*•••* SINCE ELECTION IS OVER t 5 WE MAY EXPECT MORE PROSPEROUS TIMES And now is the time as our prices are 30 per cent lower than ever before WHY DELAY 01\ I h ICES LIKE TI1ESI MORRIS CHAIRS STEEL RANGES CHA'RS90c to $3 Everything for the Ho use Everything for the House $7.00 to $25.0 0 $30.00 to $75.00 Hurrah for Greater Bandon Hurrah for Better Wages Hurrah for Prosperity Woodruff & Turner Born—to the wife of Charles Noah, Circle, Nov, 16th a girl. BOARD Ol* W. I*. Fuller’s pure prepared paint for sale by C. Y. Lowe. DIREC IORS: I I.. Kroncnhrrg, President. | Denholm, I’resident; I |. Fahy. Cashier; I rani flam, I . I’. I lanly. Vice A general banking business transa« ted and customers given every accommodation con­ sistent with safe and conservative banking Geo T Moulton of Coquille w.r in the city this week on business. CORRESPt )NDEN IS: 1 he Amencan National Batik, of San Francisco, Calif; Merchants National Bank, Portland, Oregon; I he < hase National Bank, of New York. For sure and big increase in v.^MI uy IndusttiU Addition lots. M. V. Cope of Coquille w.B in Bandon thfs week on business. The whiskey for the most particu lar people Stewart’s Bourbon. Jamison & Brown’s. Chatles Thom of Norih Bend wa­ in Bandon Wednesday on business BOOTS - AND SHOES Free! | Healer in Boots and Shoes. Patronize home industry, buy your clothes from McKenzie tin tailor. Suits $¡5.00and up. Beit Tuttle returned Tucsdas day from a visit with relatives al Marshfield. Commencing Nov. first and ending Christmas night, we will give a free ticket with ev­ ery 50 cent purchase, entitling the holder to one chance on a Do you like Candy? you do. F. H. Van Norden Take a bo* of Modern Chocolate, to the DEAR ONE the next time B a °MG The Arc Light Gasoline BOWLING ALLEYS Distillale Mianus : Engines Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co The Jewier Of course Do you know the difference between Good Candy and Poor Candy? If you don’t, it would be our delight to show you, and after you had tasted one of the many kinds of assorted Chocolates you’d swear that we carry the finest line of Sweets in Bandon. A hundred different varities and everyone a Gem. Sold by the Dime’s Worth or Pound Any way to suit. Launch Supplies .The Eureka Goal Company wh Hi is operating a coal mine al Riverton have commenced the construction of their tramway from the mine to the rivet and will also build coal bunk- Also House Painting. Estimates given on all kinds of Job and Contract work. All work done in the latest designs at a very low figure and posi­ tively guaranteed. Give me a trial. Just a Moment which Will be given FREE to the^one holding the lucky num A fine line of Jewelery, Cut Glass Watches, Clocks, Silver ware, Toys, Post Cards and Post Card Albums Repairing included JOHN L. LITZENBERGER FAINTER & DECORATOR In Oil and Water Colors Marshfield, Ore. Don’t take Our Word for it But come in and see for yourself just how well we are equipped for first-class plumbing, and how easy it would be for us and to such reasonable expense to you to place in your home on short notice a ’ Phohe 33 I W. FLANAGAN Plumbing The new engine for the Steamer Dispatch will lie here in a few d.ivs, according to report, and it will In- immediately installed and the Dis patch put on her regular run again between here and Coquille. Hardware Repairing The BANDON HARDWARE CO \IRI> & Mil SOS FOR INDIGESTION AN’' rVSPFPSIA. BELIEVES SOUH STOMACH. HhLUllSG. ETC. For Sn le Hu .H-.IXDUX DllLG CO. . u«u'in the Recorder tu your friends • •