4 WM VOUME XXV. PRIZES FOR DE­ SCRIPTIVE ARTICLES Portland Commercial NUMBER 42 BANDON, OREGON, OCTOBER 28, 1909 MAIL COMES VIA MYRTLE POINT CAPITAL Mil LABüFi CHANDLER HERE IN DECEMBER WILL ARBITRATE BAND GIVEN A ■FATHER AND THE GAME’’ BIG SURPRISE Coos Bay Wagon Road Willi Prepare to Start Rail­ New High School Play by C. — Route to be Abolished road Early in the R. Moore to be Put After October Club Conference at Washington, Spring On Soon Ladies’ Thimble Club Swoops Offers Many for Articles D. C. Will OPen Down Upon Them Mon­ W. S. Chandler, president of the According to the Myrtle Point Bandon-Port Orford Railroad X Enterprise, all the mail lor Coos On the Northwest Today day Evening Navigation Co. will be in Bandon county is to come over the route es about December 1st and will re­ tablished between Roseburg and main for some time making prepara­ Myrtle Point after October 3ist. The Enterprise says: WILL CONSIDER MANY PROBLEMS tions for construction work on the TO ADVERTISE WONDERFUL RESOURCES “Postmaster II. B. Stewart re­ ' railroad from here to Port Orford, BIG BANQUET SERVEO BY THE LADIES which will begin as soon as th»* ceived communication from the de­ weather will permit in the spring. partment at Washington Wednes- Washington. I). C., Oct. 20—The In the meantime the work of slash­ I day morning announcing the changes Last Monday’ evening Oct. 25th Portland, Or., Oct 26—Five made in the Coos and Curry great conference of capital and ing will go right along, and it is the Bandon Concert Band was more thousand dollars will oe giver, by labor at Washington October 28 hoped to get a large part of the county mail business through the the Portland Ccmmercial Club in inaugurates a season of Missionary I right of way slashed yet this winter. than agreeably surprised by’ the Ladies’ Thimble Club. The boys prizes for the best new awarding of a new cot tract. After work on behalf of conciliation and The company has an ad in this assembled at the band rooms for paper and magazine articles on October 31 the routes between arbitration which it is hoped will week’s R ecorder calling for bids usual Monday night rehearsal with­ Portland, the state or the Pacific R seburg and North Bend and bring American employing and in for slashing along the line, and this out even a suspicion of what was between Roseburg and Coquille are Northwest. The offer holds good dustrial interests closer together will afford employment for a num­ going to happen. during I he coming year and the one ! to be discontiued and in substitu than they have ever heretofore ber of men during the w inter. tion therefoie is established a route The fact of the banquet room writing the best article will be re Mr. Chandler is much pleased oetweeen Rose •urg and Myrtle been in the history of the republic. being neatly and tastily’ arranged warded with a check for $1000 Point, which means that the sei The moving spirit in this crusade with the situation and will push the excited some curiosity, however, Second best will get $500 and a vice for this section is to come bx for an era of harmony and good road with all haste, and his con the ladies had cleverly left off the gradually diminishing scale of way of Myrtle Point, discontinuing feeling is the Foundation for Indus nection with the same makes it an finishing touches until the boys were prizes will reward 80 writers. that over the Coos Bay wagon trial Peace, the institution founded assured fact that the road will be in the rehearsal rooms at work The contest is open to everyone by former President Roosevelt with completed at the earliest possible road. Then they gathered in the banquet The conditions are that the articles the ¡540,000 which he received in date. “The new contract is with V. H. rooms and prepared one of the must be printed in a newspaper or the form of the Nobel peace prize, -------- ow— nicest spreads ever given in Ban­ magazine of general circulation, Pease the present contractor and the donate as the nucleus of a pei- route is officially designated as fol­ don. The ladies planned the ban printed anywhere outside of the Railroads by the People lows- From Roseburg by Brock­ inanent endowment fund. quet so that the tables were ready states of Oregon and Washington. Chief Justice Fuller of the United way, Olalla, Camas Valley, Remote just at the close of rehearsal when Marked copy of the publication and Bridge to Myrtle Point. De States supreme court presides ov«r must then be sent to the Portland The Oregonian says that the re the ladies forming in marching livery is to be made seven times a this significant gathering of capital­ order threw the the doors open al­ Commercial Club, where it will be week and the service is to com ists, government officials and labor mote sections of the state must re­ most filling the band room with turned over to three judges named mence November 1 The price at leaders, and Theodore L. Weed, main without railroads They might their presence happily smiling at the by the Governor of Oregon which the contract was let is 14,060 chief clerk of the department of so far as some Portland capitalists surprised faces and and adding Io The articles may be printed between These Portland commerce and labor, acts in the ca are concerned. the dates of Novemiier 1st, 1909 which is several hundred dollars parity of secretary and makes all capitalists would not build a street the evening those charms so often less than the price that was paid Director Kausrud and December 31, 1910. car line a mile to help their own set to music. for the service over the two routes, arrangements for the gathering. Almost any phase of the North­ After Roosevelt retired from of community. The organ of the rail modestly >,.»vc up the ba'on to Mrs west may be used as subject mattei rhe following schedule is given: fice even the activities of the road trust in Oregon objects to the E. Lewin, spokesman of the even­ “From June 16 to October 15 ing, who calling the assembly to of the articles. The length and Foundation for the Promotion of land benefitted being taxed to con­ leave Roseburg at 6 a. m , ar treatment is optional with the industrial Peace were allowed to struct a line, and makes several mis­ order announced that the Thimble rive in Myrtle Point in 15 hours; writer. The plan of the CDnimercia) lag somewhat, but but lately there statements of fact concerning the Club had a gift to make the band. Surprise upon surprise; she then Club is not to have the Northwest leave Myrtle Point at 7 a m.. ar has been a revival of interest and a amendment which is before the peo “boomed" in the common meaning rive in Roseburg by 10 p. in, From cooperative campaign has now- pie and which will be passed bv announced that the club had $75 of the term so much as it is to October t6 to June 15—leave Rose been mapped out that it is believed the sober conservative citizens of which they were pleased to donate have the people of the country be burg at 6 a. m; arrive at Myrtle will produce tangible results. Oregon, whether the railroad organ to the band and with a few weP come more familiar with this por Point in 26 1 2 hours; leave Myrtle A potent factor with Mr. Weed in in the metropolis likes it or not. A chosen remarks handed the man tion of the United States and give Point at 8 p m’, arrive in Rose this drawing together of the leading railroad grade, bridges and tunnels ager a neatly arranged packet of expression to their views tn such burg in 26 1 2 hours. In accordance representatives of capital and labor are as easily constructed as is a canal gold and curiency ut> to that amount articles as will be acceptable t< with this schedule up to November i is John Mitchell, who has been de grade with its bridges and tunnels. The band then gave the club three papers throughout the entire con mail will close in Myrtle Point at voting all his time to this cause. A set of depots are as easily con lusty’ cheers and some music after 6:30 p. tn; after that mail will be tinent. Supp rttng him actively in the structed as are buildings for the use which the ladies escorted the banil held open until 7:00 p. m. The decision of the judges w ill be of its employes and the public. en masse to the banquet room. “What arrangements have been movement which finds expression absolutely impartial. There are The entire affair was well planned in the current conference are I When constructed the cost of main­ prizes for 80 writers and the chances made for delivering the mail from Samuel Gompers, president of the' taining the track is not very much and ctrried out ami judging from for winning are so many that entries Myrtle Point to other postotfices of American Federaeion of Labor, mote than maintaining the canal the comments of those present will in the contest should be large That this section has not been announced and Warren S. Stone, grand chief, I’lie district road would lease its long be remembered the band boys the publicity resulting from the here but a train service will un of the Brotherhood of IxtcomoLve lines. t subject to the common user are enthusiastic in their praise of prize offer will be wide and that doubtedly connect with the stage Engineers. clause which would permit other the ladies. much good will be realized for the and it is hoped that all sections of The band is one of our best The present conference will be companies as well as the first to use whole Pacific Northwest is assured the county will be given better and followed by an even more important it. organizations and one of .»hiclt oroinpter service than was given ---- OOO---- The operation of the road would Bandon has reason to be proud, anil one in January iqiowhent President last winter over the two routes.” Normal Span of Life 150 Taft will speak and the arrange easily pay all charges because there the Ladies are deserving of much ------- iV/1------ Years ments for which are in the hands* would be no watered stock to de­ credit for their support of the band Red Apples Close School of Messrs. Hammond, Mitchell | clare dividends on. Canals are an New York, Oct 22—The normal expensive public construction. The bottled up by the trust, the peo Gompers and Easley. span *»i human life is 150 years ac­ water rights alene cost an enormous pies railroad is the only salvation. ------ 000- - cording to a remarkable study by Grand Junction, Colo, Oct. 23 — sum in many instances as an initial Of course the Oregonian might build Professor Fisher of Yale which has To harvest a crop of fruit, estimated expense. So do the dams and a road to Bandon or Marshfield, Four Mile Locals just been published by the Nati >nal to be worth $1,500 000, it was an reservoirs. The railroad turns the but otherwise there is no way out Conservation Commission at Wash nounced today that all public schools dirt together, while the canal turns )f ccurse the old scold in the brick ington. Prolessor Fisher shows were dismissed for two weeks, Harry Funk went to the bay on it out. The statement that no state tower will call us fools, knav»?s, that the length of man's existence beginning \ onday. road has ever been a success is gain shrieky agitators, etc. business last week. Anybody is steadily growing, both in this I he pupils in the Indian School mon The states of Australia operate who interferes to lilt the octopus Everyone is b. sy digging po country and Europe, with the pro­ and all public schools in the Gtand roads successfully. If Geoigia and from Oiegon is all that and more; tatoes. There are some large crops gress of science, sanitation and Walley also will be given a vacation Illinois had the referendum and in­ but we of Southwestern Oregon social betterment, and declares that that they may help in gathering the on Four Mde this year. itiative their roads would be bring­ want a railaoad; southern Oregon the span of 150 yeais will not be crop an I relieve the shortage of Charles Foster and wife and ing in more than they do, and in ditto; 'southeastern Oregon more pickers and packers. long impossible of attainment. Charley Davis and wife came in by spite of all they help out the tax ditto; southern Idaho more ditto The investigations by Metchnikoff It is estimated that more than 10,- team from the Yakima country last rate. The failure of the state roads yet. The land will be increased in are quoted by Professor Fisher, to 000 men and women will be in th** week. They* made the trip in about in Indiana anil other states a gen­ value more than the cost of the show that the average normal span orchards to harvest the crop, which three weeks. eration ago were largely beciuse toad. The people of the proposed should be 150 years. Mammal-, is being shipped out at the rate of A new school bell arrived for the boodlers elected and owned the districts are able to pay lor the generally, he pointed out, live fix e 40 cars daily. district 81. It was bought with the legislatures. Had the people been road with the Increased land times their growing period. Man's money taken in at the entertainment i3 control* and stayed with the values resulting just as well as period of growth is 30 years, and Lipton After American Cup that was given by Miss Anna ownership of their toads, as they would the Wall street gamblers. according to that he should Waldvogel in August. The bell will did in Australia, they would not The Oregonian will not be taxed live for 150 years, The present be of great benefit to the school ha . e been wrecked for the benefit1 for the building or maintenance of average duration of life is A New York dispatch dated Oct. children and also adds much to the of a lot of speculators. With the the road, nor will any of the sleepy stated at 38 years, T wo cases 25 says “Declaring that he had appear.Mice of the school house. initiative and referendum the peo- old business men of Portland who of persons who lived to a come red hot for another {challenge ple now have power, and in the last rent real estate and dodge taxes for P ete . great age are; Drakenberg, a Nor­ with the New York Yacht Club for generation they have, unlike the a living. We in the railroadless wegian, who dial at the age of 146 another chance to lift America’s cup editor of the Oregonian, learned belt are able to attend to our own years, and Mrs. Mary L. Wood of Sir Thomas Lipton arrrived today Ladies, y xuths and childrens something. With the magnificent affaits. Why not allow us t > do so* Hillsboro. Or., 119 years old, both from Europe. He will be in New lubber boots at R. H, Rosa. Co's. natural resources awaiting a railroad of which are authentic. York for several days.’’ Prices right. it Is your subscription paid? between Bandon and Boise and > • After the splendid success of the high school play last year, Carl R Moore, the author, was urgently solicited to write a second one tor the high school this year. During the summer vacation the play and songs were written and the music composed. The high school students are now busy with the practice and the play will be put on in a short time. The proceeds of the play’ will be used in payments on the new piano purchased by’ the high school last spring. The play promises to be even better than the one given last year. It is a musical comedy and is pecuilarily lilted for high school students The lines are bright and full of wit, and the songs and music are of unusual merit. The school is certainly favored in having the interest and personal attention of a man of Mr. Moore’s ability’ along the line of play’ writing and musical composition. The students are getting much benefit from the training, and the people of Bandon are assured of a high class enter­ tainment. The date will be an­ nounced later. Home Bakery After repeated requests of my many friends to open a bakery here, I now have the Home Bakery and will endeavor to give the people of Bandon the best of everything in the bakery line. “Quality” will be my motto and a trial will convince you of the goodness of my goods. Not being located near the bus iness part of town 1 have placed the goods at Cornforth’s restaurant and Rosa Co.’s Store, and J. M. Baker’s Store. On your way home at noon stop and get a loaf of fresh bread, then I am sure you will always be a home Bakery customer. C has . H erzig Accidental Shooting H irold Tyrell was accidently shot by M Tobin Saturday night. Tobin was looking for a skunk, and in the dark mistook Tyrell, who was sit­ ting on the river bank for the animal and blazed away at him. Tyrell was brought to Bandon and Dr. Houston extracted about thirty shot from his leg. The wounded man was later Liken to Coquille and no report has been received here as to how he is progressing at present. Notice of Dissolution Bandon. Ore, Oct. 23, 1909 — The partnership of George Rock­ well, and \V. H. Dopp, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent and from now on all accounts wilt be in the hands of Rockwell Bros. R ockwell B ros W. H. D opp . Presbyterian Church You are invited to meet with us in the services of the church School, to a. tn; preaching. 11 a. m , and 7 30 p. m; Christian Endeavor 6:30. Subjects for the sermons * The Voyage of Life;" “Paul’s Last Ser­ mon in Qaesarea.’’ Services will be held in Prosper at ¡2 30 p. m. M. E. C oen , .Minister. Notice. The annual meeting holders of the Bandon Merchants Tele »hone held in the city hall November 1st at to a of the stock­ Farmers and Co. will be at Bandon, m. it