TRANSCENDENTAL. SCHUYLER COLFAX, “EXCELSIOR BRICK POMEROY, LIVERY STABLE. NEW FIRM, NEW STORE! HE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RETURN- ed from San Francisco, where he has pur­ chased and is now receiving the largest and best selected stock of merchandise ever brought to the OREGON. place, consisting in part of— —AT— ASHLAND, On Oregon street, Jacksonville« PLYMALE & MANNING. Having just received from San Francisco a fine •took of HORACE GREELEY, TOM THUMB, HARNESS. BUGGIES & CARRIAGES We are now prepared to furnish our patrons, and the pvblio generally, with as FINE TURNOUTS as can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle horses hired to go to any part of the country. Animals Horses broke to work single or double. Horses Who can, and will sell goods cheaper than any boarded, and the best care bestowed upon them of them. while in our charge. /^•OUR TERMS ARE REASONABLE.-®^ WOMEN STARE, A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. PLYMALE & MANNING. and think he stole them when he offers his best Jacksonville, Ogn.. Oct. 10. prints at twelve and a half cents u yard. MEN WILL HOW TO KEEP —YOUR— scarcely believe it when they hear that BAUM sells BEAVER SUITS for $26, and really lau rl at the idea of getting a CASSEMERE SUIT out and out for $18, and CASSEMERE PANTS from $5 to $7. HATS & CAPS, TRIMMINGS, FANCY NOTIONS, GROCERIES, And everything usuaully kept in a retail store, or likely to be wonted by customers. CALL AND SEE US. ASHLAND WOOLEN GOODS CARO BROS. retailed at 10 per ct. above the Factory wholesale price for cash. R. B. IIARGADINE. May 29th, 1869. tf. Ashland, Nov. 26th, 1869. nov27-tf. —ROGUE RIVER VALLEY— win nmcroK a THE WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, P ÍL a 00 PURELY MUTUAL. O c .z © Q SUMMONS. M’KENNEY & LINDERMAN, IRCUIT COURT, STATE OF OREGON, for the County of Josephine. A, B. MeElwain vs. J. G. B. Stone. Action at Law to Recover Money. To said Deft : You are hereby summoned to be and appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Josephine, on the fourth Monday in October, 1870, and answer the com­ plaint in this cause filed, where*n the PI if demands judgment against you for the sum of $90 78, with interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, from the 31st day of July, 1869, and costs and disburse­ ments of this action. And you are hereby noti­ fied that unless you appear as herein required, judgment will be taken against you in default of an answer. By order of Hon. P. P. Prim, Judge of said Court. First publication March 12th, 1870. JAMES D. FAY, Attorney for Plff. March 12th, 1870. mch!2-w6. C THE PLACE To Buy Goods General Agents, 131 Montgomery street, San Francisco, directly opposite Occidental Hotel. W. WHITWELL, GENERAL AGENT FOR OREGON AND TER­ RITORIES, CHEAPER PORTLAND, OREGON. Nov. 13th, 1869. novl3-ly. THAN THE ÎHEAPnoTCÂSHÏ Cheapest! KAREWSKT, HAVING JUST OPENED • a large stock of G —AT— FISHER & BRO.’S STAPLE GROCERIES, DEALERS IN -AT— NEW STATE SALOON FANCY, STAPLE & DRY GOGZS, 12 1-2. Clothing, HE THIR8TY PUBLIC ARE INFORMED that Pape A Savage of the “ New State Sa­ loon ” will quench their thirst with the most choice BEVERAGES to be found in Jacksonville for •« one bit.’’ We expect to lose money by it, but times are hard, and we cannot see people thirsty. PAPE A SAVAGE. October 16th, 1869. , T RAILROftDSALOON! ENGINEER, • • Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Etc., Etc., OF THE BEST QUALITY, MAX. BRENTANO. , • CIGARS CON- AND THE CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY. FISHER & BRO.’S, TEBOWEE TOOTS, IS l-S Cents. jlyl7tf. (Corner California and Oregon Street*,) JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. May 1st, 1869. THE BRICK STORE, Corner of California and Oregon streets, offers bargains, such as have not been offered before at Jacksonville. This stock is fresh and of the best quality, and CASH purchaser« will do well to call on him. Staple Produce taken in exchange for goods. January 1st, 1870. Ö Ö 0 u © - *- ya © I m © CS X (I) Pl D 0 E C tí © u o ©' s* c 0 SUBSTITUTE, This Powder is invaluable to the Housekeeper, Hotel and Pvestanrant Proprietors, Miners and owners ef Steamships and sea going vessels, it. doe.-, away with the necessity of providing Eggs for Puddings. Cakes, Fancy Breads, etc., as the contents of each tin is equal in every respect (for the abov« pnrpose) to four dozen of Eggs. Ic dispenses entirelt with the nse of Soda, Sal- eratus and Cr«rm of Tartar, (tzree ingredients that are vpry apt to disagree with delicate stom­ achs). and is a friend to the dyspeptic, as it makes the food into which it is introduced, light and wholesome. It is entirely free from all mineral alkalies , and is recommended by the Faculty to those suffering from sour stomachs and impaired digestion, or irregularly of the biliary secretions. The above article is pt’t up in sealed, cans, aui warranted to keep in all cl.’tnales. Directions on each box. X © — Celebrated California X— O X 3 <3 © © S3 © © CO © Ei ■Ll © - Ü u X x © o tq Q © » aj o u “ > £ Ü- « _ O C 7Z _ tq ¡5 * cs F F - r.i —• X C — X k—I g U. S. HOTEL. T HE 1TIIFIBM), BOGEL & CO., SUMMONS N JUSTICE’S COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon, County of Jackson, for the Precinct of Jacksonville, before J. R. Wade, J. P. I CITY BREWERY, John Orth, Plff vs. John R. Peacock, Deft. LAGERI ► o H 0) e ¿ > œ z S o cq O « Over 5,000 Policies issued in 1868. ’L P- **** • i_Z “ = I ? £3 O All Policies and Dividends Non-Forfeitable. ci Cl ® £ r Dividends paid onfc year from date of Policy. i- o oc C G> c S XI---- ¿ K © d- x o If any man, woman, or child don’t believe the above, just call abound and see for yeurself; noth­ Orders solicited. A liberal discount made to the ing but amusement to trade. rpms COMPANY POSSESSES A COMBT- Ashland, May 1st, 1869. I nation of desirable features which no other organization can claim. Its growth has been SHOW GOODS. ste.aly, its success marked. Its system of busi­ ness is preeminently adapted (o benefit the holder» of MORRIS BAUM. its Policies. August 28th, 1869. Joly 17th, 186». * o K G O bß o Cash Assets, .... ................$3,000,000. COMMON DELAINES, - - 20 cts., LOW RATES. HOICK LIQUOR8 AND •tantly on hand. « o X öS a o © © w QC fl o X ~ © x © © "© POLICIES EXEMPT FROM EXECUTION. FOULARD DELAINES, - - 50 cts., Who would respectfully announce to the trade MUSLINS, - 12 1-2 to 18 cts. and public generally, that they are now manufact­ They have an en>llesss variety ot goods, which uring and .have on hand for sale, a large assortment of BLANKETS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, plain they seil'in proportion. SILKS and SOAP, LA­ TWILLED and CHECK FFANNELS, AC. AC. CES and TOBACCO, HATS and CANDLES, COAL OIL and SUGAR, NAILS and COFFE, of the best quality and at BOOTS and SWISS MULL ; and everything else in the Dry Goods, Groceryy and Crockery line. r • o h Cq « o< o « A< AN OLD LADY walked into his store the other day to see some alpaca ; on asking the price, she was informed BlJY the WOOLLEN GOODS manufactured that it wa< 30 cent» a yard. Throwing back her by the head and elevating her specs, she exclaimed : “ Why, bless my soul, this must be a pawnbro­ ker’s, where they aller’s sell for half price !” If which I offer for sale on time, or for country pro­ duce, at prices that will defy all competition, bo- sides will deduct at least 10 perct. on all cash bills. Come nnd try me; I like to sell goods cheap. I have the name of selling gm»ds cheaper than any other house in Jackson County, and will keep my name good if it BUSTS me ORGANIZED,............................................ 1860. MONEY AT HOME, DZRIISrKlS, « H All completely played out in Jacksonville, being overslaughed by MORRIS BAUM, T Groceries, AVING COMPLETED AND FINISHED Dry Goods, our new storeroom, we respectfully make Yankee Notions, Ladies dress goods and Trimmings, our bow to the citizens of Ashland and the sur­ Mens’ Hats, rounding country, and solicit a share of their pat­ Tobacco, ronage. We will keep on hand a large stock of— Boots and Shoes, Tinware, DRYGOODS, Hardware, Crockery, READY MADE CLOTHING, Stationery, Confectionery, Patent Medicines, BOOTS & SHOES, Oil Paints, Ac., HARRY JA.QK.SQNp BOUGHT & SOLD. AT ASHLAND, OGN. LAGER! Civil action to recover mouey. —BY— To John R. Peacock, the above named Deft : You are hereby required to appear in said Court on . Monday, the 30th day of May, 1870, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, and answer JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. the Complaint filed in the above entitled action. It is ordered by the Court that publication of this HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN- notice bj made for six consecutive weeks in the forms the citizens of Jacksonville and surround', D emocratic N ews , a weekly newspaper published ing country, that he is now manufacturing, and OSEPH WETTERER HAS NOW ON HAND at Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon. You will constantly keep on hand, the very best of and is constantly manufacturing the best Lag­ are hereby notified that if you fail to answer said Lager Beer. Those who wish a cool glass of beer as above required, the Plaintiff will ask er Beer in Southern Ore on, which he will sell Complaint in should give me a call. quantities to suit purchasers. Call and test the for the relief as demanded in said Complaint. Jacksonville, June 12th, 1869. article. JOHN ORTH, Plaintiff. Jacksonville, April 11th, 1870. aprl6-w6. June 12th-ly. Jacksonville, June 5th, 1869. VEIT SHTTTZ’, EAGLB BREWERY. J T >•