Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 27, 1910, Image 4

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Congress and tell the same • oh'
Polly-wants a-cracker. atory that
Published Every Thursday by the
■ verybody else tells, and we have
Recorder PublBhing Company.
told before.
But we would fin<
O. E. KOPF, -
Managing Editor ourselves confronted with an aci-
Subscription, fl 50 per Year in Advance. Advertising Rat«« Made
mir.istratiotu whose watchword is
Known on Application. Job Printing a Specialty
' Econo,m and curtailment of ex
Entered at the battdou Pontotltae aa tSecond Class Matter.
oendltures.’’ If we expect to get 1
January 27, 1910 anything fiom Washington we will
iCopyright. 1Ä'
V.' American Pre»s Asso­
ci uion. j
When I was twenty-fii» years uf ago
I was sent to Bt. 1’0111 by tbe tirin I
un-Vlih to < .tablish an agency for
their goods. I souìi discovered that
t here was a concern in Minneapolis
i ■
wlta-b was ailing tin* same grade of
have to show Congress that we goods
ami always underbidding me.
Port Commission Will Aid that will build up industries. The intend to get it if we have to get OUÎ i 1 went out there to see If I could
p, ;k.> a scale of prices with the under-
time when a man could set up a and shovel dirt ourselves.
Quick Delivery
I biddiug firm.
peanut stand on the corner and coil
I found a young man even younger
Now the next best thing to im
than myself. He was not acting ar
Last Tuesday’s meeting of the
proving the jetties with our own agent, but for .himself. 1 stated my
muscles is to get a Port Commission l>u iness. to which he listened atten-
Commercial Club made it apparent
i lively. 1 argued tint if he continued
locking for is something of 1 ir < of this river which w ill do tin work ¡to underbid me I w>uld begin to un
that a great deal or interest lias
derbid him. and one would thua ruin
scope, in which large quantities, of for us.
The Commission devotes ea< 11 other's trade, whereas if we made
been aroused concerning the es
material are handled quickly and its time to the work aid is com- price« togcttier we could both succeed.
tablishment of a Port of Coquille
When 1 had finished he said:
large profits are quickly made
the coni
“»'»hat gnaranly have I Hint yon
Every day it has been
Extensive businesses ol this nature
will keep j ■ ur agreement ?"
brought home more and more
F’irprfsed nt st! li a question, I re-
cannot be carried on without suit lit«- one vital necessary thing by pthd.
"The same guaranty I have that
clearly to each one of us that we
able opportunities f.>r meeting com­ which we of the ineagerly represent­ mu v f’l keep yours.”
must not expect to get anywhere
“There Is no doubt whatever that 1
petition in the., wold’s markets. ed West may expect to accomplish ■ 111 keep any a-.-remiient I shall make.”
as an industrial center while we lack
he replied, with some hautiuir.
Quick delivery is essential.
Low anything: Organization.
It struck me that ho should go to
reliable facilities for the transporta-
freight rates are important.
i tome university for a course of logic,
tion of our products to the outside
However. I pursuadod him to make
Just now we are not positive Newport Has Narrow Escape a Utt of minimum prh-es with me and
markets. No city ever built itself
l- ft him well pleased with the remit
up on the basis of a purely local ex­ whether we can make a quick de­
Under the above head the Coos j of my visit. We became very giwid
change of commodities and nom livery in the city or not, or whether Bay Times of last Thursday tells o: .■rlcL'ds a» well as competitors, and
finally, when I concluded to net also
can thrive and expand and reach out w>‘ can get a thing from the city a narrow escape the Newport had in my ov n account, we concluded. In
to save expenses, t i form a p-irt-
for greater opportunities without exactly at the time one of our cus­ rom being wrecked while attempt­ order
ncnhlp. 1 offered to give him first
tomers want it The management
being able to market large quanti
ing to cross out over the Coos Bav • Ince In the firm name, but he Insisted
of the steamers are eager to oblige
on taking the second. so wo st-led
ties of products on short notice
bar that morning.
our- l ives Graves & Elliston.
but they cannot control the eccen­
I found my partner a queer mixture.
This is the day of sensitive price
It seems from the gist oi the ar
For n time 1 was virtual ns well as
tricities of an nncared tor bar. Tn at
levels and speed is necessary to take
tide and from an antricle in a pre- notninnl head of the firm, but lost it
bar now' causes all who ship or
In a very edit way. A man canto Into
advantages of rises in the scale of
vious issue of the Times that the | : our
store to buy a large bill of goods
receive freight to pay freight rates
I vessel in question had arrived . fl on credit. The profit would be large.
that Portland, Grip's Harbor, and
iii:l I was brimful of enthusiasm over
re- 1 Ju- trade. Not so Elliston. He i!at-
The philosophy of the situation is Coos Bay people would have to ! the Coquille river
1 ly refused to consent “to sell' tbe man.
simple. To develop out country we climb on a chair to see the top of. vious Monday and found this ba too When It came to his reasons he bad
want money.
To get money we These rates are not exorbitant, rough to cross in, and so went back none to give. Irritated. 1 told him
.liar he should explain his position or
must place our products on a mar­ in'nd you; they are the naturai re- to the Bay to take coal, but there ; I would dissolve the partnership,
! must have been some mistake, or whereupon, driven to tbe wall, be said
ket that needs them enough to be suit of a natural bar.
he didn't like tlie shape of tile
: they arrived at the wrong time, as that
willing to pay a proper price for
man's nose.
Can we reasonably expect to de­ | >n that day the Coquille river bar Ni t v ithst;:: ling this ab -tird reason,
them, in other words, not the lo­
velop inch strie.s here that can com­ I was vety calm, so much so that the which I inferred he had given simply
to afford me an excuse for not fulfill
cal market which is liable to con­
pete in the outside market under lug Klyliiam went out and in again, ing my threat, we did not sell the
gestion from overproduction; to
Some months later the notes
these circumstances? We cannot, ' and some of the schooners which goods.
tlie purchaser had given other firms
get money quickly we must put our
anil also expect to profit by such were lying in port, would have were protested ami every dollar of the
products in the buyers hands quick
indebtedness was lost. 1 charged El
gone out only for the heavy seas listen with having some information
ly. If you can get today what you
unknown to me about tli^ rascal, but
A l ort Commission is ordinarily- i outside.
want to use today you are usually
he denied having an; whatever. Never­
theless from this tuuc I never urged
willing to pay for it today. If you
entering up<>u any imp. a taut tra usai'-
promise a thing for today and do it upon all the property within the I'iines as to the narrow escape o( tion without niy partner's full op­
tomorrow you usually get paid for watersheil or valley. This method tile boat:
But when it
The collier Newport of the tlie eral hundred or several thousand d id-
it day after tomorrow. The man of raising mon y makes the burden
¡.irs. while I would unblushiDgly make
who pays cash or its equivalent is a fall equally upon the resident and North Pacific Steamship line, liar­ an offer of half the amount asked,
desirable customer. He knows it the non resident owners. There is rowly escapeil being wrecked while Elliston could never bring himself to
consider bu < h a course as anyt’hing but
and therefore is particular with every reason why the non-resident ittempting to cross outthis morning. ridiculous. Thus tlie large transac­
tions fell into my bands.
whom he trades. We are not in a property owner should be compelled I'he bar was quite rough but Cap­ Although Elliston seemed to me to
good position to command his at­ to contribute his alloted portion tain Astrup thought he could make be very I gradually found
that lie was a better business man
tention and dictate what he ought to the fund which would enhance it alright and started out. The bar (ban I. lie was certainly my superior
to buy from us; we are in a better the value of his property, We have was evidently rougher than he was in looking ahead. While my mind
was on the. present, his was on.the
position to listen to him.
He is all of us from time to time cried out expecting and the Newport was future. This was esjtecially true In
not inclined to pay immediately for aga nst the man who owned a lot i powerless fora while and was being the matter of expenses. -I am free to
admit that had it uot been fpr him
any order that may not be filled at and would do nothing to aid in the rapidly carried toward the South our expenses would have eaten up our
lie was continually surprising
once; to pay in such an instance improvements going on about it Spit when there came a lull and he profits.
me. when payments we were obliged
would be to make a loan without and yet would take without ques ; succeeded in turning around and to make came round. l>.v having pro-
vided the funds to meet them. This
interest, a thing not tolerated by tion the profit which these im getting back into the Bav.
faculty, together witli liis keeping ex­
Por a time, everyone who w itness penses down, made money for us every
business ethics.
We know lie provemeats gave him. In our val-
year for sevcntl years. Then one day
means business and that his pen is lev we have the Southern ( )regon ed her struggle with the breakers Elliston told me that he wished to sell
dipped in the ink and is held poised Company, the Southern Pacific 'thought she could not escape. The bis interest in the business since he
pur|>oscd traveiirg abroad. This was
over the check, waiting the com­ Company, the Weyerhauser interests life saving crew got out and were a blow to me. for I was not minded
to give up business myself, and I was
pletion of his order.
He “wants and others all corporations and really to start for her when it was sure
I co; \1 not make money without
what he wants when he wants it" firms of good standing in the finan­ I seen that she was going to lie alile tlie aid of th«« typical faculties [ as­
sessed by nty ; a.-tner. However, be
and if we are not prepared to give cial world and ready to do anything to get back inside.
gave tne easy terms, and I bought him
it to him he will get “what he which will make their property
As soon as the papers had passed El­
more valuable—at least from a purely
wants” from somebody else.
bade tne goodby and left for
Notice of Dissolution
New York to sail for Naples. A week
logical standpoint, it is dsytocon
It has been urged, that we are a
later I received a letter from him at
ceive that these companies would be
asking me to meet him there.
poor community and cannot afford
glad to aid us.
the name of Pickett i\ Since be give no reason 1 besitat«-d.
the incorporation of a Port of Co
However, knowing Lint to be a queer
Hollenbeck on the first day of Jan. fellow who usually had a reason hid­
We need an improved bar and a
quille. Now, why are we poor?
A. I) iqto dissolved by mutual den away some'., here fur what be
We have splendid natural resources dredged river and it is perfectly consent, Ada Nettie Hollenbeck to did. 1 left my business with my bead
clerk und took a train.
lying ready for development. Our plain we aie handicapped until we assume all debt and receive all ac­
Tbe next ever Ing I called at Ellis-
ton's hotel und sent up my <ard. 1
timber is second to none along the get these things. Someone urges counts
was shown to a private parlor, where,
Ada Nettie Hollenbeck
•oast; there is no other place in the that the settlers here should not be
instead of finding him, a woman ad­
E. J. Pickett.
vanced to greet me.
world where the famous Port Orford taxed further until they have im
"You're Elliston's sister,” I exclaim­
----- 000 —
Cedar grows. We have coal mines proved their farms and developed
ed, "doubtless his twin."
"I am Eliistou himself,” she replied.
and dairy ranches and all manner oi the resources in their possesion, at
And so slie was. It was a singular
Presbyterian Church
story she told me—how, baling been
opportunities offered by Nature. which time they would be better
^»tilig. il to make her own way In tlie
Yet still we are undoubtedly a |xx>r able to bear the burden. Now. i
world, she had f-nind skirts disadvan­
Sunday school every Sunday al tageous
und finally donned man's at­
community. But why are we poor? how in the name of all that's good
to a. in; Christian Endeavor in the tire. Having made enough to give her
Is it because the government and and true, can a person profit by' evening. Preaching every Sunday several thousand dollars a year in­
the trusts have a grudge against manufacturing something he cannot except the fourth Sunday of the come. she gladly resumed her pro|»er
attire, tmt not until she had left the
month. Visitors, welcome.
us? No. Is it because we would be sure of getting to market.
proximity of those who bad known
M. E. C oen , Minister. her ns a man.
not know what to do with money if
It is obvious that we must have
I bad always regarded my imrtner us
young and boyish looking, without
we had
Certainly not. We are something different if w expect to
a beard und with a musical voice.
First class job work a specialty.
poor because we have no-decent become a real industrial center. It
In woman's dress Margaret Elliston—
was her name- was • i figured
chance at the outside markets. We may lie alright for us to sit around
Into a very mtra. tJve v
T re­
can trade around among ourselves and murmur piously, “The L<>rd
mained In Chicago a wee! at the end
city on short notice.
Apply to i of which time it was arr ■ ■ »1 that I
and get enough to live on but we will provide:’’ but we never have
Rockwell Bros, on the S. S. Little should return to Mlnnes< ta. sell the
cannot get more people into this noticed anybody put on flesh that place, 2 1 2 miles southeast of Ban business and we should go abroad as
husband and wife.
country if we cannot offet profit
We can, indeed'amble off to' don.
Zet'u. -s V :fa Conveniences He Adopts
Ir. tn« 6 us >, i «3S.
Men man bn;. - ids wife a cook Move
pad a kie hen sink and a few pots and
pans anil tuinks lie's provided bis wile
Witu all the modern conveniences.
Hasn't she a gas stove and refrlger
ator* It om.litn t to be hard to keep
house Aad yet the wife looks bedrag
gled und tired and is everlastingly
chasing the bugl eer of work and nev­
er catching it.
With the kitchen stove and the re
frigerator man thinks he's done his
duty toward Hu- working equipment hi
offers bls wife.
in his own store, office or business
be is always figuring out new ways ot
doing things to save time and labor.
New maclnnes to do in an hour wha
it took a man a week to do and new
methods to save time are what he's
Yet if mere tuau's wife suggests that
a shelf be built above the kitchen sink
or that In* make her a drain board
mere man can't see IL
In many large manufacturing con
corns hi.It sahiriixl men are kypt busy
all the time working out new methods
that might le: sen the cost of produc
tion. Some of these experiments take
years to work out and perfect before
they can be used
But the average woman takes the
■dd way for granted and never stops
to count the coal.
Too many kitchens just grow. They
were never thought out. In the old
fashioned house they are big and ram
bling and inconvenient. As a man ex
presses it in a current magazine arti
“Most kit' liens are too large, which
brings the tire of the wheel too fai
away from the hub."
if you can't stand in the center and
by taking a step ot two reach every­
thing oil the stove, table, sink, closet
and refrigerator, then you are daily
taking wearing steps, spending need
less time.
Most women let well enough alone.
They don't analyze the process by
which they do their work.
If custom says, "Thou shalt keep thy
china dishes in ttie chitin closet in the
dining room,” then it follows as the
night the day that china dishes are
kept there and not in handy cupboards
not tar from sink and the work table
and the stove in the kitchen.
Now. what is the result?
Draw a diagram if you can't under
Let X be t cream pitcher in the
china doset aad let Y be you in the
Now start your series of dotted lines
and count the trips you make to use
that pitcher at one meal.
From the ki’chen
the china doset.
then back to the kit Let:
Fill the pitcher .. , put it on the
table back in the dining room. Return
the pitcher to the kitchen to be wash
ed and finally put it once more in the
china closet
Five trips in all.
If it were kept In the kitchen two
trips would be made and the number
of steps taken would be cut down just
three-fifths of the total amount.
Now, if a manufacturer could dis
cover a process by which three-fifths
of a given amount of labor cofild be
saved he would ¡intent his invention
and proceed to make a fortune. But
not so with a woman. She walks miles
to tin cupboards that could just as
well be built beside the sink and jour­
neys far carrying things to their places
only to gel them out again and put
them in other places.
Coquille Riwr Transportation
Co.’s Schedule
8:30 H ID
{G:00 a id
1 1.00 p ni
3;(K) p ID
7 HMl a in
1Ü14M) » m
i :30 p id
4 dio p m
Ban Ion
7:30 a id
10 30 a ni
ii.3t) h n>
Coquille. * 3.<M» a tu
4.00 p in
5.30 p in
5.00 p n>
Dispatch, 1.00 p ni
The Coquille connects with the
trails nt Coqnill« for M«r«btiekl Htid
Myrtle Point.
The up riv«r passengers can com-
to Baudoii on the Favorite and hive
three hours here in which to do their
rading and other business.
The Opera
Wines. Liquors & Cigars
Steam licer on IkrHiiglit
You can’t expect to get $2 worth
for $1, but you can get your
money's worth at
Dealer in Boots and Shoes.
Repairing neatly and promp
tly done at lowest liv­
ing prices
The Pacific
Nice clean rooms 2f> and 5()c a
night; fl. 25 a week; $5 ainontb
Newly furnished large light room«
1 elephone
Electric Lights
Rented by single night, week or
Three women have been nominated
for parliament in Norway.
The Fi.iiari.-u.s in their Pacific coast
conference at Seattle. Wash., declared
lu favor of woman suffrage.
In Denmark .he National Woman Suf­
frage association has grown during the
past year from 4,ooo members to 10,W0.
Tbe state convention of tlie Univer-
sali-t church. recently held in New
llaven. Conn., unanimously adopted
resolutions favoring woman suffrage.
Mrs. Howey C. Bailey, president of
the llemer Woman's club, has been
indorsed by the State Women's Itepilb
licuti dub lor the nomination for eon
gross in the First district.
In one day recently articles favorn
ble to woman suffrage appeared iu the
Christian Science Monitor of Boston,
Christian Herald of New York and tlie
National Pure Food Magazine, show
Ing the wide scope of this movement
and its freedom from all political and
sectarian bias.
Baltimore women are making a de
termined effort to secure municipal
suffrage. '1 he Baltimore Equal Suf­
frage league. numbering nearly 800
members, with Mrs. Ellicott, wife of
Profest»>r Eiliiott of Johns Moplens,
as president, is taking an active part
ill the -ampnign. The first plea of a
woman for a vole in this country was
made by Mrs Margaret Brent of Mary
land to die colonial assembly In 11547.
The •' Federations of Labor ot
Mary la ad ami New York held tbelr
respecttie annual meetings late in Sep
teniber ami both bodies officially in
dorsed woman suffrage. The Ameri
-ration of Labor declares for
woman suffrage every year, and fed
»•rations in the following states have
taken similar action: California. Con-
uectieut, Colorado. Iowa. Indiana. Illi
; oj - Km
M i -a-lmsetts, Minneso­
ta, M tine. Ml hlgan. New Hampshire.
”ldo. Or ;.in. Oklahoma, I’eunsylva
mil. Tenn-...... , Texas. Washington
and West Virginia.
Nothin;.' | : t< <> .unirli trouble for the
♦ ’it wom.'iii i ■ d<> for the right man
I : man tod* for the
•iglit won i ; iter he bns bad bj.i
♦inner and stroke. Smart Set
Harness Shop
Full line of Harness, Sad­
dles, Bridles, Halters,
Blankets and everything
usually kept in a first-
class harness shop.
Repairing a Specialty
W. J. SABIN, Prop.
P atents
T rade M arks
r evvv ’
D esigns
C opyrights 4 c .
Anrnne Rending n sketch and dcscrtntlnn may
quickly ascertain our opinfam free whet her rn
invention tn probably patentable, i'omniunlrn-
tionnRtrictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent#
adit free, oldest agency for aeruriiiR pafenta.
Patonta taken through Munn
Co. receive
sp rial notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
' tndaomelv lllnatrafed weekly. T.arve*t rlr-
.I'dlon of any aclentltic journal TerniM,
* .r: four montba,
Bold by al» jewadpaiere.
‘Br<,ad-»'New York
■ »< h < »ffire.
F Ht.^ Waablnffton, D. C.
Cl or lied for style, perfect fl
reliability nearly 40 y< ■! .
every city and town in the U
C ma«l i, or by mail direct,
any other make. Send lor
More Butacribera than any oil
magazine —million m month. Jr v;.t
est style*, pattern«, dre*»in;ikin'j,
plain sewing, fm< y nendlcwoHc, h.
etiquette, good atorieetc. Only I ««
year (worth double), inchidinp a fi< c p ’ •
iiubteribe today, or tend for tan t •• *» ;y
to Aeenta. Postal bring* premium catalogue
J and new cash priae oflera. Addre«%
ru McCAU CK «ItMlW.