* VOLUME XXVI. CH INCES GOOD PORTLAND LEADS FOR SETTLERS CAMP IS ENLARGED I Editor R ecorder —The Commit­ tee on Arrangements for the Produce Exhibition to be lie-id on the 3rd of September, by the Bandon Grange, want to thank you lor your excellent notice in your last week’s issue. We, as the committee, are not able to do the whole thing, and it depends now upon the farmers of the district whether or not the ex­ hibit w ill be a success. As tn every other undertaking we may fiml some who should be interested, but are standing track and criticising, doubt­ ing their own qualifications to ac­ complish anything, which not only benefits themselves but the whole community. Now, when such help benefits, even the least «>f us, is it not wo.th while to try again? “In union there is strength," "E pluri­ bus itiitim.” With this motto, purely American, you m.«y ask us, Where do 1 come in? Let us answer that the Grange, a.» a whole, is to take up this work Everv brother and every sister in the Grange is urged to do something or bring something for exhibit. We. as a Grange, have come to the conclusion that we should do something tangible, not merely in words, but in action, and to that end let us all put our shoulder to the wheel and help the go«x! work along. Shall we have your c- operation? If we get it the exhibit will I k * a success; if not. then it will be a tail- uie. Let us all put a shoulder to Th« C ommittee . the wheel. WILL KEEP BOTH CAMPS RUNNING The logging camp of the Cody Lumber Co at Lampa creek has been enlarged to the extent that a new camp, as large as tin* old one, has been built and started operations Monday morning. 1 he company will continue to run both camps, and will thus be enabled to furnish logs at a more rapid and more economic rate than heretofore. The mill at this place i^now tearing the lumber off at an average clip of about 80,000 feet a day. and wiil( do even better in the future. The camp is one of the best equipued camps in this sec lion of Oregon, and everything is done in a systematic way. The company has four large donkey en­ gines or logging purposes, two ex­ cellent logging trains and sèmerai miles of good logging road, winch they are extending to new parts ol the timber tract all the time. Just nowr they are exceptionally active in railroad building, and will extend the road for a mile or so into a new section of th«.* timber. t he mill at Bandon is an excellent one, but no mill can run without logs, and the company is certain It putting itself in c mdition to furni-h logs for most any capacity that a mill could make. A tri| to the camp would surprise anyone not acquainted with th«* situ ation. The camp is trot only a busy place, but it is a fine place to spend a liitle tin e studying the beauties oi nature and basking in the warm sunshine of a beautiful valley, or sitting in the shade of the great hr and cedar trees, and drinking the fresh and cooling spring water. The writer had the pleasure ol spending Saturday night and Sunday at ths beautiful camp, and it was one of the most enjoyable tunes we have experienced in many days. Along the Wharf The Elizabeth sailed F riday with a full cargo of lumber and freight, and a big passenger list, among which were: J. E. Walstrom, W. Doose, Mr. Rushby, J. P. Ashe, Thos Blummrtt. Fin Yon, E. N. Hig- genbothen, Bucklin. A. Allen, EL S. Gordon, C. F. G. Berry, J. Klock. Zella Richey, F. N. Perkins, Mr«. M. E. Richey, John Hopkin •nd Wm. Carlson. The Fifield arrived Sunday morn­ ing with a big list of passengets and 115 tons of freight. She sailed Tuesday evening with 450,000 feet <4 lumber and the following passen­ gers: H. W. Burrell, T. W. Gill. O. S. Mish. J. E Resch, John Rohles, Mrs A. J. Hartman, B Augustine, Walter Hartman, Charles Oregss. J. C. Slagle, Theodore Paulin. Frederick E. Scott, E. F. Sweringtin and wife, Mrs. L. Keller, Mrs. A. J. Quail. Robt Calcaginine and wife. Leia Summers, L. Calcaginine, J. R. Cunningham, G. B. Hinds, Miss Busche and A. F Estabrook and wife. The Bandon also came in last Thursday night and sailed Saturday by way ofT’oos Bay. She only* took a small cargo from here and finished her load at the bay. The schooner Bertie Minor arrived Monday and is loading at one of the1 up river trulls. The Advance sailed at 11 o'clock this morning. • • Census is 20,000 Ahead Want Cooperation ON OREGON Oregon City, According to Opportunities Exist in Coos and Curry Counties Bishop Scadding, of Portland, who has been spending several we-k in his summer cottage at Bandon, thinks there is great opportunity for settlers in the dairy districts of Coos and Curry counties. He advocates the division of the large ranches held by few, into 40 or 60 acre holdings, and selling tlu-se smaller dairies to new comers with eastern capital, who will add spirit and lite to the country, and advan < its civilization and financial standing At present the holdings are luo large and held by loo few. and as one ol the results, the property in many places is run down and in poor re- pair. At the Lawrence ranch, on Pistol river, t ie bishop found quite a g.tth ering of college graduates, Of the eight who sat down to dinner, thete were two Harvard men, one Yale, one Cornell, one Toronto Univer­ sity, one lady from Wellesley. Mr. Brooking, president of the Washing ton University, St. Louis, and of the Brooking Box and I.umber Co., was on a tour of inspection of his vast timber holdings in Ctirrv county. Bishop Scadding speaks tn the highest appreciation of the hospitali ty and courtesy his party has re­ ceive«! through the country. His fondue-s for buttermilk has become so well known that dairy men greet the stage with pitchers of it when they k no v he is coming. One creamery sent a demijohn with its compliments, but the bishop did not like the looks of the vessel and declined, until the liquid poured out white and thick, and proved be­ yond doubt to be buttermilk, when he partook copiously himself, and treated the other occupants of the stage who had a good deal of fun out of the incident at the bishop's expense. UNITED STATES SEATTLE POPULATION Bishop Sc adding Says Great • • The Portland Journal of August 11 th says: Portland’s population will be shown by the census to exceed Seat­ tle's by 20,000, according to infor­ mation teceived from unofficial but apparently entirely reliable sources. These are the figures given: Portland...................................223,000 Seattle....................................... 203,000 From the same source it is learned that the population of Tacoma, as ascertained by the census enumera­ tors, is ab.mt 115,000. 1 he figures given as to each 01 the three cities are only approximate, but are w ith­ in a few hundreds of the official com­ putations, nowon file with the cen­ sus bureau at Washington, I). C. Utmost efforts have been made to keep tltt official figures from becom mg known in advance of their pro mitigation by the census bureau, es­ pecially because of the keen disap­ pointment which they are expected to cause in the Puget sound metrop­ olis. For many weeks the report has been circulated persistently (ap­ parently in Seattle’s interest) that the census would show Portland as second in the race by a margin of 10,000 or 12.000. Even this would he a keen disappointment to the .-»ountl city, fi r the Seattle Times has carried for months at the top o! its editorial page, the beguiling legend "Population of Seattle 311, 593 —Polk’s directory estimate for 1910." One of the duties of the census enumerators is to ascertain the nunt ber of vacant houses in each city and town. According to information re­ ceived by fire insurance men and generally credited among them, Un­ cle Sam -found in Seattle 10,384 vacant houses. It these figures are correct, they will explain in latge measure the surprisingly small fig­ ures on Seattle's * population, and they indicate a heavy exodus from that city after the Alaska-Yukon- Pacific fair. They indicate also the extent to which Seattle property owners discounted the expected growth of the city, by the election of buildings for which no tenant' can now be found. The figures quoted as to the pop illation of Seattle and Portland, relate only to the number of people resiil ing within the actual city limits ol the two cities. It is said that the census will show not less than 40,000 residing in the immediate suburbs of Portland, and within the territory reached by the street car lines on a five cent litre. If this suburban pop ulation were to be included, the total for Portland would be approxt ma tel y 263,000. W. O. W. Log Rolling Authoritative Boost for the A Conservative Estimate Puts Coos Co. Stock at $50,000 NO DIVIDENDS DECLARED AS YET The Coos Bay Times of last Mon day, says: The Coos County Stung Club has been enlarged in membership. Ap­ proximately $50,000 in stock of the United Wireless Telegraph Company is held in various amounts on Coos Bay and in the Coquille Valiev. Quite an amount is held in Bandon, Myrtle Point and Ciquille. Investors were induced to take the stock upon the glowing prospectus and golden promises held forth by the company and its agents. Not­ withstanding the fact that local bank­ ers frowned upon the proposition, people who refused legitimate in­ vestments fell over themseles to buy Wireless. At present the outlook is that no returns will ever be received by the local investors, as the officers of the concern face grave charges and the company will probably go through bankruptcy and the stockholders be­ rated among the Stung Club mem bersh’p. The headquarters of the United Wireless Telegraph Company at Portand and the stations there ar.d at St. Helens were closed one day last week. Their disorganization signalizes the termination for the present efforts of that corporation to compete w ith telegraph lines on land The termination of its business there marks the principal work ol experiments performed on the coast by the United Wireless, so far as inland business is concerned, ami it is admitted that excellent tesuits have been obtained in testing the efficiency of the system in distance work. The financial returns, how­ ever, have not been sufficient to warrant a continuance of the inland offices and it is planned to devote all energy to sea work. The station at Astoria is still open and the one on Coos Bay. The company has plants aboard loo vessels on the Pacific Coast, with shore stations covering them from Alaska to San Diego. I » State from Government Source One of the most interesting and instructive documents for prospective immigrants to Oregon is the bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, prepared by J.*hn H. Lewis, entitled ‘•Irrigation tn Oregon.” It not only treats of irrigation matters, present and prospective, but tells ol climatic conditions, opportunities for prospec­ tive settlers, ami treats of man) other subjects of particular interest. It is not wild cat promotion literature issued by over-enthusiastic real estate men, but is authoritative and sanc­ tioned by the officers ol the country so that people may be guided by it without prejudice. Under the sub heading “Oppor tunnies for Settlement,’’ this one paragraph is quoted to give an idea of its value to people desiring to make Oregon their home: "Oregon has an area over twice that of Ohio. Its present popula­ tion is about 600,000 as compared w ith 5,000,000 in Ohio. Land values are low, and all of the good oppor­ tunities for investment have not been taken up as in an overcrowded state. The profits which can be derived through agricultural pursuits at least equal those of any other state, and where intensive farming under irri­ gation is practiced, these profits so far exceed those obtained in the Eastern states as to be beyond belief by those not familiar w ith western conditions. With neatly one-third of the state Vacant and subject t<> entry under the public-land laws ol the United States, it can readily b< understoi <1 why land values are low The value of land is more dependent on the convenience of transportation facilities than on its ability to pro­ duce.” /\ comparison of figures and slate ments made in this book tend to show that southwestern < >regon, or Coos and Curry counties, is easilv the most desirable section of th« state from climatic and other stand­ points. The population of the state, four to the square mile, compared with 400 to the square mile in Rbode Island, is largely along the coast, and with the development of trans portition facilities the southern coast will rapidly and permanently in « tease. The bulletin gives an ;tv» 1 age growing season on the coast <• Coos Bay Carnival 282 days, and remarks: ‘ This l.«ci doubtless accounts for the great sue cess which attends dairying in tin s« Bandon is ratlur cjuiet this week, coast counties." A point in Eastern as .so many people are over to Coos Oregon cited, has, as the average Bay attending the Deep Water Way date of first killing frost, Sept. 3rd, Carnival and Regatta, and all who and the last in spring as June 28th; have been over are loud in their while at Bandon the average first praise of the high-class entertainment killing frost is given as Nov. 25th, that is being furnished. Coos Bay and the last in spring as March roth. is united in the big affair and there •South and east of Portland, the bul­ is no North Bend or Marshfield, but letin states, the precipitation becomes all are working together for Coos less, and no other state shows so Bay, and this is the spirit that wins. great a variation of rainfall. At Glenora on the northern coast, tlx Among the many features of the Carnival are the big water parade, average annual rainfall is 136.3 in­ the big clam bake, boit races, band ches, the heaviest precipitation in concerts and many other events of the United States, while at Bandon the annual rainfall is but 67.2 inches, beauty and importance. and the mean annual temperature is Miss Genevieve Tellefsen is Queen 51 degrees. At Glenora the first of the Carnival, and was crowned on killing frost averages Oct. 18th. and Monday evening at North Bend, the last May 16th, giving this section going from there direct to Marsh­ an average of neatly three months field. and a half advantage in growing weather. The Woodmen of the World will hold a big Log Rolling at Langlois Friday and Saturday, Sept. 2nd and 3rd. and great preparations are being made for the event. There will lx- speaking, athletic sports, music by the Bandon Orchestra, and, in fact, everything that goes to make up a real good time. Langlois people know how to en tertain their guests and all who go will lx? assured of a good time John DeCosta had the misfortune The above compilation of facts Make arrangements to take a couple to get one of his fingers cut off in the were made by the Myrtle Point En­ of days ofl and go down and have a Prosper mill one day day last week terprise from Government reports, good time with our Curry county but be is getting along nicely at and the report shows what Unde neighbors. Sain thinks of Oregon. present. é •> ■e NUMBER 32 BANDON, OREGON, AUGUST 18, 1910 « I •• 0 e J o •11 Greatest Destruction Known for Years to Standing I Timber The most destructive forest fires that this country has kitewn in years have been raging tn many parts of the timber countries, and much dam­ age to standing timber has been done. rhe greatest fires hive been in the vicinity of the Coeur «1’Alettes, near Spokane, Wash and Wallace, Idaho, the latter town be ng in dan­ ger of total instruction Many lives have been lost in the flames, and a great amount of property has been des’roved. These reports should serve as a warning to people who set out fin - A number of fires have been set out in this section of Goos county, and m some instances the fires have come near getting away from the 1 artii ■. I'he Foster and Cox n ill had .1 narrow escape week before last, ai d we have heaid of other property th .1 has had a close call. This is an exceptionally dry season and <*very precaution should betak«*n to prevent the spreading of tire where it is necessary to set one out as this community :i no more im­ mune from fire than any other tint be.-xl <■« *.»ntry. ------ rXX'------- Dr. Mingus Will Lecture Dr. Mingus, of Marshfield, will lecture at the Bandon Opera House one evening next week, the date to be announced later. His lecture will be on the subject of the Owens bill, a measure which will be up be fore the next session of congress to establish a health department in the president’s cabinet at Washington, D C. This is a national movement and has the indorsement of all the medical societies in the country, and is being particularly urged bv the \:neric<«n Medical Association In the port towns the measure a) o looks toward the establishment of marine hospitals, so the subject is especially vital to Bindonians, as a move has been on foot here for some lune, trying to get such a hospita . i’he lecture will be under the aits pices of the Bandon Co s< > Club and will be free to has come and hear what the D, to say on this great subject ----- —- Grand Master Coming r Thos F R.-an, g.t.tnd master < f the Odd Fellows of Oregon will visit the Bandon lodge Friday. Scptcin her 2nd. He will probably be ac­ companied by Mr. Wimberly grand patriarch of the grand encampment, and the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are preparing to have a joint me. t ing on that date. All members of both branches of the order are urged to be present and assist in making the distinguished guests welcome. New Baptist Church The Baptists will hold services in their new church building next Sun day as follows: Sunday school at 10:00 a m.; preaching services at U:oo a.m.; also preaching at 8 o'clock in the evening. R- v. Elbert H. Brayton, pastor. *♦ o •