The Democratic news. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1869-187?, May 01, 1869, Image 1

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    W iïîvnwnatit
In T he D emocratic N ews will
the following rates
Published Every Saturday Morning.
1» u b 1 1
First insertion, per square of ten line
For each week thereafter..... a ..............
ill be
A liberal deduction from the above ri
made on quarterly and yearly advertisements.
h c r Ä I> r o p r 1 o t <> r.
OFFICB—On Third St. Between California and C
Subscript!«». por annum, in advance
Six months................................................
San Francisco.
Yreka (Cal.)...
Eugene City..,
Oregon City...
.$4 00
$2 00
Every variety of Job Work executed with neat­
ness aud dispatch. at reasonable rates.
Married ?
-God bless your
The Great American Tea-Totaller.
Tlie Missouri Test Oath Case.
........ Thoma? Boyee
....P. F. McManus.
...........Kasper Kubli
„..R. B. Hargadine
.............. Dr. Hoover
„George B. Dorris
. ......... ..E. E. Kelly
Ex-President Johnson.
------ •
K noxville , April 3.—This morning Ex­
President John? m was met at the Depot by
[Froia the Washington Intelligencer, March 16.)
a delegation and escorted to the Lamar
State Senator, J. N. T. Miller : State lteprccnt-
Me have read the brief of the lion. Mont­
ativea. Capt. Thomas Suiitu. J. B. U liitv. J. L.
gomery Blair, filed before the United States Hon se. lie was introduced to a .crowd uf
Louden ; County Judge, L. J. C, Dunean : County
several thousaud persons by Mr, Nelson, who
Clerk. W. H. b. Hyde; Sheritl, T. G. Reams:
Supreme^ Court in the cause of Francis P. I
Deputy Sheriff. T. G. Owen; Treasurer, Max
Blair, -Jr., vs. John >S. Thompson and Stephen referred to Mr. Johnson in complimentary
Muller: As-es.-ur. Jo-i.ili llauua ; Surveyor. J. S.
Howanl: Superintendent oi Common Schools, 1.
Ridgely. This is the celebrated test oath terms. Mr. Johnson thanked the [>e >ple for
11. 3. Shipley ; County Comini>«ioiu'rs. F. lie!.er.
case, mid involves the validi'y of the elaborate their welcome, lie said he had tri'-d to pro­
For if you go spluttering over a p:tgn.
W. A. Childers ; Coroner, E. H. Greenmail.
“Never. That is—b«’g your ] ardon' — life of slavery, why should he not die with oath uf expurgation required as a preliminary tect the Constitution; all he asked was a fair
When a couple of line« -voulJ du,
Jnciae>tri//c I rfiurt.— Justices ot the I'caee, J.
continued Mr. I'., chocking himself quickly the death* of it? Marry, because he will to suffrage by the constitution of Missouri- examination of his record. lie intended to
Your butter is spread, s > much you set-.
R. Watle, Gjorgo R.ttrie ; Constables, James
Flood, G. M. Banks.
That the oread looks plainly through.
aud seeming to recollect something of con- not.
General Blair, it will be rccolleeted, refused .devote the remainder of his life as a private
T<» ch »/’J.ici«u.if i/e.—Trustee.«. David Linn,
So when you have :t story to tell,
«cquence—“there was a slite accident’’------
“ We do most ardently hope ami trust.' to take this oath, and his vote being refused, citizwu to the vindication of his official life
Alexander Martin. <•». Jaeebs, John Orth aud Jas.
And would like a little renown,
“What v«*Rs it, Mr. l’opkin — no Secrets, it cries IL. G. in the J'ltbitue, “now that «la he liasdirmight thi« suit, which .will deter­ and native State from the obloquy caat upon
R. Neil; Recorder, f. 8. Harden : Treasurer,
them. His oack, though b-rfl» a*d .¿ot bein
llenrv t'ape ; Marshal, Asher Wall : street Com­
vou please.”
“ verv is dead, to see the tea-plant nutural- mine the rFght of 9 >.<)() I persons to vote
missioner, 1'. Fehh y: l’o.-tmaster, J - M. Sutton.
Boil it down.
“Some eleven years ago,’’ said Mr. I’, “ izt-d and largely grown on tn« more south- in the State of M:s«ouri m l, at least, double i broken by the storm which had nearly wreck-
When writing an article for the pres.’,
gravely—and lie wiped the perspiration from “ ern slopes oi the Alleghanies.” Hence­ that number in other States now excluded. led the ship of State. Since he h;id seen in
Senator. H. F. 11
z kepru>entati\v.
Whether proso or verse, just tiy
his glistening forehead—“it was eleven years forth, then, we are to admire II. G. in a new W e assume, of course, that the court will the papers his own obituary he supposed he
Cox ; County Judge. C. Caldwell : County Com­
To utter your thoughts in the fewest words,
might be regarded as one risen from the
missioners, L. B. Hender?.rrHt, t . H. B.nkdud .
tin« full''------
character a« the nozzle of the domestic tea- meet the question now raised. The firmer
Sherid, Wui. Chapman ; County Clerk, t. itar'.e-
And let them be cri«p and drv.
1 lead, and he thou gl ht one comiag from the
“Well, sir, * ut with it—cut with it.”
Hughes Treasurer. John Bolt ; A'-e.-s -r, l>. F.
! pot of tin* future. T*> Greece he cannot give decision in the ease of ex parte Garland and
grave would be heli. wed. The Governmenti
Sloan : Seh>> *1 S iperintend-rnt, T. E. Regan ;
“It was no fault of mine, sir—but I wa 1 his shining blade—lor
for Greece has melted, j tJiat of-Judge Chase, verv lately in the Davis
Coroner, David Ken lull. I'ustmaster« —Ker!>y-
¡divided into three parts , and euch depart­
turned out id the 3 *ston Custom House,
I like
ike her name, in the j glance of the case at Richm'iirl. are inv iked and the whole
vilie. S. \V. Sawver; \\ uldo, A. 1*. McIlwain ; Le­
Just ¡--ok it over again, and then
I merit, is confined to its sphere. He then
“Turtied out ol the B ston Cu-tom House!
land. Samuel ll.tikne.-».
But to tea lie gives his shin- «ubj ct is argued with unusual precision
Great Power.-
Boil it down,
one speaking from the
vou, as
F iiist JcitieitL D istrict .—Circuit Ju-lge, 1.1.
esc'aiue l the q'l^ri-t. letting .nil li'.s pen ill ing spoon. I l it” itiimc'iiatit• results ol goon and a f of reasoning from which there said : “ T I tell von,
For eilitor.« *!•' not like to print
Prim: Prosecuting Attorney, C. V<. Kahler.
dead, there is danger i t the Government, and
t, un i .-t.tring ut
to the spinster < and other tea-drinkers gener- would seem t v In1 no escape. Amon” the *
./aei-Mitt CuH’it,.— Circuit Court, Second M<-:
An article Lzily boi *.
that danger is in the
gislative Department,
ex mat
davs in February, June and November. County
• thunderstruck.
ally, 1!. 11. of coursi ■ neither looks nor care« I acts mentioned in the brief is the verv
An i the general re **icr *V*e- not caie
innot make laws, net-
<ourt. first Monday in each month.
, sir, this does not render me in- t i look. L'*t them cease to be cheere l by traordinarv one tha*' tins inhibition is
For a couple of var i- •>.'.- *ng.
('oitii-v.-“C treu.t Court, Second M on­
tiier can the Ju iiciary ; but the Legislativo
v the rule« of your A-soclatiou,
S*> gather your w.t- in th? :n.i’le-t -pact
lay tn April au t F *urth M*«u lay in October.
the cheap Chin --*v herb, an 1 inebriate them- posed and enforced by radie-ds who were!
vunty Court, First .Honda;.® in January, April,
the applicant, now terribly alarm- I selves on the mil wi;Inn the juniper or the secessionists under color of S‘ate authoriyj branch, u* 1er the preieu 33 ”f making laws,
If y««u’>l win the auth r'.- crown.
Juiy aud September.
‘can trample upon the libst ■ties of the people,
An 1 every tum’you write, mv friend,
whiskev in the corn. The political ec hi - at the outbreak of tlie war. and tlien in full
i i es, a despotic CongresB < un go on until it
R ¿1 it •! *>w n.
oiiiy of 11, G. is prophetic
“ Had Europe,” sympathy and alliance w:th the Confederate
takes away the liberties of the people ; but
iC tat min, i.e tells us. “ been .< > enlightened
ghtened as to sjiend I movement; while, on the other hand, Gen-*
K PERS''NS Ml’ S f
j\. J.L
to Dr '
snkwater to the
n f *r examination, and The Raasou Why Mr. Popkin Cou
chict to h;s “one hualred miiliniis of dollars in natuial i oral Blair, v/lio fought all through the war. LI feel that I stood as a hr
progress for a
the County ii -'pitai. it
(t» procure
Get His Lifo Insured.
>ed away the “ izing the silk culture on tho shores oi tin and has ever b-en a Union man, is Government, and arrested its
.e. .-re
cites ut tilts bcHvtits ot
they de«iru tu a.a: •1 *
tiiiiaab >ut the
bel h.m.-tll I “ Mediterranean llflern t > twenty centuries disfranchised because he then promptly took time. The time has come to
e. they are rv>p
th af institution : «»th
ÿ imu-.-l P -j
first principles of tho Govci n »ent. Take
tor medical jitten Lui
“t*Vui ■'I1'' "ould thereby have iucrea«“ f her' up nrin« against G -neral Jacks m and his
Bv order of tUu B
.. i
away the restraints w'uieh hi V.* held back
i be clerk.« put their head« together a few “ wealth by not less than one thousand! .State Legislature in their efforts to ctrrv
1*. ha i two s:«
i- hi * phiu«*-
th.- State out of th* Union. V/hila these ! Congress, and one branch of the Government
;e.’’ who fearedj* iniiiu’ i s a:.* 1 the eldest then r .«*• V* ry silent “ lions.'1 It is true that an investment uf a 1
t-r-, of an
v | will wipe out the other two.
Let me tell
:y, a;. ¡>roaeliing .Mr. 1’. with a larg<- hundred dollars to day with the prospect of* radical«, now in full feather and “trooly loil
the¡r du bul :
you here that a wi«e and a good 1 ’rince is ia-
¡ i.input, p laei d the Luttiim ol it Hircetl.v getting a thousau i u illars f >r it some two wort either d idling or aiding the Confeder-
day. ;*nl leave
ates, General
Blair was striking blows for! ¡finitely better than a despotic,
G'-neral Biair
*e e. j o. ■ d a very ! ag.. in -1 tin* >: le of Ins ear, an i veLed fire a« years hence may not Le thoug Lt by the aver
grfss and
-tei.torian lung* would permit. age American mail of l*u«iiie «s a ye.-y bril-* the I nion cause—the legal operation of! Congress. L iok at the acts of C >r-
- p ie-.-ioii, ;!«'¡ ■1 ! i: I »« I.*?
i see how they are, like the acts of G 1 ’ -tat Bri-
cans u. he -i ti-u-t’-V't 11'g un i quiet ou t lem an I Iiai.t opt-ration. But tliu average American which new is to bring him within the scope*
tain toward the Utlonies in the early ’ days of
I >• :u l is cha.r i*;t-> the center ot lot*
t > «I*. ¡I
iin.ti of bu-iiit's? is a fool to II. G , even if . o| the M?«s>uri disfranchisements. These!
â 1 on, the
j jthis country. Link
Ly.d at one conditi .
the converse be i qtuiiiv true. Alni so «mal* extend to persons who h ive ever been in
! writ o ! habeas corpus Suspended, an Ì when
w it« neo! not expend tbeniselv on futile ef irmej hostility to the State government of
»- : •
a ci'. zen appeals to tho Supreme Court,
) ;:it
fort« to prevent II. G. from pre«s:ng C*>n- | M issouri.
m m e i«e oi aeci<:ent at
him the right of appea 1 imd
1 *. w .-
M e await with much Solicitude the decision gress takes from
gre-s t*i impos* a prohibitory fluty on all for
i-1 tv
■ deprive? him of his liberty. 1 have n ever
eign to is, and to grant 3 hundred millions of of the e. urt.
Th i r
ir. 1’ pi in « a- gr *w mg
'deceived the white mon or the black i. ten.
dollars in g >!d-be;*.riiig bonds to the great
> p.e oi * 'I lima : y in i.d« W *
The Jealousy of Girls.
Let me sav to vou as I said to mv old terv
al.« sIste s ■ I * 111 » i lite g i ’ o s."
when 1 came back
back: : “ Tom,
’’’ —- * the
’ R diff
he -: il !—
Girls are fearfully j'*al *u« of each Other,
confine thyself. m >st excellent philantropist.
lui* 11 \.
rln-y sai I
cnee between us is that I freed you fo*
w. sir. jump.'’
1 should call that, indeed, the girl’s distinct-j
to tea ?
. 1 . wa- Vt-rX
B- in.« as
J •. M KN L>. FAY,
years ago, and 1 was only emancipated on th
••Lull b!e-- us — tin W hilt ?
Ivory i.« an article of great interest and ive fault. See when we are introduced,
tliii*k, titi'l
i • , ait i V. hei.
; -Lth of March ; so you »ee I. am
“Jump, sir—over that desk.
value in modern commerce. It i« now pro­ when themselves meet at a ball or cr quot'
A ill I liing
towards the
■ you as a freedman.'’ As an evidence of his
Third Street, (wc.-t -id-), between <’.»».Ivinia
'•'.nipu-.-ib'.e !
duced in these United States. Our Auiyi- party ; see how cruelly critical they look at
-celie ot ills daily l-ii-!..e-s, i.c very much re
tin 1
loyalty, he showed a paper signed by Gov.
“You mti-l jump ilear of the tup u( that cm fellow-citizens of African descent, it is each other, and how scornfully their eyesi
Will practice in the Supreme and other Court.« an umight diminutive g-tipip'*, locu­ I
Brownlow, acknowledging the receipt of
; » <k. Mr. i’epkin. or your in.-uiauee won't
ot tai.- S.alc.
trt.e, do grow a certain supply of the article, rove over everv portion of their rival's dress ;'
note 1 bv a bract ot t< n puis. li.» i ve un­
¡81.500, to help establish a loyal press in
L/C w oi’111 «f h t rH W •
but rurc’v in masses considerable enough to real in their faces the outspoken sgirn as
“©*“ Partieular atti-liti >n pai 1 t > tilt- c >I!c>-ti->n -mall, r< u.i'l and dark—an 1 when excited.
The pour victim’s iniagii.iitioti was stretch answer the demands of the trade. Why the result of their scrutiny : “You think vou Knoxville. He told his hearers that they
<>f Claiui« agiiiii-t ibi- Fé ani State lóntru- ippetred very much like a black beitl. hall
lfleuts. thè Entry ut Lui !s yu.fer thè Pre empii -n
id to the l;.«t ten.-i<ui, but determined to should we not raise our own elephants have done rt very wi ll, hut you have made a were all slaves ,.to bondholders, who never
H;s citteks were
aad Huiuestea 1
a:i-i t > thè En'ry c.t Minerai
.-bed a drop of blood. I would "to God that
mau • an t*L rt to save wiiiit had cost him so in our own jungles ? V,’<‘ have lots of jun fright of youreelf, and I am much better than]
Lode* un ter thè reveut Aet <»f Congre«*. '
ii Ke t .vo Baldwin npph-s, and the
muco trouble air* •ady, he nerve*! himself up, gles now in Florida, and. if “ reconstruction ’’ you ! ” Watch their dislain of the more the Government had nut tlie credit to bor.
1 li.-taiic«: Lelwivti his fat chin and his chest
and advanced to the desk—-balked—ran •roes on long enough, we shall have them in admired among tlifin ; and tow excessively row a dollar to carry on war. Thank God,
s.t brief—taking into the account a constant
b.;c’» - an 1 tiicn, with a final desperation, abundance all through the South. By all i naughty for attracting so much attention my honors have not been gained through
hab.t of whet zii.g w hen over ex« ited—that it
blo -d. The wounded soldiers cannot attrib­
« g to the edge id' the railing, The boys means. 1st us have native ivory, evei\if we they think that Ada er Amy about whom
seemed doub.tii! whether there was anv room
S lu* u by, aud aS he reached the top they have to wait a few humlred years or so for it. | the young men cluster, How bold she is ! — ute their wounds to me. He called upon
there for a windpipe. .Mr. l’opkiu always
J AC KS<>N V11.11-, OR EGON,
tii.’ed his progress by a s.-ries of thumps and going without meanwhile. Also, native ma­ and, uh ! h iw uglv she is ! Sometimes, if them to cling to his compass, and stand by
breathed through his nose.
the Constitution. He spoke about two hours.
Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, anil j
jerks, when -Mr. Samuel Popkin finally found
hogany. Is it not a scamlal to think that a they are deep, they will everpraise her en
But Mr. I*, pkin hud examined the advertise­
other Court» -- <>t this State.
On retiring from the stand, he was heartily
himself p luting, aud | ullii.g, and wheezing,
troolv loii ’’ man should ever be forced to thusiastically ; but the ruse is generally too
ment and circulars wf the Mutual i’rop’-em up
OFFICE—Cali’urnia Street, south side, next
flat upon his back, upon the other side ot the extend his legs under a board which was fell­ transparent to deceive any one, and simply applauded, and at once surrounded by a
door tu L>r. Grube’s office.
Association, and having bagged a comlorta-
group of old friends. In conversation he
ble dinner, (Mr. i*. never ate any other) he desk. Toe Rubicon was passed, but ¿ammy ed in the forests of Honduras by a foreign counts for what it is—a clever feint that, spoke of Grant^erve, characteriz­
Dr. L. T. DAVIS,
axe, manufactured, probably, in the hated dosen’t answer. It is quite a study to watch|
.-allied forth to w ait up the agent, for the pur­ was well nigh dune for.
ing him it*-a bundle of prejudi* eg, and his
The wags lifted the applicant up, dashed a town which R oebuck represented, and the the way in which girls shake hunds together.'
“ gilt enterprize Cabinet,” as he called it.
ino stroot,
pitcher of iced water ia his face (by way of price of which has gone to swell the profits or take hands in dances. The limp, cool,
I tloor of the agent w as directly opposite that
impertinent way in which they just touch
Opposite : he Gid
'of a broker's office, am! mistaking the en- relieving Ins lungs) and then informed him oi the bloated capitalists of Britain? Be not
Wholesale and Retail.
1 trance, Mr. Popkin enter'd the latter, where fie could go, und that he would find their content, II. G., with this or that trivial itrnpos- palms then let their arms fall as if paralyzed,
A rkansas Lì VER Y S t ABI E, j two or three of the boys—clerks of the decision upon his ease in the Post Office next sibility, nor limit thine awful energies to the tells a volume to those able to read the let­ “ I must draw the line somewhere,” said
mere raising of a tempest in our teapots. tering.
the barber when he refused .to shave the coal-
¡broker—were assembl.d, an hour after din- niormng.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
heaver, and this is the sentiment which up-
I ner, with no bu-ii.e.-s upon their hands, and
S ublimely I mpudent .—A citizen of Wash,
Lux. protection, and expects from thee nothing
! parently actuates all that mysterious portion
ripe for fun.
ington, whom we shall call 1’., once rang at| j of the community known as society. But
Mr. Popkin made known the object of his next day, found the following satisfactory less than the conversion of the blessed sun the door of a British Minister, and telling!
S’h.ysioian eft? Surgeon, call, in his customary bland and artless man­ epistle :
in lieaven into a cucumber-patch !
where to draw the line is the question. Mrs.
the servant that he had important business
‘‘The Government of the Mutual Prop ’em
OFFICE—( Corner of California and Fifth
Wholesale looks down upon Mrs. Retail as
ner, when the eldest of the two winked at
with the Minister, was shown into an ante
street.«, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Ben. Wade.
up Association, in the case of Samuel l’opkin
“ not in our set, my dear, not in our set; ”
rooty, where he was joined by that official,
JC#~Wili practice in Jackson an<l adjacent coun­ his companions, and informed the applicant
Esq., Accountant, that a man once in the
Holy Ben is on the romance. lie wants when the following dialogue took place: while Mrs. Retail despises Mrs. Corner Gro­
ts», ar.d attend promptly to prolessional call.-.
that they were ready to wait upon him. Af
Boston Custom House, who isn’t smart the South like Moore's Ireland of old, where
cery for the same benevolent reason: and
ter turning the fat gentleman round several
May I ask sir, what business it is that you
enough to stay there, and who, at forty-four, a lovely maiden, decked in gem«, could wan­
Mrs. Corner Grocery contemns Mrs. Huck­
times, until his head swam like a top, the
cannot, without aid, jump over a desk less der throughout Erin without coming to ill. have with me?” Certainly, sir, it is this : ster, thereby taking a sweet revenge for hav­
foremost suddenly jammed his hat down over
than five feet high, is decidedly uniuaur He, Ben—says the report—’’would wait to In passing your house I learned thut you ing been slighted by those whom she consid­
TT GERY, and will utteiul promptly to all calls his eyes, aud begged him to be seated ; which
have a whist party to night, and as I am re
on prufeaiiuual business. Ilia office and residence request Mr. Popkin was about to comply able.”
ers tibove her in the social scale—because-
“give the vote to the white men of the
markably fond of the game, I thought 1
j* re at
P etek S ypuax , Secretary.
they outweigh her with ‘money and so cause
“South until it would be safe for all men to
with, very gratefully, wheu his chair was
The Overbeck Hospital,
Mr. Pupkin gave it up, bat he chanced to “vote ; until it would be safe for every Union would just step in and see what ore trumps.” tier, metaphorically, to kick the beam. True
dexleriously withdrawn from behind him, and
On Oragon Street. Jacksonville, Oregon.
The sublime impudence of the thing so amus­
outlive both his sisters. Posterity suflered
enough is, it that “ money inukea the mare
“man in the South to sleep in his cabin with
he cume to the floor in contact with an earth
ed the Minister that lie invited the intruder
nothing by his demise, but to the day of his
go,” and how eagerly does every one desire
“the latch-string out. Then he would go
ern spittoon which chanced to be near him,
into the room where the guests were assem­
death, his aversion to ail sort of insurances
" the stamps of fate, the sanction of a god.”
“with the gentleman (Mr. Farnsworth) for
the concussion causing a sensation which he
bled, and introduced him as the most impu­
was most bitter and determined.
S u r 5 o o XL eft? o.
And yet there is no intrinsic difference be­
Ai|he white man, and not till then, so help
declared one of the must “ extr’onnery ” he
dent man in America.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
tween these various sets of people. They
ever experienced in the whole course of his
P risoners of W ar .—As there has been “him God ! not till then.” And Lord help
OFFICE—California Street, South Side, be- life.
gain their living by buying and selling,
many contradictory statements made regard­
<weeu Third and Fourth.
Birth, education,
But it Beemed purely an accident, and Mr. ing the relative deaths of prisoners taken on for when did he ever go for anything that he recorded was that between a gentleman and some more, some less.
Pupkin with one hand raised his hat over his both sides during the late war for Southern did not homologate into his own uses? As lady in New Albany, Indiana. In case of character, go for little or nothing. Money
jA.itto x- noys-at-Xiaw nose, and applied the other vigorously to the independence, a resolution was adopted in to the latch string being out, Imw many Grant's election he agreed to marry her, and is the mercury of fashionable life, and as it
location of the thump be received in hij fall. the House of Representatives, calling on the persons go to rest in Boston or sweet Essex in case of Seymour’s success b I io was to rises or falls, expands or contracts, so is the
In a moment after he had got to rights, and Secretary of War fur information upon the without bolting the door ? And how does marry him—that is to say, the gentleman fashionable atmosphere warmer or colder.
Prompt attention given to collections.
drawing up the chair, submitted to be ques­ subject. The following is his report: Num­ the waste of unborn life in those regions with whom she made the wager, and no' Each class regards with veneration the one
possessing mure money than itself, and with
ber of Union prisoners South, 260.840; compare with the occasional lynching of a Gov. Seymour. At last accounts the parties
“ Name, residence, and occupation ?” said number of Confederate prisoners North, 200,- negro ravisher otherwhere» ? .Moreover, the were very well satisfied with the manner in contempt the one possessing less ; all treat­
welfare uf the white man in this country which the wager had been decided.
ing each other in tho jnanner described in
his interrogator.
000; number of Union prisoners died, 22,-
, he “ Toilers of the Sea,” by Victor Hugo :
“ Popkin, sir ; Samuel Popkin, Esq.,— 506 ; number of Confederate prisoners died, does not depend, be it known, on this unbottled
A Western preacher is thus described :
A Chinese silk, stolen during the last war
Benson street,—accountant.”
25,436. By this it will be seen that two gad fly, neither on any nor all of his coadju- “lie may supposed to have inherited tin
the palace of the Emperor, represents
“ Where born ?”
Union prisoners out of every twenty-three
temperament of an old-fashioned camp meet
i shark eating a crocodile, who is eating a
and wriggle and nip, but we fancy the great
“ United States,” said Mr. Popkin.
died, while two out of every fifteen Confed­
ing and got it mixed up in his blood with a
wheel will revolve, however they may Itum
•erpent, who is eating ap eagle, who is eat-
United States,” echoed the questioner, erate prisoners died.
modern torchlight procession. Where he is.
ng a swallow, who is eating a caterpillar.
on its rim.
turning gravely to one of hi» companions—
there must be wind aud thunder, and volcanii
All nature is devouring or devoured.” It is,
A poet says, “ there is a tide in the
“ he’s a Native American. Will that do ?”
Âà^It is an interesting sight to see a young eruptions, and earthquakes, and ground torn
, Wftl Practice 1« the Supreme, Dietriot, aad other
luwever, well thut some distinction should
The other nodded his head seriously, and affairs of man which, taken at the flood, leads
Coarts of this Stat*.
lady with both hands in »eft dough and a up bv the roots.”
■xist; andy until intellect is taken as the
Mr. Popkin began to find the room very warm. on to fortune,” etc. The trouble with many
misquito on the end of her nose.
money must serve as the tsftt, since
“ Age, Mr. Popkin?”
is that they get stuck in the mud at low wa­
smprt young lady, in reply to at
he possession of it implies the presence also
“ Pupkin, if you please, sir.”
termark, and are thus overwhelmed by the
the good die early, why are the bad inquiry why she did not get married, said i
“ Well—your age, Mr. Popkin?”
sweeping tide. They are unwary flies that like the pupil of the eye ? Because they di­ was because she was unable to support a of many of the refinements, graces, which
chars and delight.
“ Forty four.”
have walked into the spider's parlor.
JackMBvill«, Oregon.
Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
Newspaper Advertising Agent,
.Attorney & Counsellor-tt-Law.
Attorney A Counsellor-at-Law,
Whatever you have to .«av, luyj'rientl,
Whether witty, or grave, or gnv,
Comleiise as inueh as ever you can.
Ami sav it the rea<lie«t way ;
Au*l whether you write of r,..a! :if!.t
Or particular things intown.
Just take a word uf frien lljr atk ice—
lJ .il it down.
Thd world hits off some of Horace Gree­
l’opkin, vehemently.
ley’s totion« of protective industry and polit­
•) •
r had the small p >.\, Mr. I’ pkin
ical economy thusly :
N ever. l’opkin, if you please*, Btr,
We had feared tha t the death of slavery
added the applicant.
would be the ileath of li. G. Qouth S hy
“ Ever had the affection uf the heart?
lock :
“ No sir. Mr. l’opkin is a bachelor. '
« 4
You do take my life,
“ H ive you ever met with any serious ac ! When you do tuke the means whereby I live,”
And ’ll. G. having lived politically by the
Montgomery Blair on tlie Refusal ®f Fran­
cis Blair, Jr., to Take the Oath.