— - lit gmawafii ÿew«. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 1870. THOMAS BOYCE. No. 30 (««con< floor,) Merchant’s Exchange, California Street, below Montgomery, ia our duly authorised agent for San Francisco. HUDSON 4 ME NET, are our duly author ited Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 Row, “Times” Building, New York. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE- J ust after the Owen-Jackson affray, the columns of B. F. Dowell’s paper were filled weekly with the bitterest villiflcation of T. G. Reames and T. G. Owen. Public opinion was attempted to be influenced in every pos­ sible way. io order to send the letter individ ual to the penitentiary. The firm of Dowell A Watson was retained to assist the Diet. Att’y in the prosecution ; and a persecution, nut a prosecution, of the case was bad. Yet, at the last election Reames and all the Owen's brother* voted a ticket gotten up at the dictation of this same B. F. Dowell. “Can such things be, and overcome us like a summer cloud, without our special won­ der 7” Mining and Irrigating Water Ditch. Articles of incorporation of the Applegate and Jacksonville Mining aod Irrigation Wa­ ter Ditch Company will be filed in the Clerk’* office in a day or two, with the following gentlemen as incorporators. Dr. Geo. B. Tolman, Jas. T. Glenn, Jacob Isb and Wm. Bybee. The capital stock of the company — will be 8100,000, in shares ot 8100. San Francisco capitalists have already pledged themselves for $40,000 ol the stock, which makes tbe stock about half taken ; and so soon as the balance is taken work on the ditch will be commenced. This enterprise was undertaken several years ago, under a charter by the Legislature ; but failed for lack of means to carry it out. Three miles of the ditch, however, was nearly completed by the old company—Maury and others—the dam partially built for turning the water in, levels run, estimates of fluming all made, Ac., Ac. Dr. Tolman and others have bought out this old Company, and propose to push the work to an early completion. The ditch will carry twenty five sold feet of water ; and will supply Forest creek, Jackson creek. Wil low Springs, and nearly ad the mines in thi* portion of the county. The completion of this ditch will have opened anew era—golden one—in Jacks.>n county; and we look anx­ iously forward to the commencement of the work, and trust that citizens will not long allow tbe stock to be untaken. A L ively E vening .—On last Saturday evening, according to announcement, Jas. D. Fay and others addressed the citizens oi Jack­ sonville, in front of Horce'a Hotel, closing the campaign in Jackson county. A great num her from the country remained in town to hear the several orators in their last effort ol the most exciting canvass ever known in the county. An immense tionfira and the *‘b'Hnn' ing anvil«.” served as notice of the place ot meeting. In the meantime the fusion candi dates arranged for speaking at the corner ol California and Oregon streets, when a large fire was soon burning, and the brassband playing their lievliest airs. Messrs. Langell. Kahler and others held forth at this stand, while Fay, Shiplev and Klippel were address­ ing the pe..ple in front of Home’s. The speeches were good and the cheering frequent and spirited. Speaking continued till nearlv 11 o’clock. Mr. Eav’s speech alone occupy iog one and a half hour’s time. B ill Isb boastingly asserted that he had a vote in reserve in thia county of which no one dreamed. The villianous transactions at Goose Lake prove what that vote was. A Cap», in the U. S. Army, who ia a disgrace to the uniform he wears, stationed at Camp Warner, in Baker county, voted nineteen ofl h's soldiers in uniform—stood at the polls and made them vote the Fusion ticket ; and five of Bill Ish’s havmakers, on his ranch in Warner Valley, also voted. Bill Greenman. Dr. Greenmail's brother, was on the board of Judges, which accounts probably for the fa­ cility with which those illegal votes were per­ mitted. he subscribers are now re - GENERAL MEBCH1NI1SI, T FOURTH OF JULY BALL ceiving an extensive «apply of good* in tbeir line of business, consisting in part CALIFORNIA STREET, of- -AT- Viet Schutz’ Hall T ON— Monday Evo., July 4th, 1870. 5 C _____ Cook Stove*, 4 Parlor Stove*, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Box stoves, Nails of all sites, Assorted iron and steel, Home shoe* and rail*. Cast iron wa*b kettle*,* Bake ovens, Skillets and lids, HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEASURE Tea kettles, in notifying hia friends and the publie gener­ ally tnat he is now receiving and opening a very Bake pans, large and extensive stock of Bras* kettles, Enameled kettels, . STAPLE DRY GOODS he undersigned hereby notifies Sauce pans, T ■ • - — - - 111 1 ~ Claims of every description throughout Oregon and the Territories, WILL BE MADE A SPE­ CIALTY AND PROMPTLY COLLECTED, as well as with a due regard to economy in all busi­ ness matters intrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over puntually. ‘Auaaaavs ‘sands ‘SdIHM H31V3U ‘NODS HO Having purchased the CITY DRUG STORE, JACKSONVILLE, I beg to assure its patrons and th* public, that I will constantly keep a full and complete stock of nn/y the pt'iir.MT and bust drugs and medicines, which will be dispensed by nn able and experienced apothecary, at the lowest po«sible prices. (IKY PERFUMES. TOILET ARTICLES, And all Goods pertaining to the business. SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, HISTORY, ROHANCB AND MISCRLLANY, STATIONKRY AND LEGAL BLANKS, PEWS, PENCILS, ERASERS, FARCY GOODS, >C., Ac. GIANT POWDER, Fu«e and caps, Blasting and rifle powder, Shot and lead, Lift pumps and Lead pipes, Rope. Grindstones, H3HilA3VjiaKvIA[ Cider mills, Cedar tubs, Cedar buckets, 'HTTIANOSMGVf Willow baskets, THTHM NHOf BLANKETS, HOOP SKIRTS» ETC., ETC. —ALSO— Boots and Shoes; Ladies’. Misses* and Childrens* Shoes. W e hare also in connection with the above a very Large and Extensive Stock of Choice HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CLASSWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, OILS, ETC, ALSO etc. Window Glass, Nalls, Iron and Steel, Cast and Steel Plows Wooden and Willow Ware. Etc., Etc. ware of every description always on hand and made to order. J. M. SUTTON’S HYDRAULIC —CATALOGUE OF— BEAN«—Early Yellow Six Week; Early Mo­ hawk ; Early Valentine; Indian Chief; Horti­ cultural. BEETS—Blood Turnip ; Long Blood. BROCCOLI—White French ; a fine vegetable of the cabbage family. CABBAGE—Early York; Early Flat Dutch; Large Late Drumhead ; Marblehead Mammoth; Early Oxheart. CAULIFLOWER—Early Pana, (25 eta. a pa­ per.) CARROTS—Early Horn ; Long Orange. SWEET CORN—Early Department. CUCUMBER—Short Green; Extra Long Green; Early Framed. LETTUCE—Early Curled Silicia ; Drumhead. WATERMELON—Mountain Sweet; Black Spanish ; Apple Seed. MUSKMELON— Christiana ; Nutmeg. ONION—$4 a lb ; also by the paper. PARSNIP—Long Salmon. PEAS—Dan. O’Rourke (Early) ; Extra Early Tom Thumb, and other varieties. RADISH—Red and White Turnip—Extra Early; Long Scarlet. SALSIFY ; or. Vegetable Oyater. TOMATO—Large Red Smooth. RUTA BAGA—Skirving’a Improved. PUMPKIN—8 weet. SQUASH—Hubbard ; Acorn. TURNIP—Early Flat Dutch; Early Red Top Strap Leaf. /3P* All aeeda will be mailed free of poatage to any addreaa, on receipt of money. ( PIPE, Paints, Oils. Turpentine, Varnish. Window Glass, and Putty. GARDEN SEEDS We invite the attention of Farmers to our stock of PLOWS. tEWIIS & HARROWS, • ’■ * - * *' X’ X-W'Give me a call, and then judge for your­ self as to our capacity to furnish goods as above. JAS. T. GLENN. MONE THAN 200 000 PEB80NS Bear testimony to the Wonderful Curative Effects of ! SI Dr Joseph Walker’s «.»a set ki a a — O..M AMERICAN srs SUBMERGED PUMPS. 2" o • ffi ► r g © O Ü a .a a sc C «A ■© JO 13 3 * These pumps have been fully tested, and are acknowledged to possess advantages over * 04 all other pumps in use; sold at manufactur­ 2-2-2 T2 ® a er’s prices, with freight added. 2 go HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL. October 9 th, 1869. 0-2 — xi r ® ~ u- r bs : su b 1840 --------- •----------- 1870 The Great Family Medioine of the Age. THIRTY YEARS Have elapsed since the introduction of the Pain Killer to the public, and yet at the present time it is more popular and commands a larger sale than ever before. Its popularity is not confined to this country alone ; all over the world its beneficial ef fects in curing the “ills that flesh is heir to,” are acknowledged and appreciated, and as a pain killer its fame is limited to no country, sect nor race. It needs only to be known to be prised. T hirty years is certainiy a long enough tim to ptove the efficacy of any medicine, and that the pain killer is deserving of all its proprietors claim for it, is amply proved by the unparalleled > 2 • • •' popularity it has attained. It is a sure and ef ­ New Lot of avb cajuixauhs AMERICAN A LEVER fective remedy. Sold by all Druggists. Price WATCHER 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 per bottle. Directions ac­ Just from the Factory. company each bottle. with single or double teams, for bin on reason- June 4th, 1870. je4-lm. able terms; alee, Ke is agent for the best Rifles and Pistols made, GOOD SADDLE HORSES d* MULES. among which is the Call at J. Neuber’s JEWELRY STORE, A suoexm Which will be hired to go to any part of Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with ones load­ the oountry at moderate rates. ing. Animals bought and sold, and bmaes broke to Ox th Mwn>.—► A party of moo are en­ saddle or harness. All kinds efWatob and Clock Cleaning wd gaged io repai nog the Telegraph line—re- REAME6 A WILSON. Repairing done to order st half price. ’ Jacksonville, May 13, 1865. May 7-th, 1870. setting poets, Ac. & • • ►» ► © c pl • ’52* © Ä Agency for the Celebrated SC 33X0* AY RTFI j B. lam now ready to sell anything in my line at the owest cash price. Persons wishing to buy goods will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock betöre purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined not to be undersold by any house in Jackson county. of the most approved patterns, and highly finished ; also Self Sharpening Straw Cutters © •• •< o ^ O 0 W and Hay Knives. *3 ■> a 5 t a LIVERY i SALE STABLE imilll SPRING WIIEIT. T E lkctk D- —The entire Democratic county exception of School Superin. ticket, with the exce lectea last Monday. Undent, was el CLOTH« TIN, COPPE«, & SHEET-IRON A F ini "S chool .—The attendance of pu- Corner California and Fourth Sts. ipils at District School No. 1, taught by Pro- femor DeBusache and Mrs. McCully, ia about he undersigned would respect - •ne hundred. The fact that not a single tally inform their friends and tbe publie gen­ erally ^bat they have purchased the above estab­ complaint has been heard this term, ia suffi­ cient evidence that both parente and pupils lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will be henceforward conducted under their constant per­ are well satisfied. sonal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction C losed *—The camp meeting at Heber’s to all who may favor them with their patronage. nd see his fine stock of new These stables are centrally located, and within Grove, conducted by Reverend-« Royal, Al­ sonvenient distance of the various houses of public Goods direct from the manufacturers. derson and others, closed last Sunday. Preach entertainment. Horses or mules will be boarded Be has a fine lot o er* and campers I ave gone to Josephine to and cared for, by the day or week, at moderate Bewing Mstcliliiem chargee. They have the largest steak ia Oregon, hold a meeting there. Prices from $20 to $110, cash. south of Portland, of • i Q uartz .—Mr. Bowden has about eighty tons of rich quartz, which he is having hauled to the Occidental mill to be crushed. Tbe mill will be started in a day or two. AND SALEM CROCERIE8, CHEMICALS, POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, CALIFORNIA ‘sanaras ‘ssaxavii ‘sanaavs DRUGS i MEDICINES I WHOLESALR & RETAIL! Together with a general assortment Of SHELF HARDWARE. 3UYA\(IHVH REAL ESTATE DEALER, Oct. 9th, 1869. octt-tf. READY-MADE CLOTHING, 1 Special Collector of Claims, V ery O rderly .—Contrary to the fear* of many the election went off quietly and io good order, with the exception of one knock down, which occurred between two gentlemen from the country, The fight wae fierce but of brief duration. One of the gentlemen retired Refering to the above, I take pleasure in recom­ from the scene of conflict in good order, but mending my successor to the citiaens of Jaekson sadly diecomfitted. and surrounding counties, as a gentleman thor­ F ob thb E ast .—Dr. Over beck and family oughly eompetent and reliable, and in every way left by atage, last Wednesday night, to visit deserving their confidence. GEO. W. GRAVES. their friends in Missouri, He will return I DEALER IN A GRAND r- Physicians* prescriptions and all kinds of Recipes carefully and accurately com­ pounded. W. B. DOUGLASS. Jacksonville, May 14th, 1870. may!4-tf. about the first of next August. Doctors Greenman and Ganung will have charge of the County Hospital until Dr. Overbeck re- turno. i JAS. T. GLENN, NEW GOODS. his friends, and the public generally, that he Chopping axes, will give a GRAND BALL on the evening of Bn »ad axes, July 4th, 1870, at which time he hopes by renew­ Trace and Halter chain*, ed efforts, to give entire satisfaction to all who Shovels and Tongs, may attend. The best music in tbe county has Fire dogs, been secured for the occasion, and everything that Sluice forks, will add te the comfort and enjoyment of the Shovels, guests will be provided. VIET SCHUTZ. Door lock*, Jacksonville, May 21st, 1870. Butt and strap hinges, H urrah for J osephine .—Josephine has Knives and forks. gone Democratic by from 74 to 80 Democracy. Spoons and ladle*, •jl-jd» *0¿8l *PZ IlJdV Meat cutters, * qo)vd WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Sad irons, -sip puv saauivea q)ta oaop ONIHIVdHH •dveqo ||»> o> punuq mi j A'puanbes Polishing irons, Office, No. 64 Front Street, -a os 'so J vos íeaoca puv pjvq wv semi) sv ! eieqa Pocket knives. Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Portland, Oregon. -•Bp äaisvqojnd eiojeq qvo v em eai3 o; jpa op Scissors and shears, HIM septpv »Aoqv eq; jo Xuv jfuiqsta saosjaj Pruning shears and knives, *)tns o) uoptunmuiv jo Patent cross cut saws, spctq n« puv *s|O)8id Jaq;o puv jsäuujaq ‘san2 Buck and hand saws, qoqg J° iasm)jov8« »8 jv | • puvq uo o»[V Planes and lanterns; Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercantile de»q J "8U!l ia9[ppvg oq; ai fuiqi/jeae pay FLUID EXTRACTS, N igro V oters .—The “colored element” of this precinct was fully voted—old “Fifteenth Amendment” who always runs ahead of hie ticket, among the rest. The air of impor­ tance with which those ebonies deposited their ballots, could not fail to strike th« be* bolder with awe and admiration. Some of them voted the straight Democratic ticket, some, the straight Fusion, while others scratched. Nigger voters ! Next the China naan, then the Esquimaux, and finally th« gorilla. 1810 J7Î6. CALIFORNIA yiiViS&üLii w: Manufactured from the native Herbs and Roots of California. jSFThe Great Blood Purlfler.-^gk FOR INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM AND GOUT. DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION, BILIOUS. REMITTENT and INTERMITTENT FEVERS. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. LIVER. KIDNEYS and BLAD­ DER. these BITTERS have been most successful. SUCH DISEASES are caused by VITIATED BLOOD, which is generally produced by derange­ ment of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Cleanse tbe Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities borating through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the bio d healthy, and all will be well. AGENTS, R. H. MCDONALDtC0., IMP1RT1N8 WHOLESALE CASH PAID FOR WOOL DRUGGISTS. OOLSACKS, BURLAP, AND TWYNE, for sale u G. YAREW6KrB. June 4th, 1870. W Comer Pine and Sansone Street«, San Eranoiooo Cal., and Sacramento, Cal., end 34 Platt Street, N, Y. ip. • June 19th, 1349.