JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 1G, 1870 Oregon Democratic Platform the authority of the Constitution, and ot the great principles that should govern this people in their intercourse with the family of nations. 11. That we favor the adoption of an nmend- mtnd to the Constitution of the United States, re acinding the 14th and 15th amendments. 12. That we are in favor of a liberal pobey be­ ing pursued by the Legislature of this State, in the bestowal of the land grants to her for the pur­ pose of public improvements. 13. That the Governor and »esigning members of the Legislature, in engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow the State government, collect large amounts of coin as revenue, to be drawn from the business and hard earnings of the people, to be idle in the treasury, or to be the subjects of gam­ bling speculations in warrants, bonds and other securities, were guilty of a high crime against the Government of Oregon, rendering them unworthy the reapcot ami confidence of the people, or of be­ ing further entrusted with the administration of the government ; and while we thus condemn the action of the Governor anti resigning members, we unhesitatingly approve and endorse the conduct of the Democratic members in earnestly and faithful­ ly striving to restore aid maintain the organiza­ tion of the Legislature, and provide for the due administration of the laws. Nigger Equality. freedom of conscience and aided according to its dictates. It did not say, this is the doctrine our leaders teach and you must then exactly believe it and if you do not believe it you must nevertheless do as they bid you or you are not loyal. The democracy are by our opponents recognized as workers in the political strife. Yes, and they are workers, the soil, the mines, the (wests and the prairies all bear testimony lo iheir energy. The following a^e the resolutions adopted by the The Fifteenth Bedamnedment Certain to great Democratic Convention at Albany, embody ­ be “Ratified.”—Hell Just ahead— The Published Every Saturday Morning, I > 1 ing the principles of the party in this State : only way of Salvatiou—Rub in the Nlg- 1. That they are unalterably attached to the per—Official equality the watch-word-— BY P. D, HÜLL, iuciples of our Republic as expounded by its Black the winning color for Congress­ pr Publisher Atl»roprlot;or. ivuuders, and the paramount object of tbeir or­ men and all Federal Officers. ganization shall ever be to uphold and muintain OFFICE—«On Third St. Between California and 0. those principles inviolate. Nigger Judges, Legislators, Magistrates, Sheriffs, 2. That they hold those political pa rii/, .ins, who, TERMS: They a,-e the pioneers who mark out the path for Collectors and Constables, in every Southern State, occupying positions of trust, claiming to be lepre- $4 00 seutatives of the people, have usurped the author­ Subscription, per annum, in advance civilization and all its fruits to walk in, and their from Virginia to Texas—A nigger Supreme Jus­ $2 00 ity confined to them, maliciously trampled under Six months............................................ determination and pluck made the wilderness to tice, in South Carolina—A nigger Lieutenant Gov­ foot our sacred bill of rights, made civil law sub­ blossom and bring forth the treasures hid in a ernor, in Louisiana—and a nigger Secretary of ordinate to mditaiy rule, perverted the functions ADVERTISEMENTS, thousand hills.— Capital Chronicle. State, and United States Senator, in Mississippi— In T hb D emocratic N ews will be charged at of Government, and endeavored to concentrate its powers in the hands of an oligarchy, wholly disre­ Revels, a thievish nigger preacher, who left Leav­ tbe following rates , garded the will and wishes of their constituents, The Democratic “Live Issues.” enworth, Kansas, to escape the penitent/ ry. wel­ First insertion, (ten lines or less)................... $3 oo mid insiduously endeavored to disparage, debase comed with a grand ovation, to the floor of the Na­ For each week thereafter...................................... $1 00 and stigmatize the once proud title ot Amencan For several years hack those “progressive Radi­ citizenship, as enemies to the best interests ot this tional Senate—welcomed to those illustrious seats A liberal deduction from the above rates will be Commonwealth. cals who are so much averse to the past that they made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. once graced by Webster, Clay and Calhoun—as the 3. That the so-called reconstruction measures at­ wish to destroy the Republic and the Constitution, august> Senatorial representative of our native tempted to be carried out by the present party in have been charging the Democracy with being power is a nefarious scheme, revolutionary in de ­ JOB PRINTING. |State !—Senators of the United States, so-called, agitators of “dead issues.” They pretend to be sign, treasonable in execution, one which if ac­ rushing up to do homage, to his grinning old wench Every variety of Job Work executed with neat­ quiesced in as a rightlul exercise oi authority will modern themelves, and ridicule every proposition of a wife, in those gallaries once radiant with the ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. establish a most dangerous precedent and imperil to discuss any principle that has been known for Republicanism vs. Democracy. loveliness o LS tatesmens ’ wives and daughters !— the safety and prosperity of our foiui of govern­ more than a year. We are not astonished at their ment, and that the present Senators in the Con­ The Fifteenth patch on tbe semi-divine Constitu­ gress of the United States from this State in sup­ being averse to that past which shows so disgrace­ tion of our fathers, certian to be declared ratified, In the above entitled heading tbe claim of repub­ porting those measures have misrepresented the ful a record for them. To look back, with thorn, is in a few weeks—and Sumner, Wilson and Tipton, wishes mid outraged the sentiments of the pe^p'e licanism is that they are the capital, whilst, for to see the ghosts of slaughtered men and to hear chuckling over the hell’s of “Reconstruction” and of Oregon. answer thereto, the democrocy say they are the the cries of widows who are calling for justice 4. That the system itic efforts made by that party “Equal Rights,” and expressing their joy that workers, and therefore the true capital of the com­ to extend to the African, the Indian, aud the Chi­ against oppressors. There is nothing left but to naman all the civil aud political rights mid privi­ monwealth. The claims of e ich party are advo­ go madly on in the path markod out. until the peo­ the “day of justice is at last at hand, when they JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 10 leges enjoyed by tbe white race, evinces a design cated. First by the republicans. That they hold ple are enslaved by tbeir efforts, or until a guillo­ may hope tu welcome colored Senators to their placet on the part of its leaders to destroy the high esti­ the national monied wealth and furnished it to the ,in the Senate.”—Lexington (Mo.) Caucasian. mate placed upon that invaluable heritage and tine stops the wav. As th y have been calling for OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETING, JS ON render despotism less objectionable uud mure easy 'demands of Congress during tho late international new issues, however, it is proper for us at this erery Saturday evening at the Odd F ’’ellows’ of ace implishment. Major Georgo Williams, a Federal soldier in I strife ami that the democracy was opposed to the time to note that they have got them. In the Hail. Brothers in go<»d standing are invited to 5. That the ratification of the recently proposed Government and tried to break it down. the late sectional war, and who lost a leg in battle, SILAS attend. ‘J J . DAY, ‘ ” ' N. T G. Democratic platform adopted bv the great Con ven- amendment to the Constitution of the Unite! was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Mr. Dawes (republican in Congress a short time N. D. SHORT, R. Secy. ¿tales extending the right of suffrage to the be­ , „ „ , ............................. ition at Albany, are some resolutions that are new i _ , . . * ... . v . _ . „ . . County Clerk in tbe eminently “loyal 1” county of P. F ehi . ey , nighted negro u.id Indiati, »nd which opens the , .since showed up ’ the fallacy of this claim, for if, asi »enough, we hope, to satisfy the newest man in the I Trustees. 8. J. D ay , Marion. lie was defeated by a most convincing dour for its enjoyment to the heathenish China-* "they say, they loved the government, they would W m . R ay , man, is irregular, arbitrary and uulauiul, and they I not continue to endeavor to rob it o* its life blood Radical camp. The eighth plank in the platform majority, only receiving eighteen votes on the is bran new, and, like a new broom, it will sweep t—f Mar 1st, 1869. most earnest.y protest agamst the passage by the first and five on the last ballot, out of a total vote by appropriating every dollar they can squeeze United ¿lutes Congress of the pending act tie- clean. The Radicals know this well, and they are signed to enforce tins obnoxious mid illegal p o- •roiu "labor’’ to their own pecuniary benefit. Mr. sore to death over it. But the Democratic platform of eighty-three. This is the way returned sol- JAMES R. NEIL, | diers are treated by “loyal” men. In the first vision. Voorhees (dem.) further showed, by figures, that 6. That they urge and entreat a iepeal of the of the amount of bonds issued by tbe General Gov­ is n<»t entirely a thing of to-day, like anyone must place they make contracts with soldiers to serve be to meet the endorsement of Radicals. It has recent treaty concluded between Uie United Stale« Third Street, (west side), between California ami China wluca guaruiKces to the latter nation ernment, bearing interest, no less a sum than $1,- reference to the past as well as to the present, and ' in the army for gold, and pay them off in green­ backs worth forty cents on the dollar, repudiating and Main. such exteusrie privileges ami immunities without 500,OHO, for which not one dollar had ever been’ (links the two together. The Democracy have re­ 60 cents of erery dollar owing to them. Then curresjAiding benefits to American citizens, mid paid to the Government or any body else, and,at Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts of this State. • itleis to its hordes oi semi-l aii>a> ia ,s such favora­ the very least, that part of our debt w’as wholly newed their fealty to those great principles of the when they come home disable and ask fur a favor ble inducements to s . ai m in upou us, occupying founders of the Republi 3, which should be perpet­ from the party, they are overwhelmingly refused Particular attention paid to the collection our mineral and agricultural districts, creale eoni- without a consideration ami void therefore by law. ual . and have suggested the only means that is any sort of consideration. The same papers that of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ petiii.oii with our laboring masses, establish immo- The interest on this sum annually is the t< ilUng left to save them from total overthrow. As the ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption I ral pursu.ts, disgusting riles, cnem >n'es pod pnit- sum of $52,00*1,000 gold, or about $2 00 for every are filled with appeals in favor of paying to the platform more widely circulates, still are heard ■ bondholders gold coin in return for greenbacks ad- aad Homestead Laws, and to the Entry ot Mineral .■ l«ces in our towns, disc mrage and repel the ill) ni- Lode* under the recent Act of Congress. graliou ol our quii ».ice, decrease tn ! wli te popu man, woman and child in the United States. This more words of approval for that vital part of it— • vanced by them, justify the payment to soldieri of hition, retard thrift, impede the advancement o I reduced to currency at even present rates is about the eight resolution. In that the enemies of lib ­ |greenbacks for gold coin promised them. Not KAHLER, education an 1 euligh-eumeni, a.»street from oik r< - ¡$2 40 as however, about one fifth of the people sources atei send away our vti'uab.e mineral wealth, I only are tax-payers it takes the sum of 12 *10 from erty see a bolt ready forged and aimed, and next only do they justify the re]>udiation of three-fifths and demoralize and apostatize ,.ur cotnniuni. v, mid June, when it is hurled with the force that an out­ of the debt due to the soldiers who risked their they resolve that a party win» will sustain a policy the pocket of every tax-payer and as the bond­ raged people possess when fighting against tyran­ lives and lost their limbs in tbe war, but tliqy re- so unwise, ruinous and ruthless as that which up­ holders are exempt virtually from taxation on this ny, they know it will inflict a mortal wound on JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, fuse to advance tbeir claims for consideration at holds such mi infamous bargain, is unworthy the debt this again increases the personal head tax in­ I • those it strikes. That bolt is aimed at Radical­ 'the hands of the nominating conventions of the support nt white men. directly. ♦ Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and 7. That in the management of inun:cip:use square. the Radicals who have no doom soul than to con­ igo into these “countiy loving” (God save the stance in it to make patriots hope and tyrants sider money more valuable than blood.— Herald. commercial interests ; a just and equitable protec-| mark) loyalists pockets. They cry out their love tion to the laborer and capitalist and the faithful DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN, shake. Armed in such a cause, the brave old De­ exercise of a system of rigid retrenchment ; that of country. Wbat is love of country? With the A W oxderful S alt M ixe .—The great Hum­ the government should be administered for the republicans it is love of the republican party and mocracy of Oregen cannot be beaten at any point. (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) people and not against tbem. in protecting their their own pockets. Party ami self are their nar­ The ball here started will not only carry enthu­ boldt salt mine, near Austin, Nev., is described a« and interests mid not in fostering monopn siasm over the Pacific coast, but will go down the. looking like a lake frozen over. The salt is a- Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, rights lies to prey upon them and despoil them of the:r row ideas of “patriotism,” but the laborers, the Eastern slope with a million cheers, and roll over' . hard and as level, nnd smooth as ice. Were it substance; that a system of taxation which has Democracy, look to the general welfare of the coun­ ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND the hosts of tyrants wh > oppose it. The bribes of not fur the fine particles which are condensed from for its object the establishment of privileged orders try in all its varied features. They know not the adjacent counties, and attend promptly to under the Govern nent, either by preferring one difference of north, south, east or west. The white imperial bondholders and the voices of hired ad­ vapors arising from beneath, and which cover the all calls on professional hu-dne.««. class to another or by-imposing grievom hurthens vocates cannot affect the action of an undeceived chrystaline salt to the depth of perhaps one-eighth . upon the taxpayers, while conferring favors, e ietnp- American citizen, whether from the forests of OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, people. Our able speakers will so clearly show up of an inch, it would make an excellent skating ’ tions and immunities upon the holders of Govern­ Maine, the prairies of the West, the orange groves lx7’aiioi»'xx cfc Surgeon, and to restore prosperity we favor an enu’table ad­ their habits and aspirations, if they possess any of pose “every land grant.” Dowell wrote that kind of incendiaries deserving a fate worse than of tue bonded debt of the United States. the latter. Every one should read the travels of charge in the very face of a contrary showing te- his who fired the temple of Ephesus, OFFICE—At hit residence on Fifth Street justment 9. That the desire of the present Congress, as Jacksonville, Oregon, manifested by tbe proceedings, to secure to the Speke, Grant nnd Baker in Africa to get some idea cord. The'position of Mr. Casserly and other O ld S hora .—What becomes of old shoes ? They » • ’ . ♦ I • • ' • • i ^3^Will practice in Jackson and adjacent coun- wealthy bondholders payment in coin on account of what the immediate ancestors of the negro and Democratic Senators is that of land grants in prop­ are cut in small pieoes and those are put for a âes, acd attend promptly to professional calls. of indebtedness growing out of loans to the his relatives in the cenfraF parts of Africa have er quantities wi£h restrictions against speculators ; couple of days in chloride of sulphur which makes United States, of Treasury notes when wqrth ’ess while that of the Republicans in Indiana and the than one-half tbeir coin value, alter the holdeis been and still are. DR. A. B. OVERBECK theleatbe’ very hard and brittle. After thin ia It is common for the radicals to accuse tbe dem­ Committees of the House is opposition to land thereof have received exorbitant in crest thereon, affected the material is washed with water, dried, WILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- ■ and at the same time leaving the pensions due un- ocrats of a wish to repudiate iqj honest debt. We grants under any circumstances. We have pub­ If GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls i fortunate soldiers, their wives, children or other do not believe any such thing. No true democrat lished the evidence in support of our cha^e, while ground to powder and mixed with some substance which makes the particles adhere together, as shel­ ^-on professional business. His oflice and residence i kindled to be paid in a depreciated currency, ex­ wishes to repudiate what the country honestly that of Dowell is totally and completely refuted hibits a spirit of injustice unsurpassed in the his ­ are at lac, good glue or thick solution of gum. It ia tory of class legislation aad fully demonstrates owes, but they do wish to sift out the honest debts by the evidence.— Herald. The Overbeck Hospital, then pressed into moulds and shaped into combs, existence of a design on the part of the monied from those stolen and forced from the people in l-tf the On Oregon Street, Jacksonville. Oregon. aristocracy of the country to influenze the estab­ their time of need. They do say, that he who The Oregonian having insisted that opposition to buttons, knife-handles, and many other articles. lishment of a policy favoring the aggrandì- emeut further grants of land and money to railroads was JAMES D. EAV, N atiox ,” “nation,” “nation I” Wbat nation? of the rich at the expense of tbe uoor ; a policy however much mistaken who fought and bled amf on the part of Democrats alone, and was a party which has for its object the aggregation of wealth, suffered personally for the government be loved, is Even Southern papers have caught up this absurd opulence and power on the one hand, and misery, a great deal more entitled to the interest on the measure, we commend to its attention, in additicn slang. This is no “nation”—in the sense never poverty and slavery on the other ; a policy fitted $1,500,000 than the New York bondholder, wha to the convincing proof already published in the has been, never will be, never can be a “nation.” only to a monarchical form of government». H erald , the following resolution of the Indiana It must be either a Federative Republic er an Em­ OFFICE—In Court Honse, up stairs. 10. That the Democracy of this State now, as only loaned a small portion of his surplus oapital, heretofore, ore strenuous advocates of a tariff for after almost careful calculation that he was going State Republican Convention.— Herald. Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts pire. Resolved, That we are opposed to the donations purposes of revenue on ’ y ; that the principle of to get from 15 to 25 per cent per annum on his of this State. protection for the sake ot protection is at war with S ome fellow at Elizabethport, N. J., built a of the public lands or the grant of subsidies in actual investment. the diversified in tereats of the people of the Sta ’ es, / Particular attention paid to the collection money to railroads and other corporations, and schooner and named it “Benjamin Butler.” Bwt The democracy, by its members, fought as tbe that we demand the reservation of the public do­ the gods will not be mocked, and the first time it of Claims against the Federal and State Governr and experience has shown its tenderer to aggran­ inents, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption, dize a class in the community at tbe expense «nd duty seemed to call; no force necessary—each main for the use of actual settlers and educational went to sea they cut the craft in two, and four men and Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral to the injury of tbe producing and laboring m5’- heart felt and understood the God given right of purposes. were lost with the wreck. lroas, taxing their industry equity, iu violation of Business Carbs. r ft Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law, I % I Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, I « W I I > I t I I I ■ Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law, Lo