Notice to Hunters. ART GLASS WINDOWS. Why Lead la Uaed For Binding the Piaoao Together. All pei sons are not to trespass on either the purpose picking berries. E. M. hereby notified my premises lot of hunting ot 32 tf R andleman . BANDON WINE o Great Opportunity For Homeseekers In the making of art glass win­ dows one of the most important things is the lead used for binding the different sized pieces of glass together. If two pieces of glass of — OOO------- different color or tint are placed side by side and viewed from the < Notice to Hunters dark, the light passing through the glass into the spectator’s eyes, the All pesons are hereby notified not effect will be very unsatisfactory. to hunt on the premises of the tin Like magic this changes when a der signed. strip of lead is laid b etween the two ROBER I MARSDEN President. W. F. RAU, General Manager A1. fred W est , pieces, each being luminous with its own individual color, yet blending C ash D oyle . beautifully with its neighbor. All hunters are hereby notified not It is customary for the art glass Jug and Bottle Goods of all kinds at to trespass on the premises of painter to make colored sketches for windows, drawn to one-half or E. L. and A. W. Strader, Two wholesale prices. one inch scale. After these sketches Mile, Oregon. 3*4 have been accepted as satisfactory, Family Trade and Mail Orders if it is for a figure window, he For Sale makes a full size cartoon on paper promptly filled. in crayon, showing all lights and — oqo ----- shadows as well as the outlines. A good second hand 1 1 4 inc Early Italian painters used smooth steel axle hack with poles —.■« o and O L whitewashed boards for this pur­ pose, but now it is done on so called shalv s after August 7th 1908 tor $25.00. eggshell surface paper. Information given at this office The full sized drawing is laid on a thin and a heavy sheet of detail with reference to hack’ paper. Between the design and mid­ FOR SAI.E -Good new six dle, as well as the lower paper, room house and eight lots Price there are thin sheets of blackened inquireof of The Bandon paper. All these are fastened to $1.600 the drawing table with thumb tacks. Investment Corporation. CAPTAIN CHRISTENSEN. Commanding. Then all the lines are run over with F or S ale — A new gasoline en­ a finely pointed ivory pencil. When dono the drawing appears on the gine. Inquire at this office. thin as well as on the thick paper, Connecting with Steam Ship Alliance at Marshfield. Full P rivate S ai . e the former being the working draw­ information of For the next 15 days I will sell at ing for the leader, while the latter is cut up by the glass cutter for his my place at 4 Mile, at private sale patterns to cut the glass to correct cheap, for cash:— size and shape. If the paper were r Bay mare about 1 too pounds, cut with an ordinary knife or scis­ 2 cows, ohe fresh, 50 white leghorn sors the glass with the lead would hens, 40 turkeys half grown, 1 3 inch work out too large. To allow room for the lead a two bladed knife, with wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 low wheel the blades set nearly one-eighth of farm wagon, 1 set double harness, ». an inch (the thickness of the core 1 12 inch plow and cultivator and all or heart of the lead) was formerly kind;: of small tools. Household used, but the cutting is now done goods all in good condition. with three bladed scissors. L. R ASM ASON Plans and Specifications given on Application. When the various kinds of glass have been cut the pieces are 6et to­ Prompt Attention given to Job Work L ost —Between here and Bear gether with came or glazier’s lead. Creek, on Bear Creek road, a hunt­ BANDON OREGON These are strands of lead with a groove on either side. The artisan ing case watch. Finder please leave who sets the pieces of glass together at this office. does this on the outline tracing or L ost —At Woodmen excursion, working drawing by first placing Sunday, a gold watch and enamel each piece in its proper position, lie nails a straight edge along the | pin with three pearls. Anyone find­ edge of his work table nearest him, ing. same will please leave att h:s of along which he places a strand fice. or border lead, pressing the glass L. A. YORK, Proprietor LOST-a red time book containing into the groove of the same and Our Bread is always fresh. Our Pies and Cakes can­ keeping the glass temporarily in my name witli Bandon Bank pass book and a few postage stamps. place with wire nails tacked into the not be excelled. Baked goods of all kinds. table. These he draws out when Finder please leave at this office and J ust like M other used to make placing the inside lead and tacks receive reward. them alongside the next piece of J. L.F oster . glass, and so on to the finish. When the entire panel is thus leaded together the joints are sol­ THE REV. IRL R. HICKS dered first on one side. Then the A SURE-ENOUGH KNOCKER M. G. 1’0 II la panel is turned, and the other side Almanac and Magazine J. C. Goodwiu, of Reidsville. N. C, is treated in the same way. Next the cementers take the light in says; ‘’Buckleu’e Arnica Salve is charge and rub in the cement (thin a sure-enough knocker for ulcers A putty) with brushes and clean it bad one came on my leg last sum off with sawdust, which is also titer, bat that wonderful salve manipulated with brushes, but these knocked it out in a few rounds. Not REGISTERED OPTICIAN are of somewhat stiffer bristles. The even a ecar remained.,' Guaranteed Reliable Work and Goods. cement tills up all spaces between for piles, sores, burns etc. 25c. nt No other publisher is permitted to the lead and glass, binding the two Lowe's drug store, print them in any form, either with or S ept . 15th at Rosa’s Comp. Store. firmly together and making it THEY TAKE THE KINKS OUT without credit. ‘ His 1908 Almanac ex­ Permanent from October. weather proof. Strengthening or '1 have used l)r. King's New cels all former editions in beauty and saddle bars are placed horizontally, so that the lights will withstand any Life l’il s for many years, with in- ' value, and sells for 35cents, postpaid. ’ windstorm. creasing satisfaction, They take the ■ His monthly magazine, W ord and The leading of all styles of art kinks out ot stomach liver and bow­ W orks , contains his weather fore­ glass is done in the same manner.— els .without lues or friction,“ HHyH casts for each month, together with a William Schroeder in Western Jour­ N. H. Brown, of Pittsfield, Vt. 1 vast amount of the best family reading and costs $1. a year, ono almanac with nal of Education. Guaranteed satisfactory at Lowe's ===== AND = LIQUOR COMPANY The industrial growth of our town is surely and steadily going up the river; there the mills ami manufactories must be, and near them will be the homes of the many interested in such industries—the homes of the men who toil with hand or brain, «nd desire to “go home to a hot meal with the family.” Bandon,Oregon In Sweeney’s First Addition The greatest opportunity of the times exists to acquit e a home cheap, right near the industrial portion of the t< wn. Lots 40x100 feet can be had for installments of $to.c.o per month, with clear titles and warranty deeds. Sole Agents for Weinhards Beer Fourth Street, Portland, and by the INVESTMENT CORPORATION BANDON Stmr. Wilhelmina Don’t miss want a home or Coos Bay and Bandon twice a week J. E. WALSTROM, Agt. Bandon The New Modern Oil Burning Steamer BJkTsf 2DCLCT |. K. WILLIAMS, On A. F. ESTABROOK CO., 901 Merchants F.xchahge Btrldin ■, San Franci.'co, Owners and General Agents. Contractor and 1 milder. BANDON COMMERCIAL CO.. Agents for Bandon and Coquille Valley. CHliforiiiii mill Oregon Count MteHiiini|l|i < o. Steamer Alliance Now plying between I’oitlnml mol Coon Buy only Vienna Bakery each subscription. Every earthquake and serious storm for 20 years has The family was expecting callers A TRAVELING MAN’S EXPERIENCE been predicted by Prof. Hicks. You ‘ I must tell you of my experience cannot afford to be without these pub* after dinner, and each member was secretly dreading the ordeal, for on an East bound O. R. A N. train 'icatious. Address all orders to A Familiar Experience. the guests to be were unmistaka­ bly dull—the kind that are always called “worthy”—doubtless a great comfort to their families, but not a source of joy as entertainers. “I feel 61ecpy already,” said one member of the family. “I know I shall go to sleep sitting in my chair while they are here.” “Better take a nap now,” said mother, “and perhaps that will re­ fresh you so you can at least keep awake during the visit.” The drowsy member disappeared to her room, but after about fifteen minutes she returned, saying: “No; there is no use in trying. I can’t sleep till they come.”—New York Press. I -------------------- Th« Point of View. Drug Store. 25c. fern Pendleton to Lo Grand«, Ore,“ writes Sam A. Garber, a well known traveling man. ‘1 was in the smok­ ing department with some other traveling men when one of them went out into the coach and came back and said, ‘There is a woman sick u.ito death in the car.' I at once got up and went out, found her very ill with cramp colic, her bands and arms were drawn up so yon could not straighten them, and with a deathlike look on her face. t wo or three ladies were working with her and giving her whiskey. 1 went to mV suit case and not tny bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic Cltolea and Diarrhoea Remedy I never travel without it—ran to the water tank, put a doub’e dose of medicine ilt the glass, poured some water iIdo it ami stirred it with a pencil, then I had quite a tirn > to get the ladies to get the ladies to let me give it lo her, but I succeeded. I could nt once see the effect nmi 1 worked wife her. rubbing her bands, nod in twenty mitmtes I gHVe her another dose, By this time we were almost in Le Grande, where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to thr husband to be used tn case anotbee dose should lie needed, but tty the time the train reached Le Grande she whs nlrigbt, nud I received the thanks of every passenger tn the car.“ For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Fuddy—It is the same with hu­ mor as with everything else. A good deal depends upon the point of view, I suppose. There was Tol- fet, for instance, who was butted by Clough’s billygoat. It seemed aw­ fully funny to the rest of us, but Tolfet didn’t laugh a bit. Doesn’t appear to be any sense of humor in Tolfet. Duddy—Oh, I don’t know. You can’t expect a man to laugh very Take your job printing to the R E heartily at what is going on behind his back. And you say yourself a ( order . We have nothing but the great deal depends upon the point Lest m all slock. of view.— Boston Transcribí BOOTS - AND - WEEKLY TRIPS GRAY A HOLT CO.. Gen. Agent» Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done at Lowest Living Prices. O ricon ELIZABETH this steamer is new, is strongly built and fitted with the latest improvements and will give a regular 8 day service, for passengers and freight, between the Coquille river, Own. and San Francisco. J. E. WALSTROM. Agent, Bandon. Oregon. Paradise Sodas The Modern Company, Marshfield, Distributor« LIQUoR.5 AND WINE5, Portland and Coos bay Steamship Line BREAKWATER | CIÛAR5 Oregon Bandon Write For Prices on C. F. McCOLLUM, Ag< nt, Gasoline, Distillale, Bandon Meat Market ---------- TO Dealer in All Kinds oi Fresh and Salt Meats, Vegetables, Etc. Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Farm Produce Bought. Having purchased this old and well established Imsiness, and moved the same in • li Marshall building, south side Main street. We solicit a continuance of past generi ; Ton age guaranteeing honest goods, fair prices and curteous treatment to all. Phone 33 W. M LAWLER "W" f r "1 C3r u Sail«faction a r a or n t c j Your Monoy I .!<>!> Work A Street Dock Successor to HOOVER N MUNDAY Mianus : Engines ^B ^B Phone Main 34 W. N. WRIGHT. Launch Supplies In just in receipt of |n now slock of Dings and. Chemicals, Patent nnd Proprietary Preparations. Toilet Ar-1 tteles. Druggist. Sundries, Perfumes. Marshfield, Ore. Brushes, Sponges, Soap. Nuts mul Candies, Cigars, Tobaccos and Cig I J.W. FLANAGAN arettes, Paints, Oils, Glass and Painters Supplies. to T he R ecorder . E. T. Kruse, managing agent, 23, Market St., San Francisco. Rasmussen Bros., Props. Druggist an apothecary Bring your Phone 441 BIGGER PACKAGE BETTER GOODS Clarence Y. Lowe BANDON SKINNF.R. Agent Marshfield. The Mew, Blegontly Fitted and Speedy Steamer You can’t expect to get $2 worth for $1, but you can get your money’s worth at 5 H. W 728-730 Merchants Exchange Sen Francisco The Eldorado SHOES B R E U E R S Bandon mid Begulnr Skitlith Between Snn fr'i miciM-o. ^B ^B ■ ■ ^B ^B ^B ■ JH If after anlnif atl.ffO Ixittle of Ko.ioi, you IfllNl pm. »0 *111 I on ir it I f ' v ..Hr temrMly my tn UM 1 I it, and wo will refund your money. I Town------------------------------------------ —«Uta Hlgn here___ ________ __ FOR INDIGESTION INDIGESTION AND AND DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA. L ----- < i T rm" or r FOR BELIEVES SOUR STOMACH. BELCHING. ETC. E. C. DwWITT OE COMPANY. CHIC I For Sale By B.CYDOS DR UG CO. _,v. I