»urrounding scenery Mr. Baker ' thinks that Curry county timber . Lodg® FrofTtossioxial Directory F. m ike Sentarl looks good to him and while he N. P. Jorgensen of Port Or- was down he inspected a claim on Loilges *re Requested to lot.fv this Office ou Election of Officer* sati *u this which ¡»e has tiled on Elk river ford, was brought to Change of Meeting Night. Cards under this Head are 50c per m., month city last Thursday evening and lod- ged in the county jail and is await­ Ready For Entry ing an examination as to his sanity. Meaowle. He became totallv paralyzed about C R. WADE Pursuant to an order issued by the andon lodge . No. 115. a . f . a m . five weeks ago, and is afflicted with Interior Department on the 6th day ATTORNEY AT LAW Stated oommiiuications first Satur­ day after the full uioou of each month Notary Public dropsy. His mind is deranged and of List May, about 8,000 acres oli All Master Masons cordially invited. Office with Wheeler Real Estate Co. he is in a pitiful condition. R. H. Ri MM, W. M. unappropriated government land w as Coquille Not STEIGER ft KEMt'S B Bandon Hardware Co Opposite Post Office. Fool Billiard, and. Booms Wr ha\ e pur< hase<1 the billiard and |x>oi 'able1" and bowling alleys of A. | Hartman and will conduct the business along thes? lines. Volt are invited to call and sjH’nt a pleasant evening with us, courteous treatment. Hay tor & Doak Hartma^ Bldg Title Guarantee and Abstract Company Mlar*hAe(ne at <>ur Expense u'hen ordering Abstract» Title ( iuarantee and Abstract Co. There was an al irm of tire Sun­ day morning between 2 and 3 o'clock that caused most people to get out of their beds, dive into their « lotlies in .1 hurry and rush to find the tire, which proved to be a false alarm. It was amusing Sunday morning to hear the people tell w liere they went in expectation of finding the fire. Everyone went in i different direction, and after run­ ning over the town they discovered their mistake and went quietly home. A meeting was held Monday evening in regard to the races to be held it Arago September 26, 27 and 28. G. R. Barrow was elected chairman and G. T. Moulton, sec­ retary. The chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to effect a racing organization for the season:. Mr. Barrow further stated that this meeting endorse the acts of thccommitte appointed to secure fund-, tor an agricultural fair, but as the necessary funds were not sub­ scribed it was thought best to have only the races this year. Another meeting was held last evening at which rejjorts from the different committess were heard. Lee Goodman, city marshall, has Iwen taking a vacation for the past few days and Hark Dunham donned the badge of office and saw that the peace and dignity of Coquille was not badly twisted. He has been on the lookout for Lynn Doyle and if lis eagle eye had got sight of Lynn, Hark would have made his first arrest with the firm belief that hi* odoriferous pipe was vindicated. Wagon loads of peaches from Douglas county have lieen arriving in this city for the past w eek. They were of a tine quality and lirought good prices There are localities in Coos county where just as good (leaches can lie raised and the money kept at home. Henry Sen*«lacken. Manager J. S. Barton, Abstractor Port Orford Note*. The New Photo Gallery We Hawe just < »(teiiml A Photo (taller? between the Life Saving Stat iou and I he < ial her Hotel and wdl engage in a general Port rait and View Business. s years exi»erienco and all work ia guaranteed J. W. LINT. B andon - D rug I hr N< w Hing Store ia N->w RrtMly loi Huainr« Drugs. Bandon, Oregon C o . (everything New and Freeh Druggists Sundries. Patent Medicines. Brushes, and Toilet Articles. Fine line of Fancy Candies. Fancy Stationery Imported and Domestic Cigars. The New. Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer ELIZABETH CAl'T. J. OLSEN, .Master. This Steamer in New. is Strongly built, and fitted with the I ite«t improvements, and will give a regolar 8 dnv service, for paaRengera and freight, tietween the Coquille River, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif. E. I' J. E WAI*'I'ROM Agent, Bandon. Oregon. K lit SE, Managing Agent, Market Street. San Francisco. California. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance Now plying between Portland and Coos Pay only. Weekly trips. GEO. 1>. (»BAY ^ WAGON Tape: of al'. Kinds Made to Order. MAKERS Horseshoeing a Specialty- Job work attended to promptly and all w.rk ■guaranteed to give satisfaction. reaaou able. Shop on Atwett r street. Bandon, Ur. Price« From the Tribune. O. P. H.iagensen is building a two story frame hotel at Langlois, and will soon be able to entertain the ti a\ cling public in ease and com­ fort. A linesman from Marshfield was in town last Saturday on his return from (»old Beach,having repaired the telephone line and phones l>e- tween the two places, and patrons may expect more satisfactory ser­ vice unless our local operators ’‘get in the swim” and join the strikers. A large seven |x>int buck lies dead near Curry’s place on Elk river, which evidently died a natural death as a close examination failed to show any other cause. Let them die! The fatal open season of one month, < aused by a blundering legis­ lature, will exterminate them any how. A dance was given in Nelson’s hall Saturday night in honor of the successful “ school maams” and a most enjoyable time was reported. Excellent music was furnished by Prof. Johnson, Norman Tyler and Mr. Hansen. The little town of Dairyville pre- sents 1 prosperous appearance, ii nd more substantial improvements i in the building line ■ have been made w ithin its borders i during the sum- mer months than for several years past Business I houses have been enlarged, several new residences erected and the school house repair ed and painted, and with butter at 35 ct s per lb. “cow town” should continue to prosper, .as within a radius of 4 or 5 miles there is at present some 650 cows being milked for dairy purposrs. Raymond E Baker, principal o the Myrtle Point school, accompanied by Mrs. Baker spent a day or two ¡n Port Orford last week enjoying the sea breezes, and viewing the B andon , . . . . O bkoon thrown open for entry at the Unitec 1. O. O. F G. T. TKEHHMHI), States Land Office in Roseburg this andon lodge . No. i;w. 1. o. o. f meet* every Weduemiav i-veniUK- morning. The land consists of ode ATTORNEY - AT LAW, Visitiuv brother« iu koo U atandluu eor- sections and parts of sections in the ilially invited. NOTARY PUBLIC NATH AN BARKLOW, N. G. Siskyou Reserve in Jackson. Joseph L. J. R adlby , Sec. Bandon, Oregou. ine and Curry counties and is sail Rebekah Lodge No. 126. to be worth very little. The order EETS Every Jud aud 4th Tuesdays. LOUIS UOONAR, restoring it to entry includes about Practice night first Wednesday of the month, Social Eveumg the 3rd Saturday Electrician. °f Electric Light [and Tele­ 90,000 acres of other land in the the mouth. A cordial invitation extended to all members in good Htanding. reserve, but this is either unsurveyed phone Work. Supplie» ANNA CRA1NE, N. G. or covered by tilings, which have 1’ kabi . E rickson . Sec ’y. Bandon, Oregon been held up since the entire area Knight* of Pytlilas was withdrawn in in April, 1903. XELI ’ Hl LGDGE No. 64, Kumhts of O- T- Blumenrother Local timber agents say that the I 1‘vthius. Meets every Monday even­ U. S. Coinui iasioner and Notary Public. 8,000 acres restored to entry this ing at Masonic ball. Visiting Knights in­ Filing* hih ! Final proof* made on Home vited to attend. K E. 1. Bedlllloll. I'. I'. morning would have been filed on B. N. H abhinoton , K of It. S. Mteadii. T'iiuiM^rC'!aim* and other U. JS. Landa Honey Loans Negotiated on Approved long ago had it been considerd o Security. Mod. > i> W.xxlmeii, Office iu room 10 Beyerle Building, Ban­ sufficient value to warrant the r.AHLK ROCK CAMP, No. 9170, M W don. Residence on Butte (’reek. Oregon. trouble. 1 of A. Meets every fourth Saturday of Kcal Estate bought and Sold. each month at Concrete Hall. Notwithsanding its reported small neighbors cordially invited to attend. Visit ing value, thrown open it is evidently no GEORGE LORENZ, H. C. A M. HITCHCOCK going begging for entrymen. Tues­ E. E. O akkh , Clerk. Contractor mid Builder day there were four men lined up in Foresters of America. Estimates given on any kind of the corridor of the land office, and / 1OI U1 QUEEN OF THE FOREST. No. buildings. Address Bandon, Oregon. with the outlook that this number V7 17, meets Friday night of each week, 111 Concrete Hall, Bandon. Oregon. A cor would be greatly augmented by the dial welcome is extended to all visiting W L. DAVIDSON, time the entry books opened at 9 brothers. M. G. Pohl. G. T tlkb , Chief Ranger. o’clock Thursday morning. The Fin. Secretary. Ht Bandon Hdw Storv first of the four men who form the Woodmen of the World. advance squad of landseekers began Aug. 12 13 and 14 QBA8IDK CAMP No. 212. W. O. W his wearisome vigil as early as last • ’ meets in regular sessiou the first and Consult him for your eyes, head ache 1 bird Thursdsvs of ench month in the Ma­ Thursday. The second appeared on sonic hall. Visiting members are cordially weariness, or nervousness. A RHE. C. Saturday, the third on Monday and invited. 0.0. W aldvookl , Clerk. the fourth on Tuesday. Only dur­ ing meal hours were they absent, and at those times their places of PROFESSIONAL. vantage were held by companions. Eye & Nerve Specialist Approximately two-thirds of the Dr H. L Houston, I laud to be tilled on is situated in PHYSICIAN & SURGEON For Visual Defects, Eye Diseases, Curry county. Office over Drug Store. Hours, 9 to 12, Another restoration of public lands a.m. 1 K> to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 in the evening. NERVOUS or CHRONIC ILLS. Night call* answered from offioc. to settlement and entry is scheduled UKBGON. at the Roseburg land office on Aug­ KANIHIN. Next Visit to Bandon, July 18 ust 26. The official order affects a huge acreage included in President Dr D. I». MTKEI.K Roosevelt’s sweeping withdrawal of Resident Dentist last May. Like the restoration of tixlay, however the actual area of OVFIC* IN OLD BREUER BUILDING, A. B. SABIN land that will lx- available for entry BANDON, - OREGON. Manufacturer aud Dealer in ’■ will be comparatively insignificant, r not exceeding 6, acre® Most of UBO. I*. TOPPING, t All Kinds of Saddlery. it is situate«I in Jackson county, and VTTOBNBY ah » COUNSELOR AT LAW £ HarneM and Saddles Repaired. ANDON, - • OREGON. 4 AND the lialance is in Douglas and l.ane NOTARY PUBLIC. counties. It is rated very low in Eire Insurance value.— Review. Bandon, - - - - Oregon. BANDON TRANSFER CO. V II PATTERSON A SON Booked Ahead By Trade. B M I See Dr. Bancroft W. E THRESHER, Attorney - at - Law- A Washington special says that Notary practically all the salmon pack of Wedderburn Alaska, the Columbia river and Pu get sound has been Inxiked ahead by the trade, subject to prices fixed later. The record- breaking de­ mand for canned salmon this season has led to a condition unprecedented in the history of the fishing industry. Never before has the ]>aik been so thoroughly cleaned up so early in the year. The supply of salmon this year is short owing to the failure of the Alaska red salmon pack. Last year the Alaska red pack amounted to about 1,500,000 cases and this year’s total will reach only about 1,000,000cases. With the pack of pinks about the average, the short­ agein the Alaska |a«.k will brought to about 400,000 cases. Public Dray and General Delivery Meet all Boats. -----All orders handled with care.—— B andon , : O bboon . High Prices Notice. You are all invited to call, have your teeth examined and vice given free by Dr. Steele and Sorenson men of large anil modern experience. A Talk to The Consumer Yon hn»t> no doubt watched the rapidly advancing high prices with many misgivings. and with the unceasing wonder at their progress. Every dollar yon make seems to go for some needed neccossity. \\ e who have to deal in these everyday <>s*entiala, realize this fact more than the buyer. It ia onr endeavor to keep the prices as low as possible, and the profit margins are very close When you are paying your good dollars out, yon want to at least get first class merchandise. We handle the Standard Brands, the kind yon know are satisfactory, and the kind yon always used. Cal) and Bee our stock Notice for Publicntion Department of (be Interior Land Office at Roeeborg, Or. August 21. 1907. Notice is hereby given that Corrie D. Still well, of Bandon, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final Five year proof iu support of his claim, viz Homestead Entry No. 11558 made May 7. 1902, for the ES of NE1-4. ES of NE1 < Section 27. i Township 29 Month. Range 14 West, and that said proof wilt be made before L A. Liljeqviat. U. S. CommiMioner at bia offi.-e in Marshfield, Oregon, on Wednesday, Oct. 1 30, 1907. He name« the following witnesses to prove hie oontinnons residence upon, and caltivatioo of. the land, viz (.'ash iMyle. Frank Barrows. Alfred West and T. J. Still well, all of Bandon, Oregoa. Bh N3AMIX I» Euni. Regnier. ALLEN PROS. Bandon