• o VOUME XXV. % NUMBER 46 BANDON, OREGON, NOVEMBER 25, 1909 LABOR LEADERS GRANTED TIME SCHOOL Court of Appeals of District of Columbia Grants Stay Meeting of Voters of District in Mandate RECEIVES Appointed PRIZES FOR CON- SERVATION PAPERS FIRST BANK FOR CURRY COUNTY Financial Institution to be Established at Port Orford Delegate to Force of Men at State Conservation Commis sion Offer Them to Students Work I Called for Saturday Washington, D. C., Nov 19— The Court of Appeals of the Distribt of Columbia upon a request of the counsel for the labor leaders, granted a st iy until November 29 of the issuance of a mandate sending Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison to jail for contempt of the District of Columbia Supreme Court. Chief Justice Shepherd stated that if the labor leaders would by November 29th, the day the United States Su preme Court reconvenes, file in that court a petition for certiorari, a further stay of mandate would be granted pending the determination by the higher tribunal of applica tion. As a result of the action, ti e, Federation leaders need not hasten to Washington. National Rivers And We arc informed on go >d a athor- ity that Curry county is to h e a bank, This is the first institution of the kind that has ever opened its doors to the patronage of that wealthy section of Oregon. Curry county has long held the distinction of being a rich county without a bank, a barber shop, a railroad and a number of other things which seem indispensable for the habitation of man, but prospects are good for al) of these necessities of life now. The new bank will be at Port Or ford. Geo. I). Wood, of Appleion, Wis., who made an inspection of the county early last fall is the prime figure it. the enterprise. His iocal associates will be: E. A. Bailev. C. H. Bailey, W. I. Coleb.ook, W. J. Ward, W. A. Wood and W. A. Bishell, all of that city. Curry county is nearly as large in area as the State of Rhode Island, rom whence comes the miglity Senator Aldrich, and which enjoys all of the great luxuries of life. The county may some day be as far ad- vanced in modern conveniences as Rhode Island is today, and it will certainly support about as many people as Rhode island will. Building Hatchery at The State Conservation Commis ■-ion of Oregi-n is sending out sub at 2:00 p. m. Harbors Convention Present jects f r papers to be written on various phases pf conservation in the state. The articles are to be written bv students of univeisities. colleges, MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE TO COME UP «PPOÍNTMENT FA9M GOVERNOR BENSON high schools and other secondary ¡.schoo s ot the state. They off< r S1350 in prizes Two sets of prizes A meeting of the voters of the A member of the Oregon State A number ot inquiries have been will be offered, one set to students school district has been called for Legislature from Coos county, has made in regard to the pr n mtsed of colleges and universities, first next Saturday. Nov. 27th at 2 00 received the signal honor of being salmon hatchery for tlu Cui.uilk prize S75, second prize ¡#50, third p. m. for the purpose of providing appointed a delegate to the National river, and Representative R. E. L. prize ¿-’S- Til ■ second set will be funds for the current year and to Bedillion having been asked by a oi irded to student- in high schools Rivers and Harbois Convention make arrangements for paying off which meets at Washington, D. C. number of parties why the hatchery and schools of a similar nature and the floating debt incurrred by the Dec 8-10, 1909. Mr. Bedillion was not forthcoming, wrote to Mas I will be. first prize #40. second prize construntion of the new school house will probably attend, as he is greatly ter Fish Warden, H. C. McAllister, $20 and third prize $1.1. In addi and other necessary expenses. in regard to the subject and re tion to these prizes honorable men interested in the development of the The meeting will be held in the rivers and harbors of Oregon, and ceived the following reply which tion will be made of »ther papers of auditorium of the new school build especially Coos county's two harbors, explains itself and should be con .special merit. The subjects are six ing and every qualified voter should the Coquille River and Coos Bay. vincing evidence that the hatchery in number as follows “The For -------- fwvx----- be in attendance, as matters of great Following is the letter received be is forthcoming: ests of Oregon;’’ Irrigation Institu The Grange Corner - importance are to come up before Mr. Bedillion from Governor Ben Office of Master Fish Walden, tions in Oregon;’’ "Soils;' "Dry the district. son : Salem, Oregon, Nov. 18. 1909, Land F irming in Oregon:" "Roads Conducted by Frank. F. Eddy The district has been put to extra State of Oregon Executive De R. E. L- Bedillion, E<;., Bandon, in Oregon,’’ “Fish ’’ Master of Bandon Grange. heavy expense during the past year, partment Salem, Nov. 17» Wy, Oregon, My dear Mr. Bedillion- — In submitting papers the following Sometimes we call it the bread Mr R. E. L. Bedillion, Bandon, but every dollar that was spent has Receipt of your favor of November nstructions must 1» • ibserved: N - been wisely spent, and the necessity I j and butter question, sometimes we Oregon. Dear Sir:- I have this 15th is hereby acknowledged, md naper from a college or university of the improvements is very ap I call it getting a living and some day appointed you as a delegate replying thereto, permit n etosiy student shall exceed five thousand parent. Funds must be provided times by the high sounding phrase, from the State ot Oregon to the Na that the reported inactivity of th s .voids i.i length. and no paper from to defray these expenses and every the struggle tor existence. What tional Rivers and Harbors Congress, Department on the Coquille Riveris i student of a secondare school shall qualified voter should be in attend ever we call it, the fight not to be which meets at Washington, 1). ( . erroneous md uncalle 1 lor, exceed three thou-and words. All ance so that the best results pos put down and out in the struggle Dec. 8-10, 1909. For your information, will say1 apers must be in tin hands of the sible can be obtained, and thus with circumstances, the struggle to that there is, at the present tune, a i’ll firman of the Conservation Com- This letter will serve as your cer ------- OOO------ everyone will have an opportunity keep Tommy in shoes and Marv in tificate of appointment and should force ot men working or. this stream, mis, ion by the 15th of June, 19I0. round Dead in Bed to express his views on the subject. 1 dresses, and to keep them both in be fiied with the Secretary of the building a hatchery that will meet Tin manuscript must be typewritten school and proberly fed, occupies Congress upon your arrival at all requirements It is true that same aUi in ti i| *li< »te, w ritten A. B. Sabin, one of Bandon's best most of us so exclusively that we is not being bu.lt out ot dressed Washington . hi one side of the page only and known citizens w s found dead in Apples are too Juicy have little interest in other things, The meeting at Washington bids bed at his rooms Wednesday lumber, but inste.i ■'. the . . m. i be 1 h page mu-t be numbered. In This sounds as if 1 were starting off fair to be the most important tes morning. ing hewn oul o' ’ ube. ounfi in older to insure impartial judgment on a lecture on political economy sion of this kind ever held ili the An authority on matters connect but I am not. However Mr. Sabin had not been around the immediate vicinitv and the roof nd consideration the jt I do wish . United States; and it behooves the ed with the handling of fruit informs to make one statement town, or at his store, and M. Breuer will be made ot shakes split on the not be allowed to know that is so State of Oregon to be on hand with whose store is next door, becom ground. When completed then of the competitors. In 01 us that a success will never be obvious as to need no argument, It made of shipping Coos county ap is this: More th in haff the wage 1 1 large and enthusiastic delegation ing alarmed, called for some ot the will . not be a belter hatchery it >mpl >h th s the followi ■of workeis. To this end, I have ap business men in town. the state, and you can r- st a -aired pies, for the reason that they are J.11 should I ■ ii»llow-d. R. W. workers and nine tenths of the sal pointed twenty-two of our most Boyle had a key that happened that tiie Coquille River will b given too juicy to stand much handling. Each paper should be signed in aried people of the United States The Hood River apples are dry. as are today compelled to live on a re prominent business men and pro to fit the door, and several men the same attention it not more so triplicate, not with the competitor’s compared with Coos County ap duced income, anil more than that fessional .men, in various parts of entered the place where he was as is given to any other stream. name, but with some fictitious name, ples, and they will consequently uprn an income that is constantly the state, and in doing so, have found to be dead, and from all ap I have not forgotten the assist- I and placed in a sealed envelope made an effort to select only those pearances had died without a strug ance that Senator Chase and niarke 1 "Prize Paper ’’ The com- stand «rough usage and present a diminishing. It is not that tlvy good appearance when they’ ar earn less but that the purchasing who are familiar with the general gle. The coroner has been tel yourself rendered me during tin peti’or should enclose a slip of rive at their destination. Nearly value of each dollar they draw is subject which will be discussed at ephoned for, but up to the time of last legislature, and 1 w mid indeed ' paper with his own name and the everyone prefers a juicy apple to a constantly diminishing as the prices the Washington meeting. goinz to press, nothing defini e be ungrateful were 1 to i ¡non fictitious name used in a second en dry one, and we doubt if there are of necessities rise. I earnestly hope that you will be has been decided as to an inquest yjur interests. 1 have been trying velope. Both should then be en It is as if every able to make arrangements that any juicier apples raised anywhere dollar was turned into It is probable that the cfiuse of to visit your section all summer, b y closed in a third envelope and mailed four bits. I will enable you to accept this ap his death was inflammatory rheum as yet have been unable to make the to P roi i . ssor F. G. Voi.'NG, Uni than there are in Coos county; but There is little prospect of relief The state needs your atism, which settled in the heart. it may he that our informant is The era ot prosp.-rity we are said to pointment. trip. However, expect to he with versity of < fregon, Eugene, Oregon. right, and that juicy apples will be entering will probably result in services as a delegate and a worker Mr. Sabin was 64 years old. you in the very near future, when 1' — OOO------ not stand much handling. Some sending prices still further skyward. in the interests of deeper rivers and He is survived by a son Walter of shall give myself the pleasure o harbors for Oregon. looking you up. in the memti.ne Hood river 'apples were snipped this city, a daughter in California, Returns From California Discouraged by the ever lasting Very truly yours, in here last winter and those who struggle of making both ends meet, and sister Mrs. Eli Dean of Co kindly sav to any ot the fishe m n sampled them complained of I ground between the upper mill-stone F. W. B enson , quille. He was a prominent M.i ison who are not posted tin: the work on A. T. Morrison and family re Governor. the Coquille is being looked after, their dryness; in fact the genera of debt and nether mill-stone of the and a highly respected citizen. turned Monthly from a visit with and from reports received from inv verdict was, that while they look increasing cost of living thousands 1 quotations of the etty market where superintendent, 1 larg • imount o! Mr. Moirison’s parents in Los ed nice, they couldn’t begin of families are today turning long he was once forced to purchase Gone to Portland spawn, of both the Chinook-, and [ Angeles, California. They spent to compare with Coos county ap ing eyes toward the country. The 1 his living he is fortunate if he gets Silversides will be secured. • several weeks in the southern city ples for eating, says the Coos Bay slogan real estate dealers find most half of these prices as a producer T. B. Wheeler was a passenger With best wishe.i and kind per- j ,n^ ‘^r- Morrison says the bad News. That may be true that Coos useful now-a- days is the cry c f trying to sell other people their on the Breakwater for Portland last sonal regards, and regretting that enure ot the trip was the return county apples are not good keep “Back to the farm.” living, He finds that the greater Saturday where he went on busi you were not in evidence at the journey, the Elizabeth having a ers, but fruit men who have made Once arrived on the farm it would portion of his produce can find a ness connected with the Averill I ru t opening of the Central Salmon very rough trip up tile coast He investigations say thai Coos county seem as if the buffetted wage-earner market only at prices that give him lands. He now has a full crewe of Hatchety at Bonneville on Monday also said that it w as very dry in the apples are better keepers than the or ex-professional man would be in barely wages above the cost of pro-1 . men at work preparing the land last, believe me, sincer tlv your friei d south this year, no rain having same varieties raised in Hood River. I | for winter planting of trees. a p sition to profit by the ruling duction. alien there since early March until a H. C. Me A llister , A shipment of the first thousand high prices of commodities. But fi w days before their departure tor The difficulty is that the farmer I Master b is Warden. ; trees is now in the ware-house and here he is doomed to efisap; oint home. This made the green hills A Day Early is unable to reach the proper mar ment. The first year of a city kets with his produce. As an in ; orders have been placed for still and valleys of Coos county the more eautiful and their omc coming the The R ecorder goes to press on dweller upon a farm is almost sure dividual he cannot reach his mar i larger shipments. Preuss’ Will is Probated Those familiar with this tract agree to beone of discouragement in any m *1 pl< a in! Mr Morrison Ay ket. The small shipper to a com Wednesday this week so the force can hat no better land for apple growing case because he does not figure the there is noplace like old Coos c mnty mission house is the provetbial enjoy their Thanksgiving turkey as ] at< . and th it when we get the new elec well as the rest of the noble citizens item of labor cost high enough in lamb among wolves. He is there can be found anywhere. The dom The will of the key engine formerly used by the making his estimates and this taken tric road this will L • as near paradise to be plucked and he sure gets of Bandon. We hope all our sub John Preuss was probated befoie Port Orford Co. has been secured with the not knowing how is suf what is coming to him. scribers and their friends will have Mrs. is he care's to get this side of the Judge Hall this morning. The only remedy is combination Ijy Mr. Wheeler and will be used John Preuss, Dr. E Mingus, and I. Styx. —Sentinel. a happy Thanksgiving and all the ficient to cut hoped' for results in W. H Bul It is said that fanners in clearing the land, turkey and other good things they two. But this is something that is in selling. C Merchant were named as ex remediable and with the right stuff cannot be united in such enter- ton will be in charge of the work as ecutors of the can eat. estate. R Pomeroy of Lampa was in in the man is sure to be remedied. prises. Perhaps not under ordinary foreman. Mr. Preuss divided his property Bandon Friday and wlii’e here re Mr. Wheeler is to be congratul- as follows: The deficiency in himself is not , circumstances. But it is a question Domino Dance newed his faith in the Rp oR.H r the great difficulty, which is econ of coming in out of the wet and ated on putting this enterprise on To his wife one-half of all his foot ns it will be the means of start tor .mother year, fie says he can't omic. The farmer stands apparent ¡even a farmer has sense enough to I property. ing fruit culture in this section on a get along without it. The Eastern Star lodge is making ly in a very fortunate position in a do that. It is combine or quit. As large scale and will give a new im To his children, John Preuss country of mounting prices on preparations for a domino dance buyers we will get it in the neck petus to this most important industry. May Preuss, and Irene Preuss, the -FOR SALE OR TRADE—Mov- Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 25th. food-stuffs. But our ex-city dwell with the rest- of the American people other half, eacn receiving one sixth. i< him , .¡. nun 01 elec* loforiuaiioa alwut masks and cos- er soon discovers that the turning until we'get busy enough with our See Sj>encer for reservations on It is estimated that the estate is trie lights. Pictures for two nights tanira can be secured at tV'-' i Co.'s of produce into cash is a disheart- Breakwater, at the office of th- | worth between 4,000 tn show. J. 1 ¿m.tii, Bandon. Che. Store» ining task. Familiar with the high I Continued on last page Bandon Light X Water Co. 30 tf I 000.— Times, 4b-4tX i e ■ ■