Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, August 04, 1910, Image 1

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Pre», of Coos Bay Traction
Gets Out of Channel While
Coquille People Have Made
Now Building Derricks
Does Not Grant Petition
Corporation, Just Organized,
En Route to Portland
Up Purse of $500 for
and Getting Ready
For Daily Mail to
Port Continues
Makes Statement
From This Port
Mrs. McCauley
to Drill
With its purpose that of building
Between Walker’s Island and Stel­
Coquille, Aug. 2nd.—The people
• e.ilra.d iron, .he c..,« io R.»e- M| pl[m W|J|| J||£ PROSPECTS la, about 55 miles below Portland,
Coquille have raised a purse of OAKES RECEIVES LEITER FROM BOURNE
burg, to connect with one of more
the steamer Newport, Captain E. I).
about $500 for Mrs. McCauley, the
transcontinental lines, the Coos Bay
Pat sons, got out of the channel last
wife of the man who was killed in
Traction Corporation, for which ar
night while bound for Portland from
the mill explosion. Besides, there
Messrs Burton and Morris, expert the Coquille river and Coos Bay and
tides of incorporation were recently
The f »flowing letter, from Senator
Shipping business in and out of was given a benefit dance Saturday
issued it Sah m, has, through a oil drillers, of Bradford, Pa., irrived went on the beach. She went on Bandon continues to be exceedingly evening at Coquille, when a large Bourne, Jr., to E. E Oakes, Presi­
statement from the president, Geo. on the Elizabeth and have starter! when lhe tide was rather high and it brisk. The Bandon sailed last Fri­ sum was taken in.
dent Bandon C »minerci d Club, is
the erection ol the det rick on Bear is feareel that it will not be possible day for San Pedro, via Port Orford,
F. Averill, made public its plans.
Mrs. McCauley is at the county self-explanatory:
The company is incorporated for creek where they will drill for cil for to float her until some of the cargo with a full cargo of lumber and hospital and is being given every at­
“Referring further to your letter
On her return she will tention, and the people of the city of |ttne 15th relative to mail service
There are ¡0,000 the Miocene Oil & Gas Co. They has been discharged.
shares at $100 each Of these. Geo expect to have the derrick completed
While coming up from. Astoria bring the remainder of lhe machinery are taking much interest in the case between Langlois and Bandon.
F. Averill, the president, It »Ids 9,995 in about two weeks, and as the rest this morning the steamer Lurline, for the Miocene Oil and Gas Co.
and endeavoring to show their sym­
“The Department has hid the
The Elizabeth arrived in Port pathy in a substantial way.
shares, and the following, who are oi the machinery is due to arrive on Captain Charleston, placed a hawser
matter undei advisement, and I am
also incorporators, each hold .me the next trip of the Bandon, the aboard at 1 ¡30 o’clock and trieel to Saturday with 132 tons of freight
I*he funeral of F. E. McCauley, today in receipt of a statement giv­
share: W. P, Evans, George M dr.Iling for oil will undoubtedly com­ pull her out into deep water. After and 11 passengers, as follows:
the victim of the mill explosion, was ing the result of its investigation,
Perine. N. B. Campbell and R. T mence very soon.
away at her for 20 minutes A. P. Morgan, B C. Widner, N. C. Saw­ held at Coquille at 2:30 o'clock. which is as follows:
Harding. Mr Perine is presider.t
the line parted and the Lurline pro yer, J. Lamont, W. B. Perry. T. Burton, C. Thursday afternoon, from the under­
“ ‘The post office at Bandon has
of the Marine Trust and Savings themselves as being highly pleased ceedej on to Portland, arriving at 7 Morris, F. Luhn, J. Rose, M. T. Knapp, Gen. taking rooms. l’he burial was at
seven times a week nia l supply by
Company of San Francisco, and with the prospects for oil in this o’clock this morning. Because his Washington.
the Masonic cemetery. The services
steamboat route No. 73095, Coquille
Mr. Campbell is manager of the trust section, and state that they will ex­ steamer is already considerably be­
The Elizabeth sailed again Mon­ were conducted by Rev. Father Cur to Bandon, while the office at Lan.;
department of the same institution pedite matters in the drilling as rip hind h< r regular schedule, Captain day with 295,000 feet of lumber, 40 ley of North Bend.
lois six ti n -s a week supply by
The purpose of the incorporation idly as possible.
Mr. McCauley was born in Man­
Charleston said lie could not afford cords match wood, 5 tons butter and
star route No 73213, Myrtle Point
as given in the aiticles is that of con
to lose any time trying to float the cheese and 5 tons miscellaneous. chester, England, and was 45 years to Port Orford, w hich supply is co i-
structing and operating transporta­
Newport on the return trip to Asto She will probably sail for San Fran­ old. He had lived in this country
sidered adequate for those office -.
tion lines in Oregon.
As will lie 20,000 Walrus Are Seen ria today. But if she is still on th- cisco about August toth The out for many years and had lived in
Therefore, the postal advantage to
seen by reading the aiticles of incor­
Coo# county for the past four
beach when he passes there bound going passengers were:
be gained by the proposed increase
poration. the pm pose takes in every
Seattle, Wash., July 28th.— The up stream tonight he states he will Miss Ford, Mrs. H. F. Morriaon, H. B months. He came here from Port­ in frequency on route No. 73213
tiling that could come under th«
gasoline trading schor ne< Helen take another pull on her. He pro­ Barlow and wife. Miss C. Ward, Mrs. L. P. land.
consists in proriding a mot e frequen
head of operating railroad or stem»
Father Curley, at the funeral,
Urquhart, Geo. Urquhart, A. B. Smith, J. D.
Johnston, o tied and navigated bv cured a new line for this puqiose.
box delivery and collection service
lint s.
Although she is tar out of the Sealey, F. Clayton, L. B. Howey. Bell l^auwell, made a few remarks touching upon
Louis Lane, sou of Charles I). Line,
along the route and tor such «Ivane •
In Ins public announcement, Mi the California millionaire, on July 5th channel and in shod water the ofti ti Megrow, C. C. Cox, V. V. ( handler, Capt. the generous spirit which had been as might icsiilt in the exchange <>f
shown by the people or the widow
A vet ill. the president oi tin* corpo­ encountered a herd of 20,000 walrus cers of the Lurline do not believ«[ Fay and R. Gardner,
local mails between Langlois and
and orphans of the unfortunate man.
ration, states 1 hat he and his assnci swimming in the sea near the that the Newport will sustain any
The Fifield will arrive tomorrow
Having regard to the
ales have undertaken the task of Diotnuk* Is ands in Bering Straits, damage try reason of rhe mishap with 14 passengers, and has 92 tons
postal benefits to be gained by the
supplying Coos Bay with the long flic animals covered an area of sev She is on a sandy beach free of ol freight on lioard for Pott Orford,
Kills Big Gray Eagle.
Iir> posed incre ise of service w ith
felt need of an electric line. He eral acres of waler, and the schooner, recks. A log towing boat uas secn oul 15«» tons lor Bandon She will
reference to lhe expense which would
states that they have secured Eastern alter trying to sail through the, <>n the opposite side of the river sail again Sunday night.
be involved, it is considered that
W. M McMullen killed a fine
when the Lurline left the scene for
capital ami backing of California ■ Irew to one s idi*.
the Department would not he war
gray eagle, which he brought to the
Portland, ft is probat le that she
financiers, and no.v seek lhe co op
ranted in increasing the service,'
Fo Innately a ph »tograpber w
city this morning to be mounted
will be bailed bv the stranded steam
eralion ol the local people
Vicegreant Snark
“I presented the petitions which
The bird is i,uite a rare one to be
li is stated that the company does' ■ »r, lhe Johnston, and the incident er and asked to give assistance.
transmitted to me with my lie u-
killed, and this specimen is particu­
lhe Newport is loaded with a
not ask any bonus or don itioni more will be recorded scientifically. This
nt of the mail service
The Vicegerant Snark will hold a larly large. Mi. McMullen has not
than the right of way, much of which is said to be the largest herd ever cargo ol general freight, a portion of
concatenation -it Bandon on August measured it yet, but it is so large desired, but it seems that for econom­
has now Ix-en secured along the pro seen, anti seems to discredit reports which consists of coal and matchwood
of the impending extinction of the she took on at Bandon l he steamer 20th.
that he cannot spretd the wings by ical reasons the Dt p.irtment declined
posed unite. They are asking for a
to increase the service as requested.”
There seems to be a little conflict stretching out both arms.
limited number of subscriptions to a walrus through hunting for its ivory is operated between Portland and
Yours very truly,
The manner in w hich the bird was
Otegon coast ports bv A. Dunham of dales regaiding the matter
six percent 5 -year guaranteed de­
J B ourne , J r .,
and associates as tin excite ive date set 'or the Bandon concatena killed was quite remarkable. Mi.
benture gold bond is« e. The bonds
The Post Office department is
freighter. Sin- is owned by Charles tion was August tjlli, but a conca­ McMullen was neat the road in th«
are guaranteed bv the ' arine Trust
laboring under false im­
and Savings Company of Sait Fran Meetings Close Sunday Night P. Dor, general manager of the
North Pacific Steamship Company, the 13th. In nee the Snaik cannot f»< saw the eaglofly from an alder bush, pressions, and is no: willing to loot;
cisco. The l»oml subscriptions are
operates the Roanoke and in two pl ices at the same lime. Th< a id as it was but a short distance into the siimtion. In the first place,
to b* made through the various
Seaside dale would be changed, only away from him he threw a spruce Bandon does not enjoy a 7 day mail
banks from North Bend ami Marsh-
The Union Tabernacle meetings
the fact the notices have knot at the bird, It was a good service, as we get no Sunday mail.
ti 'hl to Roseburg. Tf»e money is are still in progress and will close on
---- oor--- -
throw and the knot struck the bird It is an easy matter to turn oft a
been sent out.
not to be withdrawn, but the banks ; Sunday, Aug 6th. They have be,-n I
and brought it down.—Coos Bay proposition by explanations that do
receiving the monev on bonds »les a great success, over too having been
not explain. Bandon people should
are to be depositories Im the com­ I converted. a large pet cent being
What Travelers Say
get together and demand that their
pany. It is stated that the small men. some past middle life
Capt. Boice, of the Coos Bay Life
■ quest for a six day service to Lang-
boml subscription is asked >1 the I Sunday the Evangelist will preach a
Saving Crew, has resigned his p<»si
>i-> I m * granted, ami also demand
Marshfield, Ore., July 25th.
Io al people only for the purpose ol special sermon at it am., hi? sub­
lion and his resignation has been ac
that we get a 7 day service from Co­
A. F. Estabrook Co.
sh »wing outside investors th it the ject. “A Fight lor Life.” In the
cepted. He expects to go to Ban
A big lot of rooters went over to quille to vhich we are evidently en­
Bandon, Ore.
people of Coos Bty and along the evening the subject will be “The
don. The Coos Bay crew is now in Capt C. P. Jensen;
Marshfield, Sunday, to see Bandon titled.
line have faith in the project as a Unpardonable Sin." The churches
charge of Anton Anderson, who is
Marshfield play ball, and they
1 will go to San Francisco with
good business proposition.
»’ Coquille extended to Evangelist the number one stirfman of the
you on Wednesday on the steamer were treated to a good game. The
Mr. Averill also makes public a Van Martcr a call to conduct union
crew. Another captain, it is under “FIFIELD” for I reinember your score was 5 to 4 in favor of Bandon
First Deer of Season
letter from th? Marine Trust and services there; so, a fter 2 or 3 days’
stood, w ill so in be sent here to take good table and will always boost for although the Marshfield contingency
Savings Company of San Francisco, j rest. Van will begin meetings at that'
charge of the crew. There have
ann signed by N. B. Campbell, the place on Thursday evening, August been many changes in the crew since you. We commercial men are both tried to call it a tie game, claiming
If anybody in Oregon got a deer
manager of lhe trust department. 1 itlt
It is hoped that the people of the wre k of the Czarina, and An­ good boosters and knockers. Have that one 'score was made after the earlier in the season than ] K. Baker
told Agent here to phone reservation side was out, but the umpires both 1
In the letter the banker writes to Bandon will rally for the closing
and C. A. Rohn, they had to vo
derson, who is now in charge, is the
on upper deck aft.
The whole gave Bandon the scote, as did also I
Mr. Aver.ll that after examining his I service, Sunday, the 7th, and let it
some, for these two men left Bandon
only one of the old men left at the
“FIFIELD’’ is good, but if there is the score keeper, which should set­
securities and Eastern connections be the best day of all the series. Last
Sunday and went out on Bear crea k,
station. All ol the others who be­
tle the dispute without further con
and Ins facilities as outlined for dis- Sunday,
Mr. Scott,
formerly longed to the crew when the Czarina any “best” save it for yours truly.
anti about five o'clock Monday
troversy. The score keeper was not
jiosing of the Itond issue, and also leader of chorus for Bob Burdette’s
rooming they each bagged a fine
was wrecked have resigned.—Coos
Original on file at • FIFIELD" a Bandon man, as some. claimed.
depending upon an agreement to White Temple Church, at Los An­
one, the two being ahn »st in
Bay Times.
Capt. McNair stated that the gen­
dispose of {500,000 worth of bonds geles, gave us several solos which
same spot.
tleman was a stranger to him.
in lhe local territory, the bank agrees was a great treat for ail. Van has
“FIFIELD” better than the rest.
to guarantee $5,000,000 worth of done us all good and the churches
Funeral Held Friday.
The whole ship is ol the •‘BEST.*’
the bonds ¡is to principal, upon con­ have taken on new life.
Capt. Boice Returns
Clearing Up Bandon Heights
Ask the “DRUMMER," he knows.
ditions which were agreed upon.
The form of the bonds and agree­
The funeral of Ralph Hunt, the Always the “FIFIELD.”
Pat Hanrahan, Chas. McRae and
Capt. Clarence Boice, who recent
ment to purchase are also made pub
Dr. Geo. A. Boyle, Miss Eliza­ young son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Glen Cox have commenced work on
ly resigned as captain of the Coos
lie —Coos Bay Tinies.
beth Boyle and Miss Clare Boyle of Hunt, whose death was announced
their contract to dear up Bandon
Bay life saving station, arrived in
Enid, Okla-, and Rev. D. H M. in last week's R ecorder , was held
Heights. They are now blasting
Tuesday and will remain
Boyle, of Princeton. N. J., arrived last Friday, being in charge of Rev.
out stumps and getting the rubbish
time. MrBoice had
The Coquille made a special run last night for a two or three weeks* F. M. Sanderlin. The many-flowers
cleared off at a rapid rate, and it
been visiting here lor a few days
to Bandon last evening, bringing: visit at the R. W. Boyle home. Dr. that covered the grave betokened
goes without saying that they will
The capt »in is not fully decided as
about 20 passengers who came from Boyle, Rev. Boyle and Miss Eliza­ the heartfelt sympathy of the many
j do a good job, and when the work
yet upon what he will do, but as
Portland on the Breakwater, which beth Boyle art brothers and sister to friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, and
Mrs. Ix»ttie Keeler was a Marsh is all completed,« Bandon Heights
arrived too late to make connection R W., and Miss (.late is the daugh­ showed the high esteem in which field visitor lhe first of the week, will be one of the nicest reuden e Bandon is his old home he will
probably remain here indefinitely.
ter ol Dr, Boyle.
With the Dispatch.
1 returning to-day.
‘ Ralph was held.
1 unctions in Bandon.
, •