Published Every Thursday by the Recorder FutoisiAing Company. o. E. KOFF. - - - Managing Eclitor ¡Subscription, fl 50 p*r Year ir. A.lvance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Job Priuting a Specially Entered at tbe Bnndou Poal office ua Secund Ciasa Matter. THURSDAY January 20, 19io Obligation of Bank Directors than Coos county and yet we have •THE PEOPLE OF THIS CITY H/1VE LE/IRrtED THAT IT P/1YS TO BUY /IT OUR STORE BEf/IUSE THEY/1LW/1YS GET • GOOD GOODS. OUR MERCH/IrtDISE. TH/IT YOU Cdrt DEPErtD Ort. WE H/1VE REDUCED PRICES SO TH/1T YOUR DOLL/IR WILL rtOW BUY MORE TH/lrt A D0LL/1R S WORTH. IrtSTE/ID OE PdCKIrtG /iW/lY COODS UrtTIL rtEXT YE/1R WE SELL THEM TIT SHORT PRICES THdT WILL M/1KE YOUR MOrtEY GO A LOrtG W/1YS WE GU/lRdrtTEE S/lTISMCTIOrt Knockers and croakers who are al­ The decision of Judge Ganten- ways * seeing things” and imagining bein, and the decisions that he more thingsand taken all in all they quoted, as to the res|>onsibility and are a misery to them selves and liability of bank directors, are most ------------------------------------------------------ —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- everybody else with whom they assuredly sound business common come in contact. sense, as well as good law. Unless Don’t be a croaker, there are such were the law, the people could You can get Bagain Sheet of our Rgular Sale by calling at the store good things in the future for Ban­ have little reliance on banks, and don and all its citizens, all we need the names of bank directors would DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT SILK DEPARTMENT is to be progressive, boost and don’t be worthless, except pyssibly as a One more lot of Silk, per yard, 33^ knock and we will be happy, pros­ 2 pieces Suiting, $1.25 value, per yd ,9<5 lure to those who did not know perous and healthy. One lot of Faney $1.25 and $1.50 Silks, pr yd J QQ their legal irresponsibility. The su “ “ Suiting, .75 “ “ .42 preme court of the United States has “ “ Serge, 1.00 “ “ .73 held that bank directors must be American Exhibitionin Berlin HOSE DEPARTMENT B. J. Curtis in writing fre m As­ 5 “ Grey Dress Goods, 60c value, per yard ,O& something more than official fig­ ureheads, and a Michigan decision toria to the Oregonian says: An Ladies’ Hose, 25c Seller, 3 pairs for 2 “ Moreen, $ .50 value, per yard .30 says that directors must do some­ event of considerable commercial Children’s Hose, 20c Seller, per pair .25 “ “ .17% thing more than confide the man importance, in w hicli Oregon may 2 “ Waistings, agement of a bank to trusted of • be interested is the first American CALICOS AND GINGHAMS Ladies’Suits, Capes and Dresses at Cost ncers, making no examination of its exposition ever held in a foreign Ladies ’ Waists at Cost 5 pieces Dress Gingham, 12 1-2 value, per yard .10 affairs themselves; and that it is country, which commences in Ber- One lot of Children’s Shoes, $1.50 ft 1 1 fl “ Apron Gingham, 10c value, per yard .6% “their right and duty to maintain lin Germany May i. George Ka 3 and $1.65 value, per pr a supervision over the affairs of the both, of this city is the accredited 2 pieces Foulard Grecque, 12c value, per yard S‘3 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT bank, to have a general knowledge representative of Clatsop county I “ Calicos, 8 l-3c value, per yard All Dishes going at Cost of the manner in which the business by appointment of the Chamber o' j 5 is conducted, and of the characier Commerce and will leave in March GROCERY DEPARTMENT of that business, and to have at least for Berlin. He will, take, or have such a degree of intimacy with its i sent to him, a small exhibition ol I Choice Apples,Regular 75c Seller, per box .GO affairs as to know to whom and up­ the resources of this couctv I Pork and Beans, Regular 15c Seller, 3 cans for ,25 on what authority, its large lines ol and is anxious that every county 1 ,^5 credit are given.’’ in the state be represented, if only Laundry Soap, 8 bars for • It is further said in this decision . in the way of descriptive literature, Fine Italian Prunes, regular 10c seller, 8 lb5 for , q Q that “the idea is not to be tolerated • and would be pleased to have pro .50 that the director:; serve as merely ducts of various sections exhibited. No. 1 Jap Rice, Regular 10c seller, 10 lbs for ■ gilded ornaments of the institution, There has been link said in the Fancy Toilet Soap, Regular 10c Seller, per bar i to enhance its attractiveness, or that newspaper press of the West con their reputation should be used as cerning this exhibition, and few a lure to customers. What the pecple are aware of its .being held, I public suppose, and have the right It is possible that a little publicity: I to suppose, is that those men have given through the state press might been selected by reason of theii develop interest and result in var grew. The distribution of the the service < >r rates, uni ss there is Coquille River Transportation character for integrity, their sound ious sections desiring to be rep­ money will mean great improve 1 a change in the owners of the Co.’s Schedule judgment, and their capacity lor resented. Several of the prominent stock. An individual who owns • ment to both states. conducting the affairs of the bank citizens :n the East are interesting Arrives Sales this year will be the heaviest both Union Pacific ami Southern safely and securely. The public act themselves in the matter a id some I Coquille Pacific stock, and there are- many yet made from government reserve 8:30 a m on this presumption and trust tneir thing to show that Oregon is an in- 1 Last year sales in the two states many such will hardly sanction 3;(M> p m r*.lTi:RNS property witli»lhe bank in confi tegral part of this great common­ < I «idled for style, perfect ft. iO:(X) h m aggregated- 130,00 ,000 feet board ! any hilarious competition between t« h nearly 40 . • dence that the directors will dis­ wealth might result advantageously < > » ry c.tyatid town in li ■ L 4:00 p tn Just where the i i, or by mail (litt vt. ?•' ineasuie. This year proposals have J the two roads. :.ny olh r make. Stud lor 1 Arrives charge a substantial duty.’’ in the future development of this been made for the purchase of about public will profit by the change YL./S MAGAZINE i Bandon This decision, made that of the M ne Milwt tibcts than any section of the country. i . i/ine — million a month. I ova‘ 1 650,000,000 feet.Growing scarcity of is undistinct.—Oiegonian. Fiivorilg, 7:30 iO.SO a tn i t blvics. patterns, ami c <« ing millmen to the reserves for logs Pull Together 5.00 p tn ing the law already. That such i A California man has invented a Dispatch, i.OO 1 WONDERFUL NTS This increase is expecteto continu I ■ • ■ A-cnts. Po lid btlnifS pre-* unn < - “ut Tbe Coquille conuects with the doubt could have existed, or that i In a short peragraph,under the I new calendar. Each year is to con­ .t- .1 new cash prize oik*;s. Address Iraias nt Coquille for Marshfield ami Nik MU ALL <(>.. for the next few years until the point I . to 24» W. 37th St. P W va } I <1< any argument could have been I head “Topics of the Times’ the sist of 13 months, and each month of Myrtle Point. is reached where only mature tim- ■ made against this theory of the j Coos Bay Times says: “< Coos Tbe up-river passengers can* con I exactly four weeks or 28 days. to Bandon on the Favorite and have duty and obligation of bank direc­ i County towns should all pull to­ ber will be cut. , everv first of the month will come 60 YEARS’ three hours here in which to do tliei Stumpage prices this year charged gether. ” There is a world of mean- EXPERIENCE tors, seems strange. But let it be I on Sunday and the last on Saturday. . , . railing and other business. hoped there will be no such doubt ing in that little sentence and it it by the government are about $2. i. T his is something sensible and lip oi agrument, after this in Oregon. were carried out there is nothing The forestry law provides that 25 ? j to-date and the sooner the world No man is obliged to become a bank that could stop the onward progress per cent of the stumpage revenue retires th present mixed up affair T uaue M ark » director. If he does become one, of Coos county. T here are sufficient shall go to the state whet e the and t.ikes up one adapted to all D esigns forest is cut. This means that the C opyrights A c . the public has a right to rely on his resources here to make half a million purposes of the business world and Anyone »ending n »»ketch end description may HAS A SELECT STOCK OF quickly a»<*erlain our opinion free w tint li<. C. A dissolution of the Harriman “If you can’t boost don't knock’’ have a harbor at Coos Bay and one merger of railroads is reported to is the old adage and it is just as ap­ at the Coquille river that would al Sunday school every Sunday at plicable today as ever. Anyone who low any ordinary ocean liner to be under consideration by the io a. m; Christian Endeavor in the BANDON OREGON is not satisfied with the city, town entei with ease, we would have a New York interests in control of evening. Preaching everv Sunday or community in which he lives, is country whose development would the Harriman lines. Economy of except the fourth Sunday of the SOOTS - AND SHOES perfectly free to move out. This is be exceeded by no place, in the operation, and in some cases elim month. Visitors, welcome. M. E. C oen . Minister mation of competition, were the a big country and there is some United States. In short we would THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF OUR SATURDAY NIGHT BARGAINS 50c 121 > Our Store is the Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx's Clothes Seaside Orchestra will furnish music during the evening Coumerilh-Christensen Co. I ip The Opera Scientific Jimeiicatt. GROSS BROS. ROOMS and LODGING place in it that should be suf­ ficient to satisfy anybody’s grouch. There ire advantages and disadvan­ tages in every community, there are good people and bad people every­ where, there are intellectual people and ignorant people in every locality and it is very easy to find your level, wherever you go. It is only the little fellow with an exalted opinion of himself, who cannot find conditions to which he can adjust himwM. There is no better place on earth have every thing that the heart could desire. Yes, let’s pull together and see what can be accomplished. A Portland dispatch says pending limber sales fioin the national for ests reserves of Oregon and Wash ington will mean a revenue to the two commonwealths of more than $300,000. This sum will go to the sc Tool and road funds of the I two states, the cou ities benefited I being those in which the timber principal reasons for merging of the Southern Pacific, Union Pacific and other Harriman properties While the lines for the greater part of the distance across the continent were physically unable to enter into such close competition as would be possible on many Eastern lines which »«caped Gov­ ernment attention, under separate ownership they might have pres.nt <-d advantage to their patrons. Ii is not clear, however. that a dis­ solution of the merger, will change ----- OOO----- City Transfer Newly furnished large light rooms Telephone Electric Lighis Rented by single night, week or month , You can’t expect to get $2 worth for $1, hut you can get your money’» worth at All kinds of draving and transier- ing. FOR SALE—mill wood, M. from Cody’s mill $2.00 per Io 1 I Dealer in gooln and Shoes. Co •! sold and delivered at J. Jenkins, I’r >p prices v Repairing neatly and promp -----non---- tly done at lowest liv­ Butter Wrappers for sale at this ing prices oHice. B R E U E R s * Finishing lumber of all grides i Bring your will be delivered to any p.irt of the city on short notice. Applv to lob Rockwell Bros on the S S Little place, 2 I 2 miles southeast of Ban- 46 tf don. .• J « INQUIRE AT OFFICE OF Hie BANDON STEAM LAUNDRY FURNISHED R(K)MS AT I Work The Pacific MRS SABAH COSTELLO Nice cieiiti rooioa 25 ntid 50c a night; fl.25 n week; $"< limonili to T he R ecorder BANDON ----- OREGON