The Democratic news. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1869-187?, May 21, 1870, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
the authority of the Constitution, and of the great
principles that should govern this people in their
intercourse with the family of nations.
The following are the resolutions adopted by the
11. That we favor the adoption of an amend-
to the Constitution of the United States, re
Published Every Saturday Morulug,
ing the principles of the party in this &tate :
scinding the 14th and 15th amendments.
1. That they are unalterably attached to the
12. That we are in favor of a liberal policy be­
principles of our Republic as expounded by its ing pursued by the Legislature of this State, in
P u b 1 1 h h e r
T» r o p i- 1 e t o v. fouuders, and the paramount object of their or­ the bestowal of the land grants to her for the pur­
ganization shall ever be to uphold and muintaiu pose of public improvements.
OFFICE-—On Third St. Between California and 0. those principles inviolate.
13. That the Governor and resigning members
2. That they hold those political partizans, who, of the Legislature, in engaging in a conspiracy to
occupying positions of trust, claiming to be repre­ overthrow the State government, collect large
„.$4 00 sentatives of the people, have usurped the author­ amounts of coin as revenue, to be drawn from the
Subscription, per annum, in advance
..$2 00 ity contiued to them, maliciously trampled under business and hard earnings of the people, to be
Six months......... ............ ...............
foot our sacred bill of rights, made civil law sub­ idle in the treasury, or to be the subjects of gam­
ordinate to military rule, perverted the functions bling speculations in warrants, bonds and other
In T he D emocratic N ews will be charged al of Government, and endeavored to concentrate its securities, were guilty of a high crime against the
powers io the hands of an oligarchy, wholly disre­ Government of Oregon, rendering them unworthy
the following rates
garded the will aud wishes of their eonstitueuts, the resp.ct and confidence of the people, or of be­
First insertion, (ten lines or less)
$3 00 I and insiduously endeavored to disparage, debase ing further entrusted with the administration of
For each week thereafter.................
$1 00 and stigmatize the once proud title of American the government ; and while we thus condemn the
A liberal deduction from the above rates will be citizenship, as enemies to the best interests of this action of the Governor and resigning members, we
Summon wealth.
unhesitatingly approve and endorse the conduct of
made on quarterly and yearly advertisements.
3. That the so-called reconstruction measures at­ the Democratic members in earnestly and faithful­
tempted to be carried out i<y the present party in ly striving to restore aad maintain the organiza­
power is a nefarious scheme, revolutionary in de­ tion of the Legislature, and provide for the due
treasonable in execution, one which if ac­ administration of the laws.
Every variety of Job Work executed with neat-
hundred millions of dollars '. Why this is dirt
Who is Responsible.
cheap for so inestimable a blessing. The Union
should not complain about income tastes in view nf In the Herald to-day will be found reprinted the
such a boon, and especially too, at the very time infamous treaty with China, know as the Burlin­
when we are to have the benefit of it. Besides game treaty. It contains as good a# exhibit of the
China has to be evangelized and millions of her policy of ’he Ra ic ils in regard to the leprous
people transported to fill the work shops in the heathen slaves of Asia as can be made The Rad­
East, in order that the manufacturers may compete icals are in favor of cheap labor, and the labor of
with the “pauper labor o: Europe.” Oh, no I we Chinese slaves is the cheapest that can be procured
must not abolish the income tax. We want all the in the world. It iwto be introduced iwie ■ Ameriea
income we can raise. There are to be two or three in order to stop the independence of white laborers
trans-continental railroads to be subsidized. There and reduce them to such a condition of poverty as
are a number of air line railroads from the National will make them easy victims to capitalists who
Capital to be built. Then there are telegraphic desire to establish imperial institutions on the rain«
lines over all the main posta1 routes.
of the Republic. Now, while we charge against
A great central government must have a vast the Radicals that they are responsible for the pres­
revenue. Economy is not to be thought of. If ence, in vast numbers, of this servile raoe amongst
it is Grant’s hobby to pay off one hundred millions
the free people of Amerioa, they retort by saying
of the debt a year, what right has the Union to
that the first Chinese immigration took place while
complain? What right has any one to complain?
the Democrats were in power, and that it was tol­
Things have been reversed in our government in
erated and encouraged by them. It is true that
the last ten years. Formerly the people were mas­
some Chinamen did come to California and Oregon,
quiesced in as a rightful exercise of authority will
ters—now they have masters. Congress is as com­
ness and dispatch, at »«asorable rates.
while both those countries were yet ruled by the
establish a most dangerous precedent and imperil
will as is the Czar o’
The Income Tax.
the safety aud prosperity of our form of govern­
Democracy, but it is untrue that they were encour­
Russia. It has illimitable powers, and although it
ment, and that the present Senators in the Con­
aged to do so by the party in power. On the con­
were literally true, as the Union maintains, that
gress of the United States from this State in sup­
The tax burden begins to gall. The Republican
trary, in Oregon the Democratic party oaused to be
porting those measures have misrepresented the
nobody but Assessors, and Collectors, etc. favored
wi.-hes and outraged the sentiments of the people papers, reflecting the discontent of their patrons, thu Income Tax, still if Congress favored it, oppo­ put in the Constitution of the State, Seo. 8, of ar­
of Oregon.
are crying out against the income tax. The Sac­ sition would amount to nothing. And we know ticle XV, wh’cb reads as follows :
4. That the systematic efforts made by that party
Sec. 8. No Chinamen not a resident of the State
ramento Union suggests that a monster petition for that Congress does favor it, and that Grant favors
to extend to the African, the Indian, and the Chi­
the time of the adoption of this Constitution
naman ail the civil and political rights and privi­ its repeal be started in San Francisco, to be circu­ it. You may as well spare your time and trouble shall ever hold any real estate or mining elaiffi, or
JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 10 leges enjoyed by the white race, evinces a design lated generally on this coast, and that the same be in getting up monster protests. They will amount work any mining claim therein.
on the part of its leaders to destroy the high esti­ forwarded to our Representatives in Washington.
The Legislative Assembly shall provide by law
to nought.— Examiner,
OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON mate placed upon that invaluable heritage and The income tax, it tells us “is a simple undisguised
in the most effectual manner for carrying out the
every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ render despotism less objectionable aud more easy
How the People are Taxed.
Hall, Brothers in good standing are invited to
but Assessors and Collectors, Senator indifferent to
In pursuance of the abov^ command of the Con­
amendment to the Constitution of the Unite!
N. D. SHORT, R. Sec’y.
Congressman Marshall, of Illinois, in a speech stitution, acts were passed by the Legislature pro­
States extending the right of suffrage to the be­
P. F ehlet , )
nighted negro and Indian, and which opens the
i before the House, alluded to the enormous tax s viding for special discriminating taxes to be levied
S. J. D at , > Trustees.
door for its enjoyment to the heathenish China­ a good showing in extinguishing the national debt
now almost exclusively falling on poor men, by on Chinamen, negroes, mulattoes and Kanakas.
W m . R ay , J
man, is irregular, arbitrary and unlawful, and they
reason of the high tariff instituted to protect New The object of all these laws was to diseonrage Chi­
May 1st, 1869.
t—f most earnest y protest against the passage l>y the
We are truly glad to find that our Republican Eugland manufacturers and Pennsylvania iron nese immigration by compelling them to bear heavy
United States Congress of the pending act de­
signed to enforce this ubuoxious and illegal pro­ cotemporaries are waking up to the situation. We foundries, used the following very forcible lan­ burthens in addition to the burthens borne by white
are glad that the cry of “loyalty” can no longer guage : “The farmer starting to his work, has a men. This was the Democratic policy, and its ef­
6. That they urge and entrent a repeal of the
recent treatv concluded between the United States close their eyes to the enormities of Radical legisla­ shoe put on his horse with nails taxed 67 percent., fect was to prevent many Chinamen from ooming
Third Street, (west side), between California and Cbi/ia whicU guarantees to the latter nation tion. There is no doubt but that this income tax
driven by a hammer taxed 54 per cent., cuts a to, and residing within, the State. AH has been
and Main.
such extensive privileges and immunities without is a cheat and swindle. Under it the dishonest stick with a knife taxed 50 per cent., hitches his changed, however, by the Radicals, who have
Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts
corresponding benefits to American citizens, and shirk the burdens imposed, while the more scrupu­
horse to a plow taxed 50 per cent., with cbainB placed the cheap working, rat eating, leprous
of this State.
oilers to its hordes of seini-tiarbariaus such favora­
ble inducements to s »arm in upon us, occupying lous and conscientious are made to bleed. But the taxed 75 per cent. He returns to his home at heathen slaves of Asia on a par with white work­
T'-tF* Particular attention paid to the collection our mineral and agricultural districts, create com­ Radical legislation generally has been an imposi­ night and lays his wearied limbs on a sheet taxed ing men, and extend to them every privilege en­
<of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ petition with our laboring in sses, establish imino-
joyed by any class of persons in the country. Un­
ments. the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption ral pursuits, disgusting rites, ceremonies and prac­ tion ; one-half of the public debt a fraud. The 58 per cent., and covers himself with a blanket
and Hoinesteai Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral tices in our ¿owns, discourage and repel the immi­ tariff laws are huge swindles. The income tax that hns paid 250 per cent. He rises in the moan­ der Radical rule, therefore, vast numbers of China­
Lodes under the recent Act of Congress.
gration of our own race, decrease the white popu does not approximate them in iniquity and op­ ing, puts on his humble flannel shirt taxed 80 per men have oome to Oregon, and now reside in the
lation, retard thrift, impede the advancement of pressiveness. Whatever burden is imposed by the
cent., his coat 50 per cent., shoes 35 per cent., and State to the detriment of white laborers whose oc­
education and enlightenment, abstract from our re­
cupations they usurp. In the faoe of these stub­
sources aud send away our valuable mineral wealth, latter goes directly to the support of Government. hat 70 per cent.; opens family worship by a chap­
and demoralize and apostatize <>ur community, and The tax does not insure directly to the benefit of ter from his bible taxed 25 per cent., kneels to bis born facts, we cannot see by what means such ar­
they resolve that a party who will sustain a policy capitalists. It does not burden the many for the God on an humble carpet 150 per cent. He sits guments can be supported as are advanoed by the
so unwise, ruinous and ruthless as that which up­ benefit of the privileged few. It does not build up
down to his humble meal from a plate taxed 40 per Radicals to show that the Democratic party has
holds such an infamous bargain, is unworthy the
huge monopolies at the expense of the consumers cent., with knife and fork 35 per cent., drinks his ever been in a position of enoouraging Chinese im­
support of white men.
Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and
7. That in the management of municipal affairs of the country. It does not rob labor for capital. cup of coffee 47 per cent., with sugar 70 per cent., migration. Having repealed the laws that discrim­
ether Courts of this State.
they urge a judicious application of the principles
All of this the tariff laws do. But the income seasons his food with salt 100 per cent., pepper 237 inated against them, and adopted the infamous
OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0.
tax strikes those who are able to pay. It strikes per cent., or spice 397 per cent. He looks around treaty referred to in the beginning of this article,
ment to agricultural, mineral, manufacturing and
Jacobs—opposite Court House square.
the Radicals, and no one else, are responsible fer
commercial interests : a just and equitable protec­ only the rich and the comparatively rich. It takes upon his wife and children, all taxed in the same
tion to the laborer and capitalist and the faithful from him who has, for the benefit of the Govern­ way ; takes a chew of tobacco taxed 100 per cent., the presence amongst us of the Chinese slaves, who,
exercise of a system of rigid retrenchment ; that ment. This is the reason why it is so unpopular. or lights a cigar taxed 120 per cent., and then as we have repeatedly sbdwn, are reducing the
the government should be administered for the
white men and women of the State to a condition
(late Surgeon U. S. Army,)
people and not against them, in protecting their This is the reason why Radical papers, which are thanks his stars that ho lives in the freest and ef helplessness by reason of competing for employ­
and interests and not in fostering monopo aiways loyal to wealth, and never fail to take sides best government under heaven. If on the Fourth
Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, rights
lies to prey upon them and despoil them of their with money as against labor, cry aloud for the re­ of July he wants to have the ^tar-spangled banner ment at wages upon which a white man eannot
ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND substan e ; that a system of taxation which has peal. If the revenue from incomes is out off, cap­ or bunting, he must pay the American Bunting support a family in the proper condition that every
for its object the establishment of privileged orders
citizen of this great Repubiio should occupy.— Her-
adjacent counties, and attend promptly to
ital will be relieved to^fhat extent. Of course ad­ Company of Massachusetts 100 per cent., for this
all calls on professional business.
class to another or by imposing grievou . hurthens ditional burdens must fa’l upon the masses. High glorious privilege. No wonder, sir, that the West­
upon the taxpayers, while conferring favors, exemp­ tariffs must continue, an 1 bounties must flow from ern farmer is struggling with poverty, and con­
I f Ben. Hollad iy had nothing to do with mak­
tions and immunities upon the holders of Govern­
on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ ment securities deserves no other name than legal­ the people to the coffers of the monopolists. No­ scious of a wrong somewhere, although be knows ing and forcing through the Convention the Mult­
sonville, Oregon.
body should sign the Union’s “monster petition” not whence the blows comes that is chaining him nomah County Republican ticket, we would re­
ized public plunder.
Jan. 8th, 1870.
8. Tha the continual payment o& the semi-an­ save those who are rich. The poor should not to a life of endless toil, and reducing his wife and spectfully ask the Oregonian what the Editor-in-
nual interest on the bonded debt of the United touch it. Why should they care if one who has a children to beggary.
Coief of that paper, and other prominent Repub­
States without abatement, together with other enor­
Dr. L. T. DAVIS,
lican manipulators were doing at Holladay’s resi­
mous expenses fur whicn the people are taxed, clear income of twenty thousand dollars is made to
T ea AMD C offee .—Hall’s Journal of health says :
make a burden too intolerable to be borne without pay one thousand of it to support the Government’
dence on the Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
an effort to find some speedy means of relief; that
Already the incomes of the bondholders are ex­ “Taking into account the habits of the people, tea preceding the session of the Convention ? We
the amount of the bonded debt was increased more empt. There is two thousand millions worth of and coffe for supper add to human health and life,
Opposite tlie Old
think that the editor of the Oregonian will hardly
than two-fold by the venal, illegal and unjustifia­
if a single cup be taken at either meal, and it is
ble terms of its contract! >n, and there is neither
dare deny that the purpose of those meeting was
increased in strength, frequency, quantity.
A rkansas L ivery S table , justice or wisdom in the repeated payment of the ment. The Union would extend the list. Why, it never
to “fix up” a ooucty ticket for the Convention to
principal by the continued payment of the inter­ may ask, should the holder of the State bonds or Science and fact unite in declaring them to be nu
est ; that it is no part of good policy or good gov­
tritious as well as a stimulant ; hence they will do ratify nolent vol ent. We think, too, he Will soaroo-
Jacksonville, Oregon.
ernment to embarrass the energies of labor and all
a new good to the system every day to the end of ly controvert the statements that the candidates
business enterprise by excessive and oppressive
for nomination were freely canvassed on those
taxation fcr the exclusive benefit of a combination the income tax be abolished, the effect will be to life, just as bread and fruits do ; hence we never
get tired of either. The habitual use of tea and evenings ; that the ticket was then made substan­
of untaxed capital , that to relieve the country
db Su-rgeon, and to restore prosperity we favor an equitable ad­ exempt all such. The fact is, any argument that
coffee, at the last and first meal of the day, has tially as it now stands ; that Holladay’s wishes
OFFICE—At hie residence on Fifth Street justment of tne bonded debt of the United States
another high advantage—is productive of incalcu­ were deferred to in the selections, and that his
9. That the desire of the present Congress, as all taxation. Taxes are immitigable evils, but yet
' Jacksonville,, Oregon.
voice was the most potent one in the councils of
lable good in the way of averting evils.
manifested by the proceedings, to secure to the we can’t get along without them.
¿SP-Wiil practice in Jackson and adjacent coun- wealthy bondholders payment in coin on account
We drink at our meals, and if we do not drink the wire-workers then assembled. We may be
ies, ar.d attend promptly to pro essional calls.
of indebtedness growing out of loans to the
these, we drink what is worse—cold water, milk or too suspicious, but we cannot rid ourself of the
United States, of Treasury notes when worth less
idea that these meetings had special political sig­
than one-half their coin value, after the holders tence. Those were the days of Democratic rule, alcoholic mixtures. The regular use of these last nificance, and that they were intended as a pre­
will lead the young to drunkenness ; the consider­
thereof have received exorbitant interest thereon,
WILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- and at the same time leaving the pensions due un­ before the despoilers seized the reins of govern­ able use of simple milk at meals, by sedentary face and index to the Convention.— Herald.
ff GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls fortunate so diers, their wives, children or other ment. Then white men administered the public
on professional business. His office and residence kindred to be paid in a depreciated currency, ex­ affairs and fanatics and thieves were kept in the people—by all exoept the robust—will either con­ A Nigger Judge in Alabama, when his first eaM
are at
hibits a spirit of injustice unsurpassed in the his­ background. But all this has passed. Radicalism, stipate or render billious, while cold water largely came on and everything was ready, was told by a
The Overbeck Hospital,
tory of oiass legislation and fully demonstrates
used, that especially in cold weather, attracts to lawyer that he had neglected to charge the jury.
like a huge plague, settled over the country and
On Oregon Street, Jacksonville. Oregon.
itself to much of the heat of the system, in raising He rose up and put on his spectacles and said c
■■0—1. I.................... I,
aristocracy of the country to influence the estab­ made men mad. White men were set to catting
lishment of a policy favoring the aggrandizement each others throats for the benefit of the negro. said water to the temperature of the body—about “Gemmen ob de jury, I charge you half a dollar
of the rich at the expense of the voor ; a policy The Union, that brought ns nothing but blessings, one hundred degrees—that the process of digestion a piece, and you must pay it before de case goes
which has for its object the aggregation of wealth,
; in the meantimegiving rise to a death­ on.”
____ __
• i
Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law opulence and power on the one haud, and misery, must be overthrown. We must have a magnificent is ly arrested
sickness of the stomach, to twisting pains, to
poverty and slavery on the other ; a policy fitted centralized government, a large standing army,
For vigorous, origiwal Eng'ish, tot one go Wert
vomiting, purging, and even to cramps.
only to a monarchical form of government.
OFFICE—In Coart House, up stairs. .
or South. A Memphis gentleman to described by
princely revenues, multitudes of tax gatherers, and,
10. That the Democracy of this State now, as
a paper there by the remark that “hto forehead ex
Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts h retofore, are strenuous advocates of a tariff for above all, that greatest of publie blessings’ a pub­ A nice young man in New Orleans ran away tends io the gable eqd of his neck,” which is in­
of this State.
purposes of revenue only ; that the principle of lic debt.
with and married the supposed daughter of a terpreted to “mean that he is barefooted on the
protection for the sake ot protection is at war with
Well, we have them all and must pay for them. highly respeotable lady, and oame back for the top of his head.”
rtD* Particular attention paid to the collection the diversified interests of the people of the States,
of Claim« Hiainrt the Federal and State Govern­ and experience has shown its tendency to azgraD- In addition we have the Fifteenth Amendment and lady’s blessing, which was freely given, together . To enjoy life one should be a little miserable oc­
ment«, the Entry of Land« under the Pre-emption dize a class in the community at the expense and negro voters. These are luxuries to be paid for. with the information that the girl was not her casionally. Trouble, like cayenne, to not ver/
and Hom»rtead Law«, and to the Entry of Mineral to the injury of the producing and laboring mil­ No other civilized nation can boast a Fifteenth daughter, but a quadroon servant girl. He said agreeable in itself but it gives a groat sort to ettart
Ixodes under the decent Art of Congreat. 1 tf. lion«» taxing their industry equally» in violation of Amendment. And at a cost of only twenty-five it was a swindle, and left for parts unknown.
Business <Earbs
Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law,
Attorney and Cow:sellor-at-Law,
Oregon Democratic Platform.