Port OH» rd NaèM. The Old Panter Building ha« been Remodeled for Gambrinus Brewing Company, Rob’t Marsdon, Agent WHOLESALE LIQUORS Coos Bay agent Shasta, Napa Soda, White Rock, W. A. Gaines & Co’s. Whiskeys, Standard Malt and Cream of Malt, and other standard brands of WHISKIES. BRANDIES. honors to live stock, enot g'l to con­ » acres just outside of the corpor- are reliable. U a are no curbstone •'ioo good level laud. $?5o real ent aLu agents. Call ami see uh , vince the great packers ot America From theTrihabr and if we do not have what you that the packing plants for the 2 one acre tracts, adjoiuing town cheap. want wewi 11 get it. There is said to be an immense Northwest, Alaska, the Orient, and 280 acres unproved ranch, doe bear ­ T he B andon R eal E state i L an eleven point buck elk in the woods all lands touching the Pacific, will lie ing orchard. 90 acres bottom land, C ompany , Rooms 2 and 3, near Port • >rford, and the wav our budt in Oregon. There are many lit miles from Bandon. Large New Deuholm Bld g Baudon, Ore town boys are wearing out their more millions of profit immediately amonnt of white cedar on it, price $4000. shoe leather and overalls, makes the within reach in this State through Notice fwr Publication Hoose and 2 Iota in town, good lo- merchants wish there were a few I the live stock industry, than connect- c tlion, land set out in strawberries. Department of the Interior tion with any other industrial effort. $550. Land Office al Koaeburg, Or. more bucks in the woods. August 21. 191)7. River front ranch. 4 mile river 'Remember this. Oregon owns Notice ih hereby given that Corrie D. Still­ Browns party of R. R. Surveyors the prize dairy cow of the world, front on deep water. 177 1-3 acre well, of Bandon, Oregon. handled notice of have the line completed below and the first prize herd ot Shorthorns coal land—$3500. hie intention to make dual Five year proof Houses to rent, Coos and Curry 111 support of hi» claim, viz Homestead Euchre Creek and will move their as shown at St. Louis. Oregon Entry No IUMH made Mar 7. 1902. for the property for »ale. ranches of all size», ES of NEl-4. E1, of SEI 4 Section 27, camp this week to Rogue River. horses, Sheep and swine are also ‘11 both counties for aaie.J2»^S^B Township 29 South, Kange 14 Weet. and that »aid proof will ba made lie fore L. A. As this is said to be the real line, it winners, because conditions of soil, Store room to rent cheap in the Liljeqviat U. S. CommiHHioner at hie office • eat part of Baudon. np and down iu| Marahtield, Oregon, on Wedneaday. Oct will be interesting to note w'here climate, water, and grasses are win­ I ’tire. an. iso;. they will cross Rogue River. He name« the following witness» to ning factors in the production of the General merchandise store with prove hi» oontinnou» residence apon. ai I Johnny Marsh, eldest son of Al best four footed. slock and fixtures with building and cultivation of. th« land vic: Cash Doyi . large lot. doing a business of $25,000 Frank Barrows, Alfred Weet and T. J. Still­ Marsh, killed a large 7 point elk “Oregon offers the live stock to $30,000 per year, well located, and well, all of Bandon. Oregon. last Friday near his fathers home breeder economy in feed, continu­ long B knjamin L. E ddy , Register. established bnsines», which can four miles from Port Orford. When ous growth, early maturity, quality Le doubled by the rignt parties. he had killed it, which he did at the T and soundness, with the world for a Price $9000. Notice of Administration. Manufacturing plant for sale. first shot he saw the big 11 point market. Double your money in Good paying business. Big frontage is tu* ruh y given, that by order of buck, which so many are hunting live stock while your fruit trees are on deep water. First class business ' the Notice County Court of the State of Oregon, aud for the County of Coos, boretoforn for, looking at him and but a short growing.” proposition on Coquille river- $25,000 in made. Esther ÏHeger was duly api>ointed distance away. It was a temptation A number of first class deep water Administratrix of the calate of Mary E. 16,925 leaflets inviting people to front mill ailes for sale cbeap. Yaeger, duouaaedi and that lettera testa­ some could not have withstood, but mentary were duly ¡«ailed to the »aid Esther Oregon will be distributed to the 5 timber claims, ernise 3,000,000 Yaeger on the 17th day of May. 1907. the young mans respect for the law Therefore, All persons having claims public schools of Portland today feet each, mostly whit» cedar, handy agallisi *he said salate are hereby notified saved the biggest elk in the woods. to roads and easy to log. Price $2500 to present the same, with proper vouchers, and tomorrow to go out in letters each. to the said Administratrix at the office of Phil Wilbur of Marshfield, but written by the pupils. This plan Topping in Bandon. Oregon, within Lots $15 and np, located in all | Geo. (6) 1*. montila from the date of thia notice who first became an Oregonian at should be followed by every com- parts of town and surrounding ad­ six Dated this 5th day of September, 1907. dition. Property of all kinds bought Port Orford, where he and his inuity in the State of Oregon. ESTHER YAEGER Admmiatratrix of the estate of Mary E. and sold at living prices. amiable wife resided a score of years Yaeger, deceaaed. A party of seven young ladies ago, came down last week to see the will be entertained at Portland Sat- | We are an old esisblisbed firm and I Geo. P. Topping, Att’y for Estate. old place again, and enjoy the many urday. They are chaperoned by attractions. He received warm Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weathered, greetings from all his oldtime friends well-known to the people and espec­ with deserved scoldings for not ially to the news paper fraternity of bringing his better half with him. Oregon. Mrs. Wilbur has been teaching The Second Eastern Oregon almost continually since going to Coos Bay, and took up the work District Agricultural Society will again Monday at Marshfield where give its 17th Annual Fair at The she is one of the most popular and Dalles Octobers - 12, Wednesday successful teachers, as well as a October 9th, has been decided upon veteran of veterans in the profession. for Portland Day and the attendance IN THE Engraving Butinra u the automatic en­ promises to be large. graving machine recently installed in my engraving A small sized whale is ashore department The finest lines to heavy emblems are Overcoats for men and boys. Lots south of the mouth of Elk river, but alike made prefect without a necessarily large amount is nearly covered up by the sand. of them and sizes to fit the whole of skill its capacity embraces every kind of engrav ing, much of which would be very expensive if done It is an attractive object to sight town, at Lorenz A Hoyt’s. The by hand. When you desire any work of this nature seers, and smells just the same as a latest patterns and styles. give me a call. I guarantee all of my work. larger one would. An Innovation Billiard and Rooms Fool Last Friday was one of the hottest Notice of Administration I days in September, the thermometer Notioo i« hereby given that by order of County Conrt. of the State of Oregon, in going up to 82. Grass is getting the and for the Connty of Coos, heretofore an early start, but a little more rain made, Kachnel N Elliott was doty ap­ pointed Administratrix of the estate of C. S would be beneficial. The weather, Elliott, deeeaned, and that letters testamen­ tary were duly iHsued to the Haid Kachel N. however, is ideal as it is. Elliott on the 5th day of Jone. A.D., 19117. We have purchased the billiard and pool tables and bowling alleys <>i A. J. Hartman and will conduct the business along these lines. You are invited to call and spent a pleasant evening with us, courteous treatment. Hartman Blci^ Hayter As Doak Title Guarantee and Abstract Company Now that the measles are gon e, the whooping cough has taken its place, there being some severe cases among the very young children. The people are criminally careless in not trying to prevent the spread of all contagious diseases. --------------- X--------------- We have completed a thorough nnd up to dato ABSTRACT PLANT, and aro now ready to furnish CORRECT ABSTRACTS at abort no­ tice. Orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Marshfield Office Adjoins Flanagan & Bennett bank. That at Coquille Adjoins Postoffice. Coquille Phone, 191 Marshfield Phone, 143 ¡-4*“ Phone at our E.rpense irlien ordering Abstracts Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. J. S. Barton, Abstractor Henry Sengstacken, Manager ■■I Have You an Edison, Victor, Columbia ' Who is that thin, starved-looking little woman who hurries by here early every morning, and hurries back late every evening?” ‘‘She? Oh, she’s a school teacher. She gets about forty dollars a month for handling a roomful of children.” And whois that big, fat, well- dressed man who strolls by here now' and then, smoking a good cigar and looking at ease with life?” "He? Why, he's an inspector of ash barrels, or something like that. He gets two hundred a month from the city.”—Life. Oregon Developent League. I Special Correspondence I or ZoNoPhone Talking Machine? Yon can get them with RecoodsTmm ns on easy payments, a cheap as at any place in the world. E. C. it: ! BARKER & CO, Coquille, Successor to V, R. WILSON TUTTI j E VARNEÌ A Full Line of Confectionery. Fruit Ciga-rs ToVmooo, Soft Drinks, etc. News Stand in Connection. Next to Vienna Cafe BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKERS Horseshoeing i Specialty. Wagons of all Kindi Made to Order. Job work sttemied to promptly and all work gnnritnteed to give ant infant Ion rensonsble. Shop on Atwater street. Bandon, Or. a Prices Eugene has made a record for pro­ gress and has set a pattern for all the cities under ten thousand popu­ lation for the entire Pacific Coast. She has built a first-class, hard sur­ face pavement from the depot entirely through business district ; and has contracts for double that amount, Her new electric cars equal those to be seen in larger cities, She has raised a twelve thousand dollar advertising fund and will em­ ploy an expert at $5000 a year to handle her publicity. At the request of the Oregon Development League, Mr. G. A. Westgate, Secretary of the Portland Country Club and Live Stock Asso­ ciation,—the Pacific National Show,- has complied the following on the subject of Oregon Live Stock “To follow President Newell’s hundred words op Oregon fruit with a brief statement about Oregon live stock brings the realization that Mr. Newell has produced a classic. Still, Oregon ha? won almost as many Boyle’s Large lot and new house in don $650, good location. 3 lots and nice house, cation in Bandon $650. ¿T ewelry Bun good lo­ 1 ranch 185 acres 41 miles from Bandon’ well stocked ready for busi- neas, tine orchard, 75 acres of bottom land $13,000 Carries nothing but strictly high grade goods Watches, Cloche, Jewelry, Cnt fllass. Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Ware. The celebrated Eldridge Sewing Machino. Some are as good, but none are better. High arm aiito- malic lift. Drop Head from $23 up. All repairing strictly first* class and fully guar­ anteed. 40 acre ranch 6| miles from Ban­ don has 400 cords of match wood od it $750. 162 acre ranch in Curry county near Langlois $800. Fine residence block. 200 feet river front with landing full bearing or­ chard, large dwellings 8 other build­ ings, with furniture and fixtures, tine location for a store or saloon. $2000. R. W. BOYLE, Marshall Building, Several fine business lots in beet bnsinaes part of Bandon from $1,500 upwards. ; Main Street Real Estate Bargains Woolen Mill Addition in the east part of Bandon. The bent residence property in the Town of Bandon. close to all the mannfactnrir g plants and the new. ship yard No need ef carrying yonr dinner pail when yon can go home and get a warm dinner and have plenty of time for a romp with the babe. Prices have almost doubled in the last six months and they will double again in the next six months More homes have been built in this Addition than in any other part of Bnndon. Lota range in price from $3<> to $200. Get one or two before they are all gone. ► Breakwater Addition in the west part o5 Bandon. Prices from $30 op. Lots and acres io all parts of Bandon. Farms. Ranches nn.i Timber Claims Give ns a call and get pricenfand a square deal. OAKES REAL ESTATE CO. Room 3 in the Laird Building I X - •• o o $ s Real Estate List. The Important Work. II ar« It tie Id and Coquille, Oregon. A. RICE Leading Jeweler, Therefore, all persons having claims against the said eatate are hereby notified to present the same with projier vouchers to the said Administratrix, at the office of Geo V. topping at Bsndon, Oregon, wiihiti six (6) month» from the dateof thi» notice. Dated this 5th day of September, 1907. KACHEL N ELLIOTT, Administratrix of the estate of C. 8. Elliott, deoeased. Geo. P. Topping, Att’y for Estate. % 0 5 o •) 9 » © tí o * ® tí O o Ö , 9 . ? « •