Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, November 04, 1909, Image 8

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    Within the reach of all by securing an orchard fr om the
$100 Cash and $10 a Month
uys a Five Acre Tract
Cleared and Planted to Orchard and Cultivated for 4 Years
$300 to $1000 Per Annum is the Usual Result from an Acre of Orchard Properly Cultivated and Cared For
Offered by this Company is an ideal tract for apple growing. Fertile soil, pure air and all summer
sunshine produces apples of the highest color and finest flavor
in the World
And this year broke all previous records, being the highest ever known. City property may burn and banks may fail but a
cultivated orchard can not burn and never fails. Would you like to have an income that will make you independent for life?
Then look into this proposition
T. B. WHEELER, Vice-President and General Manag
m Doyle has opened a meal
T. B. Wheeler was in Marshfield
market in the Laird-Low ■ building. 1
on business Tuesday.
He purchased the equipment of the i
Buy a nice water proof circular at City Meat Market, which was re­
Rosa Co.’s for yom wife and daugh­ cent!',’ sold at sheriff sale. < . M.
C. B. Zeek left Monday for Rose ter. r t.
Wait! is behind the block for a few
burg on a business tri >.
Sheriff Gage reports that the un­ days until they get things t > run­
Best tertlizer for your garden at paid taxes this year amount to $25,- ning smoothly.
the Estabrook Warehouse.
361 998.39. The property will soon be
Butter wrappers of all sizes for
sold lot taxes —Sentinel.
ale at this office.
The G. A. R. and Sons of Vet­
Number 3 cedar for building pur
erans of Bandon will give their usual
A local party was arrested last
See Estabrook Co. 261 f
Christmas entertainment this year.
Su tday for masquerading as a
C. E. Luc is who has been con
Ionian. He thought it was a joke
Cedar Planking for bridge and
street work. Estabrook C ».
26tf netted with the Bandon Port Or land failed to show tip in Justice
ford railroad his opened up a real ¡Court, whereupon Recorder Kelly
W. IJ. Douglas, of Marshfield,
estate office in the room nt xt to ; ordered the $io bond furnish' d by
president of the Home Telephone
I Cornforth’s resta rant and opposite Manager W illiams of the Hotel Bax-
< o. was a Bandon visitor Monday
j the Flat Iron building.
Iter forfeited and the offending party
-FOR RENT Stock and dairy
wrought into court. The case hasn’t
W. L. Walker of Wiilanch Inlet,
ranch. Apply to this office. 37th
i beer, disposed of yet. Sentinel.
r-ports that he will have about 1,
T. B. Wheeler has a half page ad | 200 bushels of potatoes on two acres
J. A. Ward, who had charge of
in this week’s R eioroer concern­ <>f his ranch. Some of the tubers Coos county’s 'exhibit at ’he Seattle
ing his Averill Orchard tracts. I his arc big ones, four brought in by fair, returned on the Breakwater
will be an excellent opportunity for A. S. Bailey Saturday weighing V sterday.
Some of the county
settlers to get a tine fruit farm.
literature that was not distributed at1
nine pounds —Times.
th • fair he brought to the Portland
See Spencer for reservations on
J. A McCord went before In­ Chamber of C ommerce which will
Bieakwater, at the ottice of the spectors Fuller and Edwards, 11
distribute them. He is highly pleas' d
Bandon Light <Si Water Co. 30 tl their recent visit to Coos county and
with the results anil will make a de­
Mrs. E. W. Fahy and children succcessfully passed the necessary tailed re|>crt of his work next week.
who have been visiting her parents, examination for a material raise in —Times.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Simpson at his steamboat engineer's license.
Judge |. S. Coke left on the
North Bend haye returned to their Joe is an excellent engineer and can Breakwater today for Eugene where
give a good account of himself any
home near Bandon.
he will hold a session of court for
Judge Harris. Judge Harris will
The R. If. Rosa Co. will sell you
Rouse’s coal at the Estabrook come here in Decmber to hold a
a tine box of King apples regulation |
2 ill
term of circuit court at which time
actions of Graham, the builder of
Fred Mehl now has his planing
D. D. Brainard, the Haynes Inlet
rancher of strawberry fame, was in ! mill near the Cody mill and ship the local railway, against the'
the city today with forty boxes of as I yard in operation and he has a Southern Pacific, Spreckels and
tine strawberries as ever tempted very complete plant in every par­ ^ocal men will be tried.—Times.
Try ilfalfa meal for chickens and
the appetite. He says that his plants ticular. This makes two up-to date
Estabrook Warehouse. 30 t
are doing well ami he will gather
berries until the latter part or No 1 being the Bandon planing mill in
The Marshfield high school wants
the Dyer building in the east part of a piano and it is a laudable desire.
veir.ber at least.—Times.
Bandon can go them one better, out
The Bandon grange is considering
We give in another column the re high school already has a very tine
the establishment of a business agent
to handle small quantities of farm port of the Bandon public school f< r piano and what’s more it will soon
products, for which there is little the first month of the present school be paid for. In this connection it
or no market, shipping them out I 1 vear. The report shows a total en­ might be added the high school
play to Ite put on November rrth
by boat. Such work as this along rollment of 34S for the first month’ and I2th is lobe fot the benefit
practical lines assists the develop­ which is a substantial gain over tlic of the piano fund and should teceiv •
first month of last year.
ment of any section of country.
the hearty support 1 .di Bandoniaus.
Local Lore j
n d o n Height
Hie first opportunity ever offered the
people of Bandon to purchase this
Splendid Property
Terms $10 per Month
Office, Bandon Investment Co., Timmon’s Block