Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, November 07, 1907, Image 2

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Editorial Page of Bandon Recorder
Aa Iade^andwt Newspaper
E ditor and P koprietor
B ib » ckiptiun K ates
Per lear, $1.50; Six Montila $1.00; Copy 5c
in advance .
Thw pe|*r I* entered at the Bandon post offioe «■ Second clssa Matter
pub^' these higher tariff rates i will re-
'I he C ounty D irectory
•iziilt in rnPifiPr r>iiiLlin«r in'*
suit in cheajier building material for
fished by R. L. Polk & Co., is a
the Northwest and aid in the de­
credible publication and should be
velopment of the country—is
on the des^of every business man
chimerical, and fallacious to the ex­
in the County.
The book is well
arranged and the only suggestion
Cheap lumber and cheap or un­
we have to offer, is that the town
officials, and a number of the secret employed labor means a universal
societies are not up to date, owing commercial depression in all the
to the fact the c.tnvas was made be articles of business, from which
tore the town election,
Oregon and Washington w ill not re­
a directory of this kind is a hard
cover for a decade.
The increased
matter and the publishers are to be
tariff of $2 00 per ton on lumber is
congratulated on their results.
inequitable and unjust.
Every citizen of Oregon and
is commercially affected
W e A cknowledge a ticket to
to his detriment, and the battle for
the First Annual Horse Show, in
should be fought to a finish.
Portland on Nov 7 Hand 9 Over
165 different cases are entered in
the accompanying booklet, repre­
senting the various breeds and types
E verybody E xpects the coun­
As this is the first aff sir of this order,
newspaper to fight out their bat
in the west much speculation is
and express their opinions on
being marie as to whether it will 1 e
a success It is :• worthy event and the behavior of their neighbors.
it is 10‘be hoped will be a lasting Hardly a week passes but what some
benefit to a great industry.
Rail­ one asks to have such and such a
road rates have Leen made so ex­ thing printed either joshing a friend
hibits can lx* shipped and returned or roasting somebody who has not
for half rate and all tickets are fare done according to the other fellow’s
ideas. Such roasts hurt the news­
and one third.
paper; takes up valuable space which
might be used for much more impor­
A L ittle S prout of wheat tried tant matter, and only makes trouble
to push its head up through the soil for the printer. Articles that are
to the sunlight, but found its way signed will be printed. In some in­
blocked by a clod that would not stances where an article is handed in
rise itself nor let the little blade of for publication where a signature is
wheat grow.
In vain did the little not necessary, and which we do not
green spear cry to be allowed to start: care to “father,” we will place a
the clod answered never a word.
star after the article, explaining it
One day a great rain storm took was handed in for publication. If
place and the clod was swept away. you have a friend who has a tendency
In its place there sprang into view to write stories or poetry, please do
a beautiful green stalk of wheat. not ask us to print it. The country
Are you a clod?
If you are, you weekly does not have so much space
are absolutely no good, and the to spare as to devote to such matter.
storm of adversity will soon move There are no doubt many literary
you. the man that is not a clod gems that go glimmering for w ant of
have elbow room.
His ambition is publication, but if one is accepted,
to become one of the tall, if not the there would be no place to draw the
He will line. What interests one person
tallest, stalks in the field,
but might interest but very few of the
be of some use in the world;
the world cannot and will not rest of our readers.
We always
tolerate a clod.
But returning to stand ready, and are always glad to
you: there is no reason in the get hold of an item of interest. If
world why you should be nothing you have raised potatoes that are
unless y ou deliberately let yourself big for the country and conditions,
And if you study you will tell the editor. He lays awake nights
show mighty plain that you are trying to conjure up some article
determined to be something.— that w ill boom the town and please
the readers. When a new arrival
appears in the family, tell the editor
T he I ncrease of the Eastern and he will give you a notice. If
freight rates are bringing scores of you get married, tell the editor
indignant communications from lum You expect a notice, and he can do
bet men w ho w ill be compelled to much better if information is volun­
close up their mills when this rate teered, and besides he likes wedding
goes into effect.
The one fact that cake. Visitors, travelers, accidents,
the railroad companies have not incidents, building and develop­
made any excuse for the raise, they do ments, all alike are earnestly solicited
not allege they are carrying lumber by us, and you may be sure of their
too cheaply, or of an increase in publication if you will but take the
the wages of their employes.
The time to let us know. We are not,
only excuse hinted at is they think and do not profess to be, mind
the lumbermen are making too much readers. Most of us like to see our
money. This raise of rates will name in print. Tell it to the editor
affect the entire communities where and he will print your item of news.
the lumber business is carried on ex­
Following we give a
T he S ound sense displayed by
communication of Walter I.. Tooze,
citizens of Oregon in the past
well know n in business and polotical
few days with reference to financial
circles in Oregon:
matters is one of the best guarantees
“The increase of $2.00 per ton
public faith in the prosperous con­
freight on lumber to Eastern points
will have a tremenduous influence ditions which are the fact in the
in lessening the output of lumber Northwest and especially in this
throughout the State of Oregon state. It was once said by a Cali­
fornia Congressman while making a
and the Northwest Coast.
financial speech in Congress that
Now with firmly established there was nothing on earth so cow­
markets and rapidly increasing de­ ardly as a million dollars—except
mands for our produ ct—with many two million dollars. This epigram is
millions of dollars invested by the peculiarly descriptive of the sensi­
lumber manufacturers in modern tiveness of money, but it does not
machinery—and an army of laborers apply to Oregon in the present exi­
depending upon this leading industry gency. We have the millions in
for employment and support—the absolute wealth, in money and in
increased tariff rates to go into effect <Te3its7"and w e are as busy as any
on November I, 1907, comes as community can be creating other
a paralyzing blow to ail the business millions. Before us lies an unde­
interests of the States ot Oregon and veloped empire richer in promise
and affording a greater return as a
Th® argument that barring out matter of realization than the devel­
atnr lumber from the Eastern markets opment of any similar area in Uncle
Sam’s domain has ever given or af­
forded before. We have the wheat
and the fruit and the lumber and
other innumerable resources, and
for the conversion of these into
material for the settlement of the
country and the building of towns
and cities there is a demand not to
lx: denied. We have what the rest
of the country is reaching after,
what outside people by the regiment
are coming here to develop and to
enjoy. We have a class of pros-
perity here in Oregon that does not
depend on stock quotations, and,
what is more to the point, the people
who hold in the aggregate the bulk
of this wealth are aware of the ad-
vantage they’ enjoy. So, when in
the local money centers, for the bet­
ter protection of all concerned,
there is inaugurated a temporary
policy somew hat out of the common,
there is no occasion for nervousness
and as a matter of fact there is no
nervousness. No cowardice of the
million dollars is manifest on this
occasion, nor of the smaller aggre­
gates of dollars for that matter.
There is general and absolute faith
in the soundness of prosperity in the
Pacific Northwest, faith that is not
embodied in the mere assertion, but
in the calm restraint of common
sense. There is no occasion for
financial hysterics, no perceptible
worrying over the outcome. Every­
one believes that the solidity of
Oregon business is not to be dis­
solved by the breath of speculation.
Lost—a spirit level, last Sunday
Trespass Notice.
night, Was left on raft which went
over the bar. Probably be found on
Notice is hereby given that any I
the beach. Finder will leave same trespasser found in any manner tres­
at this office for teward.
passing on auy of my' mud-tints, will
be prosecuted to the fullest extent
of the law
Meat Market
T. F. Allen
Geo. G. Scheigel
ss ollie Par ker
S. A. Armitstead
Susie Everdeen
H. C. Doris
Dr. J. W. Tuckey
Ira I. Noah
rs. Rasmus
Ina Taylor
People are, to a certain extent
judged by the clothing they wear.
If you desire to give an up-to-date
impression, you can do so by wear
ing one of Lorenz & Hoyt's suits.
! *
For Sale.
Winter is coming and it is time to ■ *
think about the stove proposition. *
I It is a well known f.ret that for a *
i quick, hot tire, the air tight heater I *
; *
cannot be beat. With that view we 1 9
i *
have installed a full line, from $2 up. *
Bandon Hardware Co.’s store, oppo­
! ■>
; *
site the Post Office.
At North Bend
Near town an I il.e plank road, rich
soil —Level land
Is now open for the re­
ception of patients. The
terms aie $10 per week
ami upwards, For par­
ticulars apply to : :
$65 and $75 per
Small payment down, balance
in installments of $10 per month
Best hargain in land in the cit-y.
/\asniassen Bros.
Dray and General Delivery
Meet all Boats.
---- All orders handled with care.-----
B andon , :
O bkuon .
North Bend, Or.
B h lido n.
Ei. D orado
Manufacturer aud Dealer in
All Kinds of Saddlery.
Harness and Saddles Repaired.
4-W- LWA
Bandon, -
• Oregon. ♦
„__ __________ ______ __
«#■»' ♦ <•« ** «•$ <■<■ ♦ * <■ «■ ♦ *
Sisters of Mercy
A. Haberly, Bandon.
Wines. Liquors
and Cigars.....
Call on or address the owner.
ot the public Patronage
Advertised Letters.
Six large lots on Bluff and Coquille
Streets, cheap. Apply to George £ •> * * < * ♦ ❖ *
F. Williams, Bandon. 43.
Dr. J. G. Goble the well known * ♦
Optician w ill be at Bandon Tuesday I *
and Wednesday, Oct. 15th, 16. ♦*
Office at Hotel Gallier. Eyes ex- *
Forui-h«-I at L -iug Prices. A share amined tree of charge
From the Enterprise.
The city administration is moving
as rapidly as possible toward a solu­
tion of the city waterworks problem
and it is hoped in a short time to
have an abundance of water again
at the service of the water patrons.
The right of way to the source of
the water supply has been cleared
and a force of men are at work under
the direction of P. I., Phelan, of the
water committee, and the foreinan-
ship of Fin Hartley, in digging the
necessary trenches to lay new’ pipe.
Six thousand feet of four-inch stand­
ard iron pipe with screw joints, to
be treated with asphalt inside and
out, has been ordered, and the first
consignment is expected this week.
This will be laid where the pressure
is the greatest between the source of
supply and the reservoir on the hill,
carrying the water over Carey creek.
The best of the wooden pipe will be
saved for using the balance of the
distance and repairing the system in
the city. The new piping has been
ordered in Portland at a cost of 28
cents a foot aboard the steamer.
The new pipe will be installed as fast
as possible and the regular pressure
restored to the city mains.
Any per-.m or |w>rsons trespassing
upon the Croft Lake ranch, the
McClellan and Marshal) rauehew.
will la* prosecuted
the law direct»,
and a tewar-i will be given for infor
uiNtion that will lead lo the cotivic
lion of the Kiiilty partie«
Baodoti. Oregon.
Myrtle Point Notes.
One of the biggest revetments
ever built on the upper Willamette
is nearing completion at Wheatland,
of which Wm. T. Reed, formerly of
this city, is superintendent.
work consists of a rock revetment
300x60 feet, laid with a smooth sur­
face; a dam 1,400 feet long, made
with two rows of piling, filled with
fascines and rock; a rip-rap ’shore
protection at the lower end of the
dam 400x75 feet, made by sloping
the bank, placing fascines and
weighting same with rock and
gravel. It will require 1,500 cords
of fascines to complete the work.
The work is located 12 miles below’
Salem, has been under construction
for the last four months and will
cost about $18,000 when completed.
The Telegram states that Colonel
Rosseler, government engineer, of
Portland, expected to make a close
iuspection of the work this week.
For Sale.
$«»< lee
J !
For Rent.
Druggist and Apothecary
Is jns! in receipt of a new and
fresh stock of
Drugs nnd Chemicals,
P. B. HOYT, Prop.
Patent and Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
Di’iiggixtN Muiitlritx.
P erfumes , B rushes , S ponges , S oap
Oftice rooms in Devereaux Bld
N uts and C andies .
upstairs near the Post Office, fil- I CUTTING AT STANDARD PRICES.
quire of Tom Devereaux or call up
on the Bear Creek Phone.
The Bandon Hardware Co.
received a new line ot stoves
They have heaters
heat and ranges that cook,
guarantee them and ask you to
and see them.
Bathroom newly fitted up with Porcelain
Tub. Hot or Cold Baths 25 cent
Cigar», Tobacco* »nd Cigarette»,
faints. Oils. Glass and Painters' Supplies.
B andon
I lie New Drug Store I. Now Ready for Business
Drugs, Druggist s Sundries, Patent Mesidenic.
Brushes, and Toilet Articles, Fancy Stationery
T imber L and A ct , J unk 3, 1878.
Fine line of Fancy Candies.
Imported and Domestic Cigars.
United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore..
August 7,1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘ An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri­
tory,” as extended to all the Public Land
CAPT. J. OLSEX, Master.
States by act of August 4, 1892, Mane M.
Houston, of Bandon. County of Coos, State Th is Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and fitted with the latest improvement!*, and will
of Oregon, lias this day filed in tins ollie-
k’ive a regular 8 day service, for passengers and freight, between the
her sworn statement No. 8187, for the pur
Coquille River, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif.
chase of the N1., of SW1 I, SEI 4 of s W I 4,
J. E. WALSTROM Agent, Bandon, Oregon.
rind NWI-I of SEl 4 of Section No 15 in
F. F r. KRUSE, Managing Agent, 23 Market Street. San Francisco, California
Township No. 29 S, Range 14 W. and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
mure valuable for its timber or stone than I
for agricultural purposes, and to establish '
her claim to said land before L A. Llljeq-
vist, U. S. Commissioner at Marshfield.
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day of
November, 1907.
She names as wit nesses Edward Oilman,
V.E Had-uill, G. B Cox and Geo. E. Wil­
son, all of Bandon, Coos County, Oregon. I
Any and all persons claiming adversely !
the above-desdribed lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or before!
said lith day of November, 1907.
GEO. D. GRAY A CO., Gen’l Agts,
L. W. SHAW, Agent,
B enjamin L. E ddy . Register.
421 Market. St. San Francisco.
Marshfield, Phone 441.
The New. Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company
Now plying between Portland and
Coos Bay only. Weekly trips.
Say, Mr. Merchant!
You have been trying to improvise some practical method of introducing your new goods.
Ilere is a tip that can be summed in a word—Glass Show Cases.
An article properly displayed w ill sell on sight.
Get the idea?
Put in a couple and inside of a year the
additional sales derived from that source, will pay for them.
are having them installed.
All up-to-date establishments
Another Practical Suggestion
Did you ever stop to think that you may be judged, by strangers, by your correspondence
If your letters are neatly type written they will always give a business dignity in no other
way attained.
The Underwood Machine excells all others in eveiy respect.
We sell them.
The Modem Company,
W. C. Bradley, Mgr. Marshfield