o® • • T Oregon’« Slow $ Dollars $ The population of the state of Oregon is not increasing as it seems I that it should. Apparently the I rest of the state is not keeping step I with Portland in this respect. While quite a good m.inv new home- I seekers are scattering out throng h the state, and considerable develop­ ment is going on and population and Ml Manter Manona eordmlh invited. Office with Wheeler R ch I Estate Co. E. H. ROSA. W. M. production are increasing to some 1 he red tires which burned on the I 'ANDoN, .... UlKUON extent, yet the growth of the interior summits of Mt. Hood, St. 1 felens, and I. <». o. »* <■ T. TKEUMiOlII, towns and rural communities is still Adams were plainly visible from » ANDON LODGE. N«>. 133. I O. O. F » meets every Wednesday evening. slow,in comparison with the big Portland. ATTORNEY - AT LAW. \ isitmg brothers 111 good standing cor growth of Portland, ami in consider­ Jially invited. NOTARY PUBLIC 1 he dinner to the Hon. James R. JOHNSON, N. G. ation of the opportunities and at- Garfield, Secretary of the Interior, L. J. R abi . ky ROBT. , Sec. Bandon, Oregou. tractions that rural Oregon and its at the ('omerci.il Club Saturday night smaller cities aud towns offer. Rebekah Lodge No. 126. the 13th instant, promises to be the LOUIS DOON AR, EE IS I.very 2nd and Illi I'liesdays, Lack of long overdue anil prom­ most representative affair of its kind 1'rantiue night tirsi We.Im adav of the Electric Light ’and Tele­ ised railroads is partly t lie cause, but given thus far during 1907. l'he month, Soeial Evening tlie 3rd Saturday Electrician. of month. A cordial invitation extended not altogether. For some reason, following Monday \ ice President the phone Work. Supplies to all members 111 good standing. M inerva L ewin . N, G. or w ithout apparent reason, the tide Fairbanks will be entertained at din P kabi . E rickson , Seo'v. lia llllllll , Oregon of immigration lias never set toward ner at Seaside by citizens of Astoria Knight* of Pythian Oregon as much as is fully warrant­ and invited guests. I x l l.l'Hl LODGE No. i4. Knights of O- T Blvtme 11 rot 11 er ed by the advantages which all The CHARLESTON and the 1 ' 1‘vthias. Meets every Monday even I . S. (ommieloner and Notary I'ublic. mg at Masonic hull Visiting Knights in parts of the state present. Kilinga and Final proof* made on Houie PAI 1. JONES of the Pacific Coast vited to attend. K. E. I. Kedillion. C. C. < )ne reason why- some counties H. N. H ikuinuk . n , K of K. S. . Bnildiugs. Address Bandon, Oregon. left shoulder while making a grand V 17, meets Fridnv night of each week, While these conditions cannot be slide to the home plate, during the in Concrete Hall, Baniion, Oregon. A cor dial welcome is extended to nil visiting changed, at least soon, there are yet ball game at North Bend on the brothers. W L.DAVIDSON, M. G. Pohl. . kk , Chief Ranger. room and opportunity for thousands Fourth. He has since been on the G. T yi Fin. Secretary. | of new families on now idle or but retired list, but w ill soon be all right Bandon Hdw Storv Woodmen of the World. again. slightly used land, and for a bropor- Aug. 12 13 and 14 QI ISiDl CAMP No 1 W O. W tionate number in the adjacent cities The survey of the harbor has been ’ mt etH in regular aeHHion the firat and Consult him foi your eyon, head ache third Tbnradnva <»f t ach month in the Ma and villages. We cannot avoid the completed from the bar to the I’ony sonic hall. Visiting niemhera are oordially weariness, or nervousness. A. KICK. C. (’. conclusion that rural Oregon has not slough shoal, and Mr. Carroll com­ invited. O.C. W aldvouel . Clerk. yet been sufficiently advertised, its menced work there yesterday. The claims properly presented. Benton Arago will not go to the Cocpillle to See Dr. Bancroft county did some good work in this take soundings, but a member of PROFESSIONAL. line, with satisfactory results; Coos the corps of surveyors has been sent i Eye & Nerve Specialist county has been advertised a good over to Bandon, and soundings on I Dr H. L- Houston, deal; but immigrants want to find the bar will be taken with the aid of PHYSICIAN A SUHGEON other opportunities than real estate the life-saving crew. For Visual Defects. Eye Diseases, < Iftice over Druj« Store. Hours, !• to 12, booms; but it would seem that such As a general rule, ocean-going i.m. t :30 to 4, pm; 7 to 8 in the eveniug. NERVOUS or CHRONIO ILLS. counties as Washington, Polk, Col­ Night calls answered from ottice. steamers slacken speed w hen passing umbia, Lane and Union—not to Consultation Free ... OKEOON, towns along the water front. Large BANDON. mention them all—would find it I Next Visit to Bandon, July 18 vessels, when going at high speed profitable to advertise themselves along a water front, produce suction l»r. I». I«. STEELE widely, thoroughly anil systematic­ that means injury to vessels moored ally, independent of or in connection Resident Dentist at the docks ami damage to proper with what Portland organizations ty. We understand that the Marsh OFFICE IN OLD BRF.ÜFH BUILDING. are doing. A. B. SABIN field city council have the power to BANDON, - OREGON. •A Mannfacturer and Dealer in But while doing this, earnest and pass and enforce an ordinance gov­ persistent efforts should be made erning this matter, and judging from gko . I*. Toi’i-iN«;, All Kinds of Saddlery. * to provide real, substantial attrae t- the number of complaints made late­ VI lORNEY ANI. COUNSELOR AT LAW II ¡trneaa and Saddlm Repaired. I A BANDON, - OREGON. •S’ AND ions for homeseekers in the 1 way of ly by interested parties, it would be NOTARY PUBLIC. small farms at reasonaple prices, a popular move. Fire Insurance. This is especially the work of the Bandoli' - - - - Oregon. Salmon are getting scarcer in the cities and towns; to grow as they de­ HAXIHtX TK.IXSEEH CO. sire they must be ready to show peo Oregon bays and rivers every sea C II PA ITERSON A SON W. B. THRESHER, pie small and productive tracts of son, notwithstanding that millions of Dray and General Delivery land that can be bought at prices young fry are annually turned loose attorney - at - Law. Meet all Boats. No better that will look good to purchasers.— from the hatcheries. Notary Public ---- All orders handled with care.----- ¡•roof is needed that these fry never Oregonian. B andon , : O hkiion . - Oregon reach the ocean, but are the prey of \\ edtlerbu rn Oregon Development League. trout, shags, tish ducks, etc. If the hatcheries are going to bring any benefit to the fishing industry, the _____ (Special Correspondence) young fry will have to be fed and Portland, July tS Portland is fairly alive with tourists and this will con cared for until they are old enough tinue for the next two weeks from to look out for themselves. As it among the delegates who are in at­ stands now, it is simply money tendance upon the convention of the thrown away, hatching out young National Education Association, the salmon, not one of which probably Christian Endeavor and the Baptist out of thousands ever reaches salt Young People. The Commercial water and attains full grow th. < loos Club is especially active in circulating Bay News. M *■ w w ktion. forwarded photographs of Mrs. Mary Ramsey Lt-mons Wood, aged Lodge filici Froiïeaaional Directory X»' years, who w is crowned Queen of Oregon on the ph of Julv. alsoof Lodge« .ire Requested tu Notify this Ottice on Election of Officers and ou General George IL Williams, who Change of Meeting Night. Cards under tin« Head are t>Oc per in., mouth performed the ceremony, to 150 of tilt leading papers of the United States accompanied by a story which Maoonie. C R. WADE will call to mind the splendid health I > \NI>ON LOlHiE, No. U‘.. A. I . A M. ATTORNEY AT LAW giving qualities of the Oregon 1) Stated Cot11n1111uc.itIona tarat Satin day after the full moon of each month Notary Public climate 1 It is a question of Dollars ami Cents when yon figure on a new building, or any addition, ami yon estimate the cost of the Builder s Material and I lard ware with a dread of the rapidly advancing prices. We lake into consideration the buyers view and estimate accordingly Our prices are close and we are positive we can save yon money on your hill of material, Wa would greatly appreciate the opportunity of submiting an es­ timate, and feel sure it will a mutual advantage. : : V Growth Bandon Hardware Co Is ^zi“Lalso Opposite Post Office Title Guarantee and Abstract Company Ylnr»lilieIrl nnd Coqui lie. Oregon. ------------- X-------------- We have completed a thorough ami up to date ABSTRACT PLANT, ami are now ready to furnish CORRECT ABSTRACTS at short no­ tice. Orders will receive careful ami prompt attention. Marshfield Office Adjoins Flanagan & Bennett bank. That at Coquille Adj oins Postoffice. Marshfield Phone, 1 IB Coquille Phone, 191 dt Phone at our Expense when ordering Abstracts Tit le ( Guarantee amt Abstract Co. J. S. Barton, Abstractor Henry Sengstacken, Manager Photo Gallery //z¿’ \\ o Have just (Ipened A Photo Gallery Imtwopn the Life Saving Station ami the Gallier Hotel, nml will engage in a general Portrait and \ lew BnaineHR, 8 years experience and all work in guaranteed J. W. LINT. Bandon. Oregon B andon The New Drugstore in Now Ready for linaiiieaa. Drugs. Kierythlug New and Freah. Druggist s Sundries. Patent Medicines. Brushes, and Toilet Articles. Fine line of Fancy Gandies. Fancy Stationery Imported and Domestic Cigars. The New. Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer ELIZABETH C.-irr. ,! OLSE.V. Master. This Steamer is New. ia Strongly tinilt, amt fitted with the latent improvements, and w ill give a regular 8 day service, for passengers and freight, between the Coqnille River, < Iregon, and San Francisco, Calif. E. I J. E WAI-STROM Agent, Bandon. Oregon. Kill SF, Managing Agent, 23 Market Street. San Francisco, California. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance A Now plying between Portland and Coos ay only. Weekly trips. GEO. D. GRAY A CO., Genl Agts, ♦'21 Market. St. San Francisco. BLACKSMITH AXI» Tagons of all Kinds Made to Order. L. W SHAW, Agent, Marshfield, Phone 441. WAGOX MAKERS Horseshoeing a Specialty- Job work Attended t<> promptly and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. reasonable. Shop on Atwater street. Bandon, Or. Price« FARMERS ! B ing Y our Produce to copies of its $5« >00 prize offer to these delegates. Real Estate List. The colonist rates go into effect September 1st and continue until Lots from $25 up to 6,000. October 31st. This is the rate • that Lots with Ijouse from $400 up to brings the actual settler to < >regon 5,200. and means that people can come to Acre tracts from 1 to 10 acres in this State from Kansas City, St Paul, town of Bandon from $25010 1,000 Minneapolis, ami all the great ter­ per acre, with or witaout iinprove- ritory between the Missouri River . ments. Other tracts outside from and the Rocky Mountains for $22.00. ; $5 up- (To all points East of Umatilla, $22- So acres with house and barn, saw 50) the most important thing of all timber and poles, $500. is that these people must buy their 160 acres of good grass land close tickets direct to the towns they- want to Bandon. $600. to reach. This is true with regard 3 lots with lumber for a 16x24 foot to Medford, Eugene, th«' I >alles, house r< gon to advertise this Good paving business, Big front- fact, ami through the correspondence Eirst-class and advertising of their people, get age on deep water, business proposition on Goquille new settlers. Through the assistance of the Com­ river, 17,000. OAKES REAL ESTATE O. mercial Club, Mr. J.D. Lee, Pres- W. C. P arker dent of the Oregon Pioneer Aitoci- E. E. OAKes • • •• • • • t • • The Bandon Market. H. M. AXTELL And Company