Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, December 30, 1909, Image 1

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Coos Bay and Boise Right
Independence and Roseburg
Rock and Graveled to Suf­
of Way is Being
Men Receive Appoint­
ficient Depth to Make It
ments for Land Office
Hope for Large Appropria*
Taft Deals With Corporations
First Class
Many Improvements to be
tions for Work at This
The Myrtle Point Enterprise says:
Undertaken by Bandon
B. F. Jones of Independence has
i “Attorney Robert O. Graves of
received the appointment of register
Session of Congress
Marshfield has been in Myrtle
Business Men
of the land cffice at Roseburg to
Point this week securing right of
succeed Benjamin L. Eddy resigned.
way for the Coos Bay-Boise railroad,
He will assume the duties of the
otherwise known as the Haines sur­
office December 18th.
6REAT THING FOR PACIFIC NORTHWEST vey. In a great number of instances ENTHUSUSTIC MEETING TUESDAY NI6HT The Roseburg Review says:
Mr. Graves has been successful in
Mr. Jones is a lawyer in the Polk
getting rights of way with very lit­
county town, and always has been
At the regular meeting of the steadfastly a Bourne man. He has
Portland, Or., December 28 — tle trouble, and in a number of
Much work on the rivers and har cases the property owrers have Commercial Club Tuesday night a served three terms as a member
bors of the Pacifie Northwest will be given the right of way with no con­ number of communications were of the lower house in the Oregon
accomplished during the coming sideration. While others seem to read by the secretary C. R. Moore, legislature, and at the 1907 session
year provided the recommendation* be fair in their demands, it is evident among which was a letter from the helped to elect Bourne senator.
While living at Toledo Lincoln
of Major Me Indoe, corps of Un ted that th? business of signing up con Riverton Coal Co. of Eureka, Cal.
Mr. Jones in the general
which has large holdings on this
States Engineers, in charge of this
river. This company is also willing election of June 1902, was elected
district are followed.
Major Mc-
Indoe has just made his annu d pany. A railroad company is used to assist in a substantial way in any state representative from that county
report to the Secretary of War and to promptness in the transaction of project that will assist tn deepening and served at the year 1903 session
urges the expenditure of ¿2,042, its business and it prefers such the bar and river all the way up to of the legislature. He subsequently
The sec­ removed to Polk county, and in
500 in river and harbor improve promptness on the part ot those their mines at Riverton,
ments in this district for the fisccal with whom it has business to transact. retary was instructed to correspond June 1906, was elected ioint repre
There seems to be no dobut that it further with them and see what def­ sentative from Polk and Lincoln
yeat ending June 30, 1911.
the right of way business could be inite arrangements could be made, Two years later he was reelected
The largest appropriation rec
closed up promptly the company also the secretary was instructed to to the same office and during the
ommended is ¿1,560,000 for con i
would be ready to definitely an- get into communication with the meeting of the legislature last win­
tinuing the improvement at the
nonnee its purpose, with the proba ■ large timber holders in the water- ter was one of the most rabid
mouth of the Columbia river, The
bility that construction work would ' shed of the Coquille with the view Statement No. 1 members of the
sum of ¿,coo is urged for work commence early in the spring.”
I of interesting them in the project o' lower house.
in the same stream between tin
“The survey is now being run harbor improvement here. Also the
Hon Geo. W. Riddle of Rose-
Dalles rapids and Celilo Falls. Tin down the west side of the Coquille
idea of securing a line of the Western burg has been named to succeed
remainder of the desired appropria valley and an outlet through Four
Union Telegraph Co. into Bandon Receiver Lawrence and will take
lion is divided between the dif­ Bit gulch and Pleasant valley is
was discussed and the secretary re­ up the duties of the office ’shortly
ferent coast harbors and work on being looked after, selection of
quested to get into communication
Mr. Riddle is perhaps the best
the Columbia, Willamette, Snake either of which routes would make
with the proper authorities to see known politician in Douglas county.
and other rivers, including the it inconvenient for Myrtle Point.
what might be accomplished in that He is sixty years of age and has
Cowlitz, Grays and Lewis rivers in The survey of cuts and fills have
always been an active worker in
not yet been made, but are now
Many other propositions of in­ the ranks of the Republican party.
According to the report, opera- being estimated. The survey runs terest were discussed and the meet He has been openly and promi
tions during the past year consisted high along the edge of the valley ing, while not largely attended was nently identified with the progress
largely in dredging shoal places and the track will certainly be above verv enthusiastic and will no doubt ive element of his party, though
between Portland and Astoria in high water mark if built where now result in the accomplishment of with certain qualifications, being a
the Wil'amette and Columbia rivers located.”
much good.
There should be a staunch advocate of the direct
* Mr. Haines has also been in larger attendance at all the meetings primary law, but opposed in part
and in extending the Columbia jetty
besides some work at Coquille and town several days helping with the as it is of vital importance to the to the direct legislation system
Tillamook and dredging in the Up right of way problem.”
business interests of Bandon, that a Quite naturally his ideas made him
|>er Willamette and Upper Colum­
good, live commercial body should a w rm friend and supporter of
bia. If Major Mclndoe’s recom­
Senator Bourne, and his appoint
From I be maintained here.
mendations are carried out, they
The New Year's ball was also dis­ ment to the land office has been
will mean much permanent work of
cussed Tuesday night and plans per freely predicted as a reward for
great value to the whole Pacific
fected for making it a big success, his political fidelity.
Mr. Riddle served four terms in
Hayward, Cal. Dec. 13—Under socially as well as financially. Every­
Portland takes fourth pl ice among the care of physicians, the five body should attend this ball and as­ the Oregon legislature as a repre
cities of the United States in wheat months old infant of Mrs. Joseph sist in carrying on the good wc rk of sentative from Douglas county, be­
ing elected to that position in 1872,
exports for the 11 months of the V. Moreria is recovering from a development.
1874, 1885 and 1890.
He also
current year ending with Noveml er. horrible experience with a huge
county judge,
This is according to the report ot black cat which leaped through an
from 1890 to 1894. In 1907, Mr.
the Secretary of the Treasury on open window into the room where
Riddle was appointed fruit inspector
breadstuff* *t xported • from this the child lay asleep and attempted
Notice is hereby given that the of the county, but the continual
country. Puget Sound comes next to suck its breath.
Entering the
after Portland. New Yoik is first. room where the child lar, the Common Council of the City of traveling that his duties required
Philadelphia is second and Duluth mother was terror terror stricken Bandon, will upon Monday, January threatened his health and he re
third. Last year Portl 1 1 ranked to find the cat lying across the 3rd 1910 receive sealed bids for the signed.
During the administration of Gov
second in the country in wheat child's body, its muzzle pressed construction of 800 feet more or less
The figures just com­ close against the little one’s face of plank and piling bridge-work ernor T. T. Geer, Mr. Riddle w?s
piled of wheat exports do not in and blood streaming from its mouth upon Little Street, said City, ex­ one of the five commissioners who
tending from Atwater Street North visited congress and secured the
elude large shipments of wheat from
Portland to California. This ton
A big line of graniteware and ward to low watermark. Specifica­ passage of a bill granting the first
tions may be obtained from city re pensions ever received by Indian
nage is very heavy each year
dishes at the Racket Store. 50 51
corder. All bids must be filed with war veterans in this state. Mr.
the undersigned, city recorder, not Riddle was also one of the three
later than 7 p. m. said 3rd day of directors outside of the City of
January 1910. Council reserves the Portland of the Lewis and Clark
right to reject any and all bids.
Exposition, held in 1905.
Dated and signed at Bandon,
Oregon this 28th day of December I
Notice of Filing of Plat of
C. R. W ade ,
City Recorder.
and Trusts in Extra
The Mayor, City Council, and
ill concerned are deserving of great
credit for the condition of Spruce
I street from the pier to the top of the
’ hill above the G. A. R hill This
has been nxked and graveled
to a sufficient depth to make it a
first class street for a lohg time to
The contractors who h id
Washington, Dec. 29 — President the job also hould come in for their
Taft today began the ¡»reparation of share of praise for their work in giv­
his fir t special message to c mgiess ing the city a good job. The ex­
asking amendments he believes pense has not been exccediuglv
necessary to the Interstate Com heavy and the city has received full
incrce and Sherman anti-trust acts value for every dollar expen led.
Recent reports to the contrary, not
There are a number ot other street
withstanding, it is kn >wn the presi improvements either under way or
dent will take up the anti-trust in contemplation, which when com-
act and deal with it at great length } let< d will make Bandon begin to
He will also bring forward his idea* look like a metropolitan citv.
as to issuing federal licensees to
corporations. The proposed license
will be a voluntary one to be taken
advantage of by such corporations
as desire themselves under federal
Miss Lillie Coates and Wallace
jurisdiction. There has been a dis York were married at the Presbv
position among some of the leaders terian Manse Christmas day. Mr.
of the Senate and House the last York is i®r young man who rescued
few days to urge the president|not the capt lin of the life saving ere v
to send his ami trust message just ■ luring the wreck of the Argo < tf
now. Taft is said to feel neverthe­ Tillamook.
Miss Coates is a
less that his views have been so «laughter of Tlios. Coates, the road
fully expressed that he can go ahead
i supervisor.
with his recommendations upon the
lines decided upon early in the fall.
Chas Page nas taken charge of
the Western Home Boarding house,
--- ooc----
formerly occupied by W. L. David­
New 1)1 of best barley, lowes son and will guarantee courteous
price in town at Estabrook VVaie- treatment to both transient and
I home trade. 48tf.
Because they are the Best Tone, Simplest Constructed,
Most Con-pact Graphophone Made
The New Four Minute Indestructible
Cylinder Records Beats I hem Ail
Remember that you get two pieces for the price of
one of any other make on the Disc Records
Bandon Drug Co
Jewelry Store
Commercial Club Ball
Thanks you for your liberal pat­
ronage in pasT year. Hoping
you had a Merry Christmas and
wishing you all a Happy New
The Bandon Commercial Club
will give a grand ball in Bank hall
Friday evening of this week and
every citizen of Bandon and vicinity
whc is interested in seeing the up­
building of the city and adjoining
country* should attend, or at least
buy a ticket and htlp the good cause
• • •
For weekly Examiner Subscrip­
tions and Breakwater Reservations
sec Spencer.
49 tf
• ’
• •
• • . •
• •
100 of them marked way
La3.mpS down for thia week
Bean Pota, Yellow Mixing
Bowk jardiniere®
and Paint Brushes. Paint up
i amts, x/115 now while this nice weather last
All our CUTLERY and EDGE TOOLS are fully war
ranted. And we personally stand back of everything
we guarantee. We mean it. Try us. We ar® not
afraid that any of our tools will come back
Bandon Hardware Çompnay
We do Plumbing, i in and Copper Work-
The R ecorder one year tor ¿1 50 |
* •
- «
Roseburg, Ore-, Dec. 21— Notice'
is hereby given that Section 15
to 22 inclusive and Sections 28 to
33 inclusive, in T. 29., R 9 W. W. ’
M., have been surveyed and that
the plat of survey will be filed in
this office on Wednesday February
9, 1910 at 9 o’clock a. m., and on
and after such day we will be pre­
pared to receive applications for the
entry of the unreserved and un­
appropriated lands therein.
B enjamin L. E ddy , Register
J. M. L awrence , Receiver.
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