• • e * • •: e Stmr FIFIELD’ the -ONLY Doe« Bandon Know Which WAY.’’ 36 tl Mbc* the dijM of th* b«iklinf ot ououx And meting work of the aver­ age housekee[>er. llis nerves will l>e Side Her Bread ie But C*vt*luly it i« a k'ug cry from the on edge before u day is over, and the jphiiil to tite tiyiuc macblue. Buster Brown School S toes are longer he continues the nearer be will teted On? We du uot Know wbat purpose that be to the iusaue hospital. without a peer. Get them al Rosa inscrutable face of stoue half buried Who are the loafers in every com­ tl in tiie sand* »as meaut to serve. The “FIFIELD*' entertains Ils Co's. munity —tneu or women? Who are the Bandon—Geographically an Ore j Nor du we know bow the pyramids “rags?” l*o you see many tramps who passengers. 11 Archdeacon Horsfall willhtkl sei By EDILI A. NY1 • gon town. Commercially a Gahfor- were built at a time when there was are women? Scissors lor school clii dren. ai vices in St. |ohn's Episcopal Church nia town. Do steam or electricity. 110 derricks to Or— lift the vast stuues aud no dynamite Sunday morning and evening. Go to the penitentiaries and compare Bandon Hardware C * it VICTIMS OF SELF. Leading indi »tries—Lumber, to blast them out of the «juarry. the number of men with the women When traveling on the Fifield you coal, dairy pioducts. If I kill another man the law—hu­ Try those Home Grown Onions We only know that great swarms of Do you find many women in the sa­ are not treated merely as a pay in.’ tl al E o->a Co's. loons or iu the gambling hunsee? When- Marketed?—San Francisco man and divine law—will hold me re- slaves lived aud died at the task. a|M>i»«ibie to rhe limit of penalty. We have made great progress since Do you find many women engaged passenger, but rather as a guest. 11 ami California in general. The Paint. Bandon Hardware Co. the day when some master imagina­ In occupations that are not only un­ Which is right. price is up, but the quality is way If I kRl myself human law will not, tion saw iu Lis vision the contour of productive. but also ruinous to hu­ F or S ale .—Furniture, organ, INVESTMENTS OF OUTSIDE MONEY. cannot, touch me. But there is no that great stone face tliat for centuries manity? It up. bedstead, lawn mower, rockers, Which is it? Is it the money of doulx that divine law will reach me has looked out over the desert sands. The tenuous theory of the sapient But how? Rosa Co. guarantees its new line tables, mattress and other articles. the metropolis of Oregon, or that of somehow, somewhere. professor does not tit the fact. True, we Lave t...,. u great leaps in Merely because In most cases the of Pocket Knives and Scissors, See Inquire at the Horsefall place. 372.x the metropolis of California that has Which is also right. the matter of transportation and loco­ women are not the wage earners of the the laws of If iu this life I violate tl them. Mrs R. Wilmot Getty and little been and is making this section of motion. family are they to be classed as unpro­ nature aud injure myself the laws of But what boots it thnt we can boast ductive and expensive? the country what it is today? daughter of San Francisco, but for ­ Tne PALAC’F Boat ot Bandon— nature will punish rue. Even considered economically (and Is it California or Oregon that is And this again is right, because na- of our flying machines or of an ex­ “F lFIELD” sa'ls loi S n Francisco, merly of Empite, has been visiting press train that goes from Chicago to that swuis to be the professor's view­ friends in this vicinity the past week. advertising your county, advancing ture is just and impartial. New York in eighteeu hours? Is that point* she who saves a dollar or ex­ St pl. 251I1, 4 p in it civilization? it; whose interests are giving a val ­ These truths, simple aud self evident, pends it so ns to get the most out of It Mrs Ohman, mother oi Mrs. Tom ii L 1’r.uy is binning a kiln < What is civilization? is as useful to the family and to soci­ are often forgotten or ueglected by ue to your individual investments? Our books on economics say thnt civ­ ety as he who earns a dollar. buck at ins j ard in the oid r.n White, of this city, returned last i people who bring troubles upon them­ ilization consists in (lie organization of TRANSPORTATION FA ILITIES Is not the woman who makes the i selves. track. He has 75,000 in the kib Friday from Portland where she had industry, the accumulation of wealth, home for the busband and nurtures if. being in full control of my own dispetwion of thrift. Invention, etc.— Which city was it that established S. H. Goff, the second-hand mai been visiting friends for the past foi l and trains the children, to say nothing min«'st men and women of our day. to be both'witless and ungrateful. for you. Do all vour 1 urchasing Miss Buckingham will attend tlie chain harness; for $t6o. Tlier«' are persous who will neglect It is more than the development of directly with or through them They proper Bandon High School. 36-41 W. F. K ennedy . sanitation and water supply, mind. It Is the development of the THE ART OF BEING KIND. ate entitled to your support. Their giving no heed to what they eat or HEART. It is the history of kindness which alone Mr. and Mrs Win. Lusk of the “FIFIELD” drink. And then when typhoid fever Civilization is that state of society makes the world tolerable. If it were not success and prosperity is you« suc­ Cleanliness North Fork came do aii last wet k lays them on their backs they will where men aud women FEEL as well for that, for tlie effect of kind wonts.' cess and prosperity. Bandon mer­ pray, multiplying:. spreading, making one happy "His will, not mine, be done." as think. Comfort fur a visit with their daughter. Mis through another and bringing forth bene­ chants keep in stock, or ca 1 obtain Which is almost impious. Civilization — the real thing — is prog fits. some thirty, some sixty, some a thou­ Courtesy. it Inez Lusk, who is one of the teach­ for you, any commodity that yon There are persons who will neglect ress along the line of human brother­ sand fold, 1 should be tempted to think life a practical jest in the worst | w > h - ers in the Bandon public school. Ira Tucker and W. H. Dibble re can purchase through the mail their diet and gobble down their food hood. it is ORGANIZED KINDLI­ our like pigs. And then when indigestion NESS. True civilization consists in the sible spirit.—Robert laiuls Stevenson Fred Mehl, who had the misfor­ turned on the I.Kt Elizabeth fro' 1 order, or any other system and can makes them miserable they will lay spirit of HELI’FL’LNESS Your neighbor or frleml has failed tune to get his arm broken while i San Francisco where they had bee., give you better satisfaction, Every tlie responsibility on their ancestors, if the editor wanted to compare in some enterprise or slipped a cog "Stomach trouble runs in our something that really showed our soniew here or lost Ills job. lie is mis­ working in his planing mill last spending a few «lays. dollar you spend, spend in Bamion. saying. family.” progress he should iiave compared the erable over the situation and hungry Thursday, is getting along nicely ai Mason fruit jar lids and rubber, Give each doll.u a chance to circu­ Which is nonsense. pyramids with a great modern hospital for a little sympathy, though he is too to show it. present. and Economy j.ns at B indon Hard late through the hands of the many These persons are not being punish­ or asylum or home for th«' friendless. proud Your disapproval will only add salt ed; they are punishing themselves, it m Bandon Do not rush the money is not the Lord's fault or the fault of Mrs. Filbert Dyer and daughter ware Co. it to Lis wounds. CROSS EYED PEOPLE. Or an acourself and you mum 1 know a doctor who takes up your door of a sickroom or a few flowers Ireshments, a feature that added The prices for hogs range from «let as you feel. dependable institutions. time to explain how his brother phy­ <>u a birthday anniversary. Of course you cannot put your la'si greatly to the pleasure of the occa­ $10.25 to $10.75. sheep from $5.50 Trifles? Bandon money is San Francisco foot forward, your liest side out, ex sicians violate "professional ethics” sion . and who leaves the impression that he No. They are expressions of love, to $7.00, cattle from $3.00 to $4.75. money—use it accordingly. «•ept by practice And in tlie practice thinks himself Immaculate. and love is the greatest thing in the Schramm jar lids at Bandon Hard­ forced optimism the world is find I know an editor who continually world. J. L. Kronenberg and family, of boost f . or the 1915 fair at san of ing some wonderful cures of mind and finds fault with liis town ami the peo- ware Company. Lots of them but Parkersburg moved to Bandon last You have troubles of your own? FRANCISCO. body. Surely. But will it not help yourself pie and who seldom prints a “boost” they are going fast. it We are strange creatures. None of Friday and are living in the Barro • s to lay a kindly hand on the weary The establishment of the fair in us «pilte understands himself. But we for liis community. Cross eyes. shoulder of another? A touch of kind E. E O.ikrs. agent, received a cottage in the east end of the c'H San Francisco will mean thousands all admit tin* wonderful influence of 1 know a man ’who sees nothing ness is Ilk«' tlie rubtier bull you threw— check for $25«* 61 last week in pay­ until th"ir fine new residence oa >f dollars directly to the coffers of mind attitude over the laxly. good in his fellows, who finds fault it bounds track. Do you know there Is sir'1 a thing ment of the insurince policy of the Bandon Heights is c mpleted. happiness. The world Is sad enough Bandon. Do your l>est. no matter as «1 “laughing cure?” Eve* day the with his neighbor's children and who Talk I? busy Hie whole summer through in Without your woes No path is wholly Insurance Co. cf North America, on rough. W anted .—Gentle driving horse how small, to forward the intererests patient sits for twenty minutes i.efore a controversy with other people's «logs Look for the places that are smooth and the A. Martin house which burned a with buggy and harness. Apply a mirror and laughs. The m< re act of that fair It will be appreciated at and chickens. clear suggests humor and before long khe short time ago; he also re'eived a this office. I know a woman who scents a scan­ And speak ot these to rest the weary ear ami all will be benefit ted. Yours person is laughing in all reality, Per- 37 t2x earth, so hurt by one continuous strain whenever she sees two persons of Of check for $1.000 in payment of the Of human discontent and grief and pain for the increased prosperity of Ban­ sons who have tried this for certain dal opposite sex talkiug together alone, A Sprague and wife, ami C F. same company’s policy of the Bar » don. Get together. She's a good ailments—melon 'holla, etc.—say it real who is sure the grocer cheats her on Whose Petticoat? view Hotel, which was consumed by Phipps, -if San Francisco, who have town *nd worth the eff rt Watch ly cures. every purchase and is alwnys ready to Most of us take ourselves too 8«Tl suggest that No-nnd-so is not as good After the teacher had trained her been spending the past three months hre this summer. Bandon grow. ously. class Io habits of comparative neat­ as she apftears to be. at different |w*ints on tne Coquille You can literally coax yourself Into ness she instructed them to keep 11 Capt. A. C. Birnun and Nello river, left Cress eyeti people. for their home on the last a melancholy. You can magnify your watchful eye on each other. If hands You know them. They are in every Johnson of Astoria passed through Elizabeth. ills ami form the brooding habit, if by place, and their distorted vision makes were soiled, shoes rusty or unevenly W anted . —Cosmopolitan Maga­ tills habit of mind you can make your them obnoxious to all. Bandon last week on their return laced each embryo Sherlock who not- lor SALT, packing purposes, for zine requires the services of a rep­ self miserable, why cannot you by men cd anything amiss was requested to from a hunting trip in Curry county, Tlie cure? tai coaxing and habit minimize your Natural cross eyes may be strnlrrht- write on the blackboard, “Somebody’s and stopped off a few days to visit sale at the Bamion Warehouse resentative in Bandon to look after ills and put yourself in a cheerful pin'd and ctired l»y n surgical opera- siloes are unlaced,’’ or a similar wurn- Co. 37-2t stiltscription renewals and to extend frame of mind? Mr. Johnson’s cousin, S. I). Bai tion that hns become common with Ing Wear your clouds Inside out. rows and family. Capt Barnum is One morning every <’hil«l in the room oculists, But there Is no way that 1 Miss Ms rile Davison an«l sister. circulation by special methods which Live on the sunny sld«> of your exist know of by which mental strabismus hastened to the board and wrote, have proven unusually successful. an old resident of Bandon and was who have bee” visiting their parents cure You cannot improve a bad con may be cured. “Somebody's petticoat shows. . 1 ” Forty much impressed with the improve­ \P. and Mrs. Lyman Divison, o' Salary and commission. Previous dition by living in the shadow. sentences thus glaringly proclaiming And if you go about with a long face ment the city is making. the brnzenuess of a petticoat moved Two Mile, for the past two months, experience desirable but not essen and A SLUR ON WOMAN. liest a story if bad luck your the teacher to unusual watchfulness, tial. Whole time or spare time. Every once in ii while some college friends by and by will turn a corner Barb wire and tence wire, Vet y returned to Portland on the last trip and ns one little girl after another professor makes himself ridiculous l*y Address with references. If. C In order to keep from meeting you. ' low figures on big quantities, Ban of the Breakwater. cross<*d the room she kept a sharp look­ III considered twaddle. Smile! Campbell, C smopolitan Magazine, out for th«' obtrusive petticoat. Rut An instance is that of a North west- don Hardware l’o. it Hold up your chin and smile. Big supply of good timctliv and 1789 Broadway, none appeared. So far as she could New York City, em university professor of economics Do your liest and look for the l>est see. every |H*tticont present was mod­ Mrs. A. H iberly returned Satur rye hay at I*. W Robin inn's .«t New York. who told an Evanston woman's club and all the day «otig act ns if you were 35-«4 36-13 day Iron' er visit to her parents, very low prices. a son or 11 daughter of God's royal that women did not earn their living estly keeping itself within fashion’s Her enlightenment came Twenty acres family, which you are And rememl>er and uerti unproductive and expensive hounds. land one mile front Mr. ard Mrs. John B. Werren, of M.J Harden, of Milwaukie, W s , when the board was needed for arith­ to society. the slangy but philosophic stanza: Lake Forest, Ill., and also visited at arrived in this city about two weeks Bandon lor sale, Lies Smooth, easy metic. Willi eraser In hand the teach­ Which Is but a silly slur. The dlffcn'nc* between the optimist An not pay their way and an acre for hall or all of it. See B. eriy found her mother enjoying good Mrs. 1*. Hanrahan, and faintly. Ik- The p’Wlm'tt the hole. earn the right to live in the world, but that I «an now erase this warning?" S Swengel at the Bandon Hardware health and left her about six weeks left for his home l ist Siinrdiy, ac they are »he exception and prove the "No-o-o!" shrieked every child in tri­ |t «■AT IS CIVILIZATION? rule that women even more than men umph “It's yours, teacher!”—New ago in the best of health. After companied by Mrs. Hanrahan and Co. The other day the dispatches told an earn their living. York Press. visiting in Missouri lor a while, Mrs. little son, who will visit in the Erst FOR SALE. — Eighty acres interesting story alsiut the aeroplane* Unproductive and expensive! Haberly returned home, and in about for a month or six weeks, Thev go choice bottom land on Sixes river. circling around the sphinx and the Women the world over work longer Made Little Noise. hours than men. es|tecially women of three hours after her arrival here by the way of Tacoma where they 5 miles from Port Orfoid. # mile pyramids In Egypt. "My ancestors have been in thia Whereupon the editor of a New the household, who form a large part country for 250 years." sne received .« letter bearing the sad will stop for a few days visiting Mrs from county road. Address Alex Tort newspaper wrote a two column of the sex. “Gee. but they've been keeping quiet I Moran, formerly of this city. news ol her mother's death. Let a cuau try to perform the monot- about it."—Chicago Record-Harald. I Turner, Langlois, Ore. 35'5 lx editorial about the odvoac* of clvUlaa- aleart to Heart Talks. ' ;b* pyramid*. * • e • • • • . » • •• • 4 •• S • *. 9 • » *