1 ranch 18o acres 41 mile« from The Fleet and the War Scare, couple ot applications will make a morning and the Senator was intro­ Bandon' well stocked ready foi bus i good trail, it is said. The cattle, duced to a good many of our citi­ The Old Panter Building has been Remodeled for Gambrinus Brewing Company Rob’t Marsden, Agent WHOLESALE LIQUORS Coos Bay agent Shasta, Napa Soda, White Rock, W. A. Gaines & Co’s. Whiskeys, Standard Malt and Cream of Malt, and other standard brands of WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, etc. GIN, Geo. Stoltz, Resident Manager Save Money and Receive Satisfaction by buying Jewelry of A. RICE, Our Leading Jeweler news, tine orchard, 75 acres ot ■ ttoui When the United States openec eager for the salt, will beat dow n the zens, tiesides meeting many ok land $13,000. the door of Japan and let foreign bush es and otherwise make the trail friends who endeavored to have the 40 acre ranch 6) miles from Ban- nation- in and brought Japan out, it handy for the use of man anti beast. Senator stay over and take a trip on 1 don has 400 cords of match VOOd could not have been imagined that . Grand Master R. Scott and the river to Bandon to show him on it $750. 162 acre ranch in Curry county Japan would ever Inecome an impor­ Grand Patriarch H. M. Beckwith of the improvements that have taken near Langlois $800, tant member of the family of nations, Portland, head officers ot the Odd place since his last visit to this Fine residence block. 200 feet river certainly not so soon, or that there Fellow’s lodge of Oregon, paid ail section. In conversation the Sen­ front with landing full bearing or­ would be talk of rivalry’ within fifty official visit to Myrtle Point lodge ator said that he expected that chard, large dwellings 8 other build­ years between the United States anc No 150 Monday evening of this there specia ings, with furniture Hnd fixture- tine would be a location for a store or saloon. $2000. Japan, and possible war. week, a special meeting being held river and harbor bill at this session Several tine business lots io best There is possibility of rivalry, it at the Odd Fellow’s hall ua that of Congress, though usually the business part of Bandou from $1,500 may be admitted; of war, too, but occasion. Both officers addressed custom is only to have this bil Upwards. it is not now comprehensible. Japan, the lodge on the work of the order 1080 acre« of much land, resi­ Mr. dence building, seven hundred acre« as the leader in the Orient, wi in the State and on matters of general come up in every’ two years. surely make the conditions of a com­ interest. After the lodge session, Fulton is sanguine in regard to his of bottom land, balance uutubcr oue bench land, tine lake fishing and mercial rivalry with the LTnited the members and their distinguished re-election to the Senate. hunting Price $¡53,000. States. But can any one see war on guests enjoyed a supper at the Ho­ 5 acres just outside of the corpor­ that horizon? The New York Sun tel Guerin. ation good level land. $750. A table was set ful affects to see it. Others may. But length of the dining hall and was Notice of Administration 2 one acre tracts, adjoining town is hereby Riveu that by order of cheap. the office of prophecy is easily as­ prettily decorated with Oregon grape the Notice County Court of the State of Oregon, lu 280 acres improved ranch, fine bear­ sumed. If it tells the truth, then and flowers. The menu was very' aud for the Connty of Coos, heretofore made, Rachael N Elliott was dulv ap­ “I told you so.” If the thing complete from hot oyster soup to pointed Administratrix of the estate of C. S ing orchard. 90 acres bottom land. from Baudon. Large Elliott, deceased, and that letters teetameii 10 miles doesn’t came to pass, the prophecy fruit and was thoroughly enjoyed. tary white cedar on it, were duly issued to the said Rachel N. amount of Elliott 011 the 5th day of Juue. A.D., 1907. price $4000. is quickly forgotten. Besides the grand officers and mem­ Therefore, all persons having claims House and 2 lots in town, good lo­ Is it worth while to hearken to bers of the local lodge several visit­ against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers to cation, land set out io strawberriAH, such utterances as those of the Sun? ing brothers were present. the said Administratrix, at the office of $550 tieo B. Popping at Bandon, Oregon, wiibio At least they afford matter for curi­ River front ranch, | mile river six (6> months from the dateof this notice. Dated this .>111 day Ot Septemlier. 1907. front on deep water. 177 1-3 acre osity. That journal assumes that Coquille Notes. RACHEL N ELLIOTT, coal land—$3500. the dispatch of the fleet to the Paci­ From the Sentinel. Administratrix of the estate of C. 8. Elliott, deceased. Houses to rent, Goos and Curry fic is likely to create “a condition Geo. P. Topping, Att’y for Estate. property for sale, ranches of all sizes, requiring war for its solution.” Then One of the prettiest weddings of in both counties for sale. “the people w ill have no volition in recent times in Marshfield was that Store room to rent cheap in the Notice. the matter. They will have to go of Paul Peralta and Miss Iva Lang­ best part of Bandon, np and down Notice is hereby given that Emma Mecum stairs. to war anyhow.” worthy, celebrated on Wednesday has left tuy bed and board, and 1 will in no way become responsible for auy debts con General merchandise store with Is it to be expected, then, that evening at 8 o'clock in the M. E. traded by her from this date. slock and fixtures with building and Japan, finding American war vessels Church, Rev. W. R. F. Browne Dated this Hith day of October, 1907. large lot. doing a business of $25,000 E d . Mam, Bandon, Oct. ltitli. in the Pacific, will take their pres­ officiating. I’he church was taste­ to $¡50,000 per year, well located, and long established business, which can ence as a challenge, and declare w ar fully decorated with Oregon grape, Noti ee for Publication be doubled by the rignt. parties. on the United States? Is it. then, and those in attendance included Department of the Interior. Price $9000. true, that if we show warlike strength relatives and near friends of the con­ Land Office at Roseburg, Or. Manufacturing plant for sale. August 21. 1907. we shall provoke 1 attack, and that tracting parties, several of the latter Good paying business. Big frontage Notice is berebv given that Corrie D. Still- our best security is to be without going from Coquille by carriage and well, of Bandon. Oregon, has tiled notice of on deep water. First class business his intention to make final Five year proof proposition on Coquille river—$25,000 arms? other conveyance. One incident in support of bis claim, viz: Homestead A number of first class deep water There will be industrial and com­ worthy of note was the fact that it Entry No. 11558 made Mav 7. 1902, for the Ela of NE1-4. E5v ot 8E1-4 Section 27, front mill sites for sale cheap. mercial rivalry between the United was the first wedding to be solem­ Township 29 South. Range 14 West, and 5 timber claims, cruise 3,000,000 that said proof will lie made before L. A. States and Japan. But never so nized in the new Methodist edifice of Liljeqvist. I . S. Commissioner at bis office feet each, mostly white cedar, bandy in Marshfield, Oregon, on Wednesday, Oct. to roads and easy to log. Price $2500 great as that which exists between the county’s metropolis. 30. 1907. He names the following witnesses to each. the United States and Great Britain. County Clerk James Watson prove lux continuous residence upon, aud Lots $15 and tip, located in all I'he United States pushed the served in the capacity of best man cultivation of. the land, viz: Cash Doyle, parts of town and surrounding ad­ Frank Barrows, Alfred West and I. J. still Pacific railroads to completion that and Miss Esther Yaeger as brides­ well, all of Bandon. Oregon. dition. Property of all kinds bought and sold at living prices. B knjamin L. E ddy , Register. it might be prepared to defend its maid. We are an old established firm and interests on the Pacific. Was this There will be a special school are reliable, V\ e are not curbstone a challenge of war? The United real estate agetits, Call and see ns meeting in this city Saturday , Oct. Real Estate List. aud if we do not have what you States has undertaken the Panama 26, at 3:30 for the purpose of voting Canal for the same purpose. Is this Large lot and new bouse iu B ad - want we will get it. a special tax within the district for don T he B andon R eal E state X L oan $650, good location. a challenge of war? the purpose of conducting the C ompany , Rooms 2 and 3, 3 lots and nice house, good lo ­ Rut admit there is some danger school for a term of nine months. cation in Bandon $650. New Denholm Bld g. Bandon, Ore. that Japan may, on frivolons pretexts, Everyone who has the interest of based on such as those trifling inci­ our school at heart should attend dents at San Francisco, assume high and vote for the special tax as our tone towards the United States, corps of teachers are conscientious threaten war, and even declare it! and are endeavoring to give the C. A. JAMISON JACK BROWN apan probably will not. Her ambi- natrons the best that they are tious megalomania, or swelled head, capable of and it would be a ruinous is not likely to reach that stage. nolicy to run a shorter time than 5ut suppose it should? The fleet nine months. then w ould not be out of its proper Last Saturday learning that Sen­ place in the Pacific. Then there ator Fulton was to visit Coos Bay, would be occasion to bless “the W. C. Chase wired ihe Senator ask­ providence that’s watchful in a ing him to extend his visit to this state.” If it be admitted that there city so that the people of this sec­ is some uneasiness and some reason tion would be able to become for it, then all the more reason why jetter acquainted with him. He re­ the fleet should come to the Pacific. plied that owing to press of business —Oregonian. it would be impossible for him to They Handle The Famous make an extended stay at Coquille, Myrtle Point Notes. nut would have to be governed by From the Enterprise. the sailing of the Alliance. On his Geo. H. Guerin is looking for arrival Monday at the bay Mr. the thief who broke into the store Chase got him on the ’phone and house of the Hotel Guerin on a re­ le promised to come over Tuesday cent night and appropriated eight morning and be here between In The New Green Building dozen eggs. Stealing eggs is al- trains. The Senator accompanied most equivalent to a penitentiary ny Senator Dirpmick of Marshfield offense these days. A man would were met at the depot Tuesday The Arcade Saloon, Title Guarantee and Abstract Company 1 nrwlitichl ami Coquille, Oregon. ------------ X------------ We Lava completed a thorough and tip to date ABSTRACT PLANT, and are now ready to furnish CORRECT ABSTRACTS at abort no­ tice. Orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Marshfield Office Adjoins Flanagan & Bennett bank. That at Coquille Adjoins Postoffice. Marshfield Phone, 143 Coquille Pbooe, 191 J-r** Phone at our Expense when ordering Abstracts Title C Guarantee and Abstract Co. Henry Sengatacken, Manager J. S. Barton, Abstractor __ __ a MB ■ MBBBBBBB ■BBMBaMMMMMBMMBBS I Have You an Edison. Victor. Columbia or ZoNoPhone Talking Machine? You can get tbeni with Recoods from us on easy payments, a cheap as at any place in the world. : : : ; t E. C. BARKER & CO. Coquille, Successor to V, R. WILSON Tl'TTIJ ’2 VARNEY X -A. Full Line of Confectionery, Fruit Cigars. Tobacco, Soft Driiik-s. etc. Connection. News Staxici 1X1 <•' • * » « * . • • . Choicest of Wines, Liqours and Cigar s . Weinhard’s run little more risk in breaking open a safe and taking gold coin, Eggs are worth 40 cents a dozen and hard to get at that price. Ed Rackleff, the Langlois mer- chant, was in Myrtle Point this week visiting friends and looking after business interests. Mr. Rackleff I denies the report published in some »I of the ¡napers, that he has sold his interests at Langlois. Rev. IL M. Branham, who has been appointed to take charge of the Myrtle Point South Methodist church, preached his first sermon here Sunday evening at 7 30, and will preach each Sunday evening hereafter, preaching in the morning at some outside appointment. The parsonage at the church is being nicely finished and repaired for the use of Mr. and Mrs. Branham. A Douglas county man has dis­ covered a process of opening a trail through the woods with salt at a very slight labor and expense, Be­ sides the salt is only necessary to have a bunch of cattle at hand. A eers. Real Estate Bargains Woolen Mill Addition in the east part of Bandou. The best residence property in the Town of Bandon, close to all the manufacturing plants and the new ship yard. No need ef carrying your dinner pail when yon can go home and get a warm diuner and have plenty of time for a romp with the bal>e. Prices have almost doubled in the last six months and they will double again in the next six months. More homes have been br.ilt in this Addition than in any other part of Bandon. Lots range in price from $3o to $290. Get one or two before they are all gone. Breakwater Addition in the west part o5 Bandon. Prices from $30 up. Lots and acres in all parts of Bandon. Farms. Ranches and Timber Claims. Give us a call and get priceband,a square deal. OAKES REAL ESTATE Room 3 in the Laird Building . i I 9 * «■ t • • •