*4 MANXCL’RfcD HOTEL WAIT ELB* Get Rid of Spring Humors ampur» or effete matters accumulated in the blood during the winter ««use in the spring such disfiguring and painful troubles as boils, pimples, •nd other eruptions, also weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling. The best medicine to take is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly elear.ses the L ■.•■nt cures by giving healthy func­ tional activity to the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin. Hood's Sarsaparilla effects its wonderful cures, not simply because it contains sarsaparilla, but because it combines the utmost remedial values of more than 20 different ingredients, each greatly strengthened and en­ riched by this peculiar combination. These ingredients are the very rem­ edies that successful physicians prescribe for the same diseases and ail­ ments. There is no real substitute for Hood’s Sarsaparilla. If urged to buy any preparation said to be “just as good,”'you may be sure it is in­ ferior, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Begin taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla today, in the usual liquid form or in the chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. Nothin* I ncerteln About Nu llaaia. J nek. "Miss Pinimie, may I—er—call on you "No. indeed, sir; you have known me six months, and you've never sent me a picture postcard.’’ Nan—Well, there's one thing about Jack, anyhow. He apeaks right out what be thinks. You always know* where to find him. Fan—That’s so. I nearly tlways find him here when I come. One on I ucle llirana. City Niece—Well, Uncle Hiram, bow did you enjoy the tea with the slices of lemon in it? Uncle Hiram—Tea? Gosh, gal! I Where the Trouble Waa. thought that was pure out-and-out cir­ “Old chap, why don’t you make up your cus lemonade. Only One "BROMO QUININE" inat ia LAXATIVE BROMO QUININB. Look for the signature of E W GKOVE. Used tho world over to Cure a Cold in One Dav. 26c. ■Ind to marry and settle down?” In Search of Information. “You chump, it takes two minds to do Pete de Pickpocket—Wot ye lookin’ at that, and I haven't quite got Freda’» that paper fur? mind made up yet.”—Chicago Tribune. Watty de Winder Smasher—I want to find out whuther them di'monds I lifted out o’ that plate glass front las' night ia wuth $5 or $5,000.—Chicago Tribune. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ----------- a------------- Sad Caae. The Kind You Have Always Bought "I never was so shocked in my life,’ said Mrs. Lapsling. “Pearley Winter green is trying to get a divorce from het husband. She says she has found out that they made a mistake when they wen married ; he isn’t her real infinitive.” Bears the Signature of Limited Ambition. Glutluny. Naggus—Say, Horus, if you expect as an author to be one of the foremost------ Horus—I don't. I'd be satisfied to be merely one of the six best. The octopus' appetite clamored for pulp Over the country he hungrily strode. He swallowed a forest or two at a gulp And picked his teeth with the fork; of the road. —Chicago Tribune. WE HAVE INQUIRIES For Farms in the Northwest from people who are on the way from the East and Middle West and can place you in touch with buyers with money. l et us hear what you have for sale ATLAS LANDCOMPANY 420 Lumber Exchange Building OREGON PORTLAND There Are Exceptions. Some necessary things, you’ll note, Can never be done by rule. You can’t learn how to milk a goat At a correspondence school. I. os I iik What it Will Cost You rai to write us for samples of the best all w < xj 1 $15 Suits ever produced. Made to con­ form to your exact measure. We send you samples, measurement blanks, and absolutely guarantee sty le, fit and work­ manship or your money back. WRITE US TODAY Salem Woolen Mills 7th & Stark Sts. PORTLAND, ORE. TOWERS FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED T GARMENTS are cut on large patterns, designed to give the wearer the utmost comfort UCMT DURABLE CLEAR pUARANTEE^^jERPROOf SUITS *32° SLICKERS *32° tt Mt ntt mwfuwnfi yyy*» 3/CM at nt run. '*»<' MM* A J TOW«» CO SOSYOM USX. TQWt» (AIM0IAN URritO TORONTO CAM CO De You Hear Well? The Stolz fleet'ophone A New, Scientific ■nd Practical Invention for Those Who Are lle.if or Partial y Deaf May Now Be f ested in Your Own home Deaf or part iall.\ I n peopb may n«>w make a aionth's trial oT the Stolz. Electrophone at home This ■" unusually im­ portant new*« for the deaf, for l«v t hl*« plan the final aeloction of the one completely •at «factory hearing aid is m de en«y and in»‘i|ten»«ive for ev­ eryone Thi*new in­ vention'I' S Patent No. 763.575) renders unnecessary Much iin- •iahtly, clumsy and frequently hurtful devices a-* trumpets, horns, tubes, car drums, fan«. et . It is a tiny electric tel­ ephone that firs on ti e r. and which, the instant 4t is ap­ plied. ma nities the sound waves in such manner as o cau«e an a»f on ish in« in­ crease in the clear­ ness of all sounds It overcomes the buzzing and roaring ear no>-»es. an 1 h N o so constantly and electrically exercises the vital d rt* of the ear that, usually, the natural, unaided hearing itself is gradually restored Promine-it Business Man’s Opinion RTOl Z I I I <' I i\< 'l‘H< I i 1 Chicago I am pleafH'd to say that the He.-’ropbo e is very sat- ista«'torv Bei c small in size an » gn at in hear­ ing quail' le- makes it I’KI » I RKBI.E TO ANY I HAVE I KIL l> and I believe I lime tried all of them I can re. ommend it to ill n< r*< n- who have defective h»»nrinu’ M " I vs l>ol«*«aie tiro oer. Michigan Aie and River St Chicago Write or call nt our Chicago < th «> for particu­ lars of our perso al home te«t . tier and list of Frominent e dormers who will answer inquiries, 'hysiciau* cordially invited to investigate. Asiiou flu a the «<■»•>«• »t Leading aented to-day to the guests of the W Ol­ cott atsl it will be the Initial presenta- tlon of a finger-nail condition that no other hotel In New York—or In tbs United States for that matter—ever has considered, the New York World saya. The management has been im­ pressed fur three or four months with the general untidiness of waiters, bell­ boys and other employes exclusive of the clerical staff and yesterday the fol­ lowing pronunclamento was Issued: “Beginning on this date every em­ ploye of the Wolcott who comes In contact with the guests of the hotel will report daily to Miss Cora M. Par­ ker, the official manicure, to have ills or her finger nails clipped, cleaned, polished and tiled. “Tills order Is mandatory and no ex­ cuse will be accepted for disobedience except illness or other excuse which the management shall deem to be rea­ sonable. “A room has been provided for the manicure near the waiters' dressing room, and she will be on duty from 8:30 a. in. until 5 p. m. “No charge will be made for the service, which tends to promote cleanli­ ness and which will appeal to the guests of the hotel. There is no rea­ son why the finger nails should not re­ ceive the same attention as the hands.” The promulgation of the edict was followed by two waiters making im­ mediate application for treatment— Serath Carros and Antipolus Choganos. Carros has a large hand with spatu- lated fingers caused by close attention to the strings of a violin and to bal­ ancing salvers on his finger tips. Clia- ganoe has a long, slender hand, with oval nails. Each candidate was polish­ ed off in ten minutes. "Fine,” said Carros. “I like him. The younga lade, she very nice. Don't hurt, just a little tickle.” Claim to MAPLEINE A flavoring used the same as lemon or vanilla. Bv dissolving granulated sugar in water and adding Mapleine. a delicious syrup is made and a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by grocers. If not send 35c for 2 os. bottle and recipe book. Crescent Ml«. Co., Seattle. We. oris yd yvcmpWy on\Vc bowds. ckansds the system cJjcduaWy; assists t\atn\ua\ cwust\paX\Q\\ pcTmawewWy. To Oet \ts ejects dtways buy t\\c C guuuac , ° HANUFACYuRrD BV T he CALIFORNIA F ig S yrup Co. th « . i L'e ♦*<»• i «-There. Arthurl Have 1 chffrtneA > » ie jieud , he awaj | Arthur k >i* •have, dear! You’rs my Masel.’ riLU CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS j PAZO OINTMENT is susranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding I'Uee in 6 to U days hr n. >■ ey refunded UK-. The I’ruteeeur. The Doctor—I can't help feeling sorry for my friend Huddleford. lie owned quite an extensive chain of golf parks, and he's just gone into bankruptcy. The Professor—I see; his I’r * S Re. Send for FREE S'l 00 trial bottle and trt-Hti-s*. U. Kime. Ld . ad Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. I.lnee. Amateur Dramatist Well, you’ve seen my play. Tell nn- what you think of it. Dramatic Critic—1 will. I'll give you some straight talk. Amateur Dramatist—Straight talk? , Great Scott ! Are you going to draw ' the deadly parallel on me? For Crauipe tu the Stomach of Sis Years staudlng. ”1 was troubled with cramps in the stomach tor six years. I tried many kinds of medicine, also was treated by three doctors. "They said that I had nervous dys­ pepsia. I took the medicine for two years, then I got sick again and gave up all hopes of getting cured. •■I saw a testimonial of a man whoae case was similar to mine, being cured by Peruna, so thought I would give il a trial. I procured a bottle at once, and commenced taking it. •‘I have taken nineteen bottles, and am entirely cured. I believe Peruna is all that is claimed for it.’’—Mrs. J. C. Jamison, 6 I Marchant St., Watson­ ville, Cal. P N U B Í ÍT No. 15-09 writing: to an thin imper. ■■u.» ee «.rwu. V—■■ .» e—■«—■ SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS 5O‘ABOTTLE r" DISTEMPER An estimate by the geological survey places the country's production of 1’ort- land cement in lists at 40,000,000 barrels, a decrease from l'JOT of nearly 2U per cent. Sureeure and positive preventive, no matter how horses et any age ere uiiec'.sl or x; ' l. qu d. given on the tongue; acts on the li *1.i d<; ci ds, exp< i c the p.n onous germs from the body. CurreDia- ti-m. . rin 1 >..gs a d .Sh»-p an ppoam ng human Iwings >.nii is a fine Kid­ ney re-n<-ly. Mie and $1 a hottle: i5and 110a dozen. Cut thia out. Keep it. Show toyourdruggist. whowillgetit for you. Free Booklet. "Die- t' rnper. Causes and Cures.” Special agents want«!. In case of accidents, cuts, wounds, burns, scald«, sprain*, bruit' s, etc., nothing will so quickly take awav all pain and soreness as Hamlins Wizard Oil. Unsatinflrd SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Lonmin “I’va often thought,” Mrs. Lapsling was saying, "I should love to see that wonderful atmospheric freenomenon they call the garage in the desert.” C rescent •ff uv Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup the beat remedy to use tor their ehddrea during the teethiug period. About 75,000 fox skins are aold out of Maine every year. Very few of the sly animals are shot. Many are killed by the us.- of poisoned bait, while hundreds are killed in drives. I GOSHEN, IND.,U.S. A. I WILL DO ALL THAT AM HK1H PRICED KIN Dili WILL CDO AM> DO 'J BETTER Egg-Phosphate BAKING POWDER A FULL POUND 25c. Get it from your Grocer Pettit’s Eye Salve for 25c * Wit of the Youngsters * “And remember, dear,” said small Fred's mother, “that George Washing­ ton never told a lie.” “Oh, well,” re­ joined Fred, “he hadn't any the best of me. I never told one, either.” Teacher—Now, Harry, suppose I had a mince pie and gave one-sixth to Johnny, one-sixth to Tommy, one- sixth to Willie and took half of It my­ self; what would be left? Harry (promptly) —I would. “Mamma,” said 5 year-old Edgar one evening, "haven't I been a good boy to-day?” “Yes, Edgar,” she replied, “and I’m very proud of you.” "Well," continued the little fellow, “I can go to bed without saying my prayers, can’t I?" Small Clifford had frequently accom­ panied Walter to the home of the lat­ ter's grandma, where cookies were al­ ways forthcoming. One day while there the cookies did not materialize at th« usual time, so Clifford said: ‘Mamma says I must never ask for anything tc eat, but I'm awfully hungry. Just th« same.” “Are you familiar with "The Man Without a Country?” asked the student of English literature. "No," replied the pretty summer girl, “but I am familiar with the country without a man.”—Life. S In BAILROAD SAFETY DEVICE. The ‘‘Ileath Sulooiy Button” Traveler's Add« to the Security. Distinction. “No. sir." answered the sharp chinned. ] thin lipped woman. “All be said was that he wanted to get away, that he was going to get pwsy. and he didn't care a durn where he went."—Chicago Tribune. uni relieves tired or overworeed eyes, stops eye aches, congested, inflamed or sore eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Safety In railroad travel Is a vitally The rising statesman on his wedding interesting topic, ami an article In the tour was revisiting ths scenes of his Circle, entitled, "Making Railroad childhood. Travel Safer,” gives some remarkable "This, my dear,” he said to bis bride, illustrations of the many inventione “is the old homestead where I was born. ■ and automatic appliances which tend I)o von see that ancient log cabin?" IIV«» »» tc guard the public from danger. One i es. "You have no idea what strange emo­ of these is called the “death button,’' tions fill me when 1 look at that little making provision as It does in case ol cabin, Myrtilla. I—I wasn't born in it, the sudden death or Inactivity of the you know.” one In charge at the moment on llnee where electric current has been In­ Deep Sea Amenities. stalled as a propelling power. The shark was reviling the skate. The well known “death button,” now “You're such a cheap one!” said the shark. In use In the Manhattan subway trains “Worse than that.” sighed the skate | Is a safety device in line with this fu­ “I've even been accused of being a dis ture development. tant relative of yours.” In the top of the electric control lei Which the listening lobsters. being mereiy lobsters, considered fairly good handle, which Is moved in a circle ovei repartee for that locality.—Chicago Trib­ a row of contact buttons by the motor­ man when he regulates the sjieed. Is a une. little plunger which Is the real fac lie t'ennl Iteeource. tor In throwing tin* electric current of! The Muntoburna, who had been invited to the fashionable wedding, were late in and on. It sticks through the handlt and Is held up by a spring. arriving. Before he can get any current at all "I am sorry.” said the usher at th»- door, “but every seat in the church is I this button must be pushed down bj taken." the palm of the motorman’s hand, aftei “That means, of course,” irritably an­ which he can move the hiyidle about swered Mr. Muntoburn, "that “I've got and adjust the strength of the current to hustle out and buy five tickets from at will. some scalper !”—Chicago Tribune. But should he drop dead at his post Willing to Oblige. or for any reason remove his hand Cook Lady (at intelligence office) — from the lever, the little button would Before I engage with you I'd like to spring up from contact, the current ask a few questions. How many serv* would leave the motors and the cal ants do you keep? stop. The Woman—Two. Cook Lady—Where do you live? Makltiv for Mrenjcth. The Woman (meekly)—Oh, that j Bacon—Experiments with sugar aa doesn't matter. We are willing to food made In the French army hav< move anywhere you want to go. shown that It Is a great source of mu« Nothing Definite. cular energy. The detective was trying to get a clew. | Egbert—1 guess that Is a fact Just “When your husband lef*. you.” be see how strong the sugar trust is.-* said, “did he drop any intimation as to Yonkers Statesman. where he might be going?” Hla Syrahs in tfce I Folly Io He Wlee. “I’m not going to give my son a col­ lege education," observed a fellow whe won’t let us print ills name, “becaus« I want him to get on rapidly. I lost the first Job I ever had by undertaking to correct my employer's grammar.” You may say your financial judg­ ment Is pretty good if you are wise enough not to risk it bucking the slock market or board of trade. Vacalloa .G olden W est COFFEE-Ì TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER » Canton Plows, Harrow« Planters, Listers, Cultivator« Stalk Cutters, Potato Diggers Beet Implements, Cart« Garden Tools, &c. Time. EXTRACTS JUSI RIGHT CLOSSET a DEVERS (PORTLAND. ORE. ) 67 Years of “Knowing How” I lammered Into Every One of Them. Xy. <■’ Over J4OO Different Styles and Sizes, to meet all conditions in all kinds of soil. Notea for Stre ngth,Simplicity and Ease of Operation. We are tne originators of many of the best known implements made, and theexclusivefeat- un s aru protected by patents. When you pay out Z ’“Tw^your money jet the best. Experiments are expensive. Insiston getting 1*. & O. implements from your dealer. A Beautifully Illustrated Pamphlet, and a P. & O. Catalog, will be mailed free on request. Remember P. & O. Canton Implements have been In the lead lur over two-tbtrds of a century and are backed by an unqualified guarantee. Ask for Calslef Ns. 1O1 a. Parliti & Orendorff Co., Canton, III. PARLIN a ORENDORFF NORTHWEST PLOW CO . Portland.Or ,Spokane, Wash. PACIFIC IMPLEMENT CO.. General Agents, San Francisco. B HAYMAN, Agent, Los Angeles. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dolor more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well •nd is guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c a package. Write for ree booklet •ow to dye, bleachland mix colers. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Quincy, LUnofs. PRESIDENT TAFT’S WHITE STEAMER President Taft and His Family in Their White Steamer When their labors were completed, | er except that his car has the United When the announcement was made several months ago that Mr. Taft would the officials reported unanimously to S'ates coat of arms painted on either use an automobile during his term as Mr. Taft in favor of the White, and, door. In other words, when we make president, much rivalry developed accordingly, a car of this make was im­ a car for the president of the United ordered from the manufac­ States there is no way in which we can among the leading manufacturers for mediately turers, The White Company of Cleve­ make it any bet er than the car which the honor of selling him a car and the land you, or anybody else, can purchase public watched with interest to see ' The new car was delivered to Mr. from us. what Mr. Taft’s choice would be. The Taft in Washington a few days before “Some of those writing to me about knowing ones predicted that the White his inauguration and since that time it Mr. Taft’s car say that altfiough they Steamer would be selected and they has been in al most constant use. There are very desrious of having a car like pointed out that President Roosevelt has not been a day when the president Mr. Taft’s, they are afraid that such a had used White Steamers for two years or some members of his family have car is somewhat larger and more ex­ at his summer home at Oyster Bay and not been seen riding around the nation­ pensive than they desire. In reply to had recommended this make to Mr. al capital in the new car. It is hinted these letters I point out that our Model Taft as the most desirable. that Mr. Taft likes fast traveling and ‘O’ 20 hors- power car is exactly like This prediction proved correct, al­ that when he rides out into the ojien our 40 horsepower mode), except as re­ though Mr. Taft did not rely solely on country, he does not always insist that gards the size of the different parts. Mr. Roosevelt's recommendation but, the speed of the car be kept within the The principle of construction is exactly the same and the smaller car possesses with his usual thoroughness, determin­ legal limits. C. A. Hawkins, manager of the Pa­ all th>- desirable qualities of our larger ed to have an investigation made of all the principal makes. Accordingly, he cific coast bra> ch of The White Com­ model. In other woids, I point out asked several officers of the War de­ pany, 1470 Market street, San Fran­ that they can secure an exact duplicate partment to look into the matter for cisco, said recently to a correspondent of Mr. Taft’s car for $4,000, or a car him and they tested many makes of of this paper: ‘‘We are receiving of the same qualities but of smaller di­ cars, visited a number of factories so many inquiries each day asking for full mensions for only $2,000. Judging by that they might see what materials details regarding the construction of • the demand for White cars, a g od pro­ were used and, finally, they investigat­ Mr. Taft’s car and in reply we are portion of those d> siring to purchase ed the records of the different types of sending copies of ®ur catalog. Mr. automobiles are quite content to trust cars in public contests and in private Taft’s car is exactly like any other President Taft’s judgment as to the •srvic« i Model ‘M’ 40horsepower White Steam-! best and most desirable make."