the is this : First, the establishment of a State the nomination for County Judge.
We intended to comment on the overwertn
Educational Department, with a Superinten
Democratic party.
ing self-conceit which prompted him to aspire
One of the gravest blunders a great na­ deut ot Public Instruction ut the head of it
tion» I party ever committed was that of the who will attend to it und nothing else. It is to the nomination of Secretary of State, the
Republicans tn supposing that the vote rolled unfair to impose this tusk upon the Governor duties of which office he does not compre
up for Lincoln and Johnson in 1864 was a any longer. Second, the establishment of a bend, and for which he has not the first qual­
Republican vote. It was composed of several State Board of Education, to consist of th ification. We intended to review his official
elements. First, the Abolitioni-ts or Re • Governor, Secretary of State, Superintendents career as District Attorney, when the crimi
publicans proper; second, the War Demo ! ot Common Schools in and for the Counties mils in this District had a jubilee , and ras
cals went unwhipt cf justice, simply through
cracy, composed of such men as General?« of Marion and Multnomah, ami the State Su­
Hancock, Dix and Burnside, and comprising perintendent, the latter to act as S- cretary the incapacity of the Prosecuting officer.
nearly all those who voted for Douglas in of the Board. Third, the establishment of We designed, also, to review his political ter
quarterly Boards of Examination in each giversations ; his secret attacks upon I) uno
1866 ; and lastly the conservative men of cap
couuty, to consist of the County Superinten­ cratic nominees, while he did not have the
ital who vote from interest more than from
dent and two teachers, who shall issue certil- manhood and honesty to vote against them ;
any political preference. Ail these three
cates based upon a uniform course of Exam, his pilgrimage to the Sentinel office, in pur
element« united made a very formidable ar
¡nation prescribed by the State Board of Ed suit of manuscript alleeed to have been fur
ray, and deceived the bigoted leaders like
ucatiou. Fourth, a State tax and a County nished by one of the Democratic nominees
Sumner aod Colfax into the belief that the
tax upon property for the support ol Schools, two years ago ; and after his application had
whole nation would sustain them to the end
like every other State Ims. Fifth, a uniform been met by the answer that no manuscript
of their fanatical and absurd schemes for the
system of school books in all the counties of had been so furnished, his falsehoods and
elevation of the negro at the expense of the
ibis State. The present system of allowing slanders in relation thereto. The scene be­
white man.
District School officers to select just such tween himself and Mr. W. A. Owen at the
All kinds of corruption have been perpetra
bulks as they like, is so manifestly unjust polls, after he had voted the Democratic tick
ted in the name of loyalty. The Poarisaica* that any Statute which permits it is a dis
et straight ; when the latter upbraided him
Harlan has been« proved to be but a pliant grace to our boasted civilization. Everytime
with falsehood and deception, accusing him
tool in the hands of the hor le of leeches who
a man moves from one county to another his of having violated his pledge to vote for the
iniest the Indian Bureau ; Cole is the head children have to be supplied with new school
Fusion ticket, for which he bad worked so
devil of the St. Domingo plundering scheme ; books, and this becomes a grievous burden
hard secretly ; and Air. Neil heard these in
Howard, of Christian Commission notoriety, upon poor men, and one that is intolerable to
suiting accusations with the most exemplary
¡4 now being hauled over the coals for peuu be borne.
patience ami Christian meekness, hv his si
lation and fraud; and this, added to the re­ We learn that lion. James I). Fay will in­
lenee admitting the truth of the shameful
cent cadet peddling of Whittemore and R >d. troduce a bill the above enumerated
charges ami the futility of any defence. All
Butler, has about satisfied all decent men features at the coming session ol the Legisla­
these things we intended to refer to, but
that the Radical party won't do to tie to. ture. It Ims been Carefully prepared under
won’t do it, because ‘‘the game is not w rth
Forney has been allowed to get the bent of th** ‘»is supervision bv a practical teacher, who
the candle,” and this was the argument
government to the tune of a hundred thou­ has bad several years of experience in the
which influential Democrats successfully used
sand, but as he is the bead of the “trooh school of California, and embodies nianv ol
to induce us to omit the Life, Times and
loil” in Washington, nothing is said about it. the features of the California Ltw, which,
Public services of Mr, Neil.
The growth of the Democratic party is then though drawn by a Republican and passed by
For ourself, however, as regards Neil, and >
to be attributed to returning reason in ttie a Republican Legislature, has been deomed
others like him. we are in the s’tuation of the
breasts of Northern men. They are sick o so equitable by the Democracy that they have
man who was found by a neighb r belaboring
this running the machine to the tune ol ever since refused to alter or amend it in any
the carcass of a dead pup. Said the neigh
“Marching thro’ Georgia” when the nation shape. Mr. Fay’s bill will bo preseuted ear
bor : “Why, hello S im ! what are you pound
is gt peace. They do not believe that the ly in the session and from the persistent way
ing that. d «g for ? D »n’t you see he is dead ?”
Union can be helu together if the old war an that he has of advocating measures we are
“I know it,” said Sam, continuing his labors,
imosities are kept up after the rebellion is hi confident it will become a law. It does not
“but I want to convince this d—d son of a—
an end. They are sick of the corruption' provide for any State Normal School, it be­
sea-cook, that there is a punishment after
perpetrated in the name of liberty and loyalty, ing the opinion of the author that ten years
death.” Mr. Neil and his compatriots are
and believe it can be no worse under Demo hence is time enough to think of. that. The
politically dead and d—d : but it is problem­
cratic rule. Let us show them that then* tax necessary to support such an institution
atical whether Mr. Neil’s constitutional ob
confidence iu the honor of the Democracy is would be better expended, for the present,
tuseness will enable him to understand that
not misplaced. Let u* satisfy them by lib upon the Common Schools of the State.
there is a punishment after a political death.
eral and ju-»t legislation that the Democratn- When Oregon acquire« twenty thousand more
We merely wished to convince him that pos
party is a party of justice, integrity and pro­ population and increases her taxable property
thumous punishment is a stolid fact. That’s
twenty millions of dollars, tl en it will be time all.
Oregon and California are all right and enough to talk about. a State Normal Scliyt.l.
A V te by P roxy —How honest R adi ­
Nevada only awaits the opportunity to re
We hope to see every Democratic vote in
deem herself this coming autumn. Hitherto that Legislature cast in favor of Mr. Fay’s cat . E lecti » n J udges pet T form tiieir duties .
the Bank of California has been the control!- bill, to show the enemies of our party that —On election day a Radical named Hamrick
ing power in that State and its moneye 1 influ Democrats are willing to further the cause of rode up to the polls in Manzanita Precinct, in
enee bas been thrown in favor of thè R°pub popular education in every way consistent this county, just after the polls closed at
lifting. But thè defalcatine of State Trea* with the resources o f the State. And to the noon. He expressed great regret that the
nrsr Rhodes hag set people to thinking. He Republican members we would say that there polls had closed, as he could not wait until
squandered $34 500 of the State’s money in is no party question involved in a measure they opened again, and was exceedingly anx­
stock gambling, and the agent of the Bank that affects the property and advancement of ious to vote the Radical ticket, John B.
of California was his principal bondsman. an entire people. We trust to see it pars by Wrisldv, one of the Judges, and a bitter Rad
So it is probable that the great moneyed cor­ an overwhelming majority and be enrolled ieal. unwilling that a Radical vote should be
poration has had all the politics it wants for among the Statutes of Oregon, as an evidence lost, told Ilamick to give him his ticket and
some time to come. The people of that State of the progress and enlighten ment of her he would have it recorded when the pulls were
opened again. Hamrick gave him the ticket
are naturally Democrats, but have been bull people.
apd immediately mounted his horse and rode
ied into voting the Reupb ican ticket hereto
W ill some well informed Radical please off. When the polls* were opened at 1 o’clock
fore by the threats ot their employers. One**
free from that, they will roll up a goodlv lit v*ll us what has become of the Radical or he was miles away, nevertheless John B.
tie majority for Democracy and elect a d**ceri' Republican organization in Jackson county ? Wrislev, his proxy, actually caused the vote
gentleman tn supplant Nye, the rib Id drunk Dowell & Co. deliberately abandoned the or to he recorded, and there it? stands to this
ard who now disgraces the SilverVState ¡ d the ganization, withdrew the ticket from the field, day. Hereafter, Radicals who happen to be
United States Senate.
and substituted a mongrel bastard instead ; in San Francisco on election day iuteud to
---- - -------•------------- k_
WaoiN R oad . —Five hundred dollars have threw overboard such men as Beekman, Lan- vote by telegraph.
been subserbied by the citizens of Ashland gel, Hayden, Karewski, Enoch Walker, and
T ite B anner C ounty .—Jackson claims the
towards the building of a road from tha1 others, whose money, brains, and energy, honor of being the Democratic banner county
place to Pelican Bay, on Klamath Lake, b\ have kept up the organization in spite of de
of Oregon, Notwithstanding the G >ose Lake
the^ way of. Dead Indian Valley. This wi I
swindle. Ben Ilollatlay’s monev, Williams’
shorter) the r*»a*i t* Fort Klamath nearly
thirty miles. Work will be commenced on it and were ingloriously defeated, as has always influence and patronage. Radical frauds and
been the case when our venerable Grand traitorous Democrats, she gave the large-t
mother had anything to d*> with the placing Democratic majority for G »vernor of apy ,
P ersonal . —Hon. John C. Crigler, of rhe ticket in the field. Now the question is. county in the State ; The following are Gm
Lake county,. Cal.» has been buying several where is the Republican organization ? lias ver’s majorities in the various . Democratic
hundred bead of cattle here, during the pas Hyde and Owen captured it ; and will they counties : J ackson 303 ; J •sephi’ne 79 ; Doug­
three weeks. He is very :avorably impressed be permitted to run it hereafter, to .the exclu­ las 48 ; Co'na 1 ; Lane 126 ; L:nn 265 ; P-»lk
with Rogue; River valley and has some idea sion of the old liners, as.Qiey used to run the 61 ; Columbia 67*; Wasco 8 ; Umatilla 257;
Union 183 ; Grant 50 ; Baker 177.
ef making it his future home.
Democratic organization ? <
O ur Black and-Tan brethren found a Dem­
ocrat from Applegate in town on election day,
at d having ascertained that he had not voted
by O flan A gan .
spent about ten dollars in whiskey on him,
and then hiring a two horse buggy, put him io
charge of “Blue mad” Johnson, with in­
Once upon a midnight dreary
Poor old Stanton, weak and weaTy,
structions to take him to bis precinct and
Sat within his office cwy, by the firelight so make him ,vote the Cayuse ticket. When
the couple arrived, our Democrat immediately
Readiug Byron, Keats or Moore ;
called for the straiglitest Democratic ticket
When at once there came a tapping,
that could be found, which he immediately
Just like Catherine Fox a-rapping,
voted in presence of “Blue mud.”4.,It ia Baid
Rapping on the office door, •
the air turned lurid under Johntopfc purses,
Only this and nothing more.
and all the way back his objurgations could
be heard a mite off. MHow is that fbt hlgti,
The date I hardly can remember.
Blue inufJ T1
Unless it was in last December,
At the last election the Democracy of Jack-
son had to fight Ben Ijplladay’s money, \yil-
liams’ natronage and influence, the treachery
of so called Democrats, their old foes, the
Radicals, Wrraley’s proxy votes, all manner
of lies, slanders and frauds, the influence of
the Federal Administration, and, at Goose
Like, the U. 8. Army. But the party went
in galliuntly, ami “cleared the whole kit and
bilm’ out.” IIow is that for high ?
iii .
Poor old Stanton, pale and gasping,
Quivering like the leaf of aspen,
Pulled a pistol out of his hat,
Tearing the ghost of Mrs. Surratt
And trembling marched toward the door,
lie opened it to tee a stranger
Dressed just like a Webfoot ranger
From Rogue River’s golden shore—
Jackson county—nothing more.
T he N oble E thiop .—As yet the colored
people of Oregon have only availed them­
selves of the Fifteenth Amendment, so far aa
relates to voting. But down in Marysville,
Cal., they hud a live negro jury last week in
a r-educti »!) case, and awarded the black saint
S3,000 as the price of his wife’s lost honor.
The tadpole*citizens deliberated over the case
fur several hours.
Then with glances sad and sombre
Stanton interviewed the hombre,
Who bad brought him so much panic
And, with thunder tones Satanic,
Asked “Have we e’er met before?”
Quoth the stranger in a how (c) 1,
“My name, sir, is B. F. Dewell
(Accent strong upon the vowel)
Only me—and no one more.”
D ouglas C ounty .—We rejoice to hail the
redemption of Douglas from the control of
the Gaziev’s and the Willis’. The gallant
democracy of that county have long main­
tained an ahm st hopeless fight against their
foes ; but have finally achieved a signal and
lasting triumph. We congratulate our Dem­
ocratic brethren of Douglas on their glorious
Long ago in fifty-seven,
I had pack mules, ten or ’leven
Stolen by the Cayuse Diggers—
Thievin’ Injuns black as niggers—
Near the Umpqua’s rocky shore.
Now, if you will net betray me,
Uncle Sam must surely pay me
(For the Radicals obey me)
All along Rogue River shore.
This I ask and nothing more.
SACHS—HELLER—I d New York city, Wednes-
day, June 22 r, 187 0. by the Rev. Dr. Adler, at
the Temple Etnanu-El, Samuel Sachs, formerly
of this place, to Miss Carrie Heller, of New
[Accompanying the above notice, was the com­
pliments of the parties and some good old wine ;
and the « fficc proceeded to take a recess and drink
to the health, long life and happiness of our ul<l
friend and fellow-citizen, Sain. Sachs, and hi»
New York bride.]
DALLAS—NOLAND—By the Rev. R. C. Oglesby.
Scared to death, this poor old Stanton
Foauied at. mouth and fell to ranting’—
Rantin’ like that famous preacher
Whom the Puritans call Beecher,—
And then f< h upon the floor.
“Why hast thou come in this fashion ?
Hast no bowels of compassion ?
Hast ihou no compassion, Dowell?’’
Quoth the Webfoot, “Nary B »wel !
Pay 1 want and nothing mor».”
nt the residence ot the bri le’s father, June 19th.
Charles W. Dallas to Miss Sarah C. Nuland.
Bo»h of Jackson county.
BUZAN—On Bear creek, June 19th, 1870, John
E. Bazan, of consumption ; aged about 34 years.
lieto, Co-Dni)
“Friend,” cried Stanton, “thou art laughin’
Like Jim Fisk or Tenny Claflin,
In the hope of speculation
On a claim without foundation.
You must take us all for fools.
Go right back to Jackson county
For in Uncle Samuel’s bounty
You can never hope to revel
Be you woman, man or devil—
I)—n your eyes and d—n your mules.”
“Be these words our sign of parting,”
Cried the Webfoot chief upstarting ;
“I will emne at night to haunt thee,
Come as now, when you don’t want me
To tap upon the office door.”
Then at Dowell’s rear end nether
Stanton swung his patent leather,
Kicked like Lowell’s mules of yore.
Kicked behind and not before 1
But next morning all the streamers
Told that to the land of dreamers—
Told by sad, half masted bunting
That unto the happy hunting
Grounds p«M>r Stanton now had gone.
Gone bey»»nd life’s stormy hillow,
Gone to meet the fierce “gorilla”
Who dashed,Seward on his pillow
Years ago in ^Washington.
Now they sajAMI mid night dreary,
Just as Oow^Mjhces weary.
Weary of the^fcif’s delusions,
Of the People’s party fusions,
Comes a ghost in specs and beard.
Comes the ghost like bullgine pantin’.
Like Ned Forrest, just a ranting’,
This must be the ghost of Stanton.
Poor old Dowell I Hvw he’s skeered !
Go to ’Laska, stay all summer I
Find some antiquated bummer
Fond of corn (in mild solution)
And versed in ’‘circumlocution”
To urge your claims for those ’ar males.
Take the Pullman palace joltars,
Leave the JacksoD county bolters,
Leave the Cayuse birds of evil
To go, as they should, to the d—J
Politics won’t do for fools.
Dowell then pulled out his vouchers
Well endorsed, like Ish’s “stuouchers,”
And he laid them on the tabie ;
Smelling like th’ Arkansas Stable
Used to smell in days of yore.
Smelt of mules long since departed,
Mules he “»inched” till broken-hearted
Ere he thought of pleading law
Wearying judges with his jaw.
M. D.-Mule Driver—nothing more.
X -
* I /_______
That Stanton smoked his strong Havana,
(A present from U. S., the tanner,)
And sprang in ahger to the floor.
Who could come at such an hour
To defy this Draco’s power,
Who could be this tardy bore?
Some old bummer—nothing more.
94tli Anniversary of
The following programme has been adopt­
ed :
National Salute at sunrise and hoisting of
National Flags. ’
4 *
Federal Salute at noon.
At 9 1 o’clock, ri. m.. the church bells will
be rung, when (he procession will form in
front of the Court House in the following
order :
Marshal «if th« Day.
Orator, Reader and Chaplain.
Assistant Marshals.
Soetotiea. •
Nttti<4)al Car,
Citizens in Vehicles.
Citizens on Horseback.
Citizen« on Foot.
On arriving nt the ground, the following
exercises will take place :
1. Music by the Bat)d.
2. Prayer by the Chaplain.
3. Rending of the Declaration of Ind»-
pendence. bv T. G. Reames.
4th. Music by the Band.
5rh. Oration by II »n. Lafayette Lane.
6fh. Music by the Band.
Officers of the Davv
Chief MarMial, Henrv KHppel.
Assistnnt Marsbnls. C. C. Beekman and
E: D.* Foudray.
At 2 o’clock, the Fool Killing Company
will appear upon the Ground, when rare sport
is anticipated.
A cordial invitation is extended to every
body thrnughout Southern Oregon and North­
ern California to j >in with them in celebrat­
ing the Nation’s 94tli Anniversary. No
pains will be spared to make the celebration
the grandest ever held in Southern Oregon. «
< »