Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, October 29, 1908, Image 8

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Fortunes of the World are Founded on Oil
not long ag«» A
I.iir Saving Station
Joe'Chanslor, now several times a millionaire, was
lei k in Los Angeles. He borrowed, some nloney for the purpose ofoper- * A newly nutfud oeitpl«» >to«»«l on
ling in California oil; the result was that it made him one of the richest the wharf at the Life Saving Station
leu in the state. John A. Bunting, formerly a brakeman i >r the Southern gazing s*«lly into the c »1*1 waters.
acific, through the investment of $(70.00 in California oil became a mil- Their countenance*} plainly told of
onaire. We could tell you of innumerable others. Why were Bunting, their mental agony, brought about
a . ’hanslor, and the many others, who made their money through oil in-
by the financial stringency, and of
-.... ——---------
Because they were shrewd, level headed observing
ini possessing unbounded confidence in the great future of the California their contemplated deed. He had
« if fields and the oil industry. The demand for oil is increasing daily. o»t his position and his dollars were
he consumption far exceeds the output. Several oil companies paid sub- few. their ¿wants many, and as he
: tantial dividends when oil was selling at 15 cents per barrel. Oil is now took his last few dollars from his
celling at SIX I Y GENTS PER BARREL at the well. The total divi­
dends for the year 1908, from all the oil companies doing business in pocket, and read by the light of the
».‘aiiiurnia, not including the Standard, will probably reach the $6,000,000 moon the inscription thereon “In
nark for the year 1909. Therefor« the natural conclusion to arrive at. God We, Trust," a smile over­
u, INVEST IN OIL SECURITIES, INVEST AT ONCE. We are spread h s face, and placing his arm
• Hering for sale a limited number of .shares on what we consider to be one of lovingly around her waist, said
1 he best Companies operating in Kern Co., in fact, in California. We
efer to the ( Kern Associated Oil Co.) The stock of the Kern Associated "Don't worry, but hurry, tomorrow
• Jil Company is the best oil proposition ever offered the investment public. we can get two dollars worth of
be Company owns free of incumbrance forty acres in the very heart of merchandise for one at the Trustee
•he Kern River Oil District, and situated on the Southern Pacific Rail Sale at Banter Bros.1 former store."
wad. It adjoins the San Joaquin Oil & Development Company’s prop-
. ity which was recently merged with lie A sociated Oil Co., w' ose stock 43 ti
. now selling at $31.75 per share. Il also adjoins the justly famous Dis-
The Ladies4 Guild is making prep­
< every well where oil was first discovered in the Kern River < )il District. arations for a bazar to be held some
. he Kern Associated Oil Cmpany lias two wells on its property. Well
o. 1 is in oil and gives about sixty five barrels of oil pt«-day. With a time during the second week in Nov­
• reater depth and a more approved pump the production will be greatly in ember.
. leased. The company desires to sink four more wells and to install
W. P. Fuller’s pure prepared
•1 odern compressed air pumps. We believe that well No. 2, will, with
for sale by C, Y. Lowe.
pieater depth, produce a larger and inexhaustible oil supply as are the
« ther wells on adjoining properties. We are offering a limited number of For sure and big increase in values
hares in this c mpany at 20 cents per share. Do you realize what that
i! eans? It means that in purchasing this stock you become interested in buy Industiial Addition lots.
.1 company that can produce the oil.
It is not a case of “they may,"
The whiskey for the most particu­
they should" but “they are."
Let us again impress upon you those highly important facts: The lar people—Stewart’s Bourbon,
1 roperty is a producer, is entirely sur.ounded by reliable producing prop- Jamison ¿t Brown’s.
• rties, that there is sufficient acreage ( forty acres) to justify the drilling of
Patronize home industry, buy
orty more wells all of wh'ch Would be in the very core of the richest oil
reducing counties in California, distiicts in the world.
Remember that your clothes from McKenzie the
«ernCo. produces as much oil as am other three oil producing counties tailor. Suits $15.00and up.
n California. Shipping facilities could not be better for the proj erty ad
Die G. A. R. of Bandon will give
oins the Southern Pacific tracks.
The company has valuable assets in a masquerade ball in Oriental Hall
mprovements: Two wells, derrick, tanks tool and bunk house etc,, etc.
B fore accepting the fiscal agenev of the Kern Associated Oil Com- <>n Christinas eve.
j any we thoroughly investigated every detail pertaining to the company
All business houses wanting
nd its property. We «lid not take -nap judgment, we never do, con change of advertisements should
fequently want to assure you that the stock of this company at twenty
cents p r share is the most unpar ileiled opportunity for tile investor that have their copy in this office no
later than Wednesday morning. It
ever came under our observation.
We sincerely believe that the Ke irn Associated Oil Co. is destined io is impossible to change an ad as late
pay dividends as surely and as regulailv as are now being paid by the As­ as Thursday.
st ciated Oil and other companies on adjoining properties and we see no
Three reasons for buying Cleve-
rason why within twelve months th« Kern Asso iated Stock should not
be quoted at n any times its selling p’ice.
Baking Powder.
You can invest any amount from $20.00 up to $20,000.
We allow Superior quality (best cream of tar­
jou 5 per cent on cash sub;ctiptions. You can purchase stock on the
. asy monthly plan if you so desire, one fifth down and one fifth per month tar ( Neatest Package)screw top can)
Don’t Delay.
1 he stock of the Kern Associated Oil Company is the Best Price (31b can 1.00, 5 lb can$l.-
best on the market today.
65) Always insiston your grocer
Jos. J. Hogan Co. 802-3 Metropolis Bank Bldg. ,S.m Francisco, Cal sending you Clevelands. “ 1 he goods
that saves you money.
T remendousSacrif ices
In All Departments
Stock still Complete.
Hurry to the
Former Store at Bandon
Special inducements to out-of-town buyers
Merchants will be given a liberaljdiscount. Vi
Store Fixtures, Safe, Me Caskey Register,
Scale, Trucks. Oil-tank and Folding desk
S Wolîf
* ' 1
Some boys went cut
the. fiver
Tuesday in a row oat and were hy­
ing driven toward the bar by the
outgoing tide when they, were spied
by the crew on the pile driver. Bert
Patterson jumped into his row boat
and crossed over and rescued them.
Great care should be taken in al­
lowing boys on the river when
the tide is going out.
The Hotel Gallier has a new sign
which adds greatly^ to the appear­
ance of the building.
A Sigaiticant History-Making Move-
M«nt by the L'aited States.
Pacific Ocean Saved to America by
Robust Policy of Republican
The famous Coos Bay Beer al­
ways kept on ice at Rasmussen
The present world cruise of Amerl-
cen warships Is om of the most Inter­
esting, Important and far reaching per­
formances of any aduiluietration since
the Civil War. History rides upon the
prew of the flagships of thio fleet
Eighty fivs Billions of people have for
mouths been attempting to Interpret
the nioveuient and solve the problem
our government Is attempting to prop­
erly adjust by thia circumnavigation of
the globe
When President Roosevelt
first anneunced that the fleet of battle
ships was to make the long Journey
from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean,
the Democrats turned prophets of evil
and predicted mauy disastrous thing»
would follow as a consequent« of this
unprecedented move.
Go to the Bargain Store for snaps
in dry gcods, groceries, bootsand
The Bargain Store the name it
implies means bargains for the peo­
You save money by buying at the
Bargain Store come and see for
High grade kodaks and supplies
for sale by C. Y. Lowe.
More Than Enough It Too Much.
To maintain health, a mature man
or woman needs enough food to re­
pair the waste and supply energy
and body heat. The habitual con­
sumption of more food than is necess­
ary for these purposes in the prime
cause of stomach troubles, rheuma
tisin and disorders of the kidneys
For rent—Queen Anne Cottage
Apply to Rasmussen Bros. 42 tf
Areata tad
World Crelae.
The armada took its departure from
Hampton Roads, Doc. 16 1907, and
after a wholly successful voyage around
the Hern, of about twelve thousand
miles, it dropped anchor In Ran Fran
cisco Harbor May 6. 1908. The ships
that form the four divisions of the fleet
In this record-making cruise are: The
Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Mis
soui'i, Georgia, New Jersey. lUi «!.* Isl
and. Virginia. Alabama. Illinois, ¡tear
surge. Kentucky, Ohio, Minnesota. Kan
huh and Vermont. To which were add
Stove wood, fire place and heate ed the Nebraska and tlie Wisconsin, al
wood. Orders by phone or mail ready In Puget Sound, thus ¡nuking a
fleet of 1 ighteeu tirst class modern
promptly tilled. A. Haberly.
battleships in perfect condition.
There were alreadi in the Pacific
Land for sale in small tracts near
and Oriental waters the tine armored
town. A. Haberly.
cruisers West Virginia, Colorado. Ma
ryland and Pennsylvania. Their two
It will surprise you what a variety sister ships, the California and South
of articles are kept at theJRACKET Dakota, were also on the Pacific, ami
We are constantly re­ the powerful Washington and Tenues
see went from the Atlantic to Join the
ceiving ne w goods.
43 tf
armada, thus making eight armored
cruisers to bo added to the eight«*«'!»
battleships, In addition there were in
All accounts made with the Ban­ the Pacific several protect«*«! cruisers,
and other leaser craft, All
don Hardware Co. up to and in- gunlioals
told there were ten hundred and fifty
luding Septemper 14 th, are due officers and nineteen thousand five hun
and payable to T. W. Robison, dred men
In due time the main fleet of war
Said accounts will bear 10 per cent
ships resumed its western course and
interest after November ist.
will touch at the leading ports of China
aud Australia, passing on east by way
of the west, and coming finally to Mai
ta and Gibraltar, where it will coal
and ultimately return to its starting
point at Hampton Roads, some time
I ask that every reepoaslblv
early next February.
and fair minded labor leader, ev­
In thin expedition the Repuhlomi
ery respouaible and fair minded
haa a policy which projects itself
member of a labor erganlaaUau.
far Into the future, but it is an entire
read these (Taft's) Uijuaetloni
misunderstanding of the whole sclicme
for himself If be will do so, in
to suppose that it is aimed narrowly
stead of ooudeinulng them he wit!
definitely at any single power. It Is
heartily approve of theai aad will
one of those robust constructive |w<li-
recógela* this further aeteoieh
cies of the party gauged on world lines
Ing fa<*t that the prluclplee laid
It is more of a notification than a
down by Judge Taft lu these very
to all exiatiug governments
liijuucttouB, which laboring pee
pie are asked to ooadaiaL are
themselves the very prtaciplea
which are now eeibodied Ln the
laws or practices of every reepon
Bible labor organisation.
principles which be therein co
wiaely and fearleealy laid dewa
serve as a charter of liberty fer
all of us, for wage workers, for
employers, or the general public;
for they rest oa the principles of
fair dealing for all. of eve* baud
ed Justice for aU. They mark
the Judge who rendered them as
standing for the rights of the
whole people; as far as daylight
is from darkness, so fnr is such e
Judge from the time server, the
truckler to the meh, or the cring
Ing tool of great, oorrupt and cor
rupttng corporations.—President
The eyes of the world have followed
•ur fleet with absorbing Interest. One
of the great advantages gained by tills
cruise is the cordial welcome and close
acquaintance which It has evoked from
I the governments and peoples of the
chief republics of Latin America
the Brazilians, the Argentines, the Chi
Ilans and the Peruviana, the mighty re
public of the north had been merely a
name or a dim figure, powerful and
honored perhaps, but not actually
known, For years there had been lit
tie or no visible evidence of the wealth,
or authority of the I’nlted States, In
the chief Routh American ports
they were all visited by swift und
stately liners, flying the flags of the
maritime powers of Europe.
At every South American port the
fleet, our navy, our government, our In
stltutinns, our people, our aims our
IpA^otrfee, our trade every cor Ivabl
Paradise Sodas
’ *■*.
The Modn Company, Marshfied, OreDisribuora
fer military and eotemereUl aiasfery.
Wheu China awakens, to the degree
that Japan
now awake, ««fliti pass
lug the power of the imHgiuatluu to
conceive w.ill take pla<*e.
As to A«' palliative aud beneficent
effect thia cruise may have on China
aud Japan, there caa be but oue opin­
ion. While Uncle Ruin was little con-
corned about the rutuora to the effect
teat Japan was about to deecend upon
the Philippines or possibly to make a
demonstration off our Pacific coast, yet
he did desire. nn<I perhaps is in a
position to insist, that the Oj»en Door
policy be maintained in China Japan
has apparently never been quit«* recon­
ciled to this policy, and io said to bion
worked to establish tn China th«* poli­
cy of “spheres of influence.” To thia
America, with European nations, stren­
uously objected and does still object.
This Open D«>or policy stands as 11
world monument In diplomacy to tae
constructive genius of the Republican
party William Howard Taft is in full
aympathy with this constructive policy.
Mr. Taft oa hie lust trip to tin*
Orient was given such an enthusiastic
reception at Shanghai, China, as was
never before u«*corded to any visiting
etat«*smHn by officials of the Celestial
Kingdom. O11 that occasion .Mr. Taft
made a speech which, in spite of its
genial tone and cautious phrasing, was
at once recognized its of th«* highest
International importance. Said lie
•w K WOi 1.1» H AL K TUI*: HIGH I'
D oor . The a*'«|ui<*H‘*«*nc<* in this i>oli
cy of all the nations Interested has
been so unlmsitating and emphatic that
it is hardly worth while to sp«*eulate
as to how far flu* I'nited States would
go in the protection <>f its Chinese
trad«*. * • • This feeling is likely to
find expression in the action of the
American gov« rnment.
The United
States am! the other powers favor tin*
Open D«a»r, and if they are wise they
will encourage th«* empire to take long
steps in administrative and govern
mental reform.'’
So we have not far to •oek for mi
•ther very powerful reasea for tills
world cruis«* of our fleet. Mr Taft
simply announced in diplomatic Ian
guage that thia cruise is Intended to
say that the Open Door p«»ILcy will be
maintained at any price. He Is In
tteor««ugli sympathy with the alart con­
structive policy of the Republican
party. He is one of its chief expon­
Perfeetlen ef IMselaMne-
Thia world cruise of the mighty ar
tnada of sixteen ships ef the line has
been. au«i is being, conducted with «
precision worthy of the fine traditions
•f American Hoamaiishlp—which speaks
the highest praise. Every man, from
afficer to common sailor, ha» felt that
the eyes of the nation at home were
fallowing him. ami that however mod­
est his Rltuation, he must hear himself
worthily as an American Bailor, in the
stoutest squadron that ever flew the
■tars and Stripes
There Is no question but that this
•ml»«* will lie noted by all commenta
torn of the future as one of the most
remarkable happenlnga of any age.
Even though the American people have
net fully understood the signifiean«?e,
when nil the facta are known, it will
be found to have been one of the dis
tinctive acts of statesmanship of tlie
present Republican administration Mr
Taft is th«* man to continue thia hie
bury making policy of the Republican
----- OOO-----
Dot'lrine iltili
(hr Poor Are Growing
Poorer Mhown io Be F«lme.
(From the Loe Angeles Times.)
in 1820 the suvingH bunks of the
United stalos held $1,138A7(I
was a poor «-oiintry then coiii|inr«*d with
now The amount was only an average
of 12 <snts for th«* i-opulation of that
time. That amount of averag«* economy
was very small.
Now the |s*ople of this country have
$3,6!M),878,I»I5 in savings banks 'fills
is an average for the whole population
of this time of over $12. Th«* actua'
<1**|H»sttor.s have an averng«* of $121» to
their credit. In 1820 only S.t»35 per­
sons in the country were rich enough to
have a wtvings bank account, Now
there are 8,588,811.
When James Buchanan, the last
Democratic President in a long Hue,
went into office, there was about $100,-
000,000 Is the savings banks of the
United States. By 1870, after fighting
out th«* great war, th» |>eople, under
Republican rille for twenty years, Lad
$550,000,000 In the savings banks When
the next Democratic President took his
seat in 1883. the savings of the people
had passed the billion jiolnt. By 1898
the savliigs had doubled again.
So there It Is. In 1820 there were
only about 8,000 people rich enough to
have a Ravings bank account.
there are over 8,000,000
In 1820 the
Ravings were 12 cents per capita; now
they are over $82
That the poor grow poorer and the
rich richer In this ««ouutry Is as true
as any other Populistic notion
for Sale Uy BAXOOJi DHUQ C0%