Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, November 07, 1907, Image 6

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• •
Local Lore
Call on the Bandon Co-o|»erative
Reality Co.
The Elizabeth will probably leave
for San Francisco tomorrow
• •
Boyle is the man tv take \ ur
Mrs. C. E. Hollopeter has organ,
watch to ,m>l have it repaired
ized a mandolin and guitar club for
taki.i" instruction from her.
Mrs. N Lorenz is down from Co-i Set the new quartet arrangements
quille this week;
if the latest songs at Lowe s
If you desire to patronize home
leave orders for music at
Mrs. E. E. Erickson left the fore,
.Men and l*»y’s shoes. dress sh • <es, ! Lowe’s.
All orders promptly
part of the week fi>r .1 le d.ixs . - t
and good quality work shoe, Call ! attended to
Prices the same as in
up the river
and see them at Hartman’s
I the citv.
The Seaside Orchestra will furnish
the Bank H ill Saturdav evening
music for the dance in the Bank !
this week
Music by the Seaside
tn mt Kt r of
Hall Saturday night this week.
OF OKEliOS toi;
< frebestra.
f»F <' “ »s
Van Norden, the Watchmaker
s i < in Equity to
r. Hn.n'.a
Concert in the Opera Hall Sat­
urday vemog >y R • o| Pros, r
t/uiet Title
Ask at the New Store for prices of
He dr
Mrs Wm Logan returned on the
Elizabeth from a few week's visit in
San Francisco with relatives.
If you are thinking ot getting a
sewing machine, see the new El­ Apples in 5 and 10 box lots. It will
surprise you.
dridge at Boyle's Jewelry Stole.
You can get the best one dollar
Dance in die Bank Hall Saturd.iv
clock made and guaranteed
night this week Music by the Sea-
for one year, at A. Rice's Jewelry
side < Orchestra.
The Bandon F ardware Company
It is a satisfaction to buy your
i<. ened a large • hipmetu of dishes
of Hartman
lie has a
They are in two
on the last snt
patlt ms and are simply swell
prices are always riyht
Hartman recei* ed a new shipment
Mrs <1. A I row bridge left tins
ot «hoe- on the L. izabe'h.
It con
for Marshfield where she
sisted of Men s. Women’s and
will m< et her moth< r, Mis. Brown,
Childrens' shoo
her brother Claude, and sister B ui,
The canning season is nearly who will spend the winter w ith her.
over, anti the Coquille river is
Mrs. Win. Button accompanied
several thousand < uses short.
sister. Miss Jennie 15,'ssen, to
few are stil! toiling but the
the fore part of the week
catch is sin ill.
where she will keep house for her
The Ladies Ai< »1 I • Pi - bytei sister while she «ttends the Albanv Chur« h w ill bold a biead fair C «allege.
Novemlier 27 and
They w ill
The Lowe and Laird building on
supply dainjies of all description for
street is gradually assuming
your Thanksgiving dimmer.
the ]>ro]»oit ions of a substantial
Laylor, the anti graft candidate business house. The side walls are
for Mayor of San Francisco was nearly finished, anil undelivered lum
elected. Wm il I^angdon was ber orders is the only thing that i-
elected district attoiney, and things delaying the construction.
are looking serious for the graft
The Red Men organized here last
officials now on the gridiron.
Tuesday night, ami from all reports
Houses going up like mushrooms there was certainly something doing.
all over town. W ith lumber orders We were promised an account of
lor new buildings stacker! up for the affair but it seems to have been
weeks ahead of the output, the out overlooked. We understand that
look is certainly good for Bandon 29 were initiated, A full rejrort
notwithstanding the financial difficul­ next week'
ties the larger towns are having.
The report has been circulated
The Gallier Hotel is having the
that the sign^iainter, Keen, well
new front put In this week.
known about town, died at Coquille
scaffolding has been removed and
last Tuesday night, his body being
the building assumes a more
found in the rear of a saloon at that
metropolitan appearance every day.
place. While the re|>ort as vet has
In next week’s issue we will have an
not been fully verified, it is bv no
article describing this new addition
means an ini]»ossibilitv.
to Bandon’s, popular hostlery.
The Bandon Hardware Co.. opj»o
Mr and Mr. Wm. Hutchinson site the Post Office, have recently
of Woodland Addition, gave a sur­ received a new shipment of stoves
prise party last night for their little and ranges. When you contemplate
daughter, Pearl.
The principal a purchase of this kind, remember
feature of the evening’s entertain- they carry the Universal brands,
ment was a “taffy pull’’ and the the kind that ¡have always given
way they “pulled’ would have been satisfaction.
a credit to a larger and older gather­
Checks “ payable only through
clearing house’’ get the money just
The steam schooner Bandon is the same as the old fashioned kind
due from San Francisco next Mon­ for all necessary purposes,
day. The short delay in this last little hesitation in the stream of finan-
trip was occasioned by the taking cial wealth, when Oregon is pro-
on of a cargo of shingles at Coos ducing for the good year iooy a
Bay and towing the E. P. Ripley, lumlier product of $30,000,000. live
the new tug boat just launched on stock and wool worth $20,000,000,
the Bay to San Francisco.
poultry ami eggs worth $3,000.000,
The Monterey has been chartered
and is now South with a crew and
equipment suitable for recox ering erecting buildings worth $20.000,-
the some million and over of dol­ 000, seems just a little queer, anil
< >re
lars worth of tieasure that was sunk things will right themselves.
on the sailing vessel. Golden Gate,
many years ago.
We understand our people are out of debt, our
that Capt. Bash will return to Ban­ mortgages are paid, and a little cool
don where he will supervise the judgement and optimism will bring
construction ot his new vessel at the us out all right.
Price shipyard.
Do not be late to your work of a
Last night the members nt the morning but get an intermittent
Ladies' Art Club entertained at the never late, alarm cl<»ck for <1.50 at
home of Mr. and Mrs Wm Hite A Rice’s the reliable jeweler. and
Members of their families were in­ VOU will always lx* on time.
vited and a most enjoyable evening
was spent. Several musical selec­
tions were rendered which were duly
appreciated by the gathering.
dainty repast was served at 10:30.
characteristic of that organization
which bespoke their ability to pro­
vide for the inner man
The affair
was in honor of the three judges who
I at. ipated at th« Mask Ball on
last Thursday evening.
It was in­
tended as a surprise, and certainly
A few appropriate remarks
bv C. R. Wade in behalf of the Club,
and Prof. Ostein, in behalf of the
judges, were gixen.
The party
broke up at midnight, anil the merry
gathering wended their ways to their
several homes, all expressing them­
selves as having had the time of their
A great deal of interest is being
manifested in the Oregon State
Good Roads Convention to be held
at the rooms of the Portland Com­
mercial Club November 14-15.
Hon John H. Scott, of Salem. Pres
ident of the State Association, urges
the appointment of delegates and ■
There I
as-s for a large attendance,
will be present a number of able I
speakers who have given years to |
road building,
county judges and county com­
missioners of Oregon are especially
responsible for the success of this I
meeting and are urged to send del-'
egates The same is true with re­
gard to commercial, industrial. |
agricultural, and horticultural soci­
eties, reporting 1 list of -.ime at
once to President “x'ott at Salem.
. *
• • <•
• •
Grocer»« at Hartman *
I livers ire«
,•*.■) M t * J»*» ■»#’
Mandolin and Guitar music at
• * •
• •
• •
*«»>• • •
• *•
Take a look at A. Rice’s the
leading jeweler’s window and see
his assortment of clocks ranging
from $1.00 to ? 14.00, every one
Miss Theresa Manciett leaves
tomorrow morning, via Breakwater,
i»r Seattle, where she will enter a
Business college She will remain
there for the winter^ -laying with
her aunt.
A gam sh was filed before Judge
Topping, Wednesday for the Pros­
per Mill Co., by C. R Wade, At­
torney, against Cal. Sommers, em-
ployed in the Aberdeen Mill, The
amount involved is S;0
The Rmdt»n l l.inlw ire Co. oppi »-
site the
th»* Post Oftii
e, have recently
receive« I a new shipment of stoves
•mil ranges, When you contemplate
a purchase of this kind, remember
they carry the Universal brands,
the kind that have always given
Rev. E. R M<H>n, State Bible
School Evangelist of the Christian
Church, will assist in the organiza­
tion of a Sunday-school at Concrete
Hall, Sunday, Nov. iOth, at iOa.m.
All not connected with any Bible
School are invited to join us in this
work. Rev. M<»on will preach in
the hall at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m.
Williams »tul <'«rri<- E. XX
¡muís, tur <tb
i>aiutai drtruJaiiî
< »HE<>< >N
You arv n<*r«'bv «• pit«««! ta appear in the
ab vr etit i<l< .1 V ■ '. < 1 1 < in<u*. rind answer
tbel .><> I'inini tiled : i n-t iou therein bv
the F< OU ur I'.t '.ethe last dav of
the time preM-nt- . tor the publication of
tl.n souiiuoni wiiu-li d <v >x «ix consecutive
week« from the date of the first publication
tiered; the date of the tir-t publication is
the Slat uf t k-tober. 1'07. and the last pub­
lication will lie on the I'/tb of December,
Xn.l v .u are notified that if you fail so to
apt»'ar aud answer the said complaint, tlie
1‘lainlitf will apply to the Court for the
relief praved i-t in h<» Complaint, to wit
For a decree whervbv Defendants' ad-
de-erib' ! in 1'lamtitl - < ouiplaint aa fol­
lows. to wit
led-einbt. mile and twelve
nine at.d twelve in l"oek tifte.u. Woodfanp
Addition to Bandon. Coo« County, Oregon,
more particularly de-critied m l'laintiff'»
Complaint, shall l>e determined and forever
foreclo-est and Flaintiil declared and ad­
judged to be the ab-olute owner of the said
real property.
lb snniuion. is — r. -J upon you bv pub­
lication thereof in the Bandon Recorder, a
weekly news|»aper of general circulation,
published in the lown of Bandon, in Coos
County. Oregon, pursuant to the order of
lion John F Hall. County Jodis- of said
Coos Csinnty. marie the ??nd day of < icto-
lier. I!*>*.
<>. 1. IKEAIMB1LD.
|Attorney for llaiutiff
i I
Found !
A place to prepare yourself so that your next
opportunity to enter the business world on a
good salary w ill not be
Enroll Now
Cut < Jass. Hand
Paniti d
China, etc.
Al- ■ air? ' P« kvt Cutlery
We offer below a few suggestions to show w hat we have
Our <me aim in mak­
ing the sele< tion stock is to bin w hat will please. We
always take price, quality and durability into comideratioa*
and find that it is making our store so popular—the ability
to please our customers.
Shoes and Furnishings
The little fellow sod*
shoes It seem ’ ■ •
.in endless chain <4 shoes the year round to keep him pro
vided. \\ e carry a line of school shoes that are made to
scuff around in. They wear good and the price is right. The
C.dinn-Nickelsberg Shoe for Men and Women w ho care for
style and a good all round shoe, and the White House brand
arc our mos’ popular lines. We - an pl< 1- ill. The Buster
Brown Shoe for the Children give satisfaction everywhere.
Special in this line is a consignment of the latest ties, All
of the latest styles, sizes, colors and prices, We would also
call your attention to our line of Hosiery. The Lyon Brand
■ I Hats always give satisfaction and we have them in all sizes.
Levi Strauss makes the best overall on the market, and we
handle that brand.
A big str« k of the latest in Ladies' Hosiery, both Cashmere and
Cotton Call ami see it
< >ur Shirt Waists and Skirts are
beauties. We I>elieve they are the prettiest in tow n Call and
see themr Children’s Underwear, the kind that wears and
gives satisfaction, are on our shelves. Popular sizes and rea-
sonable prices. Dress Buttons — Lots of them, Remeinber the
place when you need any.
Sewing Machines, etc
to buy
TTortli Bend. Oregon.
Read our new clubbiug offer in
next week’s issue. The Weekly
Oregonian is known the state over
<s the best weekly for general news
of the state and country. The reg­
al <r pi i for thaf paper is $1.50 per
rear. and for the R1 < ORDER is $1.50.
To all subscribers, new or paid up a
year in advance, we will give the two
papers for $2.25 for a period of one
year. This is the l»est clubbing
offer we hat e made, and ask all who
desire to secure th' -e papers under
this offer, to do so early, as we are
informed the offer w ill stand but a
short time.
The competition on the river be
tween the Eagle and the Coquille
much better service. < >ne can leave
Bandon at 0:30 in the morning, and
eat dinner in Marshfield, or leave
Marshfield at 9 o’clock and eat din­
ner in Bandon This makes a great
convenience for commercial travelers
as well as for our townsmen who de­
sire to transact business at the Coun­
ty seat and return the same day.
The new schedule will also bring
manv new people into this country,
who, <>n <'ld existing trans]<ortation
ondition«, would no* < ire to spend
the time to make 1 trip down th«
Watch this space
R. H. Rosa & Co