XvfXÇfLSIOR SCHUYLER COLFAX, H TRANSCENDENTAL. SEW GOODS, SEW GOODS, NEW FIRM, NEW' STORE! undersigned has just - T ./ AT ASHLAND, OGN. BRICK POMEROY, LIVERY STABLE. ?/ * S1Ü/.I0 » .VLOiîUSi'ï PLYMALE & MANNING. llajnfg just received from San Francisco a fine stock of U t ' >. w 1 i * ‘ ” 1 I z. . • ' < ‘1 ' ■ * • TOM THUMB, ASHLAND aving completed and finished H our new storeroom, wc respectfully make °ur bow tu the citizens of Ashland and the rcvHnding country, and solicit a share of their pat­ ronage. IVc will keep on hand a large stock of— DRYGOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, ' r ’ ' I ‘ r • • I * t We are now prepared to furnish our patrons, and -- the ^vb^^myrall^, wáih as 1 * — 1 w f .. \ • ,. gf" HARRY JAQKSQN, FINE TURNOUTS r« »1 ft > 1 All completely played out in Jacksonville, being overslaughed by i- I ♦ J as cin ni >e had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle horses hired to go to any part of the country V. Apunáis c. v- v. ’r Q M A Ft C ’. - ’ ' TllLMMINGS, 4 J » HOW TO KEEP MONE Y HOME, ♦ ROGÛÊ RIVER VALLEY- f y • ter . 5 V ■ ih . »il»«!« GROCERIES, .-CARO BROS. nov27-tf. retailed at 10 per ct. above the Factory wholesale price for cash. R. B. IIAR í TADINE. May 29th, 1869. tf. « o h W H it- ‘ « At ti G.Hi fQC ' • Ji. AN j OL tj j . ady r If • O « e 0< OF NEW YORK, POLICIES EXEMPT FROM EXECUTION. o ci k-* G K X X o o © 'y 5 ~ 4—' _ S3 oil tí □ 0 W Lt H Celebrated California F <1 Buckeye Salve. e- —H • $3,000,000. Cash Assets, O X a > WAo*wot^l respectfully announce to the trade FOULARD DELAINES, - - 50 cts., and public generally, that they are now manufact­ uring and have on hand for saje, a large assortment of BLkyRftXS:, CA^i^IERE^, TWEEDS, plain TWILLED'.and 0IIBCK FFANNELS, AC. AC. COMMON DELAINES, - - 20 cts., i ’ W f MUSLINS, - 12 1-2 to 1H cts. 5 ■ it i I H k. • - - * rr --i They have an endlesss Variety ot goods’, which '/t . " " ' ’ L • t ’ * ' of the best quality and at • they sell in proportion. SILKS .and SOAP, LA­ Dividends paid one year from date of Policy. CES and TOBACCO, HATS and CANDLES, All Policies and Dividends Nun-Forfeitable. COAL OIL and SUGAR, NAILS and COFFE, , «•’V - •* Kk • •• «;< . vat a. "r :» ■ •• BQGTS and SWISS MULL ; and everythin" else — ’ , ‘ - dhkceryy k"' 0 and Croc^JTy „ lino. * Orders soKcited. * A liberal diseount made to the i^j iadhq Dry Goods, Over 5,000 Policies issued in 1868« i. 1 ti * u ft JI. JI . trade. ' ‘ ‘ . If anyr man, woman, or child don’t believe the Ashland, May 1st, 1869. above, just call around and see for yeurself; noth­ ing but amusement to rpiflS COMPANY POSSESSES A C0MBI- fl nation of desirable features which no other organization can claim.,( Its. growth has been SHOW GOODS. ; t . • steady, it.3 success marked, its system of busi­ ' ■’ MORRIS BAUM. ness is préelhinently adupted to benefit holders of its Policies. August 28th, 1869. 4 c — 0 PURELY MUTUAL C. k! o LOW RATES. o. o « « q F 5 a 1’1* « « <í 7 7. u X OP >, 3 ¿5 I NEW ARRIVAL. T. HEATH, TAILOR, jAS^AJtRIVED IN JACKSONVILLE, AND - opened tL ’Shop'dn Oregon St., next door to 4lte ¿Franco-America^...Restaurant, and respcct- fwl y solicits the patronage of the citizens of Jack­ sonville. Gentlemen’s clothing iuade up to the latest style and fashions. H THE PLACE To Buy Goods . a * / * COATS, Made to order on the shortest notice. Gent’s clothing cleaped and repaired. Please call. • THOMAS HEATH. Jacksonville, Dwc. 18th. 1869. declS tf. ■ I. ■■ ■ ----------------- • V » 7 - / STAPLE GROCERIES, —AT THE FANCY, STAPLE & DRV GOODS, Clothing, RÄILROÄOSÄLOON ! Groceries, Liquors, 5 « Cutlery, Crockery, Etc., Etc., OF THE BEST QUALITY, ^ENTTANO. CIGA.RS AND THE CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY!. 9 , ’ X FISIIER & BRO.’S, ■U ' ! . . (Corher California and Oregon Streets,) f 12 1-2 Cents. ♦•$.1 * Crtl* 1 I CON- J * .Co .C Staple Produce % *“■ < jlylT-tf. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. May pt, ISA). THE BRICK STORE, Corner of California and Oregon streets, offers l^rgains, such as have not been offered before at Jacksonville. This stock is fresh and of the best quality, and CASH purchasers will do well to call on him. Boots & Shcfes, 'H*> CB LIQU-0RS AND àly on hand. * 1 —— ---------------------- -f «July 17th* l&tt. G. KAREWSKI, HAVING JUST OPENED a large stock of DEALERS IN To--said Def’t : -You are hereby sumcaoapd to be and appear in the Circuit Court for the qounty of Jackson, State of Oregon, on the firrt;day of the term thereof, to be holden on the second Afopday in February, 1870, and an­ swer. the complaint in this cause filed, or judg­ ment for a dissolution ot the bonds of matrimony je^jeting between you and Plaintiff, will be taken agaipst you in default thereof. By order of Hon. P. P. Prim, Judge of said Circuit Court. , JAMES D. FAY, Deo. 18-6w. Attorney for Plaintiff. f • CHEAP FOR CASH! • * FISHER & BRO.’S * ,_______ Salt In Equity for Divorce. 0 ’* “ 4» I i W. WHITWELL, i. 1 i ft J N THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ¿tjunty of Jackson, State Of Oregon. R^ary Smith vs. Ben. Smith. ------------- '■ —AT— SUMMONS ♦ » « C .4 Cheapest! OVERCOATS, Ac •i . » g I o *4— I Citation. THAN T1IE ' „ VE^TS, q as GENERAL AGENT FOR OREGON AND TER­ RITORIES, PORTLAND, OREGON. Nov. 13th, I860. nov!3-ly. PANTS, X V : *5 M’KENNEY & LINDERMAN, General Agents', 131 Montgomery street, San Fràneisco, directly opposite. Occidental Hotel. taken in exchange for goods. January 1st, 1870. ' ’/ ' ' ‘1 ‘ A certain cure for Rheumatism, Paralysis, Piles and Old Sores. . . ¿IIEMITISM OR P1R1LYSIS. PILES, FISTULA AND CHRONIC SORES. C4 « ■ --------------------- -- ---------- !------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------- - and where the animal functions have become inert or inoperative, as in NOTÏCEI NOTICE! V i. . i The therapeutic value of this salutary prepara­ tion is exhibited in its application as a medic?», i inent in cases where, owing to disease, a parti d su-pension of the vital powers has taken place, us z Su I ' Patented March, 1S68. c £— ***■*< zj © A 0 5 '-’5 This Powder is iuvaluablo to the Housekeeper, Hotel and Restaurant Prujirietors, Miners and c i owners of Steamships and sea going vessels, ae it Cl does away with tlic necessity of providing Egg« for Puddings. Cakes, Fancy Breads, etc., as the contents of each tin is equal in every respect (for the abov. purpose) to four dozen of Eggs. It dispenses entikely with the use of Soda, Sal- eratus and Cream of Tartar, (tarce ingredient« that are Very apt to disagree with delicate stom­ achs), and is a triend tp the dyspeptic, as it makes the food into which it is introduced, light and © wholesome. It is entirely free from all mineral ai . kaeies *, and is recommended by the Faculty to those suffering from sour stomachs and iippaired © digestion, or irregularity of the biliary secretions. V. Tho above article is put up in sealed cans, and o warranted to keep in all climates. Directions on each box. © i = — £ -±d c -2 — T o e. ® 2 P H .t; O’© H — Q SUBSTITUTE, -4 r o tc o O I- r ** o 4-J £"■ I walked into his store the other day to see some alpaca ; on asking the price, she was informed that it was 30 cents a yatd. *Throw ing back her head nn>.£• Z . © © i I860. ■ 7} W ® ORGANIZED 0 ASHLAND WOOLEN GOODS THE WASHINGTON scarcely beYicVc it when fhe^ hear that BAUM .sells BEA¥ER SUITS for. $26, and really laugh nt the idea of getting a CASSEMERE SUIT but and out for $18, and CASSEMERE PANTS from $5 to $7. . . . . - . »-% > • v. Ü Û which I offer for sale on time, or for country pro­ duce, at prices that will defy all competition, be­ sides will deduct at least 10 per ct. on all cash bills. Come and try me; I like to sell goods cheap. I have the name of selling goods cheaper than any other house in Jackson County, and will keep my name good if it JH’STS me MEN WILL B uy the VPOiLLEN G-OOD^ iftÂùnfacturcd by the * . * FANCY NOTIONS, » *> « — tour — (r HATS à CAPS, I Horses 1>roke to work single or double. Horses Who can, and will sell goods cheaper than any boarded, and the best care bestowed upon them of them, t iutoir charge. X-iJ'OUR TERMS ARE REASONABLE.-^ WOMEN STALE, A liberal snare of public 'patronage is solicited. , PLYMALE A MANNING. • « ’4 " * 11 W and think he stole them when he offers his hebt Jacksonville, 0gn7, OcL lit. prints at twelve and a half cents a yard. - > ’ .7 ; ' ÍÜ 0 H æ Groceries, * Dry Goods, i i • : Yankee Notions, - Ladies dress goods and Trimmings, 8ur- Mens’ Hats, Tobacco, Roots and Shoes, Tinware, Hardware, . • i Crockery, ... ... Stationery, * • " Confectionery, Patent Medicines, Oil Paints, Ac And everything usqaully kept in a retail store, or likely to be wonted by customers. CALL AND SEExVS. » . - »v MORRIS BAUM, BOUGHT & SOLD. M 2 J * I U “61 ' BOOTS tV SnOES, ITARNEFS, BUGGIES & CARRIAGES ft ’ ; return ed from »San Francisco, where he has pur­ chased and is now receiving the largest and best selected stock of merchandise ever brought to the OREGON. place, consisting in part of— —AT— c HORACE (¡REELEY, On Oregon street, Jacksonville, , , he It permeates the system, into which it become« thoroughly absorbed, and thus it strikes at the root of evil in both Rheumatism and Paralysis. As a lenitive, it mitTgates palri and soothes the irritation of the parts affected. It is both emoll­ ient and depuratory in its .action on sores, which it mollifies and softens, and it effectually clranses them from'impurities and foreign matter, causieg them to cicatrise rapidly. DISCOVERY OF THE BUCKEYE. The curative properties of the Buckeye', Nut, from which this ointment is principally expressed, were first hroug t to notice by. Mr. Conroy, who» while residing in Anderson’s Valley, suffered eo severely from Rheumatism, that be could more neither hand nor foot. He had known tbe natives to use the nut as a specific, and tried it with great success on himself. The potency of its effects as a drug is exemplified in its singular operations on cattle, by which, when taken, it causes abortion in those animals that are with young when the nut Is eaten. Squirrels, as if aware of its modicinal pro­ perties, eat but half of it, leaving tho other half untasted. So wonderful is the efficacy of this production of nature, in cases of Rheumatism, that many of the old settlers and early Californians subject to the disease, carry the nut abowt theirpersons, not only as an antidote, hut as a preventive. In no euses where THIS PREPARATION haa been applied to tljie human subject, has it failed'jp establishing a COMPLETE CURE in the disease« above mentioned. | jTeSP Beware of Couuterfcits.—Ask tor Bakius’ Buckeye Salve, and take 110 other. Sold by all Druggists throughout the country. IIEAT11FIELD, BCGEL & CO., Wh’les’k Agts.^ 206 and 20S Battc^ St., San Francisco5 THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE S of Oregon fur Jacksun county—January term. Sitting in Probate. In tke.niilitcT of the Estate of John Dick­ enson, Deeeased. Herman Helms, Administrator of the above Es­ tate, having filed in said Court a petition praying for an order to sell tho following described real propertv, belonging to such estate, to wit : The N. W. one-fourth (j) of the N. W. quarter of Sec­ tion 21. Township 34, Si R. 2 West; also the West one-half (|) of S. W. quarter of Section 2S. Town­ ship and Rango aforesaid ; also the S. E. one- fourth (i) of S. W. quarter of Section 28, in the same Township and Range, and all situated in Jackson county, , Orggon ; therefore, notice is hereby given to Luraue Dickensinr George Dick­ enson, L. Dickenson, N. Dickenson, Joseph Dick­ enson and Martin Dickenson, hcirs-at-lew of said Estate, that the prayer of said petition will be hetrd ’aplie.e of said hedrd add determined at the Clrnk < omintv. Thursday, February jit Jflthk'TSTO, at one county, on Thursday', h , ’o'clock, P. M.?at which time a*It’place the said heirs-at-law above named, andall others unknown, if any there be, are hereby notified to appear and Show cause, if any exist, why an order, uf tele DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN, Agent for Southern should not bo made, as in the aforesaid petition Ore gon.____________ 1 Jonlfily. prayed for. By order of said Court. HERMAN HELMS, Adm’r. CERTIFICATE.; January loth, 1870. janl5-w4. R. L. BAU.qUESS—Dear Sir j.lThis U to certify that on op about the 20th of Nor., T I was taken sick with a very sore throat—‘¿aid to be Diptheria, in the very worst form. My throat was badly swollen ; my jaws were aet, almoft DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN, J otice is hereby given that let - equal to Lock-jaw. I thought several times I ters pf Administration on th«estatc°f Hugh would smother to death. I was confined' to my (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) bed Dofinelly, deceased, late of Jacks’n county, Ore ­ about fourteen days, a,ud by the use of about five of your Indian Vegetable Liniment, I Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, gon, have been granted to .the undersigned. All was imttles restored to health. persons having claims against said estate, are re­ ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND quested to present them with the proper vouchers, MARTHA W. ROWE. Signed, ■ • - { adjacent counties, and attend promptly to to the undersigned, at his place of business, in J. A. C ooksey , Jacksonville, within six months from this date, all calls on professional business. J Witnesses, and all persons indebted to the said estate are re­ E lizabeth C ooksey . OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, quested to make immediate payment to the under­ Subscribed and swprn to before me this fifth day on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ signed. P. J. RYAN, Adm ’ r. of January, A. D., 1S7>. sonville, Oregon. Jan. Sth, 1870. - ' ' jan8-w4. C. C. GALL, J. P., jan8-tf. Jan. 8th, 1870. Administrator’s Notice. N W M