I'* Women Worry M-ttn than men, say» Dr. McComb, and b«r reaoon is that their nervous organise- tie»« are room delicate. True, and Hood', Sarsaparilla is'just the nerve-builder, sp- pstlte<>rtanco Ewry part ot the body ia dependent on the Mood for nourishment and on tin* Pacific coast, says the Ixis An­ strength. When tlii« life stream is flowing through the system in a state of geles Herald. Locally many thousands • ___ Are to lee PftonC it of dollars are Invested in "the business purity and richness we are assured of perfect and uninterrupted health; Lecause pure blood is nature’s safe-guan! against disease. When, however, end the product of the sau finds quick Place of Telegraph After «ervou*, In Pain, No Appetite - Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is not sales In Los Angeles und neighboring the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of “Had poor health for year,, pain In «boulders, its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble is manifested in various March i. a simple cough syrup. It is a I cities. back aad hip,, with constant headache, tier ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the diUerent skin affection» vouenei, and no appetite. Too» Hood's Sar Halibut is regarded us the standard 6how that the blood is iu a feverish aud diseased conuuion as a result of too strong medicine, a doctor’s «Parilla, rained strength and can work hart fish, ranging in weight from one to much acid or the presence of some irritating humor. Sons aud Ulcers era ail day. eat heartily and deep well.”' Maa E. medicine. It cure« hard cases, OirrcLS. Moose Lake. Minn. forty pounds and can be hud the year the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca­ OPERATORS TO EE LET OUT. severe and desperate cases, Bheumat|gm-"I had rheumatism In one round, except during the months of Oc­ tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Llood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood St my ankle,, but Hood', Sarsaparilla soot chronic cases of asthma, pleu­ tober, November and December. disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains. Sive me permanent relief. I rwoninon ood'e Sarsaparilla.” Mas. A mn H utchinson . Barracuda is next in popularity. This These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood in various ways. risy, bronchitis, consumption. Lafayette. Col. product is caught every month in the Often a sluggish, inactive condition of t’.ie system, and torpid state of the Block Signals Also Will Be In» Ask your doctor about this. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold everywhere. year from San Pedro to San Diego, avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and •tailed and Many Small In the usual Liquid, or In tablet form ealled “ I have used a daal of Ayer’« Cherry Nets and troll llm-s are umsl for catch­ form uric and other acids, which are taken up by the Hood and distributed Pectoral for cough« and bard colds on th« «•rtataba. 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre­ cheat. It La« always done me great good. It Stations Closed. ing barracuda aud when both methods throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is • m certainly a moi»t wonderful c<-uah medi­ pared only by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. cine.”- M ichail J. F itzgska LI». Medford. are adopted the iocal market becomes another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and N.J. glutted with the product. The average microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood in Sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some llAde òv J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, M mi It Sarprbed Her. weight is five i>ounds. Also UKDarticturer» of A new field of employment for wom­ are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old "When my husband was in Spain Sea bass are caught from Santa Bar ­ > SARS4PÁKILLA. constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are list year,” said Mrs. Sweilman, "be en is to be opened by the railways. bara to San Diego. This fish is one of constantly annoyed aud troubled with it. Bal blood is the source of all dis­ succeeded In buying in quite a lot of This does not mean that the roads will ¡Äon«. the best products of the sea. Weight ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to employ women telegraphers, but on the the king's wines.” from four to fifty pouuds. suffer in some way. P’ur Llood troubles < f any character S. S. S. is the best “Well, well," exclaimed Mrs. Nu- contrary their employment will be for You will hasten recovery by tak­ The red snapper or rock cod is in ac­ | remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any ing one of Ayer’s Pilis at bedtime. the purpose of taking tlie place of tele ­ rltch, "the Idee o’ buyln' second-hand tive demand in the winter season. The and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely graphers already in the service. The wines!"—Philadelphia Press. fish Is caught around Cutalina or on and permanently cures blood diseases of future woman railway operating em­ The Muifara l.lniited. "the banks” known to the fishermen. every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so ploye will be engaged at the smaller “ Where are all those honeymoon par ­ PILES CORED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Weight one-half to ten pounds. Sar- thorough that hereditary taints are removed PAZO OINTMENT Is giia'antsed to cure any stations taking train orders over a tele- ties?” exclaimed the reporter as he «•so of Iteblm;, Blind. JieediDir "__ i>r ?. .. _ L_ and weak, diseased Llood made strong aud Frotruding phone, where formerly sqefi orders v.ere hurried into the station. "Are they dines are used for bait. files in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. healthy so that disease cannot remain. It j Bonita and yellowtail are fine table i transmitted and received by telegraph. ! gone?” cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores I This new field will be open to women i ....................... “Yes," laughed the station master as fish that are caught iu nets and set I'ncle Allan. and Ulcers, Sk in Diseases, Contagious . Bonita, tour to eight pounds; PURELY VEGETABLE Blood “Not mentioning any names,” said Un- when the new nine-hour day law gov­ he pointed tp the turtle doves In the Poison, etc., and does not leave the yellowtail, six to thirty pounds. Albi- ele Allen Sparks. “I’ve noticed that the erning the working time of railway? waiting room, "far gone." J core Is an oily fish popular with epi­ slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of only effect an exalted position s««ms to telegraphers goes into effect on blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature’s have on some men is to make them light March 1. cures. Only One “BROMO QUININE.’1 greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and Larks, and is absolutely headed. They can't stand th, rarefied at­ Rock bass is a choice fish caught in That Is LAX AT-YK BROMO QUININE. Look i It was confidently expected that this S. S. S. is for sale at all first class» mosphere.” for tlie signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the the kelp; weight one-half to six pounds. harmless to any part of the system. ! law would work a revolution lu railway World over to Curo a Cold in One Day. 25o. ¿rug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write. What is known as horse and Ameri ­ at. VW Danr« «na all Nervou« Dta^aaek operation, and It was with tills end In THE SWIFT SPEGIFiC CO., ATLANTA, GA. His Interffrence, can mackerel is in the market during f f I A permanently eured by Dr. Kliue’fl Great view that the Order of Railway Tele­ Si«rre Restorer, head fur Fit EE |2 trial bottle and Clttiirtan—Look here, sir, didn’t you the spring months. Mackerel run in traailaa. Dr. U H. ■ Ll-X-. I a L Ml Arch HL. PULU..P«. graphers procured its passage despite The Orphan. Dlscotirng ln< Prospect.. 1 the determined opposition of the rail- warrant the horse you sold me yester­ ‘ »chools; are caught with hook and line,’ weight one-half to three pounds. “This government is becoming more “rioase. sir. will you give a penny te Proofroom Horror, i way managers and even against advice day to be without fault? David Harum- —Yea. Ain't he? The smelt season is from Sept. 1 to and more centralized every year,” said a poor orphan?” "Well, what do you want?" the proof­ direct from the White House. The lev- Cittiman—No, sir, he is not. He in Jan. 1, seines being used most success­ the student of politics. reader asked. "Certainly, my boy! Has your fath­ I olution is coming, all right, but it will As he eyed the intruder with doubt. ! be a revolution which will relegate the ter feres. David Harum—Waal, I don’t fully. Surf fish, or suckers, croakers "Yes," answered Colonel Stillwell of er been dead long?” "I’m jast a loafin’,” answered th. hyphen. “No, sir. He's the orphan. Tbl« telegraph to a back seat as an adjunct see as yon bev Rnv reason fur com­ Jr kinfish and perch are among the surf Kentucky, “It's getting so that the And the proofreader bustled him out. plaining’ about that. He don’t inter­ fish. The sa’ndiib Is caught with hook States don't do much more than fur­ money's fi r him.” to railway operation and will throw —Chicago Tribune. thousands of operators out of employ­ fere with anybody- but himself, does and line along the coast; herring is nish titles for battle ships and.popu­ he?—Lippincott’s; | caught at San 1’edro, San Diego and lar songs.”—Washington Star. How’s TMk? WHAT CAUSES HfADACHE ment end annually will decrease their From October to May, colds an* the most frequent W. off»r On. Hundred Dollars Reward for any number until they will almost disap­ 'Santa Barbara from January to March. Mo aers will find Mrs. Winslow ’ s Sorthlnq can -• of headache. LAXATIVE BJROMO QUI­ ••aa of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ha l'l Sometime. Happen* Syrup th*» b st remedy to uso for tu.ir cbiiurej Herring is fine bait for the professional NINE removes cause. E. W. Grove on box. 25a. pear from American railways. Catarrh Cura. during the tmthlug period. Throggins—Did you a F J. CHENEY A CO , Toledo, O i fisherman. It was expected that tlie reduction Wa, th. understated, have known F J. f 1 < uljric Ilypnollmu. | The pompano is a delicious fish that comrade of your boy? Chenoy for tha lait 15 years, »nd bell.ve him In the working hours of railway tele­ (•uiwi. s lu . m . Phogy—Yes ; but it didn't work, I i Inquisitive i’assenger—How are these Crfactly honorable In all bulsncss transactions 1 retails at 40 cents to $1 a jtound. It Said She—You meu seem to be fond d financially ahi. to carry out any obliga­ graphers tog nine hour’s would compel found he was too old for me.—Chicago cars heated? Is one of the choice articles of the Tribune. tion inode bv hit H 1 tn I the railroads to employ at least 8,000 t»f bugging delusions. Shiverin,- I’ass'-njer Ry suggestion, I WALDI n T. KINNAN A MARVIN, It was also think. Wholesale Drugglsta, Toledo,O additional men at once. Said He—Well, we are not to blame. menu cards in first-class restaurants. InaultiiK. Hnll'fi Catarrali Cura is vkan Internally, act- known that it would be Impossible to You women are such delusive cruu- ¡The prong is equally popular. tn< directly upon th. blood and mu.ous sur- His Luck« "I'm not going to that female barber Codfish, sculpins ami other fish are laraa of the system TeatlmQnl.lt sent freo. secure this number of men when need­ turaa. "Luckiest mati 1 ever knew! Every. • shop again. There’s a rude girl there, Frlce 75 i-.nts nor hot 11. Sold by all Druggists. ed. and it was therefore hoped by the i brought to tlie market. Taise Hail's Family Pills tor Constipation. ralnlea. lancer. thing succeeded with him. He. had Lobsters are in the market from don’t you know..” men that an increase In wages would There Is a prevailing opinion that only to say what he wanted, and hs "What did she say?" Sept, io to April 1. be a part of the revolution planned. Sinns I cancer is always painful from the be­ got ft. Why, confound It, 1 was wall» "Why, she looked at my mustawsh A tired feeling once ginning. whereas it is really painless in I Tuna is a fish caught l»y tportsmen. and awsked me If I would have it ing with him one Jay—the very last C'l>une cancer, with a view to the adoption of ings always follow the catch of a 300 The professor was complimenting the see such luck!”- London Mail. Good Judges Impossible to supply the demand if all tor 400-pound jewfish. Having. - upe, Americans as judge« are keenly dis existing telegraph offices were 'to be earlier diagnosis and consequently ear­ * Turtles of heavy weight co.ne from violin virtuoso on the excellence of 11 is playing. lier operation. — London Hospital. criminating. They measure everything maintained after March 1. As a re­ “ Charles, dear. ” said young Mrs. Ton the Mexican waters. “By the way,” he said, "do you play by the success it attains, ahich meth­ sult of a careful study of the situation kins, “why ft«cuM«ion on Slate r, difficult and surprising to find a general 2. Tlie substitution of teelphones foi os I.n,l 1! un, Aioqs o) jsnf ',iuo| His Jiyntem. national success not based on actual the receipt and the transmission of on bestow my crown?” —iti cd Neicro Uniter. [pMOas; jeqjouB pan Àj;uno.> siq; o; “How do you dispose of your garb- worth. Hence it was that with the ders and messages. Immediately came a voice from the The colored "niaininy,” devoted, loy­ S'éq stnoa qi.w ¡HR,I ‘Atout; ao.f Suiqi presentation of St. Jacoba Oil they cor-, 3. The employment of women as gallery: al and autocratic, one thinks of as be­ |sjy eqj, -»[qnoj) ai|iim oj XuioX s.lBqx age here?” asked the stranger, who rectly judged it at once, and decided agents in many stations thus trans­ "Why not 'arf a crown apiece, gu»’’ longing to the South and the days be- inv,i ueqj jeStiis jaiua.ii b s.uqs Ans pu was gathe-ing data for purposes oE that rare intrinsic worth only could be formed into telephone stations. txrLossJon Mall I fore the war, but in the far-away time faqj ‘paM—no.í qusqj, ¿JI st ‘luizztuiaj, publication. the source of its suicess. The decision "We always throw ours In the garb­ 4. The transaction of a tremendous 'of slavery In New England she was —jaqjo jo Xutqiamos Í jajiaj,—auiBu jaq Rome. with them was eqnivalent to an adop­ amount of office business by letter IJBqw—jaSurs Mau siqj )Bq)„ - ba | jb n prtvu**« "I I orders and telegraph stations could for calculated, therefore, that over 8,000.000 cipitate a violent church quarrel. Dea­ | - r.o ot'tfaticn to r uy Pramrum of an mvaJoaMLs latoor and I the greater part be done away with. money aavtng CALCULATOR FR KE KS -ci-;” I feet of timber is utilized yearly for coffins con Colman had scruples against slav­ ery and he expressed them with vigor The railroads, therefore, decided tha' in China. PACIFIC DISTRIBUTING CO T h Ri.. . SFATILI WASH and not always with entire respect for they would rather spend millions In bls slave-owning pastor. He was sus­ Live end Let Live. providing and maintaining automatic ... ' "Do you preach without notes.” que­ pended; there were meetings, discus­ block signals which never go to sleep Gives instant relief. . Removes the twinge,. IT’S FREE and which never fail unless they sjiell ried a member of the church commit­ sions, appeals and denunciations and tee that was seeking a pastor to Sil a only, at the death of Mr. Parsons was "danger," than to sjamd the same •‘SEND FOR IT NOW”, USE IT, THEN YOU’LL KNOW he so far softened as to admit, while money In maintaining telegraph sta- I vacancy. Th« B«st Fruit Tre« and Berry Flant “Well," Tejolned the good mnn with yet maliitalning bis principles, that he Catalog in the Northwest tlons and telegraph operators. The ! 25o.—ALL DRUGGISTS—50c. 4 closing of stations as telegraph stations a merry- twinkle in hli a eye. “I some- had urged them with “undue vehe­ J. J. BUTZER times have occasion to use bank notes.” mence and asperity.” lie was then re­ IM Front St., Portland. Oregon Is made possible by tlie fact that with stored to 'the church and his office of an automatic electric signal all that Is I a necessary Is to start trains ns fast as i deacon. the terminal bL>< k is empty and keep • | In the neighboring town of Newbury­ them going until a semaphore says port were a number of slaves and freed j.». _, r-r- Forfregh- n*jw.purityniu1reli- “stop.” slaves, concerning some of whom anec­ of the Well-Informed of the World has dotes have been handed down to the a bilit}\ Ferry’ sSned* are in a cln»« by thetn- Huriceon*« Knife Cure« Ilendnelie. always been for a simple, pleasant present day. One negro mnn. hoeing, tcives. Farmer® After suffering excruciating pains In hlv have confidence and efficient liquid laxative remedy of barefoot In the fields, struck suddenly in them because head for twenty five years, Louis Wolf- they know they Son of Cincinnati has secured relief by known value; a laxative which physi­ with his hoe at what he took to be a can be relied up­ FOR CARTON TOPS OR SOAP WRAPPERS FROM on. Don't experi­ having the surgeons cut out two nerves. cians C9uld sanction for family use large toad in Impertinently close coai- ment with cheap I The pain was above the eyes and at the because Its component parts are pany with him. It was his own naked “20 MULE TEAM’’ BORAX PRODUCTS seed«—your «ure- ty lion in buying temples and recurrsd four or five times known to them to be wholesome and big toe, as he learned painfully when "tn-MI’I.E-TEAM" Borax. K, H. 1 and 5 cartons. Bor.xo Bath Powder (10 and 25c tins) Viola» scedaaent out by a week. He had consulted the leading Boric Talcum Powder. Boric Sp.nsrlw. Boric Acid. Boraxaid Soap Powder. "2' Mule-Team Soap, a cou»eie®tiou« specialists, tried medicines, various forn^ truly beneficial is effect, acceptable he had neatly sliced the top off with Queen of Borax Soap, Boraxaid Laundry Soap. "20-Mule-Team” Soap Chips. and trustworthy of massage and electrical treatment in to the system and gentle, yet prompt, the blow. house. Send for 40-Pa£e Catalogue of Valuable premiums We Give FREE Faery’s s«ad Annual j Another colored mnn of much higher vain. The two offending nerves, one on in action. for lw« lr • KF F. AddmM For Top« and Wrapper« from the above ‘‘20-MULE-TEAM Product.< Y< u will And many arfk In« of station and more complete and elegant each side, were between one and two D M fimACa .Ofiaoir.Mica. In supplyinc that demand with its H u » h «Id and Persona! ur « that >ou can obtain ABifOLUTELY F REE All you h.*.« to do in k inches long and about as thick as a pin. I attire was a dandy waiter employed in SAVE YOUR TOPS OR WRAPPERS. Address I They are termed sensory nerves—that Is, exeellent combination of Syrup of the old Wolfe tavern. Noting an es­ PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO, Oakland, Cal nerves which give the sense of feeling Mid Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali­ pecially fine pair of boots owned by not control of the movements of min- fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds -along one of the patrons, a local magnate, c:*« The headaches have not returned ethical lines and relies on the merits Etienezer Moseley he went to the sbot»- FOR C since the opi*rntion. Ixx-nl surgeons say this is tlie first case of the kind on record. of the laxative for its remarkable nmker to order a pair of the same aort« success. | "I-et 'em be jes’ like Squire Mosc­ nonti. Find Heady Market. and guaranteed That is one of many reasons why ley's,” he commanded, magnified absolutely Of the $30,000,OOfl of equipment trust "only a quarter-dollar better !" WATERPROOF bonds of New York Central lines recently Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is 1 " given the preference by the Well- i offered for public subscription $24.000,- Mysteries of Nevai. SHOES AT ALL 00<> was taken the first day. They were Informed. To get its beneficial effects ' The mysteries of scent "111 probably fMCES.FOR tvrRv offered at prices to yield from 4 to 5% always buy the genuine—manufac­ never be solved, and it is n matter of MEMBER OETHEEAMILV, MCN. BOVS, WOMEN, MlSttS *r<0 CHILDREN. 0ILEDSU!T5.^UCKEi3 ' per cent. It Is unifcrstood that gw er al tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., everyday observation that, while tea— W. £. Ortuglau mak»» and a»lla mori -g.xv ' millions of these certificates were pla-gj nuan’a ti.tHA AS.OOand «.V.aOa/toex ’1** only, and for sale by all leading trained shooting dog will pass a sit- ¡ abroad. Ewry qarment guaranteed than any ytha^ manufaoturar In tha___ _ druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. ting partridge, n terrier or a lux «.11 CUan Light • Durable AktD world, bavauaa ihay hold that? TEA ImgriaoTiment for th* manipulators of ahanoj fit bottnr, was* lonoar. and find the nest.- London Times. Sult»‘312 Slickers ‘322 trust fuads ia the recommendation of E. °f valao inn anjt of han ». N. U. No. e-oa , ahooo in tha world to-day. wait IE. Rittenhause, co mm is* it* er of ineur- When a man does try to get n little txatn nrnradl W. L Dourtij $4 »nd $5 GIH Uge Shoes Cinndt Be Equalled At anre for Colorado, in ■ report cf the In ­ urAioe re» TNt au 9 m ahead In this world by saving his • T!OM. W. U Tk»».ila« nam« and print 1« «Kmp«d tAURp«! on bottom. Tnke Tnkr Mh«tIttif