• •* * e & Ä' - Yellow Peril Nil »• • —— • • * (ft — • • í a 0 T • • % 9 ' .A ® Q <$ Ä) La _ * * ä ® « •T* parcxlto prices in th s country, hut Harvey W. Scett, JournaKtt proscription by hm trem hant pen, the Chinese pay it. It has been his critic, and euavs no* to l»e a generous chronicler. THURSDAY “It will be 22 yean» next month M. Life is change In hit» ,,mt • Men are only human George Wash China cannot effect a harinhil lx tv . since I went to Hongkong, and I am cott against the United States. r ington. held now in revered memory glad to get out of it. although I 1 every man is called hence. * a There is little pr »bability of . sup| use I shall miss the East. I Scott was human, and, a let 72 'tar' by 90,000.000 |>eople, had glaring Lodge and Professional Directory •‘yellow peril ” am going to London to stay, but he has passer! on. He has" wrapped faults. Perfection is im¡>ossible in the drapery of his couch :out him. China is becoming a cigarette­ before doing so have decided to take mortals. Th«* grave is genere us smoking nation. my time about seeing the western, The pen that he wielded *0 long and with the faults and foibles of men. g Lodges are Requested to Notify this Office on Election of Officers and on so powerfully, has dropped from the We shall ail bow low at the bier of * Change of Meeting Night. Cards under this Head are 50c per in., month These are three important b’ts of part of Americ». Hongkong would nerveless yjr.tsp. Tho>e militant news W H. Wickham, • ho has not be such a t ad place to live were , words. The End. have been written. Mr. Scott. Oregon will giA: him a WWW t< < £ 4>V s' * C-» .' : V high place among hi r commanding spent the last 22 years in Hongkang it not f< r the climate. The moisture It is the going of a conspicuous1 men. He will be held in grateful told at the Portland Hotel vesterdav. | makes the heat very oppressive. I Lewah Tribe No. 48. Imp. O. R. M. Dl’ Ji L Houston i vould sooner t»e in this country with figure. In intellect, journalism has memory for h's conspicuous genius, |wj ELETS every Thursday evening at 8 run at Mr. Wickham his now retired from PHYSICIAN A Slllit/KuS Bandon Wtgman. Sojourning chief-, business in the F tr East and is lour . the thcrincmetei over 100 than in known few men of equal mould. Jlis am! be given an enduring place in in good the Oflive owr i ‘rut: Si or*». a I. hitn . 9 te *• standing are cordially invited to attend. mentality, rather than his sympathy, her history bv that splendid Oregon G E Wilson, ing the United States on his way to ' Hongkong at 90. H.m. I t<» 4, i in.: 7 to 8 m the evening. G. S. Hubbard C-of R. Sachem. Night calls» mauertKl from o II ht . London, where he will make his “Few peo[ le go to .China with was his commanding trait It placed of which he was so long a par: — Oregon Journal. him in that great group of journal ­ HAMION. . . HKIMIS future home. 1 the expectation of staying. They MaKoiilc istic writers from which Greeley and D \NDON LODGE. No. 1 30 A. F. K A “The Unit«*«! States need not be go there to make money. There Dr X j . b Sorensen I k M, Stated communkatiom first Saturday Dana have passed, and of which I after the full moon ol each month. All Masto apprehensive over the boycott de­ are good business op|>ort unifies Tragedy at Obrammergau DENTIST Pulitzer and Watterson are the sole Masons cordially invited. claird against American manti there, but I would not advise a survivors His mind was a huge Office Over Vienna Cafe (August McClure's) J. A. '. orrison, W. M factored goods and products because young man to go unless he had a G. T. Trendgold. Secretary Telephone at Office and Home. storehouse in which knowledge of I ol a little difficulty the Chinese have position before starting, It is hard men, events, literature, philosophy, BANDON . . OREGON 1. <», o. r Louise Parks Richards tells a at the immigration station at Angel to get in, but if a man has a position theology ami history was piled up X* \NDON LODGE. No. 133. I O. O. F. I <». T. 1U»U»<,OII>, touching anecdote of one of the *"** meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting Island in San Eranc’sco,” said M ■ or a business there is no reason why and labelled for ready use. His Tfberammergau players who had lost brothers ATTORNEY AND C (H \> b l.t •» he should not do well. But 1 am in good standing cordially invited. Wickham. “The prin.'ipal products AT LAW. L. J. Radley, N. G. through with Chin 1 and do not ex powers of expressing thought in his part because he had grown too the Chinese get from ths United A, Knopp, Secretary written language have f>een rarely old to fill it adequately: NOTAKV PUBLIC pect to ever see it again. ’ States are flour and kerosene They equalled. To him, words and sen Bandon, Or“«on. Rebekah Lodge No. 126. “Sad as was the duty of the com cannot place a boycott on flour for tences were the keen-edged tools mittee, it was plain—and they so ex I lYfEE IS in I.O.O. F. hall every second and Office With Bantou 1 nvesi nient t they cannot get it in any Other conn Tuesdays. Practice nights 1st Tues* with which the expert works and plained it to Mayr—tliat he was no I day ol fourth Claims He Gave Notice i the month; Social evening the id Tuesday Er. BL ~.-D Brown. ‘AX. try. The same is true regardin • fashions with unerring directness. longer young enough lor the part; I "¡ i 'J," nJon^' A cordial invitation extended to Resident Dentist. all members in good standing. kerosene. They might be obtained They were the leaden missile with Office in Renter Building in other countries, but they are of The second officer of the steamer which the skilled rifleman cleaves that the beard streaked with gray Belle A. Kolp, Secretary. Clara Goetz. N. G. was no longer suited to the youthful Office I lours: 9 fo 12 M„ I to 5 P. M, such inferior quality or in su< h small Newport, who was charged by the the target. They were the thunder Phone, BANDON. OREGON quanity that the American market captain with having lek the boat boll or the lightning flash w;ith which Jesus; that the face which had hith­ Knight* of Pythia* T^ELPHI LODGE. No. 64. Knights ol erto borne the lofty, almost super could not be discriminated against. without due notice, denies the electricity proves ils resistless pow­ Pythias. Meets every Monday evening The ( hinese must have flour and charge. The Portland Journal says: ers. Splendid in their strength, human expression rd the Divine had at Knights hall. Visiting knights invited Io G. R.Wade C. C. the United Stall's is the best place “H. Vahlbuseh, formerly second overwhelming in their incisiveness now become too seamed with the attend. Attorney nnd Couuselor-at-Law B. N. Harrington K. of R. S. I furiows of years to show the sacred- to get it. (’OQUILLE. - Oh’E officer of the steamer Newp >rt. has and captivating in their grace, his 1 ness of sorrow without its scars in Woodmen of the World Office over Skeel»’ Store “China is awakening, but will sent a communication to Local In­ phrasing* in conveying the thought one whose earthly life measured only Seaside Camp No. 212 meets every fiist an. that surged in his dominant mind Office Phone, Main 335; residence. Main 346 spectors Edwards and Fuller, in never make such rapid strides as a span of 30 years. third Thursdays of each month. V ¡siting were the essence and means that which he denies that he left the Japan. There are over 400,000,000 “Mayr broke down and wept like neighbors cordially invited. I»K. K W IIOSSITHI R. W. Bullard, C.C. people in China, and, naturally, the Newport to become first officer of brought him high place in his great a child. J. N. Hosking, Clerk. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON progressive movement will be slow. the (iolden (¡ate without due notice, profession. “I know,“ he said, “that I arr BANDON OREGON Il will be a conservative movement, as set forth in the cltarges preferred No man had a greater courage. too old for the part; but I had so Office and residence in Banter rr i.ler.ee j»o| < tty GF W REA next door to Bijou Theatre not attended by the aggressiveness against him by Captain Parsons He His career was warfare He scarce­ hoped that you might still have left Attorney ' nd Counselor-at-Law of the Japanese, so there is little says that the Newport was on the ly knew pacification. His convic­ me my Christus.’ Notary Public JDK. J- ID KELLEY danger of it becoming a world power drydock at the time, and that she tions were so deep that they were S. Land Contests a Specially. Practice U. “ As s »me comj»en*ation lie was Physician and Surgeon all Courts that will mean a ‘yellow peril.* Of was not to sail until Thursday of last intolerant of the beliefs of others. Il given the role of Prologist, created Office With Bandon Light A Water Co. course, if they should take on the week, so he spotce to Mr. Frye, the brought him enemies, but it made Office in Donald Charleston home, oppi ite expressly for him that year, and a Bandon - • Oregon Presbyterian church, Bandon, Oregon aggressiveness of Japan, there is no first officer of the vessel, and as A. him ft iends. Whatever he believed little later he was made Bürgermeister Dunham, the owner of the steamer telling what might happen. he defended. Whatever he did not of the village; but he never recov­ “One feature about China that is was aboard, he told him that he believe he attacked. His onslaught ered from the loss of his Christus. not generally known, is, that it is wished to leave in older '.0 take a on the free silver movement when Three years lat< r, when ordered to He says in the Oregon was a hot bed of that doc becoming a cigarette - smoking I better position. 0/<' i .communication that Mr Dunham trine and when the Republican ¡tarty Munich for a surgical operation, he nation. The government is putting sjient Ins last hours before leaving BANDON OltCGON a ban on smoking opium, and cigar told him that it would be all right, was as deeply impregnated with it home out at the theatre building, as he could get either one of two Capital, #25.000. ettes ate being subslituteri. Most ol as was the Democratic party, was alonck He never returned from the other officers, and he states that th«* tobacco is shipped from the symbolic of his whole career. His Munich hospital. Into the beyond BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. L. Kronenberc, Brexident. J. Denholm, Vice United States and manufactured in Dock /Xgent Bancroft t ild him the tulminations against the doctrine and he carried the wound in his heart President; F. J. Fahy, Cashier; Frank (Tam, T. P. Hanly- China. Cigarettes are transported Newport was not delayed a minute its leaders in whatever party were a still unhealed.” A general banking business transacted and customers given every accommodation cor up the streams of China as far as by his leaving. The inspectors will succession of powerful Philippic?. It sistent with safe and conservative banking ---- ocx> — - CORRESPONDEN TS: The American National Bank, of San Francisco, Calif; navigation will permit, and then investigate the charges. “—Coos Bay I was perhaps the most conspicuous Í Times. Merchants National Bank, Portland, Oregon; The Chase National Bank, of New York. Confession of a Country packed on men’s backs and taken victory in his career in journalism, --- - — tar into the interior, where they are ami one that gave him comfort to Editor distributed. The pri.ee is high, com The R ecorder only $1.50 per year the last. His opposition to high z tariffs while his party was committed An editorial confession from the to that theory, and his constant war Winfield Free Press: “The head to against them to the great distress of this office is gone. The real boss his party leaders is another view of1 ( THE HARDWARE MAN the splendid courage of the man. j has laid down on us and fled. Proofs ; Whether wrong or right, his colors are unread; copy unedited; papers i BRIDGE A BEACH Stoves, Ranges and Heaters have in the:, so many exce!le.u:ie< I were always at his masthead, and he l unopened, and the editorial column that they are now acknowledged the greatest sellers on the coast and they are glow i. i ; flat anil in ipid. We suspected it in favor every year. \V<- have the excluuve agency in BanrEii (or n-se household never hauled them down Even t 1 and office necessities, and prices range exceedingly morf-st in either ca. when disease was wasting away his Saturday; we feared it Sunday, and ( Monday the realization took place. strength, when the physical life was TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIAL 11. Saturday she was discovered ex ­ ¡swiftly ebbing, he was still at his ♦ Our Assortment of tlardwsre. Tinware and Edged Tools is Most Complete. I guns thundering at those who dif. changing a jelly recipe with the soci ety reporter. Sunday she care ully | fet ed with him in economic thought. ■■BBHMMHMMMMMMMr MUBJdMMiJOUMr-rMMMM Al V KDNWK» izw read the household departments in Mr. Scott left an impress on Ore the Sunday papers; Monday she IMPROVED FAST-TIME SERVICE gon. For 30 years his writings said peaches «ere selling at a good were carried by the newspaper con­ price, and the weather didn't look ducted by him and Mr. Pittock, into as if it were going to cool off, and rJ’HE RECORDER management has I thousands of Oregon homes. It was tomatoes were coming on, also corn, PORTLAND II opportunity and means lot making to say nothing of grapes. Monday made arrangements with the impress! Eor long years there was morning she visited the grocery COLUMBIA kIVI tt BV DAVLItiHT I no other general medium for disput- store before the office. San Francisco Bulletin whereby we Leaves Portland (Ainsworth Dock) 9am August 22-27. Coo.. Bay on Tide ing hi:- views. In such a field his When she finally came in at nine Augut 19-24-29 splendid pen had its | owersand they o'clock, the lar-away look of Satur­ can give subscribers the advantage of were unsparingly used. It was a Confirm Sailing Through C, M. SPENCER. Agent .Bandon day which had developed into a formative period in state history, a gigantic combination offer that will I haunted stale Sunday, had plainly and that lasting impressions were become a wild glare Monday. She : left by Mr. Scott is unquestioned furnish them all the news of the fussed around I »e papers for a inin • As to their value, men will differ. ute; picked up some proofs and laid ... Scott was old school in many of country in a metropolitian daily and ¡them down, wandered aimlessly to his views. He was an extremist in I he desk a d glanced over the [conservatism, a trait valuable in receipts and expenditures, restlessly all the news of Bando* and vicinity in |i some respects in state building, but hammered nothing out of the tvpe I 1 disadvantageous in others. The the Recorder at marvelous low price writer, and finally said she must go staidness of Oregon citizenship is one home. It was out. No, she didn’t ! of its virtues. Its intelligence is care if Stubbs or Wagstaff were ,1 * another. ’Its broad conception of elected; elections were of no impor­ I human rights and democratic gov- tance; telephone, nonsense; what ' eminent is still another. It is per- The Daily San Francisco Bulletin, $3.00 per year was calling her home had called I haps just to say that it drank deeply thousands of women l»efore the tele­ The Bandon Recorder, 1.50 per year BANDON LIGHT & POWER CO of Mr. Scott's intelligence, but was phone was ever invented. Yes, it 1 was important, it was vital. She 1 i driven into opposition to him by his Total, *4.50 Denlerx In • ultra reactionary views on govern • went. All Kinds of Electrical Supplies “As we expected, on the kitchen ment That there was impress as a tabl-t when we reached home were 63 1 result of his long career is undoubt­ Interior Wiring and Lighting our Specialty. Spark Plugs, jars of peach preserves, 25 glasses of I Both papers through ed, but justice would doubtless aver ¡»each marmalade, 37 jars of peach | Switches, ami Fresh Stick of Batteries for Gas Engines. Com­ that it was both positive and nega ­ plete Stock of Lamps, Fixtures, Bells, Etc. pickles, 30 glasses of peach jam, also ; this office if paid in tive in influence. peach vinegar, ¡»each butter, peach ’ Call at < )ffice advance, per year lelly, to say nothing of peach pie. The Journal often differed widely peac h cobbler and sltced peaches for I First Door West of Cotimerilh Christensen Co. liom Mr. Scott. It often fell under supper.— Kansas City Star. C. R. BAR ROVI /«VA’ Great Combination Offer BANDO X I I i S. S. BREAKWATER - $2.75 COOS BAY *