Hie First Organ. $ Dollars $ (Special Correspondence.) Seattle, Aug. 15 th.—Among the interesting exhibits of the early days of Alaska and Yukon, at the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, w hich will l>e held at Seattle in I909. w ill be the first organ that went into the Northland. Organs and pianos are common now in the north, but in 1898 a mouth organ was the largest instrument of music that the land possessed. It is a question of Dollars and Cents when yon figure on a new- building, or any addition, and jolt estimate the cost of the Builder's Material and Hardware with a dread of the rapidly advamung prices, Un lake into consideration the buyers view ami estimate accordingly Onr prices are close ami we are positive we can save you money on your hill of material, IV» would greatly appreciate the opportunity of submiting an en- timate, and feel sure it will a mutual advantage Bandon Hardware Co Opposite Post Office Billiard and. Rooms Fool ind pool tables and nd will conduct the e invited to' call and courteous treatment. Hay ter & Doak. Hartman Bldg Title Guarantee and Abstract Company I Jlarali Hehl hiii I «'nquille, Oregon. ------------- X-------------- ✓ We have completed a thorough and up to date ABSTRACT PLANT, ami are now ready to furnish CORRECT ABSTRACTS at abort no­ tice. Orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Marshfield Office Adjoins Flanagan & Bennett bank. That at Coquille Adjoins Postoffice. Marshfield Phone, 113 Coquille Phone, 191 WT Phone at our Expense when ordering Abstracts Tit/c ( guarantee and Abstract Co. J. S. Barton, Abstractor Henry Sengttacken, Manager MB I MMKMMMiBBMMMMMMaaMM^MMBI I he Neiu Photo Galleiy \\ <» Have just Opened A Photo Gallery between the Life Saving Station and the Gallier Hotel, ami will engage in a general Portrait and View Business. 8 years experience and al) work is guaranteed J. W. LINT. Bandon. Oregon () The New Drug Store lit Now ISeaily for l!ii«ineNA. Drugs. K very tli I ng Druggist s Sundries. Patent Med ¡cines. Brushes, and Toilet Articles. Tine line of Fancy Candies. Fancy Stationery Imported and Domestic Cigars. The New. Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer C'U'T. J OLSEX. Master. T his Steamer is New. is Strongly Inuit, and fitted with the latest improvements, and will give a regular s dav service, for passengers and freight, between the Coquille River. Oregon, nnd San Francisco, Calif. K. r. KRUSI ,J. E WAUSTKOM Agent, Bandon, Oregon. vi 1 in \ -i.t Market Btreet Man Francisco, California California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance Now plying between Portland and Coos Pay only. Weekly trips. GEO. D. GRAY .t CO., Gen’l Agta. 4‘1 Market. St. San Frnncixco. L. W. SliAW, Agent, Marshfield, Phone 441. 1< HNNBDY BLACKSMITH ANI» Tagens of all Kinds Made to Order. WAGON MAKERS Horce:hce:ng a Specialty Job work attended to promptly and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. reasonable. Shop on Atwater street, Bandon, Or. ( Price« • * I d iughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tvler of Woodburn, which died August 2nd, after a three month's ilness. Mr. ami Mrs. Tyler were former residents of this city ami they have the sympathy of their friends in their hour of bereavement. The gasoline launch of the Co­ I M a«»» nie. C R. WADE quille Mill ami Mercantile Companv I »ANDON LODGE, No. 115. A. F. A M. ATTORNEY AT LAW which was built l day after rhe full moon of each month Notary Public has been launched and is one of the «II Master Masons cordially invited. Office with Wheeler Resi Estate Co. K. H. KONA. W. M. swiftest boats on the river. The B andon , U biihin boat is 28 feet long and 61 _• feet IO O F <1. T. TKKAl.OOI.l», beam, and is propelled bv a 8 horse andon lodge . No. 133, i. o. o. f meet« every Wednesjuv evening- power engine. ATTORNEY • AT LAW, \ iMitiug brother« in good standing cor Two Seattle men that winter pur chased an organ for about twenty The Regatta at Astoria. dollars. They had money enough to ship it to Skaguay and a little more for two months' food. They An elaborate program of sports packed the organ over Chilhoot pass and interesting events of a large \ ar- taking a month to do it. and another iety have been planned for this month to drag the instrument to I Mai di < ¡ras of the w t st. A dozen Dawson. At that time there were commutes ire working hard to per­ over a hundred new millionaires in fect all arrangements for the fete at I >awson, many of whom had just the end of the month, and every married. Among the women the citi/en of Asforia is taking a lively competition as to w ho would own the interest in it, in order that it may be organ was intense. It finally fell to the most successful of any ever held the richest of them all, the wife of a since the first one, thirteen years man who was also the most in love. I ago. The bids went up by the hundreds I For those who have heard of the and the organ was the basis of a great salmon industry of the Col­ large fortune for the men to whom umbia this occaaion will give them the idea first occurred. The organ ample opportunity to see the fisher­ is still in good condition and bears men handle their boats and nets in tew marks of it's thousand mile jour various water contests. neyover ice. and snow and mountain peak. Estray Notice. Dick Willi ams, a prominent oper­ ator in the Tonopah district, who claims to be the first man to bring a cat into Yukon is telling for the benefit of those interested in the prospective Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition which opens at Seattle June ist 1909, many tales of the early days. As the exposition hopes to reproduce many famous scenes and cabins of the stirring days of 1897-‘98 Williams’ stories are of interest and assistance. “The cat that made me famous’’ said Williams, “like many famous men, had a humble pedigree. I picked her up in an alley in Seattle between First and Second Avenue one night in August 1897. Next day I went north. I brought the cat along for company as it was my first trip, and I had no thought then of making a profit of it. 1 kiwson was a mighty homeless place the winter of 1897.‘98. 1 arrived on one of the last boats that fall and to my astonishment hundreds came to see the cat and offer after offer to purchase it poured in. The camp was lively enough, but its lonesome­ ness consisted in the absence of home touches, an absence which my cat seemed to supply. I finally had to sell pussy as my money ran out, ami I got over a thousand dollars for her. 1 do not believe that a home­ less cat ever sold for so much before in all history. Next summer they brought in a boat load of cats w hich the men eagerly bought, and from that time on the price of cats de- creased and their number grew . Coquille Notes. from the Sentinel. Perrot and Munson, who have been making cement walks in Ban don for the past month, report that they have finished the walk and foundation for the (.¡allier Brot.’ new hotel. S. C. Endicott and Miss Audrey Bridges of Myrtle Point, were mar- ried at the home of the bride’s par ents at that place Wednesday even jng. Their many friends in this city extend congratulations. I T Land, W H. Lyons. M O. Hawkins and J. L. Thomson left this city Wednesday for an extend­ ed hunting trip. They went from lv re to I .den valley and from there they will go over on Rogue river and come ba< k up the coast through Curry county. They each had a riding horse and two pack animals were taken along to carry the camp out-fit. As they went through front street they looked like Buffalo Bill’s Rough Riders, Prof. Hawkins; in particular. We suppose after their return that it will be years lm- spotted ’ cow same markings, 1 2 year old 1 heifer, same marking. Finder will 1 return same to the undersigned who 1 will pay all charges. A liberal re­ 1 ward will be given for knowledge of ' their w hereabouts. 1 F. M. W angling , Bandon, Oregon. B diallv invited. NATHAN BAKKLOW, N. G. L. J. R adi . bv . Neo. NOTAHY PUBLIC BaiuL>u, EETS Everv 2nd Hint Itb t lie mouth. A cordial invitation evlended to all members in good »tandiug. ANN A GRAINE. N. G. P kabi E kickhon , Sec’y. Dated this ist day of Aug., 190“ B andon W ater C ompany . Electrician. Electric Light ^and Tele­ Supplies phone Work. Ba ndon, Oregon Knight» nt Pythia» elphi lodge n <> tit, knight» of O- T- Blumenrother Meets every Monday even­ D ing Pythias. I . S. <'<»111111 ixeloner and Notary Public. at Ma»onic ball. Visiting Knight» iu- Eilings and Final proofs made on Home vited to attend. R E. L Bediilion, <'. C. B. N. H akbinioon , h of R. S. • teadii. Timber Claims and other U. 8. Lauds Money l.oaiift Negotiate«! oil Approved Security. Modern Woodmen. • Ollie«* in room 10 Beyerle Building, Ban­ I’ABLE ROCK CAMP, No. >.»17«, M W. don. ICesidence on Butte Creek. Oregon. I of A. Meets every fourth Saturday of Real estate bought and Sold. each month nt Concrete Hull. Visiting neighbors cordially invited to attend. GEORGE LORENZ. H. C. E. E. < J akes , Clerk. ForEMter» of America. Estimates gtveu on any kind of Address Bandon, Oregon. / ’<)! Il l Ql'EEN OF THE FOREST. No. LoildingH. V 17. uieetH Friday night of each week, iu Concrete Hail, Bandon. Oregon. A ear­ dial welcome in extended to all visiting brother«. W L. D V\T I >Sl >N. G. T ylbb , Chief Ranger. Fin. Secretary. M. G. Pohl. Bandon Hdw Storv Woodmen of llie World. easide camp Aug. 12 13 and 14 N o . 212. w. o. w meets in regular sessiou the first and S Hurd Consult him for your eyes, head ache Tbursdavs of each uionth in the Ma- s into hall. Visiting members are cordially weariness, or nervousness. invited. A. RICE, 0. C. O. C. W aldvooel , Clerk. See Dr. Bancroft PROFESSIONAL. Eya & Nerve Specialist Dr H. I_i Houston, For Visual Defects, Eye ( Ittice over Drug Store. Honrs, !• to 12, i.tn. 1:30 to 4, pm.; 7 to 8 in the evening. Night culls answered from office. BANDON, - - Consultation Free Next Vi.it to Bandon, July 18 A. B. SABIN OREGON Manufacturer and Dealer in I I’.- TOPPING, GKO. I TORNEY » nd COUNSELOR AT I AND Diseases, NERVOUS or CHRONIC ILLS. Notice is hereby given that water BANDON, ... OBEGON, is not to be used for irrigating pur­ poses, or to sprinkle the streets and Dr. D. Io STEELE side-walks, excepting 1 in the even- ing between six o'clock and eight Resident Dentist o'clock. OFFICE IN OLII BREUEli BUILDING, Water w ill be turned off for vio- lation of this rule and a charge ol fifty cents will be made to turn it on I again. LOUIS OOONAK, Tuesday». Practice night tirtt Wvdueaday of th.- M month. Social Evemug the 3rd Saturday of PHYSICIAN A 8UKGE0N Notice to Users of City Water. Oregon. Rebekah Lodge No. 126. All Kinds of Saddlery. 3 llarneRA and Saf .lini.- |s;.s. entitled An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cat ifonita. Oregon. Nevada, anil 'Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by net of August 4. lHttt. John VI I «»ng, of Bandon. County of Coos, State tor Territory > of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. sP.H. for Un- purchase of the NE1. of N W of Section No. 2!i, ill township No. 2!l N., Range No. 14 Went, and will offer proof to .«»<■ " that the land -vnght is more vain able for its timber or stone than for agricol tnral piirjsises, and t<> establish bis claim to said 1.md before I.- v Liljeqviot, I 8. Ct mJ mission* r at Marshfield. Oregon. on We,: nesday, the t',th day of November. 1!W7. He names an witnesses: Chris Long, Frank Bates, Frank Beyerle and Edward tlhman, all of Bandon. C ihmi County, t»re gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or tiefore said 6lb day of November, 1H07. B uuamin L E ddt , Register. C It PATTERSOfl A SON Dray and General Delivery Meet «11 Beats. ----- All orders handled with care.----- B andon , : O kkoon . High Prices A Talk to The Consumer Yon Lave no doubt watched the rapidly advancing high prices with many misgivings, and with the unceasing wonder at their progress. Every dollar yon make seems to go for some ueeded oeccessity. W e who have to deal in these everyday essentials, realize this fact more than the buyer.. It is onr endeavor to keep the prices as low as posaible, anti the profit margins are very close When you are paying your good dollars out, yon want to at least get first class merchandise. Wo handle the Standard Brand®, the kind yon know are satisfactory, and the kind yon always used. (Jail and see our stock » M. AXTELL And Company