* •• 1 • •% •• •• • ft o • fi • • * - • • ■ .-r—- '4 • • « o 0 O O ® • • • ♦ e ». • • • • .» V •.. . •* . ••• » • fi • fi fi « -------- - il « • •• • • • •" f A • • •. r .. • • • . « •• • fi • •fi • •fi fi fi % : •• ••« •. • • • • • % *0 co • • I « « ••«• • i T 0 ■J 'À The Coquille river jetty has be«n completed and there is now a depth of twelve feet of. water on the bar ar low tide. As this is three times the depth in evidence when the ini proveinent began, the merits of tin jetty work have been quite clearh demonstrated. There is a large amount of timber tributary to the Coquille, »ud the increased depth of water will admit of its reaching market to bettei a Ivantage than was possible before anything but dim inutive schooners and catboats could get over the bar. —Oregonian. Seagirt, N. J., Sept. 13 - An at­ tempt to assassinate Go». Fort, of New Jersey, was thwarted by the vigilance of the post office employee who discovered a cleverly arranged infernal machine in the mails. Had the governor opened it in .the usua way, there is lit'le doubt that it would have killed him. The governor’s mail has been carefully watched since this recent crusade against the violation of laws in Atlantic City. That the would There are many imitations of De lx* assassin had a grim sense of humor is evidenced by the following mes Witt’s Carpolized Witch Hazel sage writtenon a bit of paper to the Salve bm just one original. N<>liiii>g governor: "Please notify us prom­ else it just as good. Insist ou De­ ptly of any change in your address. ’ witt’s. It is cleansing, cooling and soothing. Sold by Bandon Drug Co Another read "You will know me WHAT IS BEST FOR INDIGESTION? better after we are acquainted." Another line by which it is be­ A SURE-ENOUGH KNOCKER lieved the sender sought to give the J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsville, N. C impn s ion that the machine was Hays: ‘’Buckleu’« Arnica Salve 1.- sent by a foe of constitutional gov a aura-enough knocker for ulcer« A ernnient instead of a personal enemy bad one catue on my leg last sum of Governor Fort read "A gun tuer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few round«. Noi against this rotten government.” even a «car remained.,’ Guaranteed Governor Fort would not discuss for piles, aorea, burns etc. 25c. at the matter in any way and it was Lowe'« drug «tore. learned to ay that the officials of the THEY TAKE THE KINKS OUT post office at Philadelphia will here “I have used Dr. King's New after officially scrutinize all pack­ Life Pil.s for many years, with in- ages of mail matter reaching th« creasing Hati«factiou They take the Philadelphia office before posting kinks out ot stomach liver ami bow­ them to Governor Fort. els .without files or friction," say« — ~- • — Harriman Reaches Home N ew Y ork C itv , September 12 —E. H. Harriman reaches home to day. He and his party ended their transcontinental tour at 8:50 o’clock this morning, when they left Mr. Harriman’s private car at Arden, and in three autos motored up the moun­ tain side from the station to the Harriman mansion at Arden N. Y Mr. Harriman did not come to N. Y City contrary to his custom. At the offices of the Union Pacific Company it was stated that he was not expect­ ed before Monday. A messenger from Mr. Harriman’s country home brought over memoranda of matters commanding his immediate atten­ tion. He is reported to be in excellent physical condition. His private phy­ sician, Dr. William G. Lyle, de clarared him to be greatly improved in health. Dr. Lyle made the entire trip with Mr. Harriman. i - -»..«a- s [ Builder* Get Busy. BANDON WINE Bandon »Oregon ROBLR 1 MARSDEN President. o W. F. RAU, General Manager We Will Meet You. wholesale prices. In Sweeney’s First Addition Family Trade and Mail Orders promptly filled. The greatest opportunity of the times exists to acquire a home cheap, right near the industrial portion of the tcwn. s Lots 40x100 feet can be had for installments of $io.co per month, with clear titles and warranty deeds. — ooo----- O Sole Agents for Weinhards Beer. O o o They are for sale by I RANK A. SWEENEY, 383 Fourth Street, Portland, and by the BANDON INVESTMENT CORPORATION Wilhelmina mr CAPTAIN AT BANDON CHRISTENSEN, Commanding. Don’t miss this opportunity. want a home or an investment. Coos Bay and Bandon twice a week Cornecting with Steam Ship Allianceat Marshfield. information of It’s a good thing, whethet you Full fssffiasis J J. E. WALSTROM. Agt. Bandon The New Modern Oil Burning Steamer BAMZDOJNT K. WILLIAMS, Itegnlar Mkednl.» Between Nan Frant'laco. On liaiidon and A. F. ESTABROOK CO., 901 Merchants Exchahge Budding, San Francisco, Owners and General Agents. Contractor and | iuilder. BANDON COMMERCIAL CO., Agent* for Bandon and Coquille Valley. Plans and Spécifications given on Application. Prompt Attention given to .lob Work BANDON CHliformi* mid (Oregon ('oust SleaiiiMi|ip < 0. OREGON Steamer Alliance Now plying between Portland and Coon Buy only Vienna Bakery WEEKLY TRIPS GRAY & HOLT CO., Gen. Agent. H. W. SKINNÉR, Agent 728-730 Merchant.- Exchange San Francisco Marshfield. Phone 441 L. A. YORK, Proprietor Our Bread is always fresh. not be excelled. J ust Our Pies and Cakes can­ Baked goods of like The New, Elegantly Fitted and Npeedy Nteamer all kinds. ELIZABETH M other used to make Jhii steamer is new, is strongly built and fitted with the latest improvements and will give a regularS day service, for passengersand freight, between the Coquille river, Oregon, E. T. Kruse, managing agent, 23, Market St., San Francisco. and San Francisco. J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon. Oregon. 1’0 II I. SHOES BOOTS - AND i You can’t expect to get $2 worth for $1, but you can get your money s worth at B i: E U E R M. i i EAT k Dealer in Bouts and Shoes. Newly furnished large light rooms Telephone. Electric Lights. Rented by single night, week or month. Druggist un ./! /mt lie a try In just 111 recoipt of |a new stock of Drugs slid) Chemicals, Patent and Proprietary Preparations, Toilet Ar tides. Druggist Sundries, Perfumes. Broshes, Sponges, Soap, Nnts and INQUIRE AT OFFICE OF Candies, Cigars, Tobaccos and Cig The BANDON STEAM LAUDRY arettes. Paints, Oils, Glass and Painters Supplies. Paradise Sodas The Eldorado BIGGER PACKAGE BETTER GOODS Rasmussen i Bros., Props. The Modern Company, Marshfield, Distributors AND LIQUORE WINE3, Portland and Coos bay Steamship Line C16AR5 WHY JAMES LEE GOT WELL Bandon KILL thc COUCH [ AND eUREjHE Special for Saturday - » « - - •• .. • Sails From Coos Bay Saturdays at Service of Tide Sails From Portland Wednesday Gasoline, Distillate, New Discovery FOR C olds 8 ..sSL launch Supplies AND AU WITH THROAT AND LUNC TROUBLES. Mianus : Engines GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. C. F. McCOLLUM, Agent, Bring your to Marshfield, Ore. T he R ecorder . We are constantly receiving Inquiries firm all part« of the United States for Farm*. Vineyards and Obantry and < ity H< nes «n the Pt. Tic C«’Vt. If yf possible buyer». Address, I • • •• % Phone 33f S For o Fresh and Salt Meats, Vegetables, Etc. - o Farm Produce Bought Having purchased (hit old and well eatahlithed bufiinras, and moved the Mime into h r Marshall building, south side Main street. We solicit a continuance ol past generou p* ronnge guaranteeing honest^goods, fair prices and curteous treatment to all If after ualnirafil nfi txrttle of Kodul, you efin Lnnrrtly K*y It . - fltea yon. we wi’.l refund yoar money. Try ho«’ >1 today, on 1; . Fill nut and Blyn th«- follow Intf preaent It t«j the dealer at the th. < f If It fall« to »at -fy you. return the bottle to the dealer from wL-»«.t • It, and we will refund your money. Towa------------------------------------------------ --- —lltfitr ___ o 0 . . •» j . , k B. < * D.V1TT « I H. LX DOS DRUG CO» % •. .7 © I Bandon Meat Market IMIltr.F.STION AND DYSPEPSIA. V*fi- SOUfi »TOMACH. BELCHING, BTC. £ (>n • A Street Dock Sanata Io HOOVER A MUNDAY &odol I Phone Main 34 W. M. LAWLFR J W. FLANAGAN ,TOWN A COUNTRY JOp«|4