— A It« lot development of thia ui«1 dustry in Oregon The land upon Loclgo and profTeastonal Directory From the Enter pOM. , which this orchard w.ls planted was A youngster was told to sdak hi« feet in a tub of salt water if he u ished worth $50 to $100 an acre when used Lodges are Requested to Notify this Office ou Election of Officers and on To plant to toughen them. He soaked his as a grain or hay field. Change of Meeting Night. Cards under this Head aro 50c per in., month hands too. “Its pretty near time the trees and bring them to maturity for me to git a licking “ he ex­ may have cost $iooan acre in ex plained. “Tomorrow I'm going to cess of revenue that conld be hac Masonic. C R WADE from the land while the trees were sit in it.” »ANDON LODGE, No. 115. A. F. A M. ATTORNEY AT LAW growing. The difference represents » Stated communications first Satur­ Notary Public Mr. F. B. Tichenor, who has been the intelligence, care and skill in day after the full uioou of each month cordially invited. Office with Wheeler Real Estate Co. visiting Cuos and Currv county selecting and caring for the tiees. All Master Masons ki. H. ROSA, W. M. B andon , • U kicwn friends for some time, left Thurs­ Mr. White gives no description of I. O. O. F day morning tor Marshfield where the orchard he considers the best G. T. IKEAIIGOI.II, andon lodge . No. 133. i, o. o. f he will take the Breakwater for west of the Rocky Mountains and it is meets every Wednesday evening- ATTORNEY - AT LAW, Visiting brothers in good standing cor Portland on his way home to Spo­ impossible to point out just how the dially invited. NOTARY PUBLIC NATHAN BARKLOW, N. G. kane, Wash. grower has managed to produce an L. J. R adluy , Sec. Baudou, Oregou. Peaches, watermelons and musk orchard of such value But while it Rebekah Lodge No. 126. melons from Douglas county are is impossible to tell how he did it, it EETS Every 2nd and Itb Tuesdays, LOUIS DUONAR, is easy to tell some of the ways in quite plentiful on the Myrtle Point Fradice night first Wednesday of the month. Social Evemug the 3rd Saturday Electrician. of Electric Light [and Tele­ He didn't market. These luxuries are being which he didn’t do it. the month. A cordial iuvitation et tended brought in by team and are proving take any old tree an irresponsible to all members in good standing. phone Work. Supplies ANNA CRA1NE. N.G. a source of profit to both the grow­ nurseryman wanted to get off his I’ xabl E bickho M. Sec’y. Bandon, Oregon hands. He didn't set out a dozen ers and the teamsters. Kill gilts of Pythias The annual reunion of the Latter different varieties of trees upon the elphi lodge n «. 64, Knight» of O- T- Blumenrother theory that if one variety failed he Day Saints which has been held at Pvthias. Meets every Monday even­ V. S. CommlMioner and Notary Public. ing at Masonic ball Visiting Knights in­ the Dixon grove during ten days, would get a crop from the others. vited FiliiWR «nd Final proof» luade on Home to attend. R. E. L. Bedillion, C. C. Ue&da, Timber Claim» and other U. 8. Lands closed Snnday. The meetings were He didn’t set the trees so close to­ B. N. H axuinuton , K ut li. S. •Money Loans Negotiated ou Approved very interesting and successful. A gether that they couldn’t develop a Security. Modern Wvudiuen, Office in room 10 Beyerle Building, Ban number of ministers from various top or a root system without inter­ ('ABLE ROCK CAMP, No. 917«, M W don. Residence on Butte Creek, Oregon. * lacing. He didn't give the San .L of A. Meets every fourth Saturday of localities were present and quite a Real Estate bought aud Sold. Jose scale full liberty the first few each luontb at Coucrete Hall. Visiting number of visitors from other places years upon the theory that it would neighbors cordially invited to attend. attended the services. GEORGE LORENZ. H. C. A. M HITCHCOCK be time to spray when the trees be- E. E. O akks , Clerk. V. Foss, a lumberman in the Mul­ gan to bear, Contractor nnd Builder He didn't turn the len logging camp on the North Fork, orchard over to a tree-butcher to Foresters of America. Estimates given on any kind of was crushed by a log that rolled trim and prune, He didn't let his / 1OURT QUEEN OF THE FOREST. No. buildings. Address Bandon, Oregon. over him Monday evening. He was trees become unbalanced so that VJ 17, meets Friday night of each week, in Concrete Hall, Bandon. < Iregon. A cor­ badly bruised, his left side was hurt, limbs on'one side would break off dial welcome is extended to all visiting W L. DAVIDSON, and there are indications of slight in­ while the other side had nothing to brothers. G. T yi . xk , Chief Ranger. Fin. Secretary. jury to his right lung; but his doctor break. He didn't rely upon nature at Bandon Hdw Storv hopes, if no unfavorable symptoms to do anything for him that he could Woodmen of the World. Sept. IO, II and 12. set in, to have him around again in do for himself. CAMP No. SW, W. O. W. His apple orchard QBA8IDB ¡3 meets iu regular session the first and a short time. No one was present worth $1000 an acre in the open i bird Thursdays of each month in the Ms Consult Lini fur your eyes. Lead ache to witness the accident, but Mr. Foss market and worth $1400 an acre to sonic hall. Visiting members are cordially wear io ess, or nervoasoeag. invited. A. RICE. C. has been able to describe it in part, him, represents an investment of O.C. W aldvooel , Clerk. and it is considered very fortunate perhaps $200 an acre in money and that he received no more serious in­ labor. The rest of the value was See Dr. Bancroft jury. PROFESSIONAL the product of brains.—Portland Levi Smith brought in a female Oregonian. Eye & Nerve Specialist panther Thursday morning that had Dr H. I_i. Houston, been killed by his son Ed, and Chas. Clean up Your Back Yards. PHYSICIAN & SUHGEON For Visual Defects, Eye Diseases, Epperson. The carcass was bought Office over Drug Store. Hoars, 9 to 12, to 4, p ui ; 7 to 8 in the evening. NERVOUS or CHRONIC ILLS. by Walter Endicott, and will be We steal the following from the a.tn. 1:30 Night calle answered from office. mounted by Jack Abbott. The Salem Journal and make the nec­ Consuilta.ti.ork Free ■ - - OltBGON. brute was treed by dogs and shot essary applications to suit local con­ BANDON, Next Visit to Bandon, July 18 after dark Wednesday. The var­ ditions. fir D.L. HTEELK mint's range has been in a section The city fathers want a clean of country about six miles out of town, and to all Bandon citizens they Resident Dentist town where she had gathered in say: ............................. 'Tt-Tt *• about twenty-five head of sheep in OFFICE IN OLD BKEUER BUILDING, We are trying to make Bandon a A. B. SABIN the past few days, which accounts BANDON, - - OREGON. Manufacturer and Dealer in for her fat and healthy condition. It cleaner town, and call upon all citi­ GKO. »«. TOPPING, All Kinds of Saddlery. ... is thought that she has a mate on the zens to help us out. Hames» anil Saddles Repaired. H If we ask you to clean up, don ’ t ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW same range and an effort will be BANDON. - - OK EGON. ; AND take offense. We mean nothing per­ made to get him also. NOTARY PUBLIC. sonal, and intend to treat all alike. Mre Insurance. Help us to get rid of the sore Bandon, - - - - Oregon. Port Orford Notes. B.IXDOX TIi.IXSFEIi CO. spots. C H PATTERSON A SON From the Tribune. Let us have no place in Bandon W. E. THRESHER, Dray and General Delivery too dirty to show a stranger. attorney - at - Law. In a horse-shoe pitching contest Meet all Boats. If weeds and brush encumber the at Wedderburn last week between Notary Public ----- All orders handled with care.----- sidewalk in front of your place, cut B andon , : O bkoon . Mathew s of Gold Beach and Meek JI edderburn - Oregon them down. of Wedderburn, for too points, the If you own a vacant lot which is latter won by a safe margin—con­ siderable money changing hands on overgrown with rank weeds, remem­ ber it is a nuisance to the neighbor­ the results. hood. The measles having exhausted If you have an abandoned barn or themselves in Port Orford, have a useless old shack, make stove passed on down the coast, where Fromms, Whites anil Sherrards are wood of it. Get after the rubbish in the alley. fighting with them. Though many have had them seriously, yet there Clean up the barn. has been no fatal cases. Don't wait for the city to compel Another party of S. P. surveyors you to do these things; it is un­ have joined Brown's surveyors and pleasant for both the officers and A Talk to The Consumer are now camped at Fromm's. There yourself. are now over forty people in the two Just clean up the trash in you own back yard, parties. In any other business we Dont mind what your neighbors would expect results to follow such do, expensive moves, but no one can tell h you want to have a nice clean what an R. R. Company will do. Yon have no doubt watched the rapidly advancing high town, prices with many misgivings, and with the nnceaaing Congressman Hawley will leave Dear friend, it is up to you. wonder at their progress. Every dollar yon make seems Drain for Coos bay Sept. 2nd; will Just clean up the side of the high to go for some needed neccessity. W e who have to l»e in Bandon Sept. 4th, and in deal in these everyday essentials, realize this fact more back fence, Dairyville and Port Orford the next than the buyer. It is onr endeavor to keep the prices No matter if you work hard day or the follow ing day. We are as low as posaible, and the profit margins are very close as yet unable to announce the definite Get out and growl just as much as When yon are paying yonr good dollars out, yon want you please, date when he will be here, but we Myrtle Fount Note*. STEIGER & KERR’S STOVES ANO RANGES, —«NEVER FAIL-«—' 1 B M Bandon Hardware Co Opposite Post Office. Billiard, and. Fool Rooms We have purchased the billiard and pool tables and bowling alleys of A. J. Hartman anil will conduct the business along these lines. You are invited to call and spent a pleasant evening with us, courteous treatment. Hartman Bldg Haytei’ & Doak. Title Guarantee and Abstract Company ,H nr« liti eld mid Coquille, Oregon. ------------ X------------ We have compieteli a thorough ami up to date ABSTRACT PLANT, ami are now ready to furnish CORRECT ABSTRACTS at short no­ tice. Orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Marshfield Office Adjoins Flanagan & Bennett bank. That at Coquille Adjoins Postoffice. Coquille Phone. 191 Marshfield Phone, 143 Phone at our Expense when ordering Abstracts Title ( j u a ran tee and Abstract Co. J. S. Barton, Abstractor Henry Seng.tacken, Manager The New Photo Gallery We Have just Opened A Photo Gallery between the Life Saving Station and the Gallier Hotel, and will engage in a general Portrait and View Business. 8 years experience and all work is guaranteed J. W. LINT, - B andon D rug a The New III* iir Store is Now Keatly for IliidneM Drugs. Bandon, Oregon C o . Fvery thing New and Erewli. Druggist's Sundries. Patent Medicines. Brushes, and Toilet Articles. Fine line of Fancy Candies. Fancy Stationery Imported and Domestic Cigars. The New. Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer ELIZABETH C.ll'T. J. OLSEX, Master. This Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and fitted with the latest improvements, and will give a regnlar 8 day service, for imssengers and freight, between the Coqnille River. Oregon, nnd Nan Francisco, Calif. E. r. J. E. WALSTROM Agent, Bandon. Oregon. KRUSE, Managing Agent, 23 Market Street, San Francisco, California. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance Now plying between Portland and Coos Pay only. Weekly trips. GEO. D. GRAY A CO., Gen’l Agts. 421 Market. St. San Francisco. villici BLACKSMITH L. W. SHAW, Agent, Marshfield, Phone 441. Tagens of all Hinds Mode to Crlgr High Prices hope that everyone interested in Port Orford will turn out to greet him. It will try to be arranged for him to speak at 2 o'clock so that ranchers will have time to return home. There will be a dance in the evening at Nielson’s hall. Apples and Brains. Ar AND D WAGON MAKERS IgrtM hoein g • Specialty- Job work attended to promptly and all w-irt. rniaeaw’- .'d !<■ give mtisfnotion. reasonable. Shop on At' vater atrstt. Bandon, Or. Prices The New York “Apple King.’ who expresses his willingness to pay Sio.ooo fora io-acre apple or­ chard six miles from Ashland, gives strong testimony as to the opportun- BUT CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACK yard ! to at least get first class merchandise. We handle the Standard Brands, the kind you know are satisfactory, and the kind you always used. Call and see our stock Notice for Publication Department of the Interior Land Office at Roaebarg, Or. Angnst 21, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Corrie D. Still­ well, of Bandon. Oregon, baa filed notice of hia intention to make final Five year proof hi support of bis claim, viz Homestead Entry No 11558 made May 7. 1902, for the E1., of NE1-4. EH of SE1-4 Section 27. Township 29 Month, Range 11 West, and that said proof will be made before L. A. Liljeqvist. U. 8. Commissioner at his office in Marshfield. Oregon, on Wednesday. Oct. 30, 1907. He namea the following wiU>»-*iea to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. the land, viz Cash Doyle, Frank Barrow«, Alfred West and T. J. Still well, all of Bandoo, Oregon. BBNJARXN L ïi - di . kegwter. ALLEN PROS. Bandon