VOLUME XXVI. BANDON. OREGON. OCTOBER 4. 1910 AÏDTHE8 STOh LÖS Of ¡3 WñEGKED f RO ¡13 S1L g LAV- Kiiieu tn A Sig E - Diosion d PROMINENT CPl’PL GLliB With this issue oi the R ecord x the paper is being cnan gcv People are Reported A TWICE A WEEK PAPE.... NUMBER of investigation oí ¿ou- l- ern Pacific Oiiiciai I pl t«i by the management 01 the B i corp >. k lor some tune, and we feel C. R. Aitac and Miss Mat - 1 mat with the progress tiandon 1. • ¡1 -«.ie in tiie past year or two. that the IQuest; hi )' Fruit vanne; i tune is now ripe for the cnange to : place. for ímu M it »an.ii i.p V\ e have conndence in the fomr« pi • oi Baud) 11 wilt appreciate the movement in a C. R. Wade, one of Bandon > ¡.the investigations oi tiie Soutiierni w iv ttuncitnt to warrant ii eap< ; <■. and that in time it wiii be the Ix-si ; prominent attorneys, and Miss Ma I Facitic representatives in the biusiaw for aii concern k 1. Igaret Murphy, who has been l country with a view of looking into I teacher in the Bandon public school in tins connection we might a«.ld that an invitation is extended to all i tiie advisabiiitv ot building a road i for the past three years, were mar Lus Angeles. (Jal.. Oct. 1 —I'he tiroin function Citv to Florence. In those in arrears on subscription tn pay up. The date on the address of The ban h Commei tai Ciuu fried at tiie home of the brides >is budding anil plant of the Los An I referring to the visit «0 the Siuslaw your paper wai lndictte the tune to winch you are paid: lor instance, it u 1 met in regular -e» <>n Lst Friday ter, Mrsuijaiix'.' Cowan, t Mai- geles lunes, on • of the best Known )f C. 1. Mill« and Dr. E. Miugns; suvs October, o. that means 1011 are fiaid tu October. 1910. I night, Mr. M. G. Poni was present tield. last Wednesday event 1. i ; newspapers in the southwest, ot 1 i.iie newspaper .'.ays: We do not ooast oi anything we nave done in the past, nor of.what and presented t c subir i a can- i ceremony was pen »rmed i>y Rev. which itener.il Harrison Gi iv Olis “ 1 hey. interviewed a number of we expect to do m the future, but tins we will say, tiiat the jioitcy of the i nerv for Bandon a» tiie memiiers, Father Springer of Noitli Bend is editor and principal owner, was I our leading business men and citi- paper will oe as it alw ays has been, and that we expect to boost for Bandon land outlined in fits rem: iks sf Coos i and will be at home 10 then trnmr three ye;.i - pifi'dv wrecking the interior and I I unction City as comparei with a boro« Ore.. for this locality, are ..» Lang low. were united in marr; g- Phis is a orci.-os tfoii however that : is an accomplished lady and greatl n tilts city last night by Rev. Win ¡should e looxed into very thor­ setting it on tire from rooi to base*- I road to Eugene, and in answt r 10 n loiiows: I esteemed bv all who know hei Marshfield II. 1 Rutitdge. House tai I. t remark that so far as our peopie ate ment.. I'he force ot the expiosion oughly and would certainly be <>t I hev.start out in me with the bright »andon, 11. I.. Gratious. I t . Parker m a wen known voting great benefit io band in ano the Co was terniic. it was heard tor miles I concerned they would pre r the -st oi prospi cis. and will have the C oquille, E. C. Ma . man of the Coquille vniiey and is quilie valley. and all windows in the vicinity ol ion! 10 Eugene. Mr A ii«* eplie/ congrrnuiatious and iii st wi.-nits < Gardiner, J. S. Gt< 1 proprietor of the shingle inti! at the idmes building at 1 First anti | tiiat the Question is not. wucn rot The club also attended to other Hosts ot friends. Mvrtlo Point To tie supplied. Rarkeroburg. besides having othc i Bxoauwav were shattered. Between Ido the peopie firefer. but wmeh w. I The only tiling their iiatiduii matters ot routine Busin« ss, mid A S. il'-'i-. Norrth Bend. extensive holdings m this section of 50 and 75 employes were in theiturnish tiie most business tor the though there was nat a very lar ge irienda have charged up again R.;v. Graham», tue new d . star tar .xue.country, buiimii • at the time of the expiosmn Iramuiw iximiiunv. •v. »ttenoani-c. vet great enthusiasm them is the tact that thev were not Fiie bt ide is not so well k.iowu prevailed among those fire. and until the whole list 01 empiov | i hey are greatly plea 1 will bandutr. is a graauate ot tiie t) > iet tn on tiie secret until after it wa of the paper can be checked over, hforence and llr presp -. an a number < ■ rnrgotttn and Mr. and Mrs. VVa- 1 'lie happy couple will iiave the are lost l ite responsible beads ol i road much better than thuy had an b.uls where he was.veig successful will receive a royal welcome on th r best wishes of hosts of iriends tor a matters >i importau « to BantlOn return. tiie paper, including Assistunia ,t-n-j ucipatiM. Mr. Miiiis intmt n :ii that' in ins work. vid vt«. arv wiii e ta 1 an. . Rev. R. II. Allen, who has iicen happy and prosperous tourney eral Manager Hairy Lhandien nar- | ins report would be tavor iNe to con riil citizens who arc at ali interest« rowlv enenped dv ith. uianvot them istructing the road and before leaving the pastor here for the fast two years through life. in the development of tins section ^oruanè Live Stock Report. having ieit the budding a short time , ie remark« I. “You wifi have a road a :1 attend the Kimball Solmnl of are urged to be uret nt„ before tbeexplosion i ne tirespread iie)e before they do at Ceos 1 ay/' t heology at bah tn and w ill not Along the Vvhai titruugno.it the building vith am.«z- ‘ ¡he ¡dan which is now being con preach tins year. Receipts at the Portland Union ing rapidity, and ir. the course ot|sid< r«i by tne company is to build a Report >: ùant >.i Gran y « ->t< < k Yards tor the week endini but a lew seconds the riain.^ uurnial t (o;,d from Eugene or function to t he Newport sailed inindav for today have been as follow (futile every wm«i<>w and door in the buihi- | Florence and thence tu Loos 1. y. ! I More nepresentatives for Portland with a large shipment ■ j . m. hogs 30'11, sheep 5260, II. mg. snooting high afxive the roof. | Messrs Mifirs and Mingus left I ri Editor R ecord ‘-a : With tin m A' M. 173. goats 292. hogs, 20 tons ot woof, live tons of Northwest Ti«e building wa» equipped with 1 dav atterno >n bv wav ot the iak< hid », 13 tons of miscellaneous and ot the deputy master of titc st; S< non.ibie tipheavcis have oeciir- grange, we :en. «¡; unusually inter­ gas fittingsand the force ot the ex-1 for Gardiner, «in their wav back to 3S.Ooo feet ot iunit d during t ie pan week m cat plosum tearing these pit>es into bits I Co s Bay I lie Washcalore arrived in port esting meeting if ti e Grange ia-ij mu swine trade. Ine cable supph Seattle. Wa Ii.. Oct. 3rd —Tlx released tne gas. wnicti was mstamlv | | |ie Lnn« County Asset Com- ."Stares ot the Northwest l di hare Simmy and will probably sail today .'Saturday. and it w is 0:11: tiiat will, continued enormous and while tin lie it much benefit to the ioeail ..iai net on good steers remains firm ignited in every part ot tne budding,pany s railroad surveyors are now 1 I 11 ret ongrexstnen aitei me election or tomorrow. grange as well as ail neighboring I ii ¿5.30 the bulk of the rim cum No other cause tint dynamite is d- I working n’-ir*K:c litli cnnnerv f vo years from now, 11 the census file Fineiii arrived yesterday a ith vanc'-d :>v the witnesses except in 1 Mr. Fornert, the chief engineer, has nruves as great as every one experts, i k > tons 01 freight and passengers ;«■ granges. I prised only fair 10 medium ireev« As> ali good things take time the ■ ise of Western Union Telc- f been looking tor the b str niteio con gross will redistribute the repr«. follows; Mrs. D. B. Sullivan. Mi to I out her cattie sold well from I hi gi 1 1 Operator William Firmin, I run south troin Gienada. We urn isintatio i ot each suite in the lower L. Forshav. Miss Forshav. E. |acoh «uliy develop, so wiii it take eonit« ut; 11 the I House as soon as the census returns son, F. D. Meyer, Mrs. Meyer. time to get. th s move thoroughly ¡demand and the market on cow tmt was very steady^ ijouu bull of gas mroughout tiie bundnig <-u • | west side of the lakes between her« -e are known, anti we will learn then ll»ce 1 arrestisi a j Club Will ile Enteric <1 to t. Fen year» ago the distiibti- rot get. tiers not impressed tv tn litis sann j to *7.00. a limi basis, man named H trry Flake, who was I roti ol Uongressincn was made; on Hie Elizabeth witi arrive to-nig In good win and energy with which j man mg ius wav inrotigh the Broad the hog market was very crr.iti 1 ie oasis ot one to each 190.000 and will probably sail again they enter< d; it u t vnv t.‘ unsatisfactory with 1 general wav tunnel lour blocks distant. H<’ 1 he Republicans of N rill Lepo ! populati« it. Washington, fore:, r i nursd.iy. it lack ot stani : » ? xcthing can be ( downward trend. Early transaction was locked up on susincion. Anotb-| who formed a club a few days ¡:g<->;Pu‘- *;u> anowed three represetita accomplished v aiiov. tr. ’ t ? few er .man named Willuim irwm was expect to make the movement a ■>n Mondav were made at $10.73, I *tc s l'his year the popuiattoo o> The Norway creamery, ot which 1 men and sisters, wiiime to work to but the market snowed signs ol arrested later and tuk.si to the sta­ erai « :ie in tiie county, hi ■ I m- the state is expected to exceed 1 1 - tion. ine police are without clues | that they will write the state central I mull« 1. ¡here are a hail million J. fl. Met. loskey is proprietor, and 1 do ali the wora ai.d others, tor one breaking Liter, and by Wednesday Sales Fri m»wev«-i. 1- to me supi>«i'.a perpe-| committee ana ask tiiat ttirougiioiit• peopir in the three largest cities- ins sister. Miss Minnie McCloskey reason or another, be wdliilg to j had dropped to $10 50. ms chief aasiM.mt, won first prize accept the bene tit» with« ut their | day and ¿iatiirday showed a w< . trato. : the state in cities of the same size. I aioiiv. I he distriouti'in wiii be t «less and tne market closed 25 to 1 •«•«.1— | Republican clubs Be formed with f oased on an increased popuiau.ul all tor crenmerv butter at the Oregon individual eh state tatr at bal< in. and they nre at t ie 1. ;t tneepng tower inan a week a. ». Reci 1; i ’ he grange Xecenlton for IXew minister1 member mt» m? ie up of 1 otn a n ver the nation, but it ought n it tr 11 w receiving the congratulation.. Sis- ' nave been liberal ootn from Nebraska should si«.« a tuli attenuai, c. biv and anti assembly Kepubi«. s. | .«e greater than one Congress nan tb 1 la. | ters, brira It', i a-..et vtth t at: I u d Northwestern: po in speaking of the movem r. • ne | u h 230.000 people, tn which eas- ot their friends and patrons 1. » tc . 1 > 1 ne sie ep mover it tins v A reccpnon wiii e given for tl < nt tne inemtx'is saia that North . i tnlf iVasntngton w ui get tour repr.-> 11 Norway butter scored 05 points ¡uu>, We will n< was in competition with some ot the (o docK hll , , UKi x t ,, time to tiegin:| has been enormouB a is usual n«» pastor ot the M. E. dturclh | bail no candidates, either the assent-1 tativ'*• At the same ratio Gregcri tiest creameries in the sgic . Sol wc have pfent-- <>t v ■ k on h.. id. 1 tin? time of tne year ; mtnc Rev. II. L. t.raiious and wiii-. at btv or anti-assenibiv ticket, ami on I w.if probatify get three congressmen good in it that people have been ai | amt some ig .. u i es auatt t ir ci-nrt- 'or the nuiptti ai.st <. i ce the n tn’ of r. Bain, across the the state or county ticket, and con--tnstca.i ot two«* we now ban. cused ol using Morway wrappers ua,axK,,',. j. ,«• .\over :r i- i- utnui rs i me tin : <• ot t e ie street from the cnuiclt. Wednesday fseqwntfv they feel that a general tn inter er grade of butt't. It ... u . v , )L. c ; --een < ■ ■ jniiing mouth tast v u. Li: ■ wen:,. ,ui memocis ot the chon it 1 move in the county may well t -wvo—• also sa-.d that the Morway factory l tITCr . m|f ^¡9 .... , l3 eirctuu; veari s ..al xl ♦ : as id and o.ngregati.m are invited to In m North Bend. About ao ot the F. F. bkidv has received an p present. ____ ______ r re _______ ensti . ig v-ar < will l other grades brought tatr prices con I Kepuoucans started 1 lie tnovemciu, oorntment troni Acttrtg Governo! 1 nas üao madc morB bntUT inin "ny |omcera —poo---- of theGng.m' ‘ ,thcr cren ^ rrv ‘ he county. Ismenne tne supply. 1 he acm.11 I I come uj). • i and it is expertisi to in.u.c a Ciubf Bowerman aa one I tnterpri.se . Capl. 0» Wircn. cooperative Satn Hines, who was formerIv a _ _ I ore.itii> oi an inch. eiU ait Kiml.ot scconu >uv your l ay. gram and.iced of 1 war was 1.22 uKUvs, a umcnin < — fsavif nuKhcni and dairymen of the Ger front on ant street. He uriti occupy i band go • falling tn vour old. and A'. R001x011 at tiie Centr'd W are- B 1 l uliEunes. |l(i|h8iiue. 27'tO7 ti 1. io less thia.year. ¡quii