8 • » •• •• • • • • • % •• • - placing of such exhibits as have they amount tn a considerable sum. •J. E. Y oung • not been installed up to that time. The law should be changed by re­ W. C. P arker Published Every Thursday Evening by the Work was started on the United quiring that all such dept sits be Recorder Fu.t>isTiing Company. States government group of build­ paid into the state treasury ■without O. K. KOFF, ... Managing Editor ings at the head of the central court escheat proceedings being brought* Parkersburg and Bandon, Manufacturers'of the first week in January and the and that the owner of such funds Subscription, $1 50 per Year in Advance. Advertising Kates Made foundation of the four structures could recover same from the state, Known on Application. Job Printing a .Specialty is completed. All of the govern­ upon making satisfactory proof of Entered hi the Btindon Postoflice ns Second Class Matter. Wholesale and Retail Shippers ment buildings will be turned over his righ . There is no reason why January 28, 1909 THURSDAY to the expositio 1 contractors not escheat proceedings should be re- Special Attention to Local Tradt > later than April 20th. By that time quired. J ohn D. Rockefeller has added leader. And yet they worked to a One thing is certain-that the another $1.000,000 to the endow­ common end, and are held in a com the government exhibit will be ment lund of the Chicago University n on regard. It would be impossible stored in Seattle and as soon as the banker does not own the m -nev. making a total of $25,000,000. which to trace one hundred years of pro­ buildings are finished the exhibits He has no claim to it, except that he has placed to the credit of that gress and leave out the name of will be installed, The «government of possession as trustee for the real | of Canada and the state of New owner. He cannot be injured by a ! oily institution. A C hicago dispatch either.—Coos Bay Times. York are both preparing to begin requirement that he can pay over j conveying the news says that the immediate construction of buildings the money to the • State Treasurer if institution is now for the first time S enator Hale, when the bill for and the contracts for both of these file state relieves him of the respon­ in its history self-supporting. It raising the salaries of the president, structures will call for completion sibility for safekeeping of the money. HOME GROWN and CALIF. FRUITS, HAM, BACON would be but natural to suppose that vice president, speaker and supreme not later than April 20th. With the -Oregonian. an institution with $25,000,000 given AND LARD. court judges was under discussion, beginning of 1909 the construction it by one individual ought to be self- quite properly commented on the of buildings and grounds was more FINE CANDIES & TOBACCO supporting if it ever expects to be. increase in expenditures on the than 90 per cent complete anil every Coquille River Transportation JOHN FENOGLIO, Proprietor Co.’s Schedule battleships, which he said was so thing will be ready on the day T he Herald, a paper said to be great that the interest on the amount the fair is opened. The com­ Coquille levaes Bandon, 6:30 am; published at Coquille gives an ac­ expended on one of them was more pleted buildings are audotorium, arrives at Coquille 8:30 a m count of a fist fight as a culmination than all the increases of salaries pro­ Dispatch le ives Bandon 7 :oo a m; fine arts, machinery, maun fact Utts, arrives at Coquille, 10:00 a m of the basket ball game here between vided for in this bill. “We shall,” agricultures, mines, fisheries. Ore­ Favorite leaves Coquille 7:30 a in ; the Bandon high school and the he said, “never reduce the expenses gon, California and hospital. The arrives at Bandon 10:30 a nt Myrtle Point high school on Sat­ of the government until we take in forestry, Washington state and Coquille leaves Coquille 9:30 a m; urday evening, Jan. 16th, and goes hand not only the question of Arctic Brotherhood buildings will be arrives at Bandon 11:30 a m on to say that several swollen smel­ salaries, but the enormous expendi- I Fispatch leaves Coquille 1:00 p completed early in February. ------ SOLE AGENTS FOR______ lers and darkened optics were itures that we are asked to make for arrives in Bandon 5 :oo p m Favorite leaves Bandon 1:00 p swathed in bandages. Now the the military.” National Brewing Co. Beer. Bottle and Steam Beer. To S hip butter in from outside arrives at Coquille 4:00 p m aforesaid Herald, which is said to Congress this winter will make no ports to a port in the very heart of The Coquille connects with the be published at Coquille, has either general appropriation for the im­ a dairy country seems rather out of trains at Coquille for Marshfield and been misinformed, or the editor’s provement of rivers and harbors, keeping with the best kind of man­ Myrtle Point. last booze, just prior to writing the and thet e will be delay and waste The up river passengers can come ipulation of affairs, but this is ac­ article was decidedly bad, as no and loss and great injury to millions to Bandon on the F avorite and have tually the case right here During three hours here in which to do such incident occurred here. One of of people on this account, and yet the summer months, thousands of their trailing and other business. the Myrtle Point players was hurt congress goes on increasing enor­ pounds of butter are shipped out of in the game but it was purely ac­ mously from year to year the ap here to San Francisco and other Notice for Publication--Isolated Tract 0698 Dean Ä Hensley, Props. cidental and a physician was called propriations for the army and na y. ports, but now when the price is PUBLIC LAND SALE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Retail dealers in all kinds of to dress his wounds, and was paid and is now considering increases of from ten to fifteen cents pe. pound United States Land Office, by the Bandon boys. The game salaries that, added to the recent higher and the clear profit would be Roseburg, Oregon. January 18, 1909. Notice is hereby given that as directed by the was played in good spirits and the raise of the pay of congressmen, will nearly twice as great, the supply is Commissioner of the General Land Office, under best oi feeling exists between the amount to some $1,500,000 a year, not equal to the demand. the provisions of the act of Congress approved That June 27, 1906 (34 Stats. 517), we will offer at ^arger salaries for the officers dairymen should at once take steps public sale to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock two teams. the 5th day ol March next, at this of­ named seem reasonable, but if the to remedy this defect goes without a. fice. m., the on following tract of land: the SE 1-4 N We also carry vegetables T he R ecorder is in receipt of country is so poor or mismanaged saying. The idea is sometimes ad E 1-4, «.c. 33, T. 30 S„ R. 14 W. W M. Any persons claiming adversely the above de­ a copy of Senate Bill No. 2, intro­ that it can do nothing to carry on vanced that winter milking in this scribed lands are advised to file their claims or C. M. WAII), Manager objections on or before the time designated for duced by Senator Chase, joint sen­ continuously this vastly important country is out ot the question, but sale. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, lieuinter. ator from Coos and Curry counties. work of opening up our waterways we would answer by saying that in J. M. LAWRENCE. Receiver The bill comprises “An Act to pro­ and improving our harbors, it should no place in the United States are f irst publication Jan 21. vide for incorporation under general reduce appropriations for the army conditions more favorable for win- law of ports in counties bordering and navy, for which there is little if | j ter milking than here. 1 n the Mis IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Formerly the Elk Horns Saloon THE STATE OF OREGON. upon bays or rivers navigable from any use, and go slow about raising sissippi valley and in the far east IN AND FOR THE the sea or conlaining bays or rivers salaries-Journal. farmets are compelled to feed their Has opened up under new man­ COUNTY OF COOS navigable from the sea and to pro­ agement and the customers will stock from four to six months in the Geo. P. Topping, vide for the manner of incorporating be treated right. We will serve Plaintiff, T hat Oregon is always in the year, and they cannot raise as much you the best drink in the city, and such ports and defining the powers VS. ead is evident from the following feed on the same acreage as we you will go away feeling ten of ports so incorporated.” Coos D. E. Mills, years younger report from the management of the can in Coos and Curry counties. county has two such ports one on Defendant. They are also handicapped by ex ­ Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. the Coquille river and the other on ACTION AT LAW Special Attention Given to Family Orders It says: Oregon was the first state treme cold weather, so cold that it Coos Bay, consequently the bill is to complete its building and the first is almost impossible to keep from of particular importance to this To D. E. Mills, the above named to install exhibits at the Alaska Yu freezing, even in a barn while milk­ defendant: county. Curry county also has Proprietors kon Pacific exposition, Five ing. Then too, the price of lumber IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ports at Port Orford and the mouth months in advance of the opening is more than double what it is here, OF OREGON: of the Rogue river so Mr. Chase's of the exposition Oregon had two and they must build warm btrns, You are hereby required to ap­ constituents will be very much in pear and answer the complaint filed while here all that is necessary is to cars of choice apples and a car of against you in the above entitled hope that the bill will pass. The forest products stored in its building get a roof over your stock to keep action on or before the last day of bill provides for the calling of and the entire exhibit will be in­ off the rain. The cost of maintain­ the time prescribed in the order for CAPTAIN CHRISTENSEN, Commanding. special elections for incorporating as the publication of this summons, stalled two months before the gates ing a dairy farm here would be less which prescribed ti ne is six (6) ports wherever such a move is de­ of the exposition are opened. The than half what it is in these other weeks, the last day of which time sirable. This would be of vital im­ will be Thursday, the 4th day of Connecting with Steam Ship Alliance at Marshfield. Full Oregon building is a handsome countries and the clear profit would March 1909. portance to every community that information of Let the structure and occupies one of the be more than double. And if you fail to so appear and has a harbor along the coast. best locations on the exposition dairymen think this subject over answer said complaint by the said time, the plaintiff will apply to the gtounds. It is just off the central during the summer months, and be Court for a judgement against you A braham L incoln was born in court and overlooks Lake Wash prepared to reap a great harvest in for the sum of $100 as set up in a cabin in the backwoods of Ken- ington. The building was com­ dairy business next winter, It can plaintiff’s said complaint together with the costs, and disbursements tuckyonFeb. 12, 1809. Within pleted in November and since that be done. of this action, and for an ordet of said Court for a disposition of the the coming month, therefore, the time the Oregon commission has Forgottten Money in Banks money or sal of property attached A full line of Confectionery, Fruits, centennial anniversary of his birth been engaged in the assembling of in this action. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drinks, Etc. will be celebrated. Prep »rations the state exhibit. By the early This summons is published in the Bandon R ecorder , a weekly O regon now has on its statute are making in every city and hamlet completion of its building Oregon newspap er published in Coos County NEWS STAND IN CONNECTION to properly observe the day. It is h is received a large share of the book . a law which requires banks to Oregon, for six consecutivewe eks, report to the Secretary of State each beginning January 21st 1909, and not too early for Coos Bav to be advertising during the pre-ex|>osi- Next to Vienna Cafe BANDON, OREGON account upon ending March 4, 1909, by order ol laying plans. By a peculiar coinci­ tion period. In the past three year the deposit publication made by the Hon. John dence Charles Darwin was born on months mere than 50,000 persons which no draft has been made for F. Hall, County Judge of Coos the same day of the same year. In have paid admission to the exposi-1 seven years, it the depositor be not County, at Chambers ’ll ( oqudle, That 1 iw also Oregon on the 28 day of December, the United States and especially in tion grounds. The California State ' kn< wn to be alive. 1908 the western states one event will building war completed several provides that after publication < f the overshadow the other. But it will weeks ago and the Washington list of unclaimed deposits, the At­ *>nac* Mavaakw *4for* the reader* of thia paper tha beat opportunity not be out of place while honoring building ts nearly finished and will torney-General may bring suit to of the year REVIEW OF REVIEWS . . »3.00) ALL fOR the memory of the great emancipator be ready to turn over to the exposi escheat the money to the state B it SUNSET MAGAZINE . . . 1.5oi — — Is Your Property Tor Sale? WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1.25) $0.00 of the slave to honor the memory of Hon within the next thirty days. it i- probable : hat a very large pro W* are con*tandy receiving inquiries frrm all AND FREE y«r order, a beautiful premium, a 7S-pake book the great emancipator of human Every building for the 1909 fair will portion of the deposit. tint* negk cted porta of the UBited States lor Farms, Vineyards and Wuatrated in four color* with 113 Western view*. Country and City on frte Pacific Coast, if y«»ur property h for sale we »hall be glad to place it thought. No two men could have be completed by May 1, leaving are in such small amounts t,i»t it on our list, and put you in direct correspondence with SUNSET MAGAZINE * \ a Urge number of possible buyers. Address, PRAMCtSCO. CALIFORNIA been more unlike than the English thirty'days in which to clear the would not be worth while t«> bring TGWN A COUNTRY JOURNAL PUB. CO. • • 330 JACKSON ST., «AN FRANCISCO, CAL. scientist