The Democratic news. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1869-187?, June 04, 1870, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
Oregon Democratic Platform.
the authority of the Constitution, and of the great
principles that should govern this people in their
intercourse with the family of nations.
.11. That we favor the adoption of an amend-
mtnd |o the Constitution of the United States, re
scinding the 14th and 15th amendments.
12. That we are in favor of a liberal policy be­
ing pursued by the Legislature of this State, in
tbe bestowal of tho land grants to her for the pur­
pose of public improvements.
13. Governor and resigning members
of the Legislature, in engaging in a conspiracy to
overthrow the State government, collect large
amounts of coin as revenue, to be drawn from the
business and hard earnings of the people, to be
idle in the treasury, or to be the subjects of gam­
bling speculations in warrants, bonds and other
securities, were guilty of a high orime against the
Government of Oregon, rendering them unworthy
the reap ct and confidence of the people, or of be­
ing further entrusted with the administration of
the government; and while we thus condemn the
action of the Governor and resigning members, we
unhesitatingly approve and endorse the conduct of
the Democratic members in earnestly and faithful­
ly striving to restore and maintain the organiza­
tion of the Legislature, and provide for the due
administration of the laws.
Too Much of a Good Thing.
> NO. 6.
Hangs Fire.
Ever since the elose of the late war, Congress has
The*Aot to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment
The following are the resolutions adopted by the
great Democratic Convention at Albany, embody­
been doubly blessed with a set of stupid men, who, hangs fire between the two Houses of Congress.
Published Every Saturday Morning,
ing the principles of the party in this State :
in the simplicity of their hearts, thought that they We bav not kept up with the usurper* to know
1. That they are unalterably attached to the
could never lay their thick beads peaceably beneath exactly the difference between them. It is not
principles of our Republic as expounded by its
Publisher «fc Y*r o p x* 1 e t o
the sod, until they should achieve some notoriety. because, we are satisfied, the plan of either invades
founders, and the paramount object of their or­
They cast about to find something in this line ; the rights of the people or the States. The infa­
OFFICE---On Third St. Between California and C.
those principles inviolate.
and several of the would-be notorious, lit upon tbe mous tyrànts have never yet been known to halt
2. That they hold those political partizans, who,
Constitution of the United States as a proper sub­ in any sobeme from such considerations. Mr. Cas-
$4 00 occupying positions of trust, claiming to be repre­
Subscription, per annum, in advance
sentatives of the people, have usurped the author-'
ject upon which to try their “ ’prentice hands." serly fought the bill manfully in the Senate, bnt
$2 00 ity confiued to them, maliciously trampled under
Six moi.'tbs............................................
Conceiving this instrument had become somewhat it amounted to little. He declared that it confer­
toot our sacred bill of rights, made civil law sub­
old-fashioned and out of date, they set themselves red the same rights en Chinamen as those now
ordinate to military rule, perverted the functions
industriously to work, proposing amendments to possessed by American oitizens. But what of that ?
In Tn* D emocratic N ews will be charged at of Government, and endeavored to concentrate its
powers in the hands of an oligarchy, wholly disre­
the following rates
the Constitution. In quick succession came tbe Have not tbe Radical* in this State taken side*
Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amend­ with the Chinese as against th* men of their own
First insertion • (ten lines or less)..................$3 oo and iusiduously endeavored to disparage, debase
ments. The first abolished slavery, or involun­ race ? It is true some of them are becoming alarm­
For each week t hereafter........ ........................... $1 00 and stigmatize the once proud title ot American
tary servitude, in all the States and Territories, ed. The increasing influx of the pagon hordes of
A liberal deauc ‘>nn from the above rates will be citizenship, as enemies to tho best interests of this
ma’deon quarterly an<l yearly advertisements.
“except for crimes, whereof the parties have been Asia, as indicated by tbe arrival of upwards of
3. That the so-called reconstruction measures at­
duly convicted." The Fourteenth was simply no twenty-five hundred here and in Oregon within the
tempted to be carried out uy tue present party in
amendment at all, it only pledged the faith of the past ten days, admonishes them to cry halt. But
power is a notorious scheme, revolutionary in de­
States to the payment of the public debt, and de­ it is too late now. Tbe curse is upon us. Our
Every variety of Job Work executed with neat­ sign. treasonable in execution, one which if ac­
in as a rightful exercise of authority will
claring what, persons are citizens of the United masters at Washington have determined to destroy
ness and dispatch, at re. wonable rates.
establish a most dangerous precedent and imperil Contract between Holladay and Wa
States. The Fifteenth Amendment took the right our Pacific States. They are bent on flooding the
the safety and prosperity ot our form of govern­
to control the elective franchise out of tbe hands of land with “cheap labor," and wq, poor shackled
ment, and that the present Senators in the Con­
gress of the United States from this State in sup­
the State authorities, and vested it in the Federal slaves, must submit. Go on, gentlemen tyrant* !
porting those measures have misrepresented the
We are credibly informed that the Captain of Government.
Your time will come one of these days. Pash your
wi.-hes and outraged the sentiments of the people tho Hattie C. Basse stated in the presenoe of a
of Oregon.
Under the plea that all men were born “free and programme to its extreme. The people ar* patient
4. That the systematic efforts rnide by that party
equal," and hailing the negro as “a man and a and long-suffering. They can stand a great deal.
to extend to the African, the Indian, and the Chi­ voyage of his vessel to China, Sam Poy, the agent
They are very docile just now. They take your
naman all the civil and political rights and privi of Wa Kee, told him that Wa Kee had entered in­ brother," a "“loyal’’ Congress could not bear to
.JACKSONVILLE LOI?<iE No. 10 leges enjoyed by the white race, evinces a design to a contract with Ben Holladay to furnish a large see Sambo prevented from voting in States where encroachment with wonderful forbearanoe. There
is such a thing, however, as goading them too
on the part of its leaders to destroy the high esti­
he resided ; so Congress claimed that it was ne­
much. They will turn upon you one of these days
olds its regular meetings on
cessary for the protection of this loyal element,
every Saturday evening at th e Odd lellows’ render despotism less objectionable aud more easy and that the return cargo of the Hattie C. Besse
and then we shall see.— Examiner.
that the States should ratify the so-called Fifteenth
Hall. Brothers in good standing ar® invited of to accomplishment.
would be the first installment of those laborers.
5. That the ratification of the recently proposed
SILAS J. D-^Y, N. Q.
This confirms what we asserted when this vessel Amendment.
Joel Palmer.
N. D. SHORT, R. See’y.
States extending the right of suffrage to the be­ first landed in Portland this load of human ver­ , Well, without stopping to consider the validity
P. F ehlet , 1
nighted negro and Indian, and which opens the min. We stated then that we believed these to be of the adoption of the last named Amendment, (so
S. J. D ay , } Trustees.
There is no longer any room to doubt that the
door fo^its enjoyment to the heathenish China­
called), it was, by the Secretary of State, pro­
W m . R ay , )
man, is irregular, arbitrary and unlawful, and they “Holladay’s reserves," to lie kept back until he
Radical candidate for Governor was in aotnal oem-
May 1st. 18«9.
most earnestly protest against the passage by the ha<l made use of his white laborers at the polls in claimed a section of the Constitution of tbe United plicity with the Indian murderers of the Whitman
United States Congress of the pending act de­ June, and then to be substituted for them. We States, to the great joy of Sambo and his white
family. This is demonstrated in the Salem Press
signed to enforce this obnoxious and illegal pro­ noticed then that Holladay’s organ did not deny equals.
of the 26th. W. M. Smith, who writes one of
But, this last infamy was tbe feather that broke the letters proving this faet, is well known in Linn
6. That they urge and entreat a repeal of the this charge, and now we have the explanation of
recent treaty concluded between the United States its silence. It dared not deny it. It is not par the camel’s back." Sambo, finding himself the
Third Street, (west side), between Califon ’¡a and China *hica guarantees to the latter nation
county to be a truthful man, and no one acquaint­
t eularly scrupulous about whnt it says, but there especial object of interest, and the recipient of all
and Main.
ed with him would for a moment question the
such extensive privileges and immunities without are limits even to its hardihood in assertions. It
the special favor of Congress, immediately became truth of anything he says. Mr. Munden we know
Will yraetiee ia the Supreme and other Courts
corresponding benefits to American citizens, and
«f this State.
I offers to its hordes of semi-barbarians such favora- bad not. the effrontery to controvert what it knew aware cf his vast importance. He was not slow to not. It is certain also that Palmer’s letter to Gen.
h ie inducements to a.tarm in upon us, occupying to be a fact, when it knew also that the proof of “claim de right to vote, sab," and he accordingly
Wool ; his infamous defence of it ; his opposition
Partieelar attention paid to the collection ou r mineral and agricultural districts, create com­ that fact would certainly appear after the election.
sailed in.
<f Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ pel it ion with our laboring m sses, establish unmo­
to the payment of the Indian war olaims ; hit
It is undoubtedly true, as Sam Poy state I that
ance's, the Retry of Lands under the Pre-emption ral ntirsuits, disgusting rites, ceremonies and prac­
But, behold the result. In each of the so-called friendship for the “poor Indians/' as a race ; hit
and Horae^tea i Laws, and to the Entry ot Mineral tices in our towns, discourage and repel the immi­ Wa Kee and Ben Holladay have already made the
“loyal" States, instead of proving a tower of stupidity, ignorance and brutality as a man ; hit
Lodes under the recent Act of Congress.
gration ot our own race, decrease the white popu contract for the employment of Chinamen on the
lation , retard thrift, impede the advancement of railroad. Wa Kee is carrying out his part of the strength to the philanthropic Nigger-Indian-Chi- imbecility, venality and criminality as a publie
nese party, he has proved the eontrary. In every officer, all accumulate to prove him to be a miser­
education and enlightenment, abstract from our re­
sources and send away our valuable mineral wealth,
municipal election held, both in Ohio and Indiana, able old fossil, whom the people on the 6th of Juno
Attorney and Couusellor-at-Law, they resolve that a party who will sustain a policy
the Democracy have been overwhelmingly tri­ will sink into the unclean obscurity, from wbenoe
first installment of these laborers, those coming by
umphant. In towns and in both ot these States, he has just been dragged by the Portland conven­
so unwise, ruinous and ruthless as that which up­
holds such an infamous bargain, is unwurthy the the Herman Doctor will be the seoond, and two where Republicans have had the control for years, tion, and consign him to oblivion’s cess-pool,
others will follow shortly. These four cargoes will the negroes were allowed to vote in the recent “reeking, slimy and dank," unhonored and un­
support of white men.
Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and
7. That in the management of municipal affairs furnish a thousand Chinamen to assist in pauper­
other Courts of this State.
they urge a judicious application of the principles izing the already l anguishing labor interests of the elections, and, although Cuffy, true to his instinct«, pitied save by the descendants of hi* own mnch-
OFFICE—lu building formerly occupied by O. of sound political economy , a laudab e encourage­
and to his fealty to the "party whose “man and loved Turn Suckey.— State Righto Democrat.
Jaeobs—opposite Court House square.
ment to agricultural, mineral, manufacturing and State. They will prevent the employment of white brother" he is, voted the straight Republican
commercial interests : a just and equitable protec­ men on the construction of the railroad, and after
A n ardent Republican at Terre Haute, Indi­
ticket, that party was routed—horse, foot and dra­
that work is finished, they will concentrate about
ana, says that “by the time the twentieth century
exercise of a system of rigid retrenchment ; that
comes to hand, tbe colored race will be so much
the government should be administered for the the thrifty, decent town« of the Willamette Valley
The recent election in New York, too, must
(late Surgeon U. S. Army,)
people and not agaiust them, in protecting their to poison their economical and moral interests. prove a source of great and growing satisfaction the intellectual superior of the white people that
and interests and not in fostering monopo Thousands more will follow them, too, unless the
the latter will have to ‘stand back/" If the
Physician, Surgeon# and Accoucheur, rights
lies to prey upon them and despoil them of their people rise in their might and fitting’y rebuke this to Sambo and his allies. At the November elec- “standing back" of the white people is a sign of
ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND substan e ; that a system of taxation which has inauguration of the scheme. The only wise course tion, in 1868, that State only gave Seymour and the intellectual superiority of the negro race, we
adjaeent counties, and attend promptly to for its object the establishment of privileged orders is to repudiate Holladay and the party that is Blair about ten thousand majority. In May, 1870, think that this seer need not look so far into the
under the Government, either by preferring one
all calls on professional busines s.
less than two years after, the entire Democratic
class to another or by imposing grievou burthens backing him in this nefarious measure. Let the
future for the consummation of his prophecy. The
ticket was elected, and that too, by a majority of
upon the taxpayers, while conferring favors, exemp­ voters of Oregon think and then act.—Herald
nineteenth century is witnessing it. The white
tions and immunities upon the holders of Govern­
on 4th street, opposite the M. li. Church, Jack­ ment securities deserves no other name than legal­
people have for ten years been “standing heck/*
If the above is of any practical use to the voters
sonville, Oregon.
ized public plunder.
watching tbe onward and upward progress of the
More old History.
Jan. 8th, 1870.
who go for Palmer and his “teazer," let them put
8. Tha the continual payment of the semi-an­
negro. Indeed, tome white men have been “stand­
it in their pipes and smoke it. Such Democratic
nual interest on the bonded debt of the United
In the year 1857, the present Republican nom- majorities suit us, especially when we come to con­ ing" very far “back" to witness that wonderfal
States without abatement, together with other enor­
mous expenses for whicn the people are taxed, inee for Governor was Indian Agent in Oregon. sider that the so-called Fift .enth Amendment was march. They have been thrust down out of the
make a burden too intolerable to be borne without As many old citizens of Oregon will remember, it
voting class and loaded with disabilities, while tho
passed expressly to perpetuate the Black Republi­
an effort to find some speedy means of relief; that
negro has passed from slavery to a position higher
the amount of the bonded debt was increased more was one of Joel Palmer’s pet projects to colonize can party in power.— Guard.
Opposite t he Ohl
than that of the ordinary voter, to a position where
than two-fold by the venal, illegal and unjustifia­ tho Indians in the Willamette Valley. For this,
his ballot is guarded by special laws.— Herald.
ble terms of its contracti >n, and there is neither as well as for the affection of the Si wash “men and
S an D omingo P aper . —It is stated that San
brother,’’ he labored most sedulously. Failing to
A rkansas
prinoipal by tbe continued payment of trie inter­
W heat B ran for Ho rs as.—The Spirit of the
Domingo scrip has been bought in the United
things in the shape he wanted them, this old
est ; that it is no part of good policy or good gov­
States at one cent on the dollar. Millions of dol­ Times says : “Wheat bran, given in the form of
Jacksonville, Oregon.
ernment to embarrass the energies of labor and all gas-bag went befbre the Territorial Legislature and
business enterprise by excessive and oppressive attempted to .browbeat that body into the support lars of this paper have been purchased, and are mash, ia the usual food for sick horse* ; it relax**
taxation for the exclusive benefit of a combination of his scheme, but the Legislature could not see it now held by the San Dornin'O ring, who are urg­ the bowels ; thi* probably depends upon mechani-
of untaxed capital , that to relieve the country
3E*1 x F** ìo 1 a >2X db Surgeon, and to restore prosperity we favor an equitable ad­ in that light, arid refused to enlist in Joel’s pet ing the ratification of the treaty for the acquisition cal irritation. Mashes are laxative, and of ooar**
of tbe negro republic, so called. The treaty re- debilitating, hence should not bo given to hors«*
justment of tne bonded debt of tbe United States measure. Falling'to* secure legislative influence
OFFICE—At his residence on Fifth Street
9. That the desire of the present Congress, as in his scheme, Joel waxed exceeding wroth, and oognizes the validity of this scrip, and provides that are to continue at hard work or fast work.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
manifested by the proceedings, to secure to the
for its payment. A joint commission is to be ap­ Many stablemen give a bran mash once a Trask;
^^*Will practice in Jackson and adjacent coun­ wealthy bondholders payment in coin on account told the Legislature that he would accomplish his
pointed to ascertain the amount. Of course, if they Seem to think its use is indispensable ; they
its, and attend promptly to pro essional calls.
of indebtedness growing out of loans to the purpose—that he would put the Indians on a reser­
United States, of Treasury notes when worth less vation in this Valley, and have them educated in the treaty be ratified San Domingo scrip will be talk as if the horse eould not be kept in
than one-half their coin vaFue, after the holders good ityle, aod, by way spiteing the Legislature worth as much as greenbacks, and the ring will without it. This is all nonsense. But to give
thereof have received exorbitant interest thereon,
realize an immense profit. This acoounts for bran as a nourishment to a horse under ordinary
WILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- and at the same time leaving the pensions due un­ for their action in the. mailer, told them that the Grant’s great solicitude in regard to this tieaty. circumstances is to give him almost tbe dearest
i V GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls fortunate so diers, their wives, children or other Indians would make better professional men and
on professional business. His office and residence kindred to be paid in a depreciated currency, ex­ legislators than any man then in that body. This gives us an insight to his motives for visiting food be can live, upon, even when his work does
are at
hibits a spirit of injustice unsurpassed in the his­ Many citizens of Oregon who were then members the Senate and personally lobbying for its ratifica­ not absolute y demand more substantial food.
Th« Overbeck Hospital,
tory of ciass legislation and fully demonstrates
tion. What | a. wonderfully sharp eye have the
W orth K nowing .—Place a bone in tbe earth
the existence of a design on the part «»f the monied of the Legislature, remember this. If any of Jo­ trooljr loirfcr HAi^Sss I . -----------
On Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
And why ---------
doos tbe
aristocracy of the country to influence the estab­ el’s friends have forgotten the fret, or doubt our
near the root of a grape vine, and tbe vine wfll
Svi’ently the scrip-holders
sorip-holders have not
lishment of a policy tay-oring the aggrandizement statement, we are ready to produce living wit­ hangfire? Evidently
send out a leading root directly to tbe bone. In
of the rich at the expense of the uobr ; a policy
come to a fair divide. When this is done, it will
its passage it tbrtyvs out n« fibre*, bat when it
which has for its object the aggregation of wealth, nesses, and these witnesses are not Democrats, go through with flying colors.— Examiner.
reaches the bone, the root will oover it with th*
opulence and power on the one hand, and misery, Reference—R. P. Boise" A Co. — -Guard.
poverty and slavery on the other ; a policy fitted
most delicate fibres, like lace work, eaeh on* ink
C omplete M ap *.—The Prussian Government
G apes in C hickens . —wneu y<m And them
only to a monarchical fornj of government. ..
OFFICE—la Court House, up stairs.
ing a pore of the bone. On thi* bona the via*
10. That the Democracy of this State now, as showing symptoms of this malady, you will find it has military maps of every foot of its territory so
Will practice ia the Supreme and other Courts
h< retofore, are ^renuous advocates of a tariff for a simple and successful remedy to mix with one oomplete, that every hill, ravine, brooklet, field will feed as long as nutriment remains to ba ex­
tracted, and this greatly increase* tha quality of
purposes of revenue only ; that -the principle of
of this State.
protection for the sake ot protection is at war with quart of cam-meal, one tablespoonful of black and forest are delineated with perfect accuracy. the grape.
Particular attention paid to tbe collection tbe diversified interests of the people of the States, mustard seed, and feed them. They will he healthy It is a oommon boast of Prussian military men
qf Claims against tbe Federal and State Govern­ and experience has shown its tendency to «'gran- and have a vigorous and lively growth. I speak that within eight days 850,000 men can be concen­ S ufficiust iron and ties for 80 mihe of th* Cal­
ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-eiqption dis* a class in the community at the expense and from three years’ experience, and without the loss trated to the defence of any single point within the ifornia and Oregon railroad are now at th* jWft
. .
a.r>d Homsstead Laws, and to the Entry of Minera to the injury of the producing and laboring mil-
tian of that and the Central Pacific roads.
If odes under the recent Act of Congress.
1 tf.
business Qiuròs.
Attorney & Counsellox -at-La w,
Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law,