ford about two months ago, u.ui 1 moved to the hospital at Coquille city, where he died August 4. 1907. i An Independent Newspaper His remains were brought to Port INVINO S BATH, Orford and buried last Friday in E ditor and P ropriktor the cemetery beside his wife. Mr. 81 hhcription R ati » ; Per ìear, il.50; Six Mootha 91.00; Copy 5e Jurgensen was born in Germany in sTHKTLY IN ADVANCE. 1838. He came to Curry county in Thi« papet entered ut thè Bandoli poat office aa Necoud-ciaaH Mattar. 1878 and settled on a homestead on Elk river, where he raised a family Best Property in Coos County for Summer Homes M ayor L ane has placed the “lid,, A P rominent M ail order house of three sons and three daugh- Lots in Woodland Addition at a bargain Die best Investment all of whom are on Portland and has climbed an top sent an advertising proposition to us ters, in Baudon. H<* was an industrious where he can see that 11 >s 'iel’t on> this week, am! enclosed copy for a grown. Acreage iu and near town at reasonable figures. ; and now Chief of Police Biggy, of larger ad than any now running, in home loving man, bf gentle dis position — a good citizen and 2 San Francisco, will pattern after this paper. The projiosition looked Lot« and blocks in Woolen Mill, West Bandon. Azalea Park and those tactics and shut up his home good tu us, and the rate wasn't sc loving father and husband, uni Fisher Additions. town tighter than a clam shell. bad considering what is usually versally respected by those win The Quern Anne Cottage Property- ottered by transcient advertisers, knew him. Next week we will announce the Sweeney A Walker Addition J. P ierpont M organ has rented who usually think the country* ed­ to Bandon. W atch this space. Myrtle Point Notes. a hoiise- in Richmond. Va. Maybe itor will be willing and glad to accept From the Enterprise. the twenty-nine million dollar lemon that copy fora much lower rate than A Myrtle Point merchant reports I The ad con that was handed the Standard Oil die home advertiser. a cash sale of goods to one man in Co., has caused him to I reflect be- taineil matter relative to groceries, one day last week, amounting to It lore expending any unnecessary furniture and some dry goods. nearly $90. looted prices probably considerably However the amounts on houses, B. B Watkins was unfortunate I press reports say the rent is only lower than any of the home mer- ■ liants. 1 hose advertisers can afford enough to lose his best horse Tues­ , per month, five thousand dollars to use a little money for Ijait. The day of this week. His son Earl was Figuring it up on a proportionate iirst order usually convinces the driving a load of household goods to scale, the average country printer ane |»erson that they cannot get Halls Greek where the family will might be entitled to tarry in the place I ! something for nothing, even if it settle on a homestead. When on for about fifteen minutes looks good on the start and the 1 bridge the horses stumbled on a For Rent. , quoted price is less than what the loose plank and fell into the deep A gain W e W ish to call attention I home dealers make. Your hom< ravine with the result that the neck (»Rice rooms in Devereaux Bldg, t , the fact that Bandon sadly needs | merchant is not a highway robber! of the best horse was broken. Bridgi* A Benell upstairs near the Post Office. In­ more-« I welling houses. Many peo He doesn t want to, or expect to, M om >\ Bangi**« »nil Heater« A’ The Board of Education, by the quire of Tom Devereaux or call up ^1 pie an* glad to lie living in rooms, get rich quick off the profits from Have in them so many excellencies that tlu-v are now acknowledged the resignation of Miss Cooper and the on the Bear Creek Phone. as there arc no available houses, but iiis friends and neigbors. He spends ereMMt «ellera on the coARt, and tbev nre prowiiiu in t voi every year. We sickness of Mr. Zeberly, has had a have the excluaive a^enev in Baiulon for these hoiiwliold nnr assortment of hardware, tinware and edged tools is most complete. opening of school next Monday, but the use of these people, they would patronize him through the home Tinning & Plumbing a. Sjoeoanlty have succeeded in employing for all not only relieve a much needed newspaper. He cannot afford to the rooms. Mrs. George Hermann Jk. Hatoerly commodity, but make a success in send out expensive analogues, le has been employed to teach the a speculative capacity. Rent-, the gitimati profits and honest and Sth grade, Miss Florence McCracken way they stand now, and the price square dealing will not permit it, Orders by phone and mail will teach the 6th and 7th, and Miss of lumber and lots considered, but he has to have his goods and promptly attended to. Daisy Deyoe will take Miss Gooper’s would soon pay for houses lor rent­ prices compared with mail order Order your winter ‘ s supply Ciri/ lìn ¡ducer and < ’I mim room, the other teachers having ing purposes. The new mills that houses, founded on shoddy goods of wood now. been previously employed. Surveyor. will soon be in full operation will re­ and underhanded dealing. Can you The Order of Eastern Star of quire new men, and most of them satisfy yourself where you in any Fourmile Phone 4 long 1 short Higher Classes of Work Solicited will of necessity, come from the out­ one incidence sei tired what yon Coos County met in annual re-union Mail, Lock ox 46 BANDON, OREGON. side, bringing their families, and all • ■onsidered the value of your money in this city last Friday. Many out | of town members came in and with | will join in the demand for more from a mail order house? Did you dwellings. ever stop to think of the principle the members of the Order here CLARENCE Y. LOWE, Bandon. Oregon, connected in so sending your pat­ passed a most enjoyable day. At noon a tine dinner was served, and ronage out of town? Do you think C ongresman W. C. H awi . ev though the banquet room was well Druggist and Apothecary was a Bandon visitor last for a minute that any one of them Is just in receipt of a new and When spread with tables, two servings week and spent much of his time in would trust you for a cent? fresh stock of were necessary, A business meet- you want credit you always look to looking up the bar and harbor’ con­ ing was held in the afternoon to Drugs and Chemicals, Why not just ditions. He is of the opinion that the home merchant. arrange for next year’s meeting, Patent and Proprietary Preparations as well spend your money with him the money expe .«led on this pro- Yon send away which is to be held in Marshfield. Toilet Articles, je. 1 1:, but a beginning and that it is when you have it? In the evening five candidates were for material and articles liecause you Druggist«« Nundrie««. being applied to the best of the giien the degrees and this was fol­ P erfumes , B rushes , S ponges . S oap . ability of the engineers. His idea cannot get them here at home. Ask lowed by an ice cream supper. N uts ani > C andies . in making this trip throughout the for them at your dealers and by During the meeting a number of creating a demand for such things Cigar*, Tobacco* and Cigarette*. district is to acquaint himself with members talked for the good of the I‘a nits. Oita. Glans and Painters’ Supplies. you will soon find them on their the conditions needed and to be order in an entertaining manner, able to present them before his fellow counters all of the time. We placed •> «.*• <• <• <• •> •> •> •> •? <• Taken from you. 4» and throughout, the reunion was * i representatives in the halls of Con­ the advertising proposition in our * I The next time you one of keen enjoyment. gress in an able manner. While in waste basket. * receive a mail order catalogue, place School opens Sept. 16, Prof. E. C. Throne, who accepta­ Enroll with us. this office lie expressed his opinion bly served the Myrtle Point band as it in the only place where it can do •x regarding the....... \ and as to the ❖ <• If, by keeping director for more than a year, but ❖ developments now being prt ijected good—in the lire. who has been in Marshfield for the ❖ ❖ ❖ We are their advertisements out of the home past few months, was in this city last ❖ and those about to come, ❖ ❖ new paper, we can accomplish even week on hisAvay to Roseburg, where ❖ time and ❖ sorry he did not have the Wortli Bend. Oregon •* I a little toward keeping our money at he will play during the district fair •>' ♦ opportunity to address our people with the Roseburg band and visit ❖ as he has done in otln r parts of the home, we feel satisfied that our ener­ friends, for a short time, and will ❖ ❖ gies and loss have been well spent. ❖ <. ❖ county, but he has met many of our then leave for Long Beach, Calif., •> r Wines, Liquors Crosman Timmons, Preaident G. T. Treadgold, Sec citizens and has made himself famil where, beginning with the first of ❖ « ❖ R H. Ro»a, Vice-President A. E. Hadnall, Treat. < Ictober. he has a year’s engage­ t ❖ Port Orford Notes. iar with our Conditions, and we NJ. ❖ and Cigars ..... ment with the American Marine band <• ❖ may expect to hear from him liter From the Tribune. >• to furnish music for that famed ❖ ❖ ' ❖ regarding them. southern California resort. Prof. R. D. Hume left Wedderbtirn Throne starts in on a salary of $90 ❖ ❖ « last Week whence he and his wife per month, anil his Myrtle Point <• ❖ Bandon Investment Corporation Inc. May 6, 19O i <* * Da sin its sc il 1 > / os. T he C ovntv E ditors and pub w ill depart for a European trip, friends expect to see him climb •> •> A. ID Morse, IY[gr. lishers of Oregon were knocked out especially to Scotland, the home of higher in his chosen calling. He ❖ ❖ Proprietors. to of fully $40,000 last winter by the their ancestors. lias better than a local fame as a ❖<• • • Oregon. « cometist, that is certain to expand ❖ Bandon, state legislature, business that the * •5* .... Miss Mary Marsh is home on a with his new engagement. ❖ <•» •> ••• ÿ* * * •> ’•* ••• press of the state have been getting REAL ESTATE - TOWNSITES ■ PROMOTIONS BANDON for years-and should continue to re visit, having come down from Co I quille with het aunt, Mrs. Dr. Owen ceive. The Oregon Press As­ sociation has taken on new life and of St 1.ouis., Mo., formerly Miss Ida at its winter meeting in Portland Kronenberg of Coos. something will be doing which is Julius Kock, who resided for bound to lead to the betterment of many year - on hi- Ilk riv er farm, those who are depending on the in­ now occupies his cozy home in Port come of a printing office for their Orford. He draws a Mexican War I airbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for Spraying, Pumping sustenance. For years the pub­ ]M*nsion. and though 85 years of age Sawing, Grinding1 Outfits complete. Fairbanks .Morse Steam Engines, Pumps. Boilers. Fairbanks Seales for weigh­ lishers have sat quietly bv sucking is sprver than most men of si 'ly ing. Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Motors, for power and their thumbs, while every incoming light; \\ intimitis and Towers; Grinders, Feed Choppers, Well Miss Tinv Roberts returned to and outgoing legislatin' has taken a i’nmps. All first quality goods at. lowest prices. Always in her home in Myrtle Point last Fri­ stock. Liberal terms. Prompt reply to inquiries and quick crack at him The curtain has shipment \\ rite for Catalogues and Prices. day, after spending two weeks with dropped on this club wielding act her sister, Mrs. Rackrcff. Her and from now on the country news­ I sister Miss Jennie, will remain a few i paper men are not only going to d.u S longer. claim what is coming to them, but T. J. Gilkerson and wife—nee We do they are going to get it. Miss Winnie Hall a sister to Mrs. not believe there is a newspaper « H. T. Steward, arrived here last publisher tn this state that is'‘on the graft." as intimated by the Portland Friday, on a few weeks viit, having come from their home ift Lemoore, Oregonian, but there are sonic California, to San Francisco, thence things they are entitled to that the by steamer Plant to Coos Bay and legislature can grant, things (with from there via Myrtle Point to Port special the week oh mo . kth . honest and right and it given, will Orford. SAMPLE IN CONNECTION. I m - a benefit <0 every taxpaver in Mr N P. Jurgensen, who was Oregon.—Hillsboro Independent. 1 stricken with paralysis at Port . < >r Editorial Page of Bandon Recorder Long’s Park Addition to Bandon Bandon Investment Corporation f NEED A NEW STOVE? A. M c N air , T he H ardware M an . s A Business Education Is the best Investment for the young Man or Woman. It will double your earning capacity. and cannot be Eldorado Miller Cleaver Business College. Mrs. A. G. Hoyt wishes to Invite the Ladies of Bandon to call Gasoline - Steam, Pumping, irrigation and at her home and see her Lighting Machinery. hats, before buying. FASTER BROS Have received this week a select line of Fairbanks - Horse & Co., Portland, Oregon. HOIEI Ladies Cloaks Dress Goods GALLIER Dates $1.00 to $2.00 per Day. n.iTEs nr Call and see them .« BANDON OREGON.