Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, August 11, 1910, Image 1

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GETS $10.538
Coos Co Schools Apportioned
Will Have Fruit, Vegetable»,1
Grain, and all Farm
That Sum by State.
The Bandon Grange, at its meet
ing last Saturday, decided to hold
an exhibition of tarin products at the
next regular meeting which will be
Saturday, Sept 3rd. The commit
tee on airangemens are . m G. Pohi,
chairman, j. I’. DeGesscn and F
M. Sanderlin; it is the plan t<> han
farm products of every description,
including fruit, vege aides, grain,
hay, and, in fact, everything raised
on the farm, and each ¡ind even
farmer, whether a member of the
grange or not, is invited to bling in
some samples of their crops. Each
sample must be lain led with the
name of the owner.
Ladies, young and old, are e-pec
¡ally invited to take an interest in
this exhibit; butter, bread, cake, pie,
pickles, preserves, jellies, canned
fruits, vegetables, etc. Needlework,
or anything the ladies may have 11
tne nature of fancy work will be ven
a ceptable.
This exhibit was inaugurated foi
two reasons: First, the Grange de
sues to correct the erroneous idea o.
some, that it is a | olitical organiza
ti >n, and. Secondly, to learn wha
each fanner is raising, what can b
raised, and what is best adapted t<
various conditions and kinds of soil,
etc., and bv this method the larmei.-
hope to gam in'ormation that will b
oi uenelit to them in the iutur.*
1 he exhibition will be in Concreh
li ill, the regular meeting place 01
the Grange, so that all will tiav<
ample opportunity to view the xan
oils articles on display, and the pu >
lie. whet tier tanners or not will b<
invited to see what can be raised i*
C ihis county.
The ladies will bling lunch baskets
and an old fashioned basket dinner
w ill be solved.
Los* of $60,000, With No
Insurance on Big
The State Treasurer has appor
tinned the income of the common
school fund to different counties,
l’he total sum is $329,744.64, and it
is so apportioned that each county
receives $1.92 for each child of
school age.
I he total number of children of
school age is 171,74 a.
Under the apportionment Coos
county, with 5,489 children of school
age, will receive $10,538.88.
On August 1, 1910 the total of
the principal of the co ninon school
mid amounted to $6,000,000 in
1 >und figures, of which $5,000,000
is invested in first mortgage loans on
land within the State of Oregon;
$250,000 is invested in school dis­
trict bonds; $700,000 in certificates
of school land, and the small work
mg balance is being loaned to appli­
cants on first mortgage loans. There
is practically no delinquency in the
matter of interest payments, all
patrons of the fund being required
to pay interest promptly as it ac­
City Council Proceedings
Proceedings of adjourned regular
meeting ot the Common Council ol
th<* City ot Bandon, held August 3,
Present: J. W. Mast, Mayor;
A’tnd -or, Boak. Mancult. Stephen
•oil, Boyle ami Breuer, C< tinciimen:
E. B. Katisrud, Recorder; F- A.
I lolman, Marshal.
Ordinances were passed as fol-
I- >ws:
Ordinance No. 158 being an oidi
nance for cement walks.
Ordinance No. 159 being an ordi
nance for improvement < I Maiti st.,
plank and piling bridge from At­
water st. north to deep water ol
Coquille river.
Ordinances read before board first
time as f illows:
The World of Words
Ordinance No 160. an ordinal ce
providing for improvement ofColum
bia ave between 5th and 6th streets
Ordinance No. 161. an ordinance
establishing a grarle upon 2nd st..
dame defeated in 'his worldly game,
Woolen Mill Addition, from the
who might regain the upward track west to the east thereof.
(for has beens now and then come
Recorder ordered to have a new
There’s many a man ami many a
back), if we would seek them where ordinance prepared providing for
they stand ami offer them a helping licenses to Show Houses. Theatres,
hand. But when we go to help th« etc., in City of Bandon.
Eire last Friday night totally de
stroyed th< Johnson I umber«Co.’s
mill near Coquille, burned the elec
trie light plant furnishing Coquille
and Myrtle Point with electricity,
consumed four residences and five
railroad cars loaded with lumber and
burned down about 1,400 feet <f the
trestle work of the railroad, thus
cutting off rail comrt unication with
Myrtle Point. Both that city and
Coquille are without lights or an)
immediate prospects ol having any
unless a wire cm be strung from
I he total loss is about $6 ,000.
The loss to the Johnson Company is
about $40,000 without insurance.
The loss to Frank Morse, who owned
the electric light plant, is about
$10,000, and the loss to tile Coos
Bay, Roseburg and Eastern Rail
road is about $10,000. I he cars
which were burned were worth $1,-
800 or $2,000, and it will probably
cost $8,000 to rebuild the railroad
Ihe fifty men employed al the
null are thrown out of work by the
¡ire, and for both the company and
city of Coquille the fire is p.irticu-
i.nly unfortunate, "ollowing so close
y upon the explosion of the Coquille
Mui and Mercantile Company plant
last week.
I he J ihnson Lumber Company
h«s lieen in operati* 11 for twelve
vtars and is the most important in
dustrv of Coquille.
I lie burning of the mill is a hard
bio« to Coquille as well as to li t
company, it was the largest imius
trial institution ol the place, .oiil had
a payroll of $15,000 a month.
1 he
mill hail always been run continuous
Iv , and the money paid out lor labor
was an important feature in the busi­
ness of the city.-
Die tire is particularly uni.ntimate
coming so close*}' as it does alter
the blowing up of the Coquille Mill
and Mercantile Co's plant last week.
E. E. Johnson, secretary of the
juhtvon Lumber Company, recently
bought an interest in the Coquille
Mil! ami Mercantile Company, and
hail been made vice-president and
manager ol that concern.
both of the mills destroyed within
two weeks, the loss was heavy.
•lost, the beaten and the tempest-
toss’d, the
curds; we
words, It
Recorder ordered to advertise for
new bids for construction of
milk of kindness turns to
of East Spruce st. from end of
merely hand cut bales of Trowbridge walk to bridge, ground
words were worth but one to lie prepared for bidder.
If . e would do instead
It was also decided at this meet­
Along the Wharf
Deal Closed Yesterday and
1500 Feet of Long Pier Now
Famous Editor of Oregonian,
Big Plant Changes
Completed and the Work
Dies at Baltimore
Will be Rushed
Bids for the construction of the
government part of the jetty at the
mouth of the Siuslaw will be adver­
tised for within thirty days, as soon
as the specifications which have been
sen» to Washington are returned,
and construction will begin very soon
after that, was the assurance that
Win. Kyle of Florence ahd I. B.
Cushman of Acme receiver! «hen in
Portland. The purpose of their trip
was principally to take the matter
up with the government engineer.
Major Mclndoe, and see that the
work would be started as soon as
possible. Major Mclndoe assured
them that the work would be started
at once.
The work on the south jetty has
already .been started with funds
raised by the Port of Siuslaw, and
about 1500 feet of the long pier has
been completed. It is very solidlv
built, being constructed ol locks
weighing up to ten tons each. This
is being done with the money raised
by bonding the Port of Siuslaw.
The government has appropriated
$250,000, and $50,000 of ibis is
available foi immediate use. The
contract, however, for the who!»-
amount will lie let. The provisions
of the government appropriation art
that the port or county must raisi
an equal amount, so it will l>e nec
essarv for the Siuslaw to raise $1 25.
000 more. Ibis. Mr. Kyle assure--,
can teadilv be done.
This work is what the l.ane conn
coast has been wanting for tweuti
wars, and it will mean a great thing
foi the county when it is completed
The channel will then be deep
enough for any ordinary ocean ship
to enter, and the Siuslaw will In­
come a center ol Pacific commerce
It is expected to take three years t<
complete the work. The govern­
ment started this fifteen yens ag
and appropriated $100,000 but this
was insufficient and the work was
slopped. The amount of jetty that
has already been built is said to
have deepened the channel several
llorence, Mr. Kyle savs, present-«
many signs of activity. There is
not a vacant house in town and
building is going on as fast as men
and lumber can In- obtained. I he
fishing season is expected to start
within tlie next ten or fifteen days,
ami a heavy run is looked for bi
l>oth the canners ami the fishermen
The run has not been large for two
years, but a large < ne is looked for
this year. The early fishing would
indicate this, say» Mr. Kyle.—Coos
Bay Harbor.
Baltimore, August 8.—Harvey W.
Scott, editor of the Oregonian, died
at the John Hopkins’ Hospital, Sun­
day shortly bet re 6 p.m , of heart
failure, thicty-two hours after a sur­
gical operation tor prostate troubles.
He went off the operating table Sat
unlay morning in astrong condition
Sumi.iv morning he Ix-gan sinking,
and in spite oi the l>est stimulants
known to the medical science, his
heart grew steadily weaker until the
end. He was conscious almost to
the last and the end was painless.
Mr. Sc >tt began failing nearly
three months ago from an attack of
sciatica. Early in June he went to
the Hot Lakes in Eastern Oregon,
but the baths debilitated him
last, convinced that only surgery
could relieve him, he started for Bal
liinore from Portland a week ago
The operation was pronounced to
t>e entirely successful and the sur­
geons and physicians were confident
of his recovery, until suddenly an
unexpected weakness of the heart
ensued, which the physicians were
pow erless to cope with.
The body of H. W. Scott, editor
of Portland Oregonian, who died
here yesterday following a surgical
rqieralion .Saturday, will be siarted
lor Portland to night. It will be
accompanied by his widow and son,
L. M. Scott.
The big mill of the Randolph
Lumber Co., which is also known as
the Aberdeen Mill, was sold 1 ester
day to a coinjiaiiy whose «juicers are
a-follows; E. E. Johnson, President;
S A. Bartlett. Vice Pre id nt
Hartley, Secretary. These men are
all well known in the lum:>et circle-«
of Coos countv, and ate men thor­
oughly conversant witii the lumber
The mill w ill proba >ly be run in
connection with the Lyons «\ Joim-
son mill, as some ot me parties ar.-
interested in both co mpanies. Am
pie transportation, and sufficient
market for the entire output line
been arranged so that the mill w:d
oe run at full capacity all the
The Randolph mill is one ot the
best built mills in Coos County an I
has a d.iilv capacity of over 50,00 >
feet. With all the mills on the ro < r
running at full blast it should ntak •
things li.elj in this section.
Coos County Institute
The Coos Count\ Institute is b<
ing held at N< rth lieml last we- <<
ami this, ami is under the genm.d
supervision ol Countv Supt. W li
Bunch. Among the principal in­
structors at the institute aie Mi
Ball, principal of tha Aii ta
of Portland, « ho lias charge ot tin
advanced work and Miss Santa wli •
has charge of th«- instruction in pri
miry Wark.
Both ate thoroi gh «
conversant with their brane tes. an I
their work is very practical.
------- 000-------
the session was exceptionally gooil,
and that North Bend people were
Riverton Locals.
most hospitable in their entertain
Besides the regular instilut--
and banquet wc.c
M tss Mabel Meinhardt, ot Bandon,
ami Mildred Piewett, of Bear Creek, held Monday night, which was an
were visiting friends and relatives in elalxirate affair and was greatly en­
joyed by all.
town last week.
A meeting of the sch
M iss Belle Ellingson, who has
the county, was held
been attending school in Oakland, J. W. Mist, clerk of
Calif., was visiting her sister, Mrs.
dislnct represented the
C. C. Price.
Miss Benia Price is now visiting
relatives on the upper river.
> >1 b >.rrd-> of
on Friday
the Bandon
local board.
Boat System Cheaper 1 han
George Chard and family ami a
Mr. Cowan and his family, have
The current numb« r ot Watson’ s
moved into the Riverton Hotel. ln<
Creamery, published at S 11
men will work in the coal mines.
Francisco, contains a w rite up and
Frank Burkholder, one ot Co­
picture Ot the cream i> at used al
quille's real estate men, was in town
Ten Mile lakes. Th.- Iioat is oper-
on Thursday last. He was accom­
ated by Green
Poster of S-n
panied by Mr. Basher of Vancouver,
Francisco, the firm 0« ning the Lake
Wash. They were looking up some
side Creamerv at Ten M ie and the
real estate business.
Bandon Creamery as well.
Henry Baumgartner, of Hatchet Ixiat cost $8<x> ami carries about
slough had the misfortune to sprain fifty cans of cream every «lay, visit­
ing the ranchers on the lakes who
ankles severely.
arc patrons ol the crvanu ry. The
Fred Maloon and family will soon company estimates that tlie cost ot
start ¡or their new home in the Hood gathering the cream is about half a
cent per pound ot butterfat, which is
river country.
about one third of th«.- cost of the
Adam Pershbaker was a caller in
wagon system of collecting cream.
our town last week.
The company also has a Ixiat on
O. A. Kelly ami family and Mrs the Coquille river to collect cream
C. C. Price ami her family attended for the Bandon creamery. The lx>at
the picnic at Arago on Friday, last is operated by Elmer Walstrom.
------- 000--------
A large number of boats have ar­
rived anil departed during the last
of preach! A lot of hearts bowed ing that an engineer be employed to
week. The b ¡field arrived last Friday
down with woe would feel a new and run levels to new watef reservoir, a with 160 tons of freight and list ot ROsenl lat. M williams, b Barapki,
cheering glow. How well we like map to lie made of same and sub­ passengers as follows:
Miss c Johnson and Mrs jojinson.
mitted to state engineer, levels to
to wag our jaws to help along some
Miss r Htische. E R Nirsfadt. a i j The Elizalieth arrived Wednesday
commence on First st.
worthy cause, and how we hate to
and wife, j coach, it r. | morning with 200 tons of freight and
An allowance of $10.00 |W»r month
bend our backs and get right down 1
Knapp, s Gallier, j a liernsteen. j 11 it passenger»: c L cox, a g Hoyt
to old brass tacks! “Oh, for a thous­ «as voted the Fire Department, they John, j R cunningham, o s Hinds. « wife and daughter, V v chandler, L
and tongues," we sigh, “to lecture in return to give 2 drills per month. C Parker, c r Moore, Mrs Traylor, J Davison, Toqi Lewis, Mr Rogers, A
Bills were allowed as follows:
poor folks passing by; to show them
Mis» Traylor and Capt Rosenblat.
J Hartman, and a couple ol ladies
where they’ve made mistakes, and ' C. R. Wade, city attorney, $27.50
The Fifield sailed again Sunday whose names we did not get.
forty kinds of dizzy breaks; to ham! F. A. Helman, marshal, $75.00; R.
The Newport arrived yesterday via
them precepts by the peck, and till H. Rice. $poo; Garoutte Bios., with 500,000 feet of lumber and
D. Urquhart and family, C. T
Orford, and will sail again this
them up, clear to the neck, with ad­ $18.50; Mrs. C. Timmons. $20.00;
Cessna and family, qnd a few other .
monition and advice, and solemn Bandon Light X Power Co.. $69 00;
Miss j M junkins, Spain Pearce, c afternoon with a deck load ol hogs left here last week for an outing on
warnings, off the ice!’’ A thousand Axel Erickson, sidewalk construe w .Moore, Miss Vivian jurkins, E a i for Portland.
the beach at the mouth of Five Mil«
longues we each might use, to air tion, $268.00; W. H Dibblee, night Rusche, H Frank, Mrs 1. Forshay, A
The Albion sailed Saturday, for:
our philanthropic views, but when ii ; watchman, $20.00; Ira Tucker, night Rice and wife. Miss z Forshay, j 1. San Francisco, with 100,000 feet of
came to helpful deed, one finger watchman. $23 00 Ralph Rogers, Hayes, wife and daughter, n worth, lumber, the Ruby arrived from Snn !
would be all we’d need. — Walt as watchman substitute, $42 00. To- ! j Dowell, 11 R steinhoff, L RollarC. M Pedro yesterday, and the Advance his team on the Fairview road.
tai, $567.00.
Mason, in Oregon Jour nal.
Kelly, Mr» j Bals tori, wr» c Johnson, from iMn Francisco.
V eritas .
cent each!
R. A. Wernich. secretary of the
carnival committee, has received as­
surance from Col Hofer of Salem,
who s tvs In will be here during the
carnival. He will address the peo­
ple on Owls day and will have a
numlier «if friends with lum who
come to boost for the Coos Bay
country.—Coos Bay Harbor.