• • ✓ « « • « • • r ? 0 «O Local Lore j Miss Myrtle A’tell ol L.ike|»oil was a Bando.s visit->r Tuesday. Lost—An oppor1 unity if you fail to trade with Coumerilh Cbrisiet.sen Co It The PALACE Boat of Bandon— •'FIFIELD" sails for S.ui Francisco. Sept 16th, 10 pm. :t Mrs. Wm Craine itturnrd Wed­ nesday from a month’s visit xith relatives at Portland. W anted —A competent girl to do general homework. Mrs. C. A It X Rogers south of G. A. R hall. R-v. Allen and wife left Monday tor Hillsboro, where Mr. Allen goe to attend lhe M. E. church confer ence. J. K. Baker returned the first o lhe week from a camping -and hunt uig trip a few miles above Myrtl« Point. Th«- Elizabeth left San Francisco Tuesday night for Bandon and win sail from here again Sunday, Sept 18th, about 11.00 a.nt. Aiu>u> • or son wttgi up tn the cour.- tv s« it on bii-.it.a couple of da) lawt week. Big supply <»f gtxnl timclhv at d r>e lav at !. W Roomsoil's . t veiy low prices. 3^*t3 H<-.itiiig stoves, cxill stoves and steel langt.s. Big new lot at Bandon llaidw.ire Co. it Call anti see the line 1 ne ot Ladies’ Suits, Coats md Dresses, at Couni erill» Christensen Co. it Rev. Ayers, of North Bt-n-l, will preach at the Metlnxlist church next Sunday morning and evening. "FIFIELD" ’ Cleanliness Comfort Courtesy. Along the Wharf 9 •« « B « H. G. Hoy’s Statement to the Th«- Soci lists of Coos countv met at Coquille Monday, Sept. 5th, and nontin .tell a lull county ticket as follows; Rcprisent.iiivc. M. Breuer, Ban­ don; Joint Representative, C- F. Gilroy, Bridges Sheriff, John Hav den, Marshfield; County Judge, J. E. Quick. Coquille; County Clerk. F. E Wood, Bandon; treasurer, A. L. Harris. M. Glus, 4. Ba-ing, A. R. | If James Coquille; Surveyor. L. Wilcox and w-fe, R. F. Maye», E. Galen. S. S. Martin, Coquille; Coroner, Wm. M. Darling and wife, J. D.Marshall, E. Darling, Huntley. Mvrtle Point; Commis­ Milton Hah, Mr. Darlin->, sioner, VV . A. Gilman, Marshfield. The Newport sailed this morning with a cargo ol spruce for Grays Harbor. The Elizalreth will De in Douglas County Helping to i this evening. I he Washc.d >re i.uòed Friday for Stu f-r. uk -’ sco with .« Itili cargo <»• lumber. l ilt A« I v nice airivt-d Sun­ day a.d the Esther Beline and Al - bn •11 I urscl.tv. All aie loading luin- o* 1 at the mdls along die river.’ I lie B indoli arrived vdlb sd.i v and the i* tiiel this morning. I he lattei had loo tons of irrigui and 14 p.tsscn- gers as f >liows: it ------ uXX> — it ® a • Republican Voter» Regular services are held every Sunday at 11:00 a. tn. and 8 p. m. F. W. Stevens, the job pt inlet Sunday school al 10 a. tn Y. P. of North Bend, and his wife, have been visiting in Bandon for a few S. U. E. at 7 p. tn. Strangers and new coiners are always welcome. lavs. day. • Socialist Ticket Presbyterian Church Remember the big sale closes at Coumerilh Christensen Co’s, Sattir - • • — — C. Lofgerwixxl was a Mvrt «• Point visitor Monday. Just itc» iv«-d. over 300 «iew Skin at Coumerilh Christensen Co.’s. it « « « • O 9 White Trial Is On _____ ■ The case ol the Slate of Oregon vs Wm. White, who is up I ir the killing of his step-father Leroy |;>nes, is now being tried at Coquille G. F. Treadgold ami G. K. Barrow are the attorneys for die defense l’he jury was not secured until late Tuesday. Notice h«eby u that the Common given Council of lhe City of Bandon, will upoa the Mhh day of September, 1910, at 7.30 p. m., re. I am a Republican c«ve sealed (ot bids moung the City Half, 1 am a candidate lor tioiuinati«>n north ot the street line an estmiate distant e ot It) as County Judge. f«*<. Particulats as Io specibcatuxu can be had I am an attorney and comp« tent from th» unde, u^n«- '. . Bids mua be hied with the Recosdn not later than 6 o'clock p. nt., and qua-uii'd to |xrtoiiti the duties 1“ I September KJth, 1910. ol the office I seek. Countil reserves the the right Io ie)ect anv ai.d If elected 1 will maintain an < tfice i ail bids. or >’e kly office davs at lhe c< uiity Dated at Bandon. Oregon, this 15th day i t seat; will insist on a tail an equal September, 1910. E. B. KAUSRUD. Record«. assessment ot tax«-s up., i .Il prop- <6-13 eitv within de «••■■. .\. including standing timlxi, aiu,.eby the gen­ Advertisement for Bids for eral rate of taxation will be reduced Street Improvement. while the revenue will be increased; will give the county good n ads; and Notice it hereby given that on the 30th day will give tile county a careful, honest ol Septemliet. 1910. at 7:30 o'clock p m.. the Make Roseburg Road Common Council ol the City of Ban Jon, will business ad min 1str.1t ion. receive sealed hid» for grading Columbia Ave., Look for my name on your Re­ lietween 5th and 6th street». Said grading to Good One. publican ballot. consul of the excavation of I 179 83 cubic yards H. G. Hov. G oo «I Roads; County and the tiling of 121.27 cubic yards. Sui|4* The Roseburg Review repiints Seat Office; No Partner; No Favor eaith to be spread upon Columbia Ave. where from the Mvrtle Point Enterprise an ites; The Square Deal. street is no« up to grade, extending down to 3d 35 31 item regarding what is being done Pxid advertisement furnished by H. G. Hoy, street. Council reserves the right to reject any and all on the Myrtle Point Roseburg wag­ Marshheld. Oregon. bids. Further details as to specifications can be on road, in which it is stated had from the under signed. that it is to be made an Dated at Bandon. Oregon. Sept. 15, 1910. Notice to Taxpayers. auto route. In commenting on it 36-t2 E. B. KAUSRUD. Recorder. the Review says that fully as much more work as is being dene in Coos Notice of Street Improve­ Notice is hereby given that the county is being carried on at lhe Board of Equalization for the ment. Douglas county end of the road. County of Coos, State of Or gon, A new grade several miles long has will attend at the office of the Notice is hereby given, that on Sejgember 7th, been built along Camas mountain County Clerk of said County, at 1910, lhe Common Couucil of lhe City of Ban­ entirely cutting out one of the hard­ Coquille, Coos County. Oregon, on don. Coos County, Oregon, at a regular meet ing thereof, by resolution ordered that Spiuce est parts of the trip. the 17th day of October, A D. Street in Azalea f’ailt lie graded and sidewsiked ---- — 1910, the same being the third Mon­ from the North line of Spruce Street, in Azalea day ot said month, at the hour of Park, to the South line of said Azalea Park. Complimentary Remarks nine o’clock a. m. of said day, and I This notice is published 3 times, pursuant to Section 57 of City Charter, the last on Septem­ publicly examine the Assessment ber 29th, 1910. The following very complimentary Roll and correct all errors tn valu­ Unless written remonstrance against this improve­ remarks from our friend M. G. I ohl ations, descriptions, or quality of ment above designated fiy owners of two-thirds of ate much appreciated. He says. amis, lots or other property. the real property U(K>n this street, be hied with the Recorder on or before Sept. 29, 1910, there at "Only with the aid of our local Petitions or applications for the paper, the Bandon R ecorder , was reduction of a particular assessment the earliest convenience thereafter and within six it possi >le for us to make the first shall l:e made in writing, verified bv months, the said Council will pass an ordinance directing that such improvement be made as exhibit of farm products, by the local the oath of the applicant er his at above describ -d and the cost thereof assessed to grange, a success. Grangers F ar­ torney, and be filed with the Board the adjacent property owners. Dated Bandon, Oregon. Sept. 15, 1910. mers—do you read the Bandon R e ­ during the first week it is required 36-t3 E. B. KAUSRUD, Record«. corder ? If not, you should. This by law to be in session, anil any pe- paper is a friend to you. Subscribe titition or application not so made, Notice of Street Improve­ and learn what is going on in this verified and tiled shall not be con section. If you are a subscriber, by sidered or acted upon by the Board ment. all means find time to read it. and as Dated this t2 h 5 miles from Port Orford, 'X mile is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. l oin Bandon, Monday, fora camping trip from county road Address Alex White, of this city. Turner, Langlois, Ore. 35 5»x down lhe coast. Miss Lur.i Morgan who has lx-en Everybody is painting their build­ on the sick list for several d tys is re­ The Herald says: Wm. Cox ano his two sons, Leonard and G. C., ings and fenc< s before the wet weath­ ported better at this time. and families, have moved to Baudot, er sets in. If you are not, you B orn —To Mr. and Mrs. R. E. where they will make their tutor« should. The Bandon Hardware Co. Thompson, Wednesday night a fine '•as just received another big ship 9 pound baby girl. home. men! and now have the biggest stock Mr. Wimberly, the new principal W. B. and W. P. Gibl»s and in the county. it of the Myrtle Point school, has been families, of Eastern Oregon, arrived Orders taken for Misses’ and camping on the beach here for a few in this city the first ol this week and are locking lor a location to g< Women’s Made to Special Order days. Dresses, Syits, Oats and Capes You can do better lor cash if vou Mrs. Alfred Johnson, Who into business. Will call and show samples and take buy your hay. grain and feed of T. J. W. Lint is putting in a new measurements. Mrs S. Dean, Box Died at Coquille, Prom­ W. Robison at lhe Central Ware­ photo studio at his old stand on 26. 35~2tx house. 27 tf inent in County. 1 irst street. The building is being You, Mr. Dairyman, listen: Have S trayed . — White horse about thoroughly remodeled and will lx I vou tested the milk ft >m your cow k 16 hands high, weight 1400 lbs., 12 first class in every respect. Coquille, Sept. 9 —Mis. At'nd to know which is most valuable to years old. Notify M. B Hewitt, Johnson, whose funeral was li< Id at E, B Thrift of Langlois was keep through lhe wintei? You can Bandon, Oregon. 35-2tx Coquille on Wednesday, was widely Bandon visitor Monday. He w get a six bottle 20th Centun Rev. Harturaft, the 11 w pastor of known in the county. I lie lunt ral accompanied by his mother, Mrs. A DeLaval hand tester from the Ban the Presbyterian church will preach was held from the Methodist Church J. Thrift, of San Jose, Cal., who ha Ion Hardware Company at exactly next Sunday both .Homing and eve­ at Coquille and the sei vices were been visiting that section of tin wholesale cost. it ning. conducted by Rev. C II Cleaves. country for a short time. A two inch water pipe was con­ Dr. H. L. Houston and Frank The members of the Eastern Mar Not only all the comforts of home, nected with the Bandon Light and Holman were cdled to Coquille the officiated at the grave. but more, may be found on th« Water Co *s plant, and extended to first of the week on the State of Mrs Johnson was formerly "FIFIELD." Spacious, well ven the dwellings of the lighthouse keep Oregon vs. Wm. White case. Georgie Anna McClintock, and was Plated rooms, all with hot anti cold ers. The work was finished up yes The Klyhiatn went over to Coos born on February Sih, 1852, in running water, electricity, and wil terday and the occupants of the Bay yesterday to low over the Point Fortune, Canada, where she ling service. The most liberal man dwelling are rejoicing over the fact schooner Esther Buhne, to load lived until 1862, when her parents agement. it that they will have plenty of good spruce for the North Bend box fac­ moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin, Last Friday evening Mrs James water tory. and lived there until 1868, when she Hughes of Port Orford was the guest F.. E. Reynolds has bought out The public is ini i ed to attend came to Manistee, Michigan, and of honor at a small party a* th« rhe barber shop of II. F. Morrison •Mort ¡son’s Fall and V\ inter Mil* was married to Alfred Johnson on Pacific House, and a most enjoyable and took possession of the 'same littery Opening. Saturday, Septem­ June 19, 1869. To this union was time was had by those fortunate Monday morning. Mr. Reynolds is ber 17. The latest styles in ladies’ horn the following children: Ida enough to lie present, ami it w >■ well known to Bandonian«, having tnd children's hats will lie on dis Delle, Allred George, Everett I'Ils long past midnight when the las’ been associate« I with Mr. Morrison play. worth, Charles Clmtock, Katherine tl guests reluctantly said good night in the shop for almut three years F or S ale —Son el horse, weight May. Ethel Margueret and Esther and will no doubt draw a big pat .dxiut 1,300 Ills, nine years old, and Irma, all of whom were born in Man- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hines who le' ronage. perfectly sound Will take $90. i«tee, Michigan. All of the family Bandon about three years ago aftei survives. E. F. Oakes, president of the Can be driven single or double. having been here s< me two years in In ¡889 they came west to Cali G eorge C ondie , the restaurant business, arrived ir Bandon Commercial Club, has a card tornia, where they lived until 1897 33~4tx Walslrom ’ s Landing. this city last Friday from Portland tn this issue of the R ecorder an when they moved to Coquille. E. M. Sumner and family have Since leaving Bandon they hav< nouncing himself as candidate for ------- - XX? traveled quite extensively in th« county commissioner before the Re­ been camping for a week in Coquille Reoublicans four years ago were United Slates and Canada. Mr publican primaries. Mr. Oakes is a and attending the Van Marter meet­ Hines is going to build on his lots young man of grxxl business qualih- ings, They went to Coos B ty this led to believe that by their vote they in the east end of town near th« cations and is widely known through week to visit his brothers and ther were electing to office a flat salary out the county, and will no doubt friends. candidate for State Printer. After < Iriental Hall. poll a big vote at the primaries. nearly four years’ experience they L. B Woodruff, the second hand A. Halierly st irtcd lor Roseburg, are now told bv Mr Duniway that E. ¡.ewin has lieen laid up for man has moved with his family to the 'first of the week, being accom |>anied by Mis. Osborne anil son several days as a result of a very Myrtle Point, and will open a second he only pledged "an economical Lester, and Mrs. Ella Nelson IB sore to«-, which has been Ixithering hand store there. Mr. Woodruff is . business administration,” and now was intending to bring Mrs. Ilaberh him more or less for some time a hustler an 1 will no doubt work up hollers for more of the G raft . Give home, the latter having been in III The toe formerly ha l for several months visiting her par and seems In be more affected all Charles Fox en oyed a visit from vote. enfs; Hut we understand that Mr. the time, so that it is probable that .1 brother in law last week. The! Gal-va-nite Roofing The kind H tlwrly was brought back by' tie it will lx- nectssarv to amputate it latter was in Bandon 40 years ago sheriff to be a witnr-s in a case in before he gets permanent relief when this was a wilderness and that last.s and will stand this jieciili.ir • i circuit couit, but sent lits team on to Mr. Lewin's many friends hope for notes m.fny changes that have taken , salt air climate, <»et yout orders in his speedy recovery. * Roseburg. I place in lhe time that has elapsed i cariv. Bandon Hard» aie Cu. u t Notice to Contractors. litem. Olie of tile troys. acquainted with Fogg's frequent <■ flanges of lilioile, asked him w Itieli lie thought was the i lieajier. in move or to pay rent. -| can't tell you. my dear boy,” re­ plied Fogg. "1 have always moved.” Willing to Be thè Goat. ’Wfiy sbolliti thè spirit <>f mortai ite pr-tid?'” <|itoi<-<) th«> impassiotiesl tiratoi. ì’Iivu he pittiseli il moiiieiit to let lt tabe i-ffect. ••Well.” s|Hike tip a httlf iuebriated man in tlie tiiitlieucè. ”1'11 I h * lite goat. Wlij sbottiti it?”—Chicago t ribune. Ponce in not mere trntiqiillllty, for tranquillity may l>e Indifference.-Duf­ field. and sidewalk on both sides of street. notice This will be 3 publiihid tin es, the last on September 29th, 1910. written remonstrance against this im­ Unless provement thirds of above the designated, property real signed owners two- by ujron this street and avenue, and the same lx* tiled with lhe Recorder on or before the 29th day of Sepl., 1910, then such improvement car best convenience unopposed thereafter, and months the said Council will pass directing that such above described, and improvement at lhe within six an oidmance be made as lhe cost thereof assesses] to the adjacent property owners. Dated at Bandon. Or gon, Sept. 15, 1910. 36-t3 E. B. KAUSRUD. Recorder. Stmr -FIFIELD” the "ONLY W AY.” 36 tf $1.00 FREE With Every $5 Purchase o o o o D Supposing we made such an offer? Buyers ol grain would prob­ ably crowd one another in an effort to make a buy before the $ s were all gone. It is only the way ol the world, continually look­ Among this crowd we could ing for something for nothing find, though, some who were considering the dollar saved on theS<;.oo. Do vou ev r stop t<> cm it'idcr that we are daily mak- wc «.- are selling for "CASH ing lhe above offer to you ulnn w PRICES” and are giving you Im ¿»5.00 CASH the quantity and quality that would cost you $6 c>o when you use that worn out phrase, " chatge it please.” Start in now and do your grain business on a cash basts, thereby collecting a few of those "free $1.00” that you arealways looking for. Wheat Hay .... $1.85 bale Wheat Hay - $17.00 to. Alfalfa Hay, 245 pound bales - - $1.85 bale Alfalfa Hay, 8 bales * * $14.50 Grass Hay—Absolutely the best local hay grown and now on the market, by the bale $1 25; by the ton $15.50 Oats—$1.80—Famous Red Star Brand, 100 lb. sax $1.25. BANDON o o o o WAREHOUSE CO. The 11 .use of a .Square Deal One Price to All Ol Z3OI ♦. ■