fLocal Lore) y ■ i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Lon Thel tn was a Co *S II«i visitor the first part r»f this week Burn to Mr-and Mr.-« E«lmund J Philips, August 24th, a tine baby girl. Mrs. Josephine Peck of this citv visited Cons Bay the* first ot tin­ Week. Try T. for hay, RjiLison W. grain and feed I flore purchasing elseu here. 27 tf Mrs. Belle A. Kolp, accompanied 1 by Mrs. Faulkner, drove out to het j homes'ead on Two mile, Tues.lay. Will have stove wood at $1.75 a 20 Princr Rup«rt • * Rationed Sailor* a week's visit with relatives at Marsh ‘ ■ Topping P. has a and automobile, Studebaker gave it a good tryout last week by driving it down to Langlois to the big Woodman log rolling. FOR SALE,— Eighty acres choice bottom land on Sixes river, 5 miles from Port Orford, % mile Bandon, Oregon, FOR KENT Suits, Coats and Capes Will call and show samples mid take Mrs S. Dean, Box measurements. 26. . Rev. of Taylor, 35~3tx Myrtle Point, preached at the Presbyterian church Sunday both mu ruing and evening Io good sized audiences, and hi- sermons were greatly enjoyed by all present. The “FTFIELD” sells ent her entile accommodations every trip There is a reason. Ask anyone who Make has traveled. now for next trip. the 20th. ’ • preparations Sails again about tl Services at the Baptist next Sunday as follows: Church Sunday school at 10:00 a m ; preaching at 11:00. Subject, “Sin and Destruc­ tion of the Wicked.” Evening sub ject, “The Over coiner." Albert 4 rooms, completely Rent J16. Presbyterian chur.’h next Sund.tv both morning and evening. Travel via the Stmr “FIFIELD.’ The ’ ONLY WAY” Jensen Rev assessment of taxes upon all prop­ for the next three or tour men log rolling at Langlois last Fri­ on the meichants of our city in re­ day and Saturday, say it was a suc­ this office ol»server, month of qp-operative Wiren, reports the rainfall tor the as being seven August hundreths of an inch; days clear 21 cloudy and rainy io. The rain for the corresponding month in 1909 o to the people and all who wanted'a place to stay were easily able to find it. B C. Martin, formerly of Hutch hundreths of an inch fer line of John Jenkins and took making eleven hundreths ot an meh posession Sept. 1st. Mr. Hotchkiss less this year. also his his family here and will be Mrs. L. L. Brandenburg, accom Mrs. J. A Travlor, and sister, Miss Leila Tray­ welcomed to our city. Mr. Jenkins will probibly go to California in the near iuluie in the hopes that the lor. left on the Fifield for San Eran change of climate will benefit cisco. From there they will go to Jenkins' health Mrs. Pasadena, Mis. Brandenburg's for This week the announcement ot They will then go to Jay Bowerman, candidate tor gov Tuscon, Arizona, and on to the city ernor of Oregon before the republi of Mexico before returning. They can piiinaries Sept. 24th. appears in mer home. I expect to be gone three months. the R ecorder ; also the card ot A. daughter of N. Gould, candidate for county sur Al Marsh, is visiting at her home on veyor, and the announcement of Miss Mary Marsh, Elk river. She has l»een attending school at Salem, but during H-il»ert Hume, candidate tor joint coming school year, will tea« h one counties, has been before « ur read­ ers for some time Other than tins' Miss Mar-h took the teacher s ex amination, we have not h-aid very inuih from while in the valley, the the various candidate» for office, papers being sent to Coos county although we l ave been favored by to be graded where she was credited the backers of the assembly by ir with the excellent average of 97 —Port Orford Tribune. . eriving a list of all the . andidat.-s being backed by that organization. Surplu» fund 30.67192 $25942562 • . $ 43.6ÜU0U . . 7.776OU Luditaled piolu». leu espea-e» and laxei paid 2.624 db Dividend» uqpaal 2.5OÜ uu ludioduai deposits subject to check 193,110 40 Detyiand vet Uta ales U deposit 5,925.14 Time certificate» ot deposit - 3.490 Q0 • Cashier • check» ouulandmg Total ¿00.00 $¿59.425 62 ... STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF COOS - -S. S Cox savs that 1. F J Fnhy, Cashier ot thr «bove named Bank, do •otemuly »wear that the abjve this malady is erioneously branded "infantile " Paiement is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief F J, FAHY, Cashier Statistics of its several J L KRONENBERG. CORRECT Aueu • FRANK FLAM, I F J F AH'! , Due. lora. epidemics show that about 70 pei' cent ot cases ate those ot children Subsenbed and sworn io before me ihu 3d day of September 1910 GEO P TOPPING. Notar» Public. persona. Thedisesie is also declared To be infectious. Whatever it is or REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank At Bandon, in the State of Oregon, at the clots of butine**, Sept. 1st, I9Ì0. Their is a very sensible suggestion which mothers who must leed their I tables would do well to t How even RESOURCES it they must deny themselves some 1 he "FIFIELD has ‘ booslei • horse Apply at baiause she gives satisfaction. Once tried always used 34-2tx - U. s. boadr to »ecuie circulation Bond», securiUe», etc., $31 065 00 • .... Overdraft», »ecured and uniecu« ed Premium» an U. S. bond» , .50 ..... a.oooou ..... 64.22 - 4.399 10 Banking house, furniture and fixture» ... Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 3,045.26 ... 1,60000 Due tiom Male and Private Banks and Baakei» Trust Companies and Saving» Bank» ..... Check» an d other cash item» E*pen«e . . * * Fractional paper currency, racket« and cent» Specie . . 14.0«) 37 . ¿01 Ml ....... Note» ot othei National Banks « l.i 67 47 .... flue from approved reserve agent» • . • 93O.UÛ ... 7031 $4.00975 | ... Legal tender note* I ltd '6 - ,- 662.00 ) • Redemption fund with U S Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) - Total ...... LIABILITIES Capital stock paid m $25,<»XJIO Ô.UÛUIMJ Individual depositi »ubpsi to «.heck 34.161 29 Demand cerniscale« ot depot» 2.221.75 2.761 00 Tune certificates of depotu . $72.144 04 STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF COOS -S. S.: W Roberts, cashiei of the above named bank, du solemnly «wear that the above statement 11 true to the test ot my knowledge and belief Prices Our Best Argument J W. ROBER7 S, Cashier < A IVcNAIR, CORRECT Atteu ’ H L HOUSTON ( E. F. OAKES Directors Subscribed aad sworn to bet cue me this 7th day of September, 1910 B A KOLP. Nataiy Pubis«. o At the CASH HAY AND GRAIN HOUSE you can alway« do best. We only deal with you on a cash basis and give you the advantage. o 0 - Loan« and discount» NaUuaal Bank Nuies ouluandlag $1.85 bale Wheat Hay - Alfalfa Hay - - - 1.85 bale 1.80 sack Oats................... o Grass Hay- Calif. - 1.40 bale o 1.25 bale Grass Hay—local 95c sack Bran.................. Alfalfa Hay $ 15.00 ton Wheat Hay $17.00 ton o o the representative of Coos and Curry ol the grades in the Bandon school ■ Capital stock paid m light arm, and that these hid been utterly destroyed. Di o kiss, Colo., has purchased the trans 57.772 5« Li Abu 11 ito I, J. was eighteen panied by her mother, T Mai neck, JI their accommodations, yet the citizens threw open their homes . . . I otal pairing 961 77 • which control thr movements ot the Wanted — A gentle driving gard to freight transportation. While cess in every particular. and though here he established an agency with the tire seriously handicapped them, burning both hotels and thus im­ J. E. Walstrom al Central Ware O cash on hand cells ot the motor cords, h»c-ted di - with buggy and harness, calling Capt. —ooo I Those who attended the Wood­ Coquille warehouse mm was in Ban 19.426 04 Due ttom approved inerve banks 1JI 1 fiord Cox says their is a group ot luxury to get it is said that goat’s torate ot the Bandon Presbyterian eral late of taxation will be reduced milk is preferable tor the infant to church and is expected here Sep while the revenue will be increase ); cow's nulk, and that where it is im­ will give the «.ounty good reads; and teinber ¡¡th. possible to get pure cow s milk in will give the county a careful, honest hot weather, that goat s milk gives Dr. and Mrs. Biggs, of Belling business administration. a pure and adequate supply ot nutri­ him, Wash., who have been visiting Look for iny name on your Re­ ment for the baby Goats do not rel »lives in this city t >r the p»-,t three publican ballot cost very much in the first place, weeks left Wednesday morning for I H.'G. H oy . Good Roads; County and their keep is 50 per cent les* their li >me, going by the way nt Scat Office; No Partner; No Favor I than a cow’s A goat might be kept vivide Point and Ro-e!»urg. ues; file Square Deal 35 3t in one’s back y aid, so" that its tood F or S ale - Sori el horse, weighi P*.d advertuement furauhed by H G. Hoy, is kept « lean and sweet In this wav about 1,300 lbs, nine years old, and Marshfield. Oregon. the baby would have au unfailing perfectly sound Will take $90 l.OO i supply ot the proper kind ot milk Can be driven single or double II is said that Hvpocrates w llo •«-is Lost. G eorge C on die , the father .t medicine, said to tho-e 33~|lx Walstrom’s Landing. / who were suffering with tuber'.»l«»-.i.- On sand hills near “ Lookout, ” M rs. Ruth Spear and daughter of III his day: "Go to the hill- ««i.f pair field glasses in black leather Illinois, arrived in this city last Sat drink goit's milk ” \\ hy H n. 1 Leave at this office, Re- urdav, having come by the wiy ot case that a good plan to toll.iw n«ia J 35 t 2X Portland, and will visit her brother, ward. F. S. Dow, the Marshfield and house. erty within the county, including standing timber whereby the gen­ II. C. Flartnraft, of Meadow Perkins and family, of Two Baukin» house, turmiuie and nature» colds, microbes, ur w harn.it, it cer seat; will insist on a fair and equal ti Lake, Wash, has accepted the pas Fred N ¿9. 30 26 am a Republican or > e-kly office days at the county SPEED—Joe Clarke. COMFORT- • Ered.lv” 4.9UU03 ' . . Due from tank» (not «serve bank«) tile paralysis, tor which there is ab ' soluteiy no cure, it is said. Dr reeled under the base of the $116.263 02 Bund', awuriues. etc . tainly- is something horrible to con­ am a candidate lor nomination template, and it is not possible that as County Judge. I there would bra human being in tfir 1 am an attorney and competent United States who would object to and qualified to perforin the duties having earnest and thorough inquiry- ot the office I seek. made so as to establish the cause of If elected I wifi maintain an office the disease, it possible Rev. Geo. W. Taylor of Myrtl« Point w ill occupy the pulpit at the C. P Lua«' »nd di»<«.Ui>ts V)«eid«all». secuted and un»A.«ucd is not, and whether it is caused by I I weeks. don Wednesday afternoon, Republican Voters RESOL R l Es thr case lias been diagno-e 1 as mt.sii victims firing young and middle aged Ca l at bando«», in the Statt of Oregon, at the close of business Sept 1st, 191U. in other amt now H. G. Hoy’* Statement to the 35~lt SAFETY—Capt I tisin in In-« “salary wing" 1 words, in his pit« lung .»mi under six years, the lemainder ot tfie 3j-2t.x ticulars. Mile Brayton, Pastor. Bank of Bandon edly with a sligl t attack ot i hen ma­ —r w<»----- at Bandon Warehouse Co. for par» from county road. Address Alex Turner, Langlois, Ore. 35 51X Orders taken for Misses’ and Women’s Made to Special Order Dresses, REPOH 1' OE THE CONDITION OF inf. 4 a i I -uve Turner in the Cimerete is v-H «mi«‘1 "...ik«-' op ..««-; Hi Seattle. Sept 5th Twenty mem it ili, Salimi i , S pt \v .lie tlici. a •- r«ii!i. troni la’:t.lr p.»> it» st« her» ot the crew <»t the steamship «III'» •«> • ;«»e> irallv ml li..i|«l, it i* 11 :.$o a in (o I 30 1» in . aud tile Prince Rupert ar«- in local hospital folk« » mg m-nu w ill be ser i e.i at -latrsl tl..«t tlieie tiiu-t l»e •<»» <-»st-» suffering from ptomaine poisoning 2¿cts pet piste: Ki 'hr «'itv. a'ul up t«> now n«.l«o«'v and several .»ie still in danger, »1 Rias-t Me«t Hol rd Bret C.»n tell what cAUMrs it I hr .iewlti though heroic mrasuies were l iken Madied Potatoes Be ms late h «s I k - tii al» «ut 15 i«ri cent by attending phvsicians veslerdav Brr.nl .llkl Butter Salads flir L"i(ee rep«»rtrd Is that nt Hem tilth of the ctew. The physicians rtchs, the famous young pitcher with have not determined the cause of the the Nation ds Hr was brought The fires arr still iMirning All ol poisoning home and earned to the George wh it is known as Hin klrlieirv tiat is ooo supp»s town University Hospital eomplrteiv burned off No one will and well furnished. Judge Geo. new • I He 'Id es of tile Epts. ’¡n' Guild 9 field and a brother, Oscar Ohman. of North Inlet. • » a . tier after Sept. 5th. Order bv Read the RECORDER and keep get my huckleberries tins year. postal card. —C. H Chandler. 34 tzx po-.ted on thr happenings in amt The little boy of Mr. Millei's You can do better for cash if von ; iroui d Bandoh. whom we meniiunc«! as lieitig so si« k buy your hay. grain and feed of T Mr. and Mrs. J. H Storm are the is a great deal better. W. Robison at the Central Ware- proud parents ot a bouncing babv A small barn lull of hav, belonging h »use. 27-tf boy, born z\ug. 31st. toCass Smith, was Limied la>t week, Mrs E. J. Retiring of Marshfield, A. Knopp and Mr. Coy left last also enough lumbri to bull«! .» large acconqianied by Miss Pearl She« 11 er Saturday for Rogue river, and wilt bam was destroyed. of Sprague, Wash , were Bandon be gone a »out two weeks. .Miss Lillie has been on the sick visitors last week. list iur seveial days. Rev. Father Keveny returne.l to S H. Gofi, the second hand man Mi A Davis went to C >qni|le t» Bandon last Siturday from Portland on the bill, pays more for goods and having been aw »y about three weeks. attend court. sells lor less. Give him a call and R P Hunt and family -pent a S trayed . — White horse about get the reason. Phone 211 33 tf couple of days in town last week 16 hands high, weight 1400 lbs.. 12 Mrs. Thomas White and children years old P ete Notify Si. B Hewitt, of this city, left Monday morning loi • • Gand Will Sei've DtaMtr I o BANDON WAREHOUSE CO. II li o SOI D Red and White Cedar Shingles - — — UEO. W. MOORE LUMBER CO- 1