Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, August 22, 1907, Image 2

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    Editorial Page of Bandon Recorder
An Independent Newspaper
8 ubh < hi pi ws R ates :
E ditor and P roprietor
Per Ivar, £1.50; Six Months £1.00; Copy 5e
This paper
entered nt the Bandon ¡tost ottiov as Seeoiid-ciana Matter.
W e W ish T o I nvite the visiting work and relieve us from these out-
veterans and pioneers to call and
get acquainted. (>ur dailies are at
their service, and the first to cross
the plains and the wearer of the little
bronze badge is always welcome at
this office.
lageous charges.
T he S outhwestern V eterans
traveling through the country ha\e
been the origin of this strike Many
operators that do not wish to lay
down their jobs and join the strikers
are compelled to do so by the union,
their income is suddenly cut off. and
even if the demands of the strikers
are acceded to. it w ill take a long
time before they will make enough
additional to pay them for the loss
of time while they were “out." All
commercial business transacted over
the wires is practically at a standstill:
the press reports from all over the
world are withheld anil the public in
general are have to pay for it all.
Both the telegraph company and the
labor organization are sufficiently
backed to prolong this strike, but
will the public stand by. their in­
terests all at stake, and permit this?
Government ownership is urged by
some political factions, and the advo­
cates of this doctrine are growing as
the condition strikes them.
Let a
way be provided for speedy arbitra­
tion so the wheels of progress may
again run snt oothly.
Association and the Pioneers Re­
Union w ill be belli in Bandon next
week. August 28, 29, 30.
effort should be made to make
Coos A nd C urr \ C ounties I these three days ones of pleasure to
educational facilities are w ith us this he many visitors that will camp
week. The teachers of these two here. It has been three years since
best counties are holding institute the re-union was held in our town,
in the school building under the ' j and we have been progressing along
supervision of the best and ablest 1 many’ lines in that period.
instructors in the State, this week. ■
The yearly teachers institute is anil one that will be remembered by these
has been recognized for some time early pioneers and veterans as long
to be of great mutual advantage to as they’ remain with us, and let the
If you
all of the teachers. The lectures on place put on a gala attire,
An Assured Success.
school work are not only practical are not on the program, you can
and instructive, but arc often based help make this re-union a glorious
Mr. Irwin tells us that wood fiber
on experiences. Nearly a hundred success by doing a little decorating. IS nothing new on the market, and
teachers are in attendance, and the I he main steets should be lined has long been demonstrated as a
lodging facilities of the town are with evergreens, as it was on the positive success.
He introduced
Sometimes is and sometimes
Fourth of July, business Imuses and this new finish at the bay nearly
taxed to the utmost.
isin't his fortune, but a good
residences should decorate with two years ago, anil since then it has
clean shave and a neat haircut
If the Fourth become very popular for insi de work.
II igs and bunting,
M alicious I ntent T o D estroy was an incentive to decorate and A number of masons are now using
goes a good ways on first im­
can not be too severely treated. The celebrate, why should this re-union this material; many use a lime with
Everything new
river boat Liberty sank at the wharf .mt be even more so, as we will it w hich takes the durability out of
and clean, anil at your, immed­
Monday evening this week and the have the old soldiers and the early the wood fiber. It is the cheaper
iate disposal.
cause is supposed to have been from pioneers with us. Last year Myrtle mixtures that give the genuine plas­
some meddler opening up the water Point was chosen as the point for
ter a hard name. Mr. Irwin tells us
valve on the dock, which would celebration. They decorated their that he can finish a house inside
Near Po»t Office
speedily till the vessel and sink her. streetsand buildingsand the celebra and out with the fiber and guaran­
In consequence the transportation lion was a big success.
We will tee it will last a life time. He uses
company will lose considerable as not be outdone and if all will help,
no lime whatever, and the results
the service is badly crippled on ac­ these grand old men and women
obtained are best demonstrated by’
count of the condemnation of the will feel that they are indeed wei
his work here in Bandon.
Dispatch and Antelope. Coming as
Æ. Haberly
it did, the accident delayed shippers
Boy Wanted.
and travelers to the Teachers’ Insti-
he F armer is able to sit back,
We have a position for a bright
Orders by phone and mail
away from strikes and the strife of intelligent boy who w ishes to learn
promptly attended
the world and is not dependent upon
Order your w inter's supply
T he L aundry P roposition for anybody, anil his crops have a ready the printing trade. Boy about 16
wood now.
this place seems to have died away, market the world over. Some years years of age wanted, and one that
but the Commercial organizations he has his set-back in bad crops is w illing to apply himself to the
are now on the outlook for an ener­ and low prices, but in the long run work. Call at this office Saturday
1 ourmile Phone 4 long 1 short
getic industry of this kind and prom­ he is amply protected. The follow­
Mail, Lock ox 46
ise the support of the town and to ing from the Oregonian states the
help secure baskets from down the crop conditions in the North West
Uses of Borax.
coast. Bandon should by all means this year and a flattering report is
have her own steam laundry.
The made for the farmer
To keep ants from the pantry ù J,
idea of a place the size of this to
The Washington grain inspector
depend on another town for laundry estimates the wheat yield of the
We Evergreen State this year at 41,000,-
work is almost preposterous!
can support such an industry to a 000 bushels. This is fully’ 7,000,000
beat assortment in
paying advantage for the proprietors bushels more than was ever produced
it town. Agates polished and mount­
and it will not be many days before in Washington, but we trust that nests.
ú> ed to order. If you find a nice agate
something is done tow ard an enter­ the inspector has made no mistake.
If the cistern water has become ir
while on the beach we will tell you
ir whether it is worth monnting. A
prise of this kind Less faith will If Washington can show up a 40,- impure, discolored or oily, it may’ be à
large assortment of watches, clocks,
be given to hot air propositions in 000,000 bushel crop, it will mean cleansed by adding to it two ounces à it silverware and Jewelry of all kinds.
the future, ami the qualification of fully 65,000,000bushels in the North of borax and two ounces of alum. it it Gold and fountain Pens, including
being able to show up the “goods'' West, or nearly 15,000,000 bushels Stir it well and let it settle. This it it the Waterman and Conklin's auto­
•it matic fillers, the best in the market,
will be necessary to secure the sup­ more than have ever been ha rvested should clear twenty-five barrels.
it We have the Marshall one dollar
port of any enterprise.
The Co­ in the three states.
This amount
To remove freckles—Take two it it fountain pen.
quille wagon that was to commence would be sufficient to meet all of the ounces of lemon juice, one half it
c -3-3 '3 3-3 3-3-3 3-3 3 3-3 >.3-3->.3->>>3 3 3W
making regular trips last May, has heavy Oriental and California de­ drachm of borax and one drachm of
never made its appearance and mand that now seems assured, and powdered sugar. Mix well and let
there is very little stain on the eye­ would also admit of European ex­ it stand four hours. Apply once CLARENCE Y. LOWE,
Rnndon, Oregon,
sight waiting for it, as it was given ports the palmiest days of the trayle, each day until the freckles disappear.
up some time ago.
While a before the oriental business became If too strong, it may be diluted with
Druggist and Apothecary
“Chink” would not be welcomed a factor. Prices have been declining 1 little rain water.
1« just in receipt of a new and
with outstretched arms here, he for the past few days, but the figure
fresh stock of
would probably’ do a land office is still sufficiently high to leave a
of water, one teaspoonful of gly­
Drugs and Chemicals,
business should he open a ' ‘washee margin of profit for the fanners.
washee’ establishment.
dered borax. Mix well and apply Patent and Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
T he N ation I s H ampered and daily w ith a soft cloth.
1»rnggi*t* Sundries.
I f the first primmer on the is being greatly retarded on account
To clear black lace—Sponge it
art of figuring up freight rates was of the strike of the Western Union well with a weak solution of borax, P erfumes , B rushes , S ponges , S oap ,!
forwarded to the persons that figure employes. A few thousand men rubbing it on with a piece of old
N uts ash C andies .
up the freight on merchandise that are holding business interests in black silk or a black kid glove.
ClR>*r*, Tobacco» and Cigarette».
comes into town from Portland, which everybody is interested
To wash flannels Wash them in Paints. Oils. Glass and Painters' Huppltes.
anil a
proper application of is a corporation monoply against the
tepid water to which has been added
the same is made, the
entire labor union, and in struggling for
community will be greatly benefited. victory’ the public, the toll payers a teaspoonful of borax to each pail­
ful of water used. It keeps them'
Just an incident that occurred last who enable both organizations to
and prevents in a great measure
w eek w ill suffice to show that some­ exist, must suffer the loss. The tel­
thing is radically rotten somewhere. egraph officials state they arc already’ undue w rinkling and fulling.
To wash black cashmere—Wash
Mr. I rwin had three tons of wood paying all their business will permit
fiber shipped in from Portland a few and on the other hand the strikers it in hot soapsuds to which has been
weeks ago. The charges were $17.- declare they’ do not receive sufficient added one teaspoonful of borax to
25, which he paid and thought wages and are required to work too each pail of suds. Rinse in strong
things under his breath, but this many hours.
The telegraph com­ bluing water and iron while still
last week he received only a ton pany will undoubtedly attempt to damp.
To cleanse nursing itottles and
and a half over the same route and conduct their business without settl­
Wines. Liquors
from the same place, and had to ing with the strikers, putting new tubes, wash them in weak borax
cough up $16 for freight charges. operators to work Then the strikers water, If two arc used—which is
and Cigars.....
It stands to reason that these charges will cut wires and destroy property the best plan—' keep the one not in
are wrong somewhere.
According to attain their end.
In many cases 1 use full of weak borax water.
to this last figure, the freight on the the striker is in the right, but the
To starch collars, cuffs, shirt
three ton would have been $32, or past few years have been prosperous bosoms and fine mudins so that they
nearly $11 a ton. Here is a first for the laborer as well as the cor-' will look like new, add to each
class opportuniiy for the board of (Miration.
Wages are higher and quart of made starch one half tea­
inspectors for the Railroad Commiss­ there is more demand for skilled spoonful of borax and a tiny bit of
Bandon. -
- Oregon.
ion, to get in a liule of their g >od labor than ever before.
Agitators butter or lard.
A Man’s Face
Etismussen Pios.
Bridge A Brarli
Stove*. Range* and Heater*
Have in them s<> mnnv excellencies that they are now acknowleilyed the
greatest sellers on the const, and they are growing in favor every year. We
have the exclusive agency in Bandon for these household and otlice neceHsities,
and prices range exceedingly modest in < it her case.
Our assortment of hardware, tinware and edged tools is most complete.
Tinning & Plumbing a. Specialty
A. M c N air ,
T he H ardware M an .
7/ /Í nginei'r and
Higher Classes of Work Solicited
A Business
Is the best Investment for the young
Man or Woman. It will double your
earning capacity, and cannot be
Taken from you.
School opens Sept. 16,
Enroll with us.
KoVtli Bend, Oregon
Crosman Timmons, Pres ident
R H R osa , Vice-President
G. T. Treadgold, Sec
A. E. Hadsall, Trees.
Bandon Investment Corporation
Inc. May 6, 1 <>07
A. D. Morne, Klgr.
Gasoline - Steam, Pumping, Irrigation and
Lighting Machinery.
Fairbanks-Morse (lanolins Engines for Spraying, l’mnping,
Sawing. Grinding.
Outfits complete.
Steam Engines, Pumps, Boilers. Fairbanks Scales for
ing. Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Moto;’, for power and
light; Windmills and Towers; Grinders, Feed ('hoppers, Well
Pumps. All first quality goods at, lowest prices.
Always in
stock. Liberal terms. Prompt, reply to inquiries and quick
Write for Catalogues and Prices.
Fairbanks - Morse & Co , Portland, Oregon.
Kates $i.oo to $2.00 per Day,