* ✓ 9 ' ) c L i t NUMBER 27 BANEON, OREGON, JULY 14, 1910 DEEP WATER $200,000 FOR GOOD ROADS Twenty-three reet on Seven Foot Tide Thursday Night Co. Commissioners in Session Discuss Work Planned For This Year GOVERNMENT WORK FOR COQUILLE RIVER MANY TO MOVE What The Appropriation of $56,000.00 Will Twenty Ranchers near Tilla­ Evangelist Is Hard W< rker mook Planning to Locate and is Hopeful of Good in Coos County Results Do For The Bar And How Far it Will go on The River TO COQUILLE Nearly $200,000 will be expended The Coquille Sentinel says: on road building in Coos county this SHOWS GREAT POSSIBILITIES OF HARBOR “W. E. Catterlin, deputy State SPECIAL SERVICES. SATURDAY, SUNDAY summer, and the 111 .tier of road Die $56,000 recently appropriated by Congress for the improvement dairy and food commissioner tor building was one of the important of the Coquille river, was all given to improve the inside channel, there Western Oregon, arrived fn Coquille Wednesday evening after a record Some of the croakers who say that features discussed by the County being no allowance, whatever, made for the further improvement of the The interest in the big union tab­ trip from his home al Tillamook, bar at this time • , the Coquille river is only a little Commissioners w ho met in their reg and vill be permanently located a ernacle meetings is growing with The estimated cost ol the work proposed is as follows: slough and cannot be made a harbor ular session at Coquille last week. Construction and equipment of snag scow...................................... $ 7,000 few miles south of this city for the each service. Last Sunday evening, The Commissioners adjourned to will be compelled to pull in their Operation of scow 2 seasons, 4 months each season...................... 6,000 next ten years. It will be remem­ a large audience listened with rapt 500 bered that Mr. Catterlin visited this attention to the evangelist’s sermon horns when they are confronted with July 27th, when some business is to Removal of mid-channel rock at Rocky Point.............................. Strangs ’ Shoal, dredging 15.00 cubic yds, al 15 cts .................... 2.250 section some time since in the inter­ facts, anti here are some of the facts. be transacted and after that there on HELL, and he surely makes 01 e Walstrom’s landing shoal, dredging 14 000 cubic yds. at 15 cts. . . 2, IOO ests of his office and his present The Fifield last Thursday night, will be no more meetings until Sep­ He think. If jon don't believe, con e 6OO move is the result of that visit. Randolph mill shoal, dredging 4.000 cubic yds, at 15 cts............ went out carrying a full cargo of tember. was so favorably impressed with this and hear him yourself before vou Contingencies, engineering and office expenses.............................. 3.7»<> Bills were allowed new judges lumber, and soundings at that time section of the State that he has taken condemn what lie says. Total........................................................................................ 22, l6o a len-year lease on the Star Ranch showed 23 feet of water on the bar and clerks of election appointed, On Tuesday night his let lure on with only a seven foot tide; with a and other routine business transacted. Estimated cost of w >rk proposed in House Document 399, Six­ near Langlois, and will give it his “Oregon Dry” got them all going, tieth Congress, first session........................................................... 27,840 personal supervision in the future. big tide the bar would thus have 24 The matter of having a county road­ and the audience at times broke out Grand total.............................................................................. $5o,o(X) or 25 feet, and this is not all; the master was discussed, but Countv “And this is but a small portion ;n applause, giving the famous yell, water was from ¡6 to 20 feet deep Judge Hall says that there w ill prob It is estimated that the sum of $6,000 would be required annually of the goad results ol Mi'. Catterlin’s “Oregon Drv in 1910.” Van got on the inside channel, and it was ably be nothing done this year. He for maintenance of the proposed channels between the mouth of the river previous visit. Upon his return to so warmed up to his subject that he found that the water was 50 feet has been investigating the plan by and Qiquille for the removal of dangerous snags as far up as the mouth of Tillamook he told his friends and discarded his coat and went after it deep between the jetties just outside correspondence with ether counties tin* North Eork, and for the care of the plant. neighbors there ot the grand country in his shirt sleeves. in the State with a view of ascertain the bar. To show something of the importance of the Coquille river as a ship­ we have in Coos and Curry counties A number have already made a There are croakers who say that in. their experiences in having a ping point, it nted only be noted that the tonnage crossing in and out over and the result is that there will soon start in the Christian life. Next the bar cannot have over 15 feet of county roadmaster. the bar during the year 1. 08 was 70,000 tons, in round numbers, with a arrive here about twenty ot these Saturday at 3 p.m. the evangeh t The work which the Commission value of about $1,500,000, and with the inside commerce of the river it friends and neighbors and they will water under the most favorable cir »ill speak to women only, and Sun­ cmnstances, but they merely put up ers have been doing on the roads of would bring the total shipping valuation up to $2,000,000. This would come prepared to locate here and day at 3 p m. a mass meeting for their opinions, and have never made tile county is now beginning to show. indicate that the river* is worthy ol all the aid that Uncle S > ill can give us. purchase dairy farms They have men will be held. Van’s subject 1 here is in the general road fund The tonnage increased in the ten years from 1898 to 1908, from 24,556 sold their interests in Tillamook and actual soundings. I will be, “Hol Shot for Men, or the Anotlu-r fact worthy of note is about $¡22,000, but the special taxes tons to 68,4261. tons, or practically three fold. Probably no port along are coming to slay in the finest dairy Devil’s Boomeiang.” Il will lie a that not a vessel has been bar b >und in different parts of the county will the coast can show such an increase as this, and the increase each year country on the Pacific coast. hummer. Let all the men in Bai - in the Coquille river for over three bring the aggregate sum to be ex­ iron now on will be infinitely greatei, so that within the nbxt ten years the “These twenty or more dairymen don hear it. pended on roads this year, up to marine business from this port will be something immense, and the thing will come representing a total capital months. Sunday night will oe another great The. excellent condition of the about $200,000, and by winter we must do is to prepare for it by getting the port into the very best con­ of perhap.» four hundred thousand meeting, and the sutiject is “Booze, harbor under these favorable circum there will be a marked change in dition possible. This can be done only by the people working with the dollars, and this Sum invested in or a Ride with Van on the Water stances is only indicative of what many of the roads. There has keen government. dairy farms and stock in this section Wagon.” Bandon people ought to might Ire accomplished it the proper aspecial tax assessment on the North Let’s get busy and establish the Port Commission and do our share of will mean a new epoch in the history rally and give these meetings the Fork ol Coos River, in all three (he work. effort were put forth. of the dairy business of this section support they deserve. Eor instance, the opponents ol the districts < f the Coos Bay wagon It will mean new ideas and new eti Evangelist Van Marter is one of |N>rt commission can hardly justify road, in Coquille city district, on the ergy for the industry and it will also the ablest men in his profession and Gross Misrepresentation Births and Deaths their opposition, in face <>t these Middle Fork of the Coquille River, mean that the methods of handling by those who know so recognized facts, on the ground that this cannot the Fishtrap district and c.n the the dairy business ol the county will him He will jar you but will «Io I be made a haroor, they must get South Fork ot tne Coquille River. Report has it that so ne of the up­ During the month of June just be radically changed, and that there yon good. An improvement in which the river towns have circulated the re­ dosed the records show over twice will not in future be the vast amount some other excuse for their opposi­ Meetings will continue all next general | ublic is especially interested port that there is a great epidemic as many births as deaths in Hie of idle acreage which has I ecu the tion. But some may say, if the bar week. Remember that all the pas­ bor is so good, why not let well is the work on the Middle | the Knights and their ladies, has formerly he -,i put fo th, that tin been re-surveyed and the bad places heied to whenever one of these cases but fifteen deaths in the county, and man and E. Vaninman will attempt Monday evening. A jollv good time greater development of the harbor, cut out, and when the work is tin is found. If the other towns are tlieie were thirty-five births du-ing this fall to cross the Atlantic ocean was enjoyed by all present, and the ished there will be a good automobile the better and greater will the com­ taking the same precautions that are the same period. The marriages Knight entertained the ladies most in the dirigible balloon America munity at I irge b-.-comc The gov­ road from Myrtle Point to the coun being taken in Bandon, tin y will numbered but twenty-nine which is which was built lor the Wellman royally. The officers installed were ernment has given us $56,000 to lx t\ line. polar expedition and has twice been have nothing to fear from any a very small number tor the month as follows: C. R. W.ule. C. C. : F. “The road work is beginning to s reading of the disease from this of June. However, quite a number used on the river, but we n< ed to do »e-ted in voyages over the Arctic Lewin. V. C.; J. W. Mast, Poiau . something for ourselves, and then make a showing now.’’ said Judge point- Such reports, when they are have been solemnized this month s > •• ran north of Spitzbergen. The Claude Adams, M. ot \V.; J < we can gi t more, and the Coquille Hall in discussing the work of the given out without foundation, as this the two months will no doubt come Hiw getting the grades es­ afternoon, in honor of her sister, air-ship. Ferry Business A. Knopp brought a box of ber­ tablished so that the work done will ries to this office Tuesday morning, week moved into his new office on Mrs LeGere, of Versailes, Mo. The The America will carry a crew of be of a permanent nature. For ex­ known as the “Phenominal" beiry, the ground floor next door to J. A. louse was very prettily decorated, six men including a wireless operator Lamb and Co., and to say that he the color scheme being pink and and 1600 gallons of gasoline in a The business of the local ferry for ample. the bad road at Bear Creek and they were certainly phenomenal h is a neat office is expressing it too green. About thirty guests were the last month was much larger than between Bandon aad Coquille has so far as siz,e and flavor are con­ steel tank Equipped lor a days’ mildly by far. He has instituted an usual and the present month prom been done away with. Instead of present, and prpgressive whist was run, she could carry 75 passengeis cerned. One of the berries, which ises to go far ahead of last month innovation in real estate offices in the the prevailing game. Mrs. L. J. in addition to her full crew. In size having to climb the mountain the was about an average size, measured even. The need of a |>ower ferry at way of a reading room tor his friends Radley won the ii st prize, a silver she ranks second only to the latest road has been changed so that in a four inches in circumference one and patrons as well as for any this point is growing eacli week, and few weeks one can drive around the way and three and one-fourth inches sugar spoon Dainty refreshments Zeppelin airship. Wellman and Van the business will soon l»e entirely be­ strangers who may be visiting the mountain and escape too hard a the other way Mr. Knepp has three were served, and all present had a inman plan to start late in August < r yond the capacity of the present c'tyor stopping over between trains. climb. 1 think that another year rows of these berries on his place in most enjoyable time, Mrs. LeGere early in September from some place show. However, the ferryman is On hi« tables Mr. B. has all the eaves for her home today. Mrs near New York not yet selected will show a great change in the roads Portland addition, which he set out doing his best and there is no com­ county papers, many from other of the county.” Radley entertained in honor of Mrs. last year, and is having a fair yield plaint on anything except the quality points in Southern Oregon, as well .eGere on Tuesday afternoon, and Point. Arrangements have been of berries this year, and by next ------- 000------ of 1 he equipment. as many of the larger daily papers. Mrs. Robert Johnson Wednesday made for a special train to leave year they will be in full bearing. At the rear of the office and reading During the month of May, 2070 afternoon They are certainly fine and will prove Card of Thanks Marshfield at 8: