----- --------------- ------ -- A nother G one .—We are, deeply pained to chronicle the death of another of Senator Miller's children, this week, ‘ from scarlet fever, making the fourth out oi a family of SATURDAY MORNING,, JAN. 22. 1S70. six children. lie and his family have the sincere sympathy of the entire community, THOMAS BOICE, Nv. 30 (Secoud ifljjor,) Merchant’s Exchange, California Street, although we know that no earthly condo 4>elow Montgomery, is our duly authorized agent lance can assnage the bitter affliction which has visited his bereived family. /or San Francisco. une A y HUDSON & MENET, are our duly author­ P assed A way .—Mrs. Mary L. Carll, wife ol ized Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 Mr. Win. Carll, died of consumption, at this 1’Ark Row, “Times” Building, New York. place, oo Wednesday last, after a lingering G. W. CANNON, is our authorized Agent and painful illness, in the twentieth year of tfur Portland, Oregon. life. Mr. Carll, in his bereavement, has the sympathy of a sorrowing community. r t LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. . ÿtligiaixs Notice. I S heriff ’ s S alk .—Read the advertisement of Sheriff Chapman, of Josephine county, for the sale of quartz ledge and ara9tras. G ood .—No new cases of scarlet fever have Rev. C. Alderson will hold divine service at the M. E. Church, to morrow, at 11 o’clock. been reported for the past two weeks, and it is hoped that the contagion has ceased. NOTICE.—The Democratic County Commit­ tee for Jackson County will meet at the office of James D. Fay, Jacksonville, on Friday, 28th iust., at 1 o’clock, P. M. A full attendance is re quostsd. W. F. Songer, Chairman. 1 — , , , . ■■ -i n ■ .......... . CITY DRUG STORE, NEW GOODS. JACKSONVILLE. ». i L ' » 4 / 4 4 4 4 44 Son a '¡A tb ........ S picks “ ........ ... V inegar ’j^|Gal. C alifornia M atches B oard of T rustees —Regular Meeting, January 18, 1870. Members Present—A GERMAN Martin, President ;* Linn, Neil and Orth. PROVISIONS Minutes.^f l:i”t meeting read and approved. H ams lb................................. Liquo* licenses were granted to P. D. Par B acon <• ......................... «on, Pjpe & Savage, Jno. Walters and J. L ard B utts ® Casey, and each a>s ‘ssed $50 for six months. E gss yX Doz..;....... An order passed directing the Street Corn C heese f* lb........... missioner to improve the lower end of Cem­ Arpr.F.s—Dried lb P eaches —“ etery road, and to make all necessary repairs H omey "fX lb on the same. Order passed for repairing the VEG ETAB1.ES. town hall—fixing the lining, putting in glass, i P otatoes *fX tb.................................. Ac., and the Marshal was authorized to see O nions *fX th ................................ B eans "[- x tb.................................... to it. 44 P • 4 44 f* doz 44 44 44 I I « 4« Shoulder-Braces, SPONGES, BRUSHES, ETC., ETC. School Books, BLANK BOOKS, AND Call at J. N euber’s A n E xcellent L iniment .—Dr. Bauguess REAL ESTATE DEALER. ia introducing, to the eitizens of this county, Oct. 9th, 1869. oct9-tf. .his Indian Vegetable Liniment. If half we bear of its merits be true, it is a most val »able family medicine. It is claimed that this Jiniment will allay fevers, give almost 13 Ï-3. immediate relief to pains of all kinds, and LDZEdTTsTIECS, ___ _ cure the worst cases of diptheria and all IffWlHE THIRSTY ITTIZ“ ““ " THIRSTY PUBLIC ARE INFORMED throat diseases. Read the certificate of Mrs. ~'11IE I that Pape A Sav vage of the “ New State Sa­ Martha W. Rowe, io another part of this pa­ loon ” will quench their thirst with the most choice I per. This liniment is for sale at the store of BEVERAGES to be found in Jacksonville for “ one bit/* Wo expect to lose money by it, but James T. Glenn. Try a bottle. GIANT POWDER, JEWELRY STORE, nd see his fine stock of new Goods direct from the manufacturers, lie has a line lot o A Soxvixj.^ IMacliixioa Prices from $20 to $110, cash. A New Lot of AMERICAN LEVER WATCHES Just from tho Factory. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, PIPE, Paints, Oils, Turpçntlue, Varnish,' • ‘ Window Glass, aud Putty. We invite the attention of Farmers to our ALSO Window Glass, Nalls, Iron and Steel, Cast and Steel Plows Woodeu and Willow Ware, Etc., Etc. I am now ready to sell anything in my line at the lowest cash price. Persons wishing to buy geode . will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined not to be undersold by any house ia Jackson county. J^^Give me a call, and then judge for your­ self as to our capacity to furnish goods as above. --------- —:—— rovnins i iifflis. JA8. T. GLENN. 'w —— a ■. - ■ ■ - ■ KOBE THAN 200 000 FtBBONS He is agent for the best Rifles and Pistols made, stock of among which is the TIEMFLY RIFLE. Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load­ ing. > - I OILS, ETC, ware of every description always on hand and made to order. HYDRAULIC r CLASSWARE, TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON Bear testimony to th® Wonderfill Cumtiv® Effects of' r- 111 Dr Joseph Walker’s .5/,- of the most approved patterns, and highly ,. © «° «> o All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaning and finished ; also Self-Sharpening Straw Cutters V » «4 and Hay Knives. Repairing done to order at half price. Jacksonville, May 13, 1S65. AMERICAN California & Third Sts. SUBMERGED PUMPS. NEW STATE SALOON Corner Jacksonville, Ogn. times are hard, and we cannot sec people thirsty. S urgical .—On the 14th Inst. Mrs.’Bledsi e, PAPE & SAVAGE. who lives near upper Table Rock, on the oth­ October 16th, 1869. GROCERIES, Rope. «, Grindstones, Cider mills, Cedar tubs, Cedar buckets, Willow baskets, etc. GIFT BOOKS. 18@20 13@ 18 15@20 PYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY 37 @50 Recipes carefully compounded. Country orders 20(0,25 >rotuptly attended to. 20 @25 G. W. GRAVES, Agent. 18(420 18@20 38@50 I W IL.LI AM DAVIDSON, S elect S chool .—The school taught at the District School Hou>e in this place, by Mr. Office, No. 64 Front Street, J. L. De Bussche, has, siuce its opening, had Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Portland, Oregon. rather a small attendance, on account of the prevalence of scarlet fever; but we are Special Collector of Claims, pleased to learn that now there are thirty- Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercantile jjine signers, and that the attendance is daily Claims of every description ¿broughout Oregon increasing. Scholars are received at this school at any time during the term, and only and the Territories, WILL BE MADE A SPE­ CIALTY AND PROMPTLY COLLECTED, as charged for the number of weeks they attend. well as with a due regard to economy in all bflsi- Mr, De Bussche would be pleased to have par- | ness matters intrusted to his care aud the proceeds eats visit his school, as often as onee a week. paid over puntually. i ! L I . I STAPLE DRY GOODS Sauce pans, Chopping axes, Broad axes, Trace and Halter chains, Shovels and Tongs, Fire dogs, Sluice forks, Shovels, Door locks, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM Butt and strap hinges, Knives and forks. CLOT Spoons and ladles, Meat putters, BLANKETS, Sad irons, Polishing irons, HOOP SKIRTS, Pocket knives. Scissors and shears, ETC., ETC. Pruning shears and knives, —ALSO— Patent cross cut saws, Botts aud Shoes ; Ladle*’, Mita os* Buck and hand saws, aud Childrens’ Shoes. Planes and lanterns; Together with a general assortment of W k have also in connection with the above a very Large and Extensive Stock of Choice SHELF HARDWARE. 226Ù25 19@22 AND 17(3)20 25 @30 50 50 •Í» PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, 256$ 1 50 Oflfàl 25 50 @3 00 50 @4 00 20@25 And a large collection of miscellaneous works, 6 00@Î ’*0 comprising 14@22J 5 oo@6 00 BIOGRAPHY, 20@25 20(0,25 TRAVELS, Fu«e and caps, 50 Blasting and rifle powder, 1 50 ROMANCE, Shot and lead, 33 @37 Lift pumps and Lead pipes, 75 BELLES-LETTRES, 1J@3 3(t commodious hotel in Southern Ore­ October 9th, 18G9. 'S — t-i gon, and has recently been refinished and reap­ pointed. It is now open for tho accommodation of the traveling public. The table will always be found well supplied with the delicacies of the season, and the sleeping apartments in good order and well ventilated ; in fact, nothing will be found wanting to secure the oinfort of guests. Steady boarders will be accom­ modated at the most reasonable rates., Attached to the hotel is a fine hall, x feet, with a'splendid floor for dancing, which may bo hired for balls, concerts, parties, or public exhibi- lons, on the most reasonable terms. Stuges leave this house daily for all parts of the M8U a Public patronage is respectfully solicited. « «3 2 --2 •a □ 3 & * KÊ o o "SI «41 • o pq NEW BOOK STORE. <2 ® ¿ —< X F M f" 3Ä : J © 2. h • a * O V M. SUTTON IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE e to the public that he has openell a NEW LAGJE1I! 'LAGER! BOOK STORE at the P ost O ffice , on Oregon Street, where he will for and in consideration of Manufactured from the native Hetbs «nd Root« of California. CASH PAID IN HAND, sell his extensive as­ «j&'The Great Blood Parlfier.-^® sortment of BOOKS and STATIONERY, Toys, POR INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC Nic-Nacs, etc., at prices to suit the times, His RHEUMATISM AND GOUT, DYSPEPSIA or stock consists in part of INDIGESTION, BILIOUS, REMITTENT aad SCHOOL BOOKS, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLAD­ PAPER, DER, these BITTERS have been most suecessfal. OSEPH WETTERER HAS NOWON HAND PENS, SUCH DISEASES are caused by VITIATED and is constantly manufacturing the best Lag­ INK, BLOOD, which is generally produced by derange­ er Beer in Southern Oregon, which he will Bell in T he C emetery .—We hope the proper au­ GOLD PENS, ment of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. quantities to suit purchasers. Call and test the thorities will take steps to have the walks article. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find it« . PASS HOOKS, impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, and drive*in the cemetery cleared of the Jacksonville, June 5th, 1869. HAS ‘ MEMORANDUMS, Eruptions, or Sore* cleanse it when you find it growth:pf underwood, now encumbering them. BLANK B00K8, obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it J"UST received a large STOCK of fine In some portions of the grounds it is absolute­ I mitation turkey ledgers , when it is foul, and your feelings will dell you when. Keep the bio id healthy, and all will be well. JOURNALS, ly dangerous to take a team. The road lead­ HAVANA CIGARS, —BY— RECORDS, ing up Cemetery hill should also be improved. AGENTS, TOBACCO, DAY-BOOKS, Th® removal of the undergrowth and improve­ CANDIES, SHEEP DO., ment of the road would add much to the beau­ PAPER DO., STATIONERY Ac. ty of this City of the dead. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Also a large variety of GIFT BOOKS, he undersigned respectfully in - A shland .—We learn from Mr. Downing, NOVELS, Ac., forrns the citizens of Jacksonville and surround­ who visited ns on last Thursday, that the •9 and numberless other notions not now necessary ing country, that be is now manufacturing, ant Woolen Mills are running, and turning out will constantly keep on hand, the very best oi to name. Call around, and-he will always en­ for the coming Holidays. Lager Beer. Those who wish a cool glass of beer deavor to have something new to show you. Corner Pine and Sansome Streets, San EranoiM®, some fine goods ; that the Ashland House is should give me a call. Special attention given to the NEWS BUS ­ Cal., and Sacramento, Cal., aad JPleaxe give him a call. Next door to GLENN prospering, and the town generally healthy | Jacksonville, June 12th, 1869. INESS. Any paper ordered on the shorteat no­ 34 Platt Street, N, Y». tice. * ®ov26tf. June 12th-ly. DRUM A Co. June 19th, 1869. «nd flourishing. er side of" Rogue River, in this County, was put under the influence of Chloroform and the middle finger of the right band was am­ putated, the entire finger being’ taken off. Dr. Tolman performed the operation at the residence of the lady. We learn that she is doing as well as can »possibly be expected finder the circumstances. EAGLE BREWERY. J NEW ARRIVAL! J ANTON ULLMANN CITY BREWERY, R. H. M'DONALDiC11., VEIT SHLTTZ’, IMPORTING WHOLESALE T TOYS, «fcO DRIttGlSTS.