« ». •* ’ * « o o o 7- > .I o ♦ *• o o 0 o • • * • • «• o Noi H I. FOIl I’l NUCA i ION D< ti .rito-ut f tin- Inti r»vr U. 8 L Other >U itvHeborm Ore Ann. 13, •. Arcade Saloon C. A. Jamison & Jack Brown BEST OF’ WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS sXGENTS FAMOUS THE KOK Weinhard's Beer 2nd. liMls, mnde Timber Application. No 10115, for Si. l4 of SE Seutiou 21. township ao South, Kanye 14 West, Wil lamuietle Meridian, lias tiled notice of in­ tention to make Final Proof, to es nlilish claim to the land above described. 1« tor, G. T. T readgold, U. S. Comiuissioiiei, nt Bandon, Oregon, on the 24 day of S> pieni- ber, 1908. Claimant names ns witnesses: N. K. Smith, of ilare, Oregon’ n wh<>, <>ti uc. I-’, I'*1' 1 Friday iu temporality occupy the tonde I'nuber Applicali* f. N*. UC'-''. t* r pulpit mi the Marshfield lTc->uy- SE I 4 NW I 4. Section • l> »i.xlnp South. Kail«.’ II Went. VA illanielt, M i* diati, baa tiled notivi ol intelitiou t*> la il»v icti.in Citurch wh.ch hits been vacant FTnal Proof, to the lami i;bovt- d» wrìlH’d beton O. I l uadyold. I S. t ’ •i.:inis»ioiiei, ¡»luce the retirement of the Rev. Il­ tor Orvuot', at Bandon, I’- h 'H < »Ontv, li. Brown a few weeks ago. ills Oretou, on the 2nd diy of Noveuib, r. I‘A»*. probable that be wilt be elected by Ulaiiuaut IIIIIIK » w ittiest,. H. t’asaius M. Doyle, of Bandoli. Oreuon, a congregation as their permanent Cory Stillwell, ot Bandon. Ortyuti, Allred Weal, of Biiml. ii. i»nuoti. pastor alter they have had the pleas­ Amo» E. Hadsall of Bandoli. < Ireuou. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. ure ol heating him. Keiiinter, J'irat Publication St pt 3 the Rev. Mackay has been super­ I intendent of the Presbyterian mis­ First Publication July 2nd. sions in Wyoming foi several years. Tiuilier Lund Act June 3, Isis He has made his home in Cheyenne NOTTUE: FOK Pl BLK'A I ION United States Land Office. and traveled throughout the state. ltnaeborg. Oregon, June 2t»t lW'8. Notice is hereby given that Oliarle» i> r. .1 4. Limili, of Bandoli, Ore non, ubo on June THE HANDLES ONLY THE New Past<»t Tor Mafshfield Company. St. Paul Fire & Marine In­ insurance Company. B enjamin L. E ddy , Register, J. ii. L awrence , Receiver. Phenix Fire Insurance Co. THE HARDWARE MAN BRIDGE >N BEACH Siovc*. Ratine. and Heater, have in them so many excellence» that they are now acknowledged the greatest sellers on the coast and they aie growing in favor every year. \\ e have the exclusive agency in Bandon for these household and office necessities, anJ prices range exceedingly modest in either case. TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Our Assortment oí Hardware. Tinware and Edged Tools is Most Complete. Hotel Gallier Notice of Sale of Stock Notice is hereby given that where­ as un the 2 : per share, and whereas the by laws j of said corporation provide that after 60 days stock sh til be sold for de­ linquent asssessments; and whereas said assessments have not been paid upon the following shares owned bv | the following named persons: R. IL Rosa, two shares; Robert Fred­ rick Jr., one share. Therefore s >id shares will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, a the City Hall, Bandon, Oregon, at 1:30 p. m. Monday, December 2.8., 1908. By order of Board <>i directors, i mode Nov. 2, 1908. I I D. 11. J a < kson , I Secretary. 1 —ooo--- At an> lime when your Htomacli i*nt 1 in good condition, you should ink« Ko dol. because KoJol digest* all the food you eat, and it supplies health and strengih for ti atomacb in that way. You take Kodol just for a lit­ tle while when yon have slight at tacks of 1 mligestion, and you take it just a little longer in order to get le lief from severe attacks of Indiges­ tion or Nervous Dyspepsie. I’ry Ko 8. (or SW 1-4 NU 14, Section 29, I ownship 29South, Range 14 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make F inal Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before G I . I readgold, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon, at Bandon, Oregon, on the 21st day of December | H>K Claimant names as witnesses. Chris Long, Albert Snead, John M I .ong and Edward L. Ohman, all of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOT ICE FOK IT BLICA I ION. Cinti li St ili < feind Office, Kosebnrg, Orc Sept. 22, 1908 Porcelain Lined Bath Tub With nil the necessary trimmings Plumbing Hardware Repairing The BANDON HARDWARE CO. » ljquor* and Bandon W. C. P arker J. E. Y oung YOUNG & PARKER Parkersburg and Batid in, M uiufacturers of White and Red Cedar Shingles Wholesale and Retail Shippers SjD©ciaA -A.tten.tion. to full line of Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drinks, Etc. z/ NEWS STAND IN CONNECTION I. A. Tl TK’NICI J. EXPERT lill.l.lAltD AND Pool. TABLES COURTEOUS TREATMENT Call and See MUNCK I I SIIIHIJ)S • • BLVKNIHTIIS Notice is hereby given that Lovina ( Rockwell, of Bandon, Oregon, who, on Sept. 22, 1908, made limber /Application, No. 01447. for Lots I and 2, Sect on 3, I ownship 30, Range I4W, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before G. I. I readgold. United Statss Commissioner for Oregon, at Ban­ don, Coos County, Oregon, on the 8th day of December. I(X)8. Claimant names as witnesses: Amos E. Hadsall, Russel A. Kent. Robert Walker Jr. and George Cox, all of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon. B enjamin L. E i > uy , RoniHter First Publication Oct 8. J* Price» WHAT WOULD YOU DO? ■ cxuraBu. F. A. BATES, Proprietor PO II Ij ■ You a Good Piano ? REGISTERED OPTICIAN •• Tlien see I. A. TURNELI ( EXPERT PIANO LINER) Hnve yon r l'inno tnned hy thè Inciti unni, ii'ill. sign con t rnet lo keep l'inno in ¡irsi e!n hk con ilit ion, tirotnn inChì n yene ¡'oc n tonino .Ili irork (hiuran- fecd. ! itili c"H on yon ut once, irrite oc sec me. Leave your order at BOÍLE S JEWELRY STORE Oregon Bandon J . Tired mothers, worn out by th« peevish, crus» baby have found I 'ns- I'le-weet h boom and 11 blessing. 1 its- «•aswee: is for babies Hint children, llul 1- e-p- ciflllj g....• fol HI* common m -hot weather. Look for ti e ingredients pritiled on the bold«. Contains no harmful drugs Sold by Bandon Drug Co. • • L , - J-.. ------- — .. .3 Bnrns, brninew hid I "Crstcbe-, l>ig and little enta or in fact hnytliing ipiirtng a Halve, are best nt. I piit'lu'-t Hnothed and healed by De \\Tit’» Ci r liobzed \\ iteli Hazel Salve T he I ' t salve for lril«H. Be «lire mil vet lit - \V ltt‘H. Highgrade kodaks and supplì's lor m E- by C. Y, Lowe. o e Ö * Horseshoeing a Specialty I11 case of a burn or scald what *■**•■* would you do to relieve the pain? Such injuries are liable to oc ur in 4 any family and everyone should be prepared for them. Chamberlain’s Ì Salve applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly, Fiot C io Liiii'/ iVi-k Gumtîîl. ^Special and tm!cs the injutj is a very severe attention given to fine woolen goods. one, will cinst the parts to heal Cleaning ami pressing Men's suits and Ladies’ line skirts given without leaving a sca[. For sab1 bv C. Y. Lowe. prompt attention. Reliable Work and Goods. o 9 ♦ WAMOA'MAKKRN * % ♦ KENNEDV Job Work attended Io promptly and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. reasonable. Shop on Atwater Street, Bandon, Oregon. I •- • TUNER Wagons of All kinds Made Io Order PAINTER & DECORATOR In Oil and Water Colors . PIANO Cigars Every Saturday at The Gallier The Rev. R. L. Hicks Almanac Hotel 10 a. tn. to 4 p. m. For 1909, ready Nov. 15, 190S, best ever sent out, beatitilul covers SEVEN YEARS OF PROOF in colors, fine portrait of Pref. Hicks JOHN L. LITZENBERGER • ‘ 1 have had seven years of proof in colors, all the old features and that l»r. King’s New Discovery 1« several new ones in the book. The the best medicine to take for cougl best astronomical year book and tin mill colds and for every diseased eon only one coni.tilting tile original Tition of the throat, chest or lungs.’* -.ays \\ . \ Henry, of Pa.tama. M . “Hicks Weather Forecasts.’ By The woild has bad thirty eight years Also House Painting. Estimates given on all kinds of mail 55c, on news stands 30c. One of proof that Dr. King's New Dis Job and Contract work. All work done Jn the copy free with the Woild and eovery is the best remedy for coughs and col Is. la grippe, asthma, bay latest designs at a very low figure and posi­ Works, the best $t monthly in fever, bronchitis, hemorrhages of America. Discounts on almanac’s the lungs, and Hie early stages ol tively guaranteed. Give me a trial. in quantities. Agents wanted. cohsiiinption. Its timely rise always Leave orders with Judge Geo. P. Topping prevents the developments of pneti W orld <\ W orks P ur . C o , 2201, monia. Sold nude' gnarraritee at Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Everv Lowe’s drug store. 50c. ai.d SLOd. citizen owes it lo himself, to his I ria’ bottle fr»«e. SALES AGF.N I S WAN LED sary. We instruct you lu»w to sell fellows and to Prof. Hicks to posse: ” ■• ’ *> -»If our goods anti furnish the capital. $36.00 per week or 400 per cent x ■ » ..w 1TIOM the “Hicks’’ forecasts,—the only profit. .All samples, stationery, and If von want a permanent, honorable reliable. Faiw or A* s/oecs art catalogue free. We yyant one ami profitable position, .vrite us today — OOO------- fcr «ale Not » ' . r about location. Wish to bear u »wne* only who permanent agent in ths loc.ditv foi‘ or particulars, catalogue and sam­ Dewitl’s Little Enlv Risers, the will i . t ; Give pt dea< i\ r i ’ ’ w! es possession Lhey tl, • the largest picture and frame house I ples. Frank W. Williams Go. 1214 famous little llV< t pills can be ' ■ ■Bal . -ni". safe puis. s< | 1 bj Baa LOAMBVvHTJ Be lUdwrfer, R Y. Taylor JSt., Chicago, III. Experience mmeces- I »h America. dan Drug Co. —1^ ... - ■ •• BANDON, OREGON Next to Vienna Cafe MAN Mil RS • • Local Trade? Family Washing a Specialty Timber I ami Act .lune 3, ISIS. But come in and see for yourself just how well we are equipped for first-class plumbing, and how easy it would be for us and to such reasonabl i expense to you to place in your home on short notice a Wine», Sample Room in Connection. BANDON STEAM LAUNDRY First Publication Oct. 15 Don't take Our Word for it Is now Located in Fine New Quarters East of the Poatofiice Choicest week or month. Tuning, Repairing, Regulating and Modulating Organs repaired and < ¡eneral < Iverhauling Carry a Lull Line of Repairsand Supplies Permanently located in Bandon. Tuning $4.00; all other work similarly reasonable A ll W ork G uaranteed . Leave orders at P. B. Hoyt’s Barber Shop Saloon Formerly ANCI IOR BAR w e have the only lots within the Town Limits of Bandon Special rates by Rates Si.00 to $2.oo pet day. • • o •a •• : • • • •• • •• o • • • • •