Or ñirmoiTiitic ¿ih'ivíi, > X__✓ SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 1st, 1869. and Departure of the Mails. Jacksonville, Oregon. P. M Stage North, Arrives daily 0 o’clock P. M. Departs •• 10J « * 1». M. Stage South, Arrives “ 10 1 1 1». M. “ “ Departs “ 1(,J Kerby Stage, arrives Wednesday and Saturday 4 o’clock P, M. depart« Monday and Thursduy 6 o’e!*»ck A. M. Arrivai Vitliqim .Notices. Iler. M. A. Will* unis will preach in the Methodist Church this evening, also to mor- rw morning at 11 o clock ; alter SCITIIOI’., Comm union services will be held. D eserving of P atronage .— Every person who desires to see this portion of the State prosper should be willing to contribute his support, let it be ever so little, toward the accomplishment of that end. Everv year thousamls of dollars are taken from onr mines, am! a large portion ot it sent to San Francis»' >. and invested in woolen goods ol all kinds, to be worn out in this community. The Hogue River Woolen Man ufacturing propose to supply this de- mum! and retain that large amount of Capital among us. Their machinery is entirely i»» w <>f die latest improved pattern, ami their manufactured cloths, far surpass as r-gards durability, import?»! e'. I can purc'iase these artie. »•an eastern make of gm ing dies»* cloths, create their wool, ami save the of shipment. W»‘ commeu I thes • th u r’.ts t" vour serious JAS. T. GLENN. JOHN S. DRUM, ALEXANDER MARTIN. GREAT EXCITEMENT! LIVERY £ SALE STABLE DEALERS IN —ON THE— 'GENERAL SE, CALIFORNIA STREET, I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON r > • LOW PRICES WILL Will. THE NEWS nm*f traveled Str»* 'ts. We feel plea f.l to notice tln^c improve ments a« reg ir 1« th»* r»>:i !< an 1 utrects, a« « a h i g tha' ten t > fae’litatc the free and n ! our pc<*j> <‘, is commenila- com ea - V 1 t the Lie. DKZSS GOODS îl.t.» and .|1(. t \en cl 11. Gr. iHima i of this p'ac»'. >• • bo of jri'at ailvantage to i v»o-vim*:i. in this t’nunty, ot Tn? obi»'»-t of the inven th»1 tiros t<> t'.p fellies ami at I • . r islier A tiro, ¡ire »e I iv’.i-h •e recommend th •*<• desire ■ ‘ s line, to give diem a rail— »nt! h’ V -i I y. that they are bound t • f > anv bouse in town. t • preveii’ FANCY I GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LAW2VS, CUTLERY, GÏ5TS’ CLGTHIKG & FïïâHïSHIÎTG GOODS PAINTS, 1 G rist rumored i n the st rec* a j ont stC f!i company, is about to I ze<l for i I.V purpose of bui! iing a Grist Mil!, ar this plat e to le prnellod by steam. We hope t )c report is true, for -neli an institution is bad V needed. Jacksonville is the grand marked for Southern Oregon, and where farmers ca n dispose of their grain is the place in an » •community to l.nil»l Grist Mills. Renorh-d and corre -ted weekly fir the l>ruocn vne * a il deniers Nw « b V Sack Provisions in D V' * <s, Etc.. Etc. Corner California K Third Sts.. F Jacksonville, Ogn., PROPRIETOR. LOUIS HORNE ! i 1 I i i JACKSON’S CELEBRATED WASHING 'FLUID, which turns the 7iorror«of washing day into frolic and fun. We cannot tell everything we have in one small page. If you want anything call in and get it; or if you should chance to have an extra quarter call in and wo will show you bow to spend it. SUTTON JLSTEARNES. Jacksonville, Dec. 12th, 1868. ( conic and see for SACHS ERO.’S % LB on n.ind a t »rire .•i<<nrtin».nt of ••lie«. I’r »i i«i>»n«. Li»|tn>r.« and T<>t>ne<.<>. Call at J. Neuber’s JEWELO STORIÒ HOW TO KEEP ( i r<»- YOUR— ND SEE HIS FINE STOCK OF NEW Goods direct from the manufacturers. He has a line lot o ALSO Sowing; 7VE ncli i no Prices from $20 to $110, cash. Window Class. Vails, Iron and Steel, Cast anil Steel Plows Wooden and Willow Ware. Etc., Etc. CHEAP FOR (’ASH Srr.rxnti» —L. Horn»*, l’ropr ¡» tor of the I’. S. Hotel, is lining a splendid busillis.«, IL* spreads hi* tabb*. with tl.e b»‘st the mar kvt alFirils. and is always around, ri adv to ittoi.J to the wants of his costumers, He gives a pat ty. M »¡»»lav evening, M iv 3rd— |'.»'i< l hi* mlvertisoment in another c »Innin. GOLD PENS,' GOLDEN PENS, STEEL PENS. PENCILS, RULERS, PORCELAIN TOYS VASELA STATUETTS, ALBUMS, GIFT BOOKS, AND BOOKS TO KEEP, SASA- FRASS BARK, BLUESTONE, SPONGES, CREAM OF TARTAR, SO DA, GLEN FIELD STARCI U. S. HOTEL. ETC S emi ix Vol a N \u great ninny extra paper 1 srr»>un 1 inni «ec wo ni l ’tow you our ent friend'» thr»'iigl'.. u■ 1 town an i < t> uutrv. pok' « d tving oat of t ie hub. so common in nice GOODS with pleasure, mid eil y.ni I lie same. Th -e wishing ♦ • subs< e will pica so em’ drv i-ot;n r Tin' Dr. i' pro -tireing t'o* necessary papers in their names at once, as we are au> ious t' I »r obtaining a patent. know what stock of oarer ae will nee«'.. C ax ’ r UE Si i;r « — c m .— Ma 1 tut Gift y keeps the Frauen American R ■«'au au ill til*- earner <»i M un v d i S b.H U line article < f win»* ma le ¡r ¡n 1 »e gimwn on the < ¡I ».f Franc»1. c»»uiitrv, and her dinners a< regards varic’v of viands ure not surp iss- d in Dr'g <11. Sac is intel’. ig»‘nt. ei. crtaoiing itid accoim da- ting, ami det' rve- pair »nage. l’ou will find among other miscellaneous good« / OILS, And thousand« of other articles to numerous to mention. l'f i:s xai ..—(’! ai h's W. Savage, Assis ant I’. S I iternal lb-venno .\s»es. ir, Ç>r thi« iist'-:.-t. re'urnc I -, »•-•■•xla’- from a trip 'hroiigh .Lisephini'county, on busuo'eS con- nei'tC'l with hi* oHice. H > reports dnl! ti;n» s at present, tlir il/l> out the untv. th» ugh th»* p.*'.p'e generally me hootdul ■»! I» ‘Her «lavs t > conn*. Comstock A Cawley. I I I AM KINDS OF GIATSA Bi)YS’H ATS die tires expand DRUGS A PATENT MEDICINES, BOOKS A STATIONERY, PAINTS A OIL<, COOKING EXTRACTS, FANCf SOAPS, PERFUMERIES, SPICES, Etc. Etc. Etc. - CLASSWARE. ETC. -IV; s.-nJ < tit n •ng. ar.'l ft o iel'B's e'htra'-liog imlopeiuLint his week t ) difF-r. »f ea -li otbe-. and t'n ri bv preventing the ws <>f this ’ •ry thing I >; > ap k< pc up » ■I to tiieef at .Muy Bnl. i Stock of goods ever brought to Jacksonville, con sisting in general of BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES HUHS E.-TABIJ31LMENT IS THE LARGEST L ami ino.'t commodious hotel in Southern Ore gon, and has recently been refinished and reap pointed. It is now open for the accommodation of the traveling public. The table will always be found well supplied with the delicacies of the season, ¡»ml the sleeping apartments in good onler ami well ventilated ; in W k have also in connection with the above a verj* I fact, nothing will be found wanting to secure the Large and Extensive Stock of Choice omfort ot guests. Stea»ly boarders will be accom modated at the most reasonable rates. Attached to the hotel is a fine ball, x feet, CR0CER5ES, with a »plendid floor for dancing, which may he ‘aired tor balls, concerts, parties, or publie exhibi- HARDWARE, :» n«, on the most reasonable terms. I Singes leave this Louse daily fur all parts of the I QUEENSWARE ;«Jt. I Public patronago is respccifully solicited. PARASOLS, I x' t x I 'X . — M »» hare been : a »¡ '-»¿ii for fastening • «.>< n 1 w i -on wheels, in Ml MISCELLANEOUS READY-MADE CLOTHING, you Î CITY DRUG STORE .STAPLE DRY GOODS SACHS BRO.’S ■ \ ■ rilHE UNDERSIGNED WOKLI) RESPECT-» And «ce the Novelties, Just Opened 1 Hilly inform their friends and lhe public gen I - - - THE - - - erally bat they have purchased the above estab lishment of Mr. Augustus Taylor, which will be : hencetbrwiiril conducted under onr constant per sonal supervision, and our extensive experience in l this line warrant us in guaranteeing satisfaction to ■yOU WILL FIND JUST THE THING THAT i all who may favor us with their patronage. These stables are centrally located, and within L will suit you, especially if you are a little under i c»<nv».'iiitnt distance of the various houses of public the weather, or some other malady pervades your, vutcrtaii'iiicnt. Horses or mules will be boarded system. Walk right in and see the most mul cared for, by the day or week, at moderate charges. We have the largest stock in Oregon, soe'h of Portland, of with single or double teams, for hire on reason able terms ; also, SADDLE HOUSES & MULES, generally tnat they are now receiving and opening Which will be hired to go to any part of a very large and extensive stock of ,‘he country at moderate rates. Animals bougLt and sold, un»l horses broke to saddle or harness. . —TO < HEAR Y WALK IN! NAMED FIRM TAKE PLE AS- IÎVEIIYB ûd Y I S IlUSllRG T HE ure ABOVE in notifying their friend.« and the public- GOOD i t*o*i-i lerat ion. N ew Goon*. — Rea»i Sachs Bro.’« new ad 1 iti'it it mexts .—We notice m>twitlmtnnd!ng - AT- vertisement, in todays issue: they claim t • the cry of dull time«, ntimeroii« improve- gon Is in the market an i li.ive the only new nents lieing ma le which greatly benir nes are selling them al greatly icdueed rates. the nppearance id' ««tir village. «1. D. »av J t <r A mu v eii .—Anton 1 liman, advertises TKMl’LH OF FASHION, im! Ex Sheriff Owens, have built a line picket a new Stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Candies. fence in front of their resiliences on ('alifarnin A N i> CALIFORNIA AND SALEM Nuts and Stationery, just re» eived from street ...('. C. Beckman is having his B.ink > Fr.mciaeo. Anton is a nice boy—patronize ing 11 'ii*e painted ami mad 1 to look like U ABORTÌ! ENT <»r OSEE THEIR Fl NW CLOTUS » him. new Luilding....... James T. Glenn has been NEW SPRING and SUMMER GOODS which BLANK ETS. tall: making improvements in front of the old City they Inivejii-t received direct fr»»m ¿an Francisco, best Hoti ! on Oregon street. Th»»«»* rough chip consisting of IIOOP SKIRTS, ar<* trap board«, have been taken up and bawled LADIES’ A CHILDRENS’ HATS, off, ami the sid<* walk pivd with brick....... i : tc ., etc . Street Commissioner. Phelv, is do:ng excel I / LADIES’SILK CLOAKS, — \T.SO — lent work on the roads leading t»> an 1 iro n Boot« and Shots; ],allies’. Misses’ are town, a« well as gradirg am! gravelling the LADIZS’di CHtLDREIffS’SHOES I and Childrens’ Shoes. • 1^ “ “ H ii . i . or Si tr.xt e .—Miss 1 la B a weneed last Monday morning, to a pupil- of School District. No. 1.3. steep and rugged hill of Science, be successful ; her vocation is a nob Gentlemen & Corner California and Fourth St«. ■ 9 10,000 LIVES LSOT ¥>r; WAL MONEY AT HOME, h A New Lot of A M I : n 1 c A N L E V E R W A T C II 1 S Just fromlhe Factory. l^UY the WOOLLEN GOODS, manufactured by the -ROGUE RIVER VALLEY- WOOLLEN MWCmi C3, I We are ready to sell anything in our lino at lie is agent for thexbc.«t Rifles an»l Pistols made, lowest cash price. Persons wishing to buy among which is the Who would respectfully announce to the trade will find it greatly to their advantage to examine TI E MIT Y IT I FI j E. mtr sti ck before purchasing elsewhere, as we are and public generally, that they are now manufact determined not to be undersold by any house in Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load uring and have'on Fund for sale, a large assortment Jackson county. ing. of BLANKETS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, plain r<"t'Give us a call, and then jmlge for your-1 All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaning and TWILLED and CHECK FFANNELS, AC. AC. «elf a#’ to our capacity to furnish goods a.« above. Repairing done to order at half price. of the best quality and at Jacksonville, May 13, 1865. GLENN, DRUM «ICO. THE PLACE LOW RATES. BLACKSMITHING Orders solicited. A liberal discount ufade to th«, trade. 1 Ashland, Jan. 30th, 1869. To Buy Goods THAN THE HÂRNESSAND SADDLEMÂNÜFÀCTORT Cheapest! m rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PURCHASED A the stock of Henry Judge will continue the business at the old stand on California Street, wliero he will provide customers with all articles ia his line, at reduced prices. —AT — b Jacksonville Market Prices, <; roci : rif . s 256» Cor fri M ay P arty .— l he Sabbath S ehool children as well as tin «e attending tie D strict School hold an old fu-honed May day pK'-nic in By. bee’s Grove Monday. Many time« have we when a b»*y a*«i«te»i in erecting a May. pole, decorated it with evergreen*, and scat tered sweet fragrant fl w ers, on the lawn on I •which the tiny feet of the May Queen trod. Let every mother take her little ones into I the grove, where they can participate in the various spurts and pleasures that await1 them. $i . i Young Hyson J a pan ft DEALERS IN HORSE SHOEING, A large assortment of Concord Collars and liar- incss: in fact every article known to th« Saddle T REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. TEN ' unJ Harness trade. percent, discount will bo made on all kinls ol ' Carriftge trimmings on hand, and Carriage, wmk win re i.ish is paid., trimmod to order, with neatness and dispatch. March 2S 1S6S. ~ 41 V till 50 50 FANCY, STAPLE & DIH GOO'S, 2.» Clothing, Buggy and Wagon Harness; Whip« and Whip Lashes; Saddles, Bridles and Halters; Cinches, Spurs &c., &c. BOUND TO WORK ACCORDING TO h h <4 I SPORTSMAN’S DEPOTS! «> (HI -Y» 100 lb.... 50(a,4 00 2<’(a, r, <H>(y,7 i»u 14(o, 25 J l)H(<i 6 00 26 (d 25 I n> . Box lb Boots & Shoe <í Groceries Liquors, 2<)fm25 50 2 00 33(<< .'’,7 Q uartz P rospectix «.—O.viugti the fail- < IXRMAN ajreof our placer mines, this tei.son from PROVISIONS. want o! water, miners :.re now Legining to turn their attention to xpmrtz, a branch of II IMS "fl lb B a cox ' prospecting, yet in its infancy, and But poorly L a ki > lb.... under-toi i! in S<uthern Greg'dt. There has Br TTF.n ? lb been capital enough already worse than E g is ’r> -wnsted by various companies, through mis »nanagement ai.d injixlieious expenditure of labor, to have fully teste»! ten or twelve of our best leads ; ami that there are a number of good paying ledges within this county, no one possessed of a tlmr< ugh knowlelge of ■ 1‘OTA TOES "p III qu irtz mining will be so f iolish us io doubt. Oxio: is 4 4 The Timber guleli lead is now furnishing B eax s lhe most flattering prospects, simply la’cause its owners are applying the true test, as prov en l»y all reliable experience—tuat of goiny down on the lead. I). C. MILLER THE TIMES’ FISHER & BRO.’S 2"6»25 1'.’(<» 22 17ft 20 1 BOUND TO 1)0 fi Cutlery “•’I I ft Croci ft The best stock of guns, patent and hotn«-tna»l» | rifles an<l shot guns, single and double; revolvers Corner of California and Third St., | of the latest patents; pocket pistols, neat, »mull and powerful; deringers, the latest and best. All JACKSONVILLE. these good» warranted. rpilis OLD AND FAVORITE STAND HAsj A180 °f_ J -P0*^.°7 A been entirely r.lifted, and will be, ns it always ¡flaske; all sorts of shot an»l shot-pouches; cap», has been, one ot t'. e first c'.iss saloons in this State. i wads, and «verything in the sportsman’s line, sold ■ at reasonable rates. Particular care Las been t;.ken in Repairing cheaply an»l promptly execute»l; and whoever doubts these worls need only call upon ’ I I In The Selection of Stock! MILLER. & RYAN. and we can sty without egotism, that our stock of Liquors and Cigars Jacksonville, Oregon, August 29th. tf CA NXO T BE SURPASSED Etc., Etc OF THE BEST QUALITY £ AND THE /. BILLIARD TABLES CHEAPEST IN THIS COUNTRY ! t I are entirely new, and of the latest improved pattern FISIIER «Si BRO.’S, HENRY PAPE (Corner California and Oregon Street«,) AT— MAÏ-DAÏ BALL, PFEIL’S GANG PLOW. Attention Farmers. EXCELSIOR" LIVERY [STABLE. On Oregon street, Jacksonville« Jacksonville, Dec. 28, 1S67 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. May 1st, i860. NEW ARRIVAL! by any house on the Pacific coast. We invite the pub’ic to call and examine for themselves. No expense lins been omitted to make the NEW STATE one of the most desirable resorts ia the country. The I I I PLYMALE & MANNING Having just received from San l rancisoo a fin« stock of <te Scientific prospectors abroad, will hardly HARNESS, BUGGIES 1 CARRIAGES credit the assertion, that Gold Hill—fabu- I have purchased the patent right of the celebra lston ullmann AT THE ted Pfeil’s Gang Plow, and am now prepared to fill) yy0 are now prepared to furnish our patron«, and Jouslj’ and unprecedentedly rich as it was— orders for the same; and will guarantee that this I th0 pvhlie generally, with as was never sank on to a depth exceeding 50 I HAS plow will FINE TURNOUTS feet. The proprietors now ofier one half the T1 HE undersigned hereby informs the public) as can be had on the Pacific CoMt. Saddle horses DO BETTER WORK WITH LESS POWER, lead to any person or company, that will putj J" UST receive»! a large STOCK of tino that he will givo a party at Rock Point, on ..................................................... hired to go to any part of the country. Animals MONDAY, MAY 3rd. a shaft down 200 feet on the same. A better I | THURSDAY, MAY' 6th, 1869, at which time and BOUGHT & SOLD. and give more satisfaction than any yet offered to1 HA YANA CIGARS, • chance to make a big strike, it appears to us.’ place he hope» to »ce all his friends and acquain- I • the farmers of Southern Oregon. Plows I Horse» broke to work single or double. Horm HE undertigned proprietor hereby gives ; tances. could not be offered. TOBACCO, *• boarded, and the best care bestowed upon them notice that he will give a GRAND MAY’-DAY’ I Accommodations will be of the first order, and The Fowler lead, at Steamboat City, has WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT! ' BALL, on the evening of tho 3d of May next, at j while in our charge. which time he hopes to renew the acquaintance of ' the proprietor flatters himself that entire satisfac CANDIES, paid big dividends in the past, and would ^0-OUR TERMS ARE REASONABLE. all his old patrons, and form that of many new tion will be given. All kinds of Blacksmithing done at 10 per tlikely do so again if properly worked. The ! ones. A cordial invitation ia extended to all. A liberal share of publio ’patronage ia solicited. cent, discount, for CASH. STATIONERY’ Ac f Everything that will add to the comfort and Devauport, Hicks aud the Blackwell, ditto. Good music secured for tho occasion. enjoyment, of the guests will be provided, PLYMALE A MANNING. P. DONEGAN. So let prospecting be pushed with vigor the L. J. WHITE, Prorictor. lease gjve him a call. Next door to GLENN, LOUIS HORNE, Proprietor, Jacksonville, Ogn., Oct. It.’ DRUM ,t Co. Jacksonville, May 1st, 1869. Jackeonville, Ogn. Oct. 10, 1S6?. m’1' •coming sum mcr. Roek Point, May 1st, 1869. ROCK POINT. A U. S. HOTEL, X 1 1