Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, October 21, 1909, Image 1

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Emperor’s Representative
United States Inspector
Will Secure Orchard
Investigate Coos Bay and
H. L. Steven» of Fish Trap
Near Medford
Presidents of Two Republics
Coquille Collisions
Has Record Breaking
Meet on Rio Grande
Camp of 29 Charter Mem
bers Organized Here Last
Saturday Night
Capital Stock of Bandon-
Port Orford Railroad
Medford, Or,—After inspection
Bandon Camp No. 38.
Sons of
Portland. Ore., Oct. 18 -The
the G
Wenatchee, Hood River and Santa
A. R. Hall Saturday evening, pur
spectors Edward and Fuller, ac
Clara Valleys, Anton Petroskicvich
suint to the call of Comrade C. B
companied by Clerk A. F. Merrill,
lord of the outer chamber, and Peter
Zeek who had been working up the
tor some time and had
of the court of the Czar of Russia,
secured tiie signature of 29 charter
j spectors will hold an investigation
have selected the Rogue River
members The new camp is com
into the collision of the Breakwater
| Valley for the location of the
posed of sons and grandsons of vet
The first shipment of grain from royal orchard.
An enthusiastic meeting of the erans of 1861 to ’65.
F.1 Paso Texas, Oct. 16 - The with the steamer Alert, which oc­
Both were here
this port for the season was taken this week.
long expected meeting, between curred in the bay about a week ago. stock hoi lers of the Bandon Port
Mr. Zeek was assisted in the work
over the bar by the Wilhelmina on
“We spent several months,” said President Taft and President Diaz The investigation will lx? held in Orfo d Railroad w. s held Monday of mustering in the new camp, by
On th. evening, every stockholder being members of the G. A R and W.
her rectnt trip.
The grain was a they, in looking over the different of the of the Republic of Mexico oc Marshfield October 22.
consignment of 32 tons of oats, 1 fruit sections and to report on the cm red here today. Outwardly it following day the inspectors will go present in person, at which meet­ R. C. of Bandon. The new camp
about 2,000 bushels which went advisability of
having a royal was attended with a display of sol­ ! to Coquille and investigate the ing permanent organization was af­ comes under the jurisdiction of Cal
from here over to Quos Bay, where orchard in America, and to sug diery, a H ire of trumpets, a boom | charges recently made by O. R fected and permanent officers elect­ ifornia and Oregon, Sons of Vet­
it was loaded on the Alliance for gest the location of that orchard of cannon and a pomp of ceremony 1 Willard of that place against T. W. ed. W. S Chandler, capitalist, of erans, U. S A.
j After careful
investigation, our suggesting supreme autnority, but I Banter, masters, respectively, of the Marshfield was elected president.
Col. R. H Rosa, being aid to the
The grain was grown by II. I. | choic • narrowed to two valleys be- in the actual handclasp of the two passenger boats Wolverine and Co­
The name of the company was Commander, Dept of Oregon, G-
Stevens on his ranch at Fishtrap, sides this one, but after fuff in executives and in the exchange quille plying on the Coquille river. amended, the objects and powers
A. R. was duly commissioned in
above Coquille and the average formation and investigation, we de of courteous words that passed from It is alleged in the complaints tiled of the company were enlarged
st tiling officer by Theo V. Brown
crop was considerably over loo cided to advocate selection in the lip to hp, there was simple but with the inspectors that the Coquille and the capital stock increased to Jr. Commander Division of Cali­
bushels to the acre
He had 4300 Rogue River Valley on account of cordial informality.
rammed the Wolverine while at $500,000.
fornia and Oregon S. of V , U. S.
bushels from 38 acres or an average the superior qualities of the fruit in
The initial organization affected A. and proceeded to the perforin
Ptesident Taft was the tir 4 to her dock and evidently’ did it on
of 113 bushels to the acre. Nine every way.
inspectors will last July was for the nominal sum ance of his duty. The following
speak. He assured President Taft purpose,
acres went 135 bushels to the acre
“As soon as we receive word as to of his warm personal regard. Presi- probably return to Portland the of $5,000 to give the company cor list of elective and appointive of
and another field of eight acres the decision of the minister of the dent Diaz
porate existance, to make official ticers were installed by Col. Rosa:
assured President following Wednesday.
averaged 124 bushels.
secure rights of way and C. B. Zeek, Comdr; R. A. Feker
financial department. we will be I’aft of his high esteem of the Amer i
Such a yieid as this will certainly ready to buy and we have an eye ican who had accomplished so much
file necessary plat., and maps with Sr V. Comdr; Ed B. Henry Jr. V
forever put a quietus on tne theory on a piece of land which is just in the Philipines, in Cuba and else
the department of the interior and Comdi; D. A. Patterson, Chaplaii ;
Buried in Silo
that grain connot be raised in the what we want. It is set to Bartlett's where,
the secretary of the state’
who had
N S. Dressier, , Sec- H L. Houston
Coquille valley.
The greater part of that work is Treas; F. S Perry, patriotic in
i at present but we will have a num the honor to be Chief Executive of
The Myrtle Point Enterprise says:
Back in the Mississippi vdley j her of acres set to the prize varie so great a Nation as the United
now accomplished and the organ za- structor; C. ’ W. Young, guide;
W. E. Rackleff, an early
which is considered a grain country | ties of pears of this section and to Slates.
tion is n nv launched forth under Thos. Coates, Jr, inside guard. John
pioneer of Coos county, was stricken
an average oats crop is about 35 to
President Taft in simple, Amer­ with paralysis while helping fill the the name of the Bandon-Port Orford Whitney, outside guard; Archie
Newtown and Spitzenberg apples.”
40 bushels to the acre and when it
ican fashion, declared he was glad silo with corn, at his home north Railroad N Navigation Co mpany Rosa, color bearer.
gets up to 60 or 70 bushels, it is
to meet Presklent Diaz He was of town, Tuesday morning. Mr. The directors of the company are:
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considered an extraordinary yield,
Riverton Locals
glad to know the President of such a Rackleff was working in the silo, W. S. Chandler, Stephen C.allier, S.
so by comparing the two. it can
great nation; especially glad to disposing of the chopped corn as D. Henderson, R. H. Rosa nd E, Coquille Franchise Trouble
easily be seen that this is destined t<>
Freeman Stewart was a Marshfield know the President who had made it came in.
Frank Tripp, who was Dyer, and the officers as elected at
becomea great grain country. The visitor last week
the nation gieat. Both Presidents helping in the work, called to Mr. the meeting Monday evening are:
The Coquille Sentinel says. “A
yield obtained by Mr. Stephens
dwelt upon the cordiality of the re­ Rackleff and receiving no response W. S. Chandler, president; Stephen restraining order ein .mating from the
Seely & Anderson ivill|soon start
could be cut square in two and then
lations existing between the United he went into the silo to investigate Gallier. chairman board of directors; city council, was served upon th-
camp near this place.
it would be a reasonably good crop.
S. D. Henderson, general manager; workmen engaged in the changes
States and Mexico.
President Taft
No,h Kendall of the North Brach declared that today's meeting was an<l found that the old gentleman E. Dyer, vice president. C R.
Besides the 2,000 bushels shipped
on the telephone line Monday anti
to Portland Mr. Stephens has more , country spent a day in our town last not necessary to make stronger the had been alm >st covered with the Wade, secretary,
R. H. Rosa, the work of setting the poles and
than 2,000 lelt which he will hold 1 week.
bonds of friendship; it merely typ - sticking out of the heap of fodder. treasurer, and O. L. Hopson was stretching the guy wire for the cable
for future market and for seed.
W. W. Kight has been busy the tied the strength ol the bonds that
elected fiscal agent for the company. was immediately suspended. The
The achievement of Mi. Stephens I past two weeks opening his coal vein already exist. Less than a score of With the help of the Rackleff boys By laws were adopted at the same
order wps the result of the promis­
the stricken man was taken from
is only a sample of what can be done | for the winter.
persons were permitted to witness the silo and carried to the house. meeting anil the company is now on cuous setting of poles ami other
in Goos county.
“Watch Coos
S. S. Whitsett and wife returned the meeting oi the two executives. Dr. Stemmier, was summoned ami a permanent running basis.
paraphernalia which the council
County Grow.”
from the camp last week and are
Later President Taft and Pr esident an examina ion made that proved
The company plans to complete considered should be governed by
Diaz withdrew into an inner room of the old gentleman to be in a serious the work of acquiring the right of he city. It developed upon in­
now at th-ir old home.
Chamber of Commerce Building, condition.
Large Tract on Market
His right side and way this fall, and possible slash a ! vestigation that the telephone com-
The coal mines are all taking out
1 coal but as yet they are only sup-
bowels were found to be paralyzed large part of the same. By piny had no franchise covering the
T. B. Wheeler has be tight of J.
reason of the lateness of the season, changes in the wiring of the city an I
j plying the local market.
and his left side was also affected.
H. Jones 1000 acres ol land south
by Governor Creel of the State of
part of the way graded at this the council deemed i’ necessary that
Capt. Rackleff died Friday He
The McKenzie M- rry Make s were
of Fourmile, through his offices at
Chihuahua, ex Ambassade.! to the
time would not have time to become this matter should be satisfactorily
Bandon and Portland and will cut ! here last Friday evening. The play United States who acted as inter- I was the father of Ed Rackleff of settled before the heavy rains set arranged before the work proceeded
I Langlois proprietor of the Bandon
the same up into live and ten acre was well attended and gave splendid preter.
in and much of the grade would further
Cash Store.
tracts ami place it on the market. , satisfaction.
necessarily be destroyed, but the
“The Telephone Company sub­
The new school house is nearing
Mr. Wheeler has a scheme by which
Big Spuds
company plans at the earliest date mitted a draft of a franchise to the
he sets the land to fruit ami culti I completion. When it is completed
possible in the spring, to begin with council Tuesday amt there was 'o
Hill to Build in Oregon
vales the same for four years, thus this place will have the very best of
large force of men, grading the have been a meeting to arrange the
The potato harvest is on and
turning over to the purchaser an school facilities.
right oi way. and will follow the matter Wednesday evening but the
potato yarns are ripe, but the Enter­
orchard ready for bearing
R. E. Richardson, having sold
Portland, Or., Oct. 19-James J. same closely with construction.
principals of the company, Messrs
land secured is said to be excellent his residence to Mr Kay is having prise has substantial proof that they Hill will not extend the Oregon
The articles of incorporation, as Douglas and Mills, failed to arrive
soil, as this country is well know n | a bungalow built on his ranch. It are not all yarns, for the spuds have Trunk beyond the Oregon line but
amended, will be filed at once; the and the meeting was postponed.’
for its great fruit possibilities, the will soon be ready for occupancy. been left here to prove some of the will confine his operations in con­
the maps of the right of way have
biggest of the stories.
proposition will be a good investment
O A. Kelly, while at the Aber­ Spires has produced the best hill nection with that project to de­ already been tiled with the de
for anyone who wants a home.
Heney Leads by 4o votes
deen saw mill had his foot severely in which there were five potatoes veloping this state. Stories to the partinent of interior at Washington
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c ushed by a timber falling on it. the longest one being 15 inches effect that the ultimate destination
In securing the interest of Mr.
San Francisco, Oct. 16—Francis
of the Oregon Trunk is San Fran-
and the shortest to inches long. The
Wilhelmina Disarranges
Chandler in the road, the company J. Heney. candidate for District At­
he is now doing as well as could be five weighed 13 pounds, the largest | cisco were denied by Mr. Hill this js extremely fortunate as he is a man
Telephone Cable
torney, today had a lead of 40 votes
“All the building
going it alone at 3 1-4 pounds. They week, who said:
1 of experience in railroad business, in the recount being conducted in
V eritas .
with I the line will do will be done in Ore­ and it was he who pulled the Coos court at the instigation of his op­
There is plenty of room for
While Capt. Christensen was Oil
nice smooth white skin and perfect gon
------- OOO--------
Bay Roseburg and Eastern out of opponent, C. M. Fickert, who al
1 new feeders in the state and the
hi- way to the depot wharf at
ho' e a few years ago, he is also leged Heney was not entitled to the
Roosevelt Getting Game
Marshfield Tuesday afternoon the,
duced three potatoes of a very red mileage which we intend to add to a man of large caj ital in his own Democratic nomination at the re­
wheels*of the twin screw boat Wil­
variety that weighed 5 3-4 pounds our system will be confined to Ore­ name and with the local capital th it cent primary election.
helmina caught on a submerged
Nairobi, Africa. Oct. 16—Colonel All of these were grown on the gon. We have no intention of en­ is taking hold of the proposition, the
In the original count Heney was
telephone cable connecting the Roosevelt today cabled Commander river bottom close to .Myrtle Point. tering California.”
financing is an assured fact. It is given the coinination by 80 votes.
Eastside with Marshfield and wound Peary congratulating Peary on h,s Will Krantz of the Eist Fork
now up to the people along the line
about five hundred feet of the accomplishment in reaching the country registered in with a Sir
to give the right of way at a reason­
cable around her shaft.
Best fertlizer for your garden at
Pole. Roosevelt and party are all Walter Raleigh and a red o ne Exposition Made $100,000 able cost, and so far there has been
The captain experienced some well. Roosevelt has killed three weighing 3 1-4 pounds apiece. The
Estabrook Warehouse.
36 t
absolutely no difficulty along this
difficulty in releasing his bo it from more elephants for Smithsonian In­ Folsom
boys also did some
If you want a valuable 40 acre
Seattle, Oct. ¡8 —Corrected figures line, consequently there is now, ap­
the tangled mass and it way not un­ stitute and one bull elephant for the thing in the big potato line. Forty- I
of attendance at the A. Y. P. Ex­ parently nothing in the way of the tract within two and a half miles of
til a s|>ecial cutting tool was de­ American Museum of Natural His­ eiyht of their spuds filled a two
Bandon, see A. D. Morse. Mgr
position show- a total in 138 days early completion of the roid.
vised in a local blacksmith shop tory in New York, Other game bushel sack so full that it couldn't
which numbered 3,740,551. Of these
In conversation with one of the Bandon Investment Corporation for
that he was able to accomplish it — was bagged including a rhinoceros e sewed. Other growers are known
,«7®5>683 paid, and the balance directors.
he informed the R e ­ relinquishment. $50.
a buffalo a giraffe, a zebra and an to have raised some immense po-
were free. The total receipts were corder that the rumor it was
tatoes and any of the crops attest 51,096,475. The surplus aftei the or is a Southern Pacific project is people can rest ass: fed that th$
------ OOO--------
Cedar Planking for bridge and
the fertility of the soil in this sec­ debts are paid will be one hundred absolutely without foundation, but road will be built as rapidly as it can
street work. Estabrook Co.
The R ecorder one year for $1.50 tion.—Myrtle Point Enterprise.
' thousand dollars.
that it is strictly a local affair, and | be pushed forward.
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