is pretty sure »<* €■ •»«<• uboit »1, •!* w J e sell at the Patten created prices, and ton as well, is “water on Portland’s' and industrial center of population on this continent. The opportunity for the ac­ quirement of wealth in this new country, no man doubts. Thousands will grasp this sent out over this bar. The good for which Mr. Patten does not pro­ wheel.” A big meeting was held ■ effect of the port commissions that pose to pay a fancy fignre. Mr here awhile ago to inaugurate a1 opportunity to lay the foundation for a fortune. Will you? Write today for complete prospectus. Don’t delay. Investigate. have been established along the Patten evidently has the inside track campaign for “500,000 in Portland ; coast has already been felt and in market manipulation, and he in 1912/’ But to accomplish this THE PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO., Ltd. the Port of Coquille River would makes it clear, upon occasion, that result, or anything like it, all parts 1 410 Loo Building, Vancouver, B. C. Prince Rupert, B. C. ba no exception. It thus places us what he desues in the matter of of the great • country tributary in • » Strs. Bilickl & Bandon Z?OE=t; I lOEJO«^ «BANDON REAL ESTATE* AND LOAN COMPANY o o o Q YOUR ATTENTION o I j. E. rPEEFORD Bandon Brewery j BEER YOUR ATTENVION INVESTOR, BUSINESS MAN AND HOMESEEKERS T 9 JI < r. * • • • •